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The Immortal Queen

Page 5

by Jennifer L. Hart

  And why he’d been looking at me so intently.

  The moss and vines finish their readjustment. A loud scraping sound fills the deserted clearing and then I see the arch of a doorway, glowing with a hypnotic light.

  We have two choices. Aiden turns and holds my gaze. Confront whoever emerges directly or follow them and see what they’re up to. The decision is yours.

  My heart is racing as I stare back at the door. I’m sneaky by nature and my impulse to spy wars with my need for answers. With Aiden by my side, it wouldn’t matter if one of the Seelie kings strode through that newly made door with murder on his mind, the wolf would protect me with its life.

  Yet even though fey can’t lie, they have a way of twisting the truth until up is down and black is white.

  We follow them. I think to Aiden. Find out exactly what they are up to and then we can bring the might of the Hunt down on them if need be.

  He nods, green eyes glinting and simultaneously, we both turn back to face the doorway. We’re both facing it head on as a cloud of sparkling golden dust erupts from within, like someone stepped on a puffball mushroom. There’s no time to react, to run, it overtakes us with the speed of thought. Aiden’s hand close around my wrist to shield me with his body.

  But the wave of glittery sunbeams surrounds us, permeating our clothes, our skin down to every pore. I brace myself, expecting it to hurt.

  It doesn’t. Instead a wave of euphoria passes through me. Someone giggles.

  “Nic,” It’s Aiden’s voice, but he sounds...different. “Are you all right?”

  “Never better,” a sloppy grin steals over my face and I sway in his hold. His arm tightens around me. “You don’t always need to be so worried about me. I’m a big tough girl, can tie my own shoes and everything.”

  He doesn’t respond to the last statement. “I need to get you out of here. Try not to breathe.”

  “That’d probably kill me.” Probably comes out sounding like proly. Am I slurring my words? Another giggle and I’m shocked to realize it’s coming from me. “What is this stuff?”

  “Intoxidust. Come on, I think I see an opening.”

  This statement has me snorting with mirth. Aiden foists me up over one shoulder in a fireman’s carry and hauls my giggling carcass from the center of the cloud.

  We jounce along for an interminable time, me no more than deadweight. Finally he stops near a creek and lowers me to the ground before scooping some water up in his palms to splash his face. Then he cups more water and splashes me with it.

  “Hey,” I take a swat at him, several seconds after the water makes contact. “What’re you doing?”

  “Trying to clean the dust off your skin. You’ll only feel its effects as long as it’s in contact but the longer it lasts, the worse the recovery.” He splashes me again.

  I stumble into him, gripping his hands to keep him from any more water sports. He’s so close and I can’t help but bury my face against his t-shirt and take a deep breath, eyelids growing heavy. “Mm. Amazing.”

  Aiden tilts my chin up, green eyes scrutinizing my face. “Your pupils are the size of quarters. You’re completely intoxicated. Come on, we need to bathe you in the stream.”

  I sigh and lean into him, glad someone else is calling the shots. “I don’t wanna be the boss of you.”

  “You’ve made that abundantly clear.” His tone is dry as he bends down to tug off my boots.

  “Shouldn’t you at least buy me dinner first?” I’m no help. My arms and legs feel like foreign weights that I don’t have the strength to operate. I end up curled over the top of him while he removes my footwear and socks. “And how come you’re not affected?”

  He stands and reaches for the hem of my t-shirt. “I am. I just have a higher tolerance than you do because I’ve been pixed before. Still probably couldn’t pass a sobriety test.”

  “Pixed?” I repeat. “As in pixies?”

  “The dust doesn’t actually come from pixies. They collect it in the Unseelie catacombs.” His eyes are trained on my breasts as though he can see through my sports bra. “We used to dose ourselves after festivals and...”

  “Are you rambling?” I ask, charmed by the idea.

  He blinks, then makes an efficient tug to yank my yoga pants down to my ankles. “Go get in that stream.”

  But I’m much more interested in moving in closer to his body, enjoying the intoxicating effects of the dust and picking up where we’d left off. “I’m too cold. Warm me up first.”

  “I’ll go with you, how’s that?” With a grunt Aiden picks me up again and carries us into the stream.

  “No, I want—,” I claim his mouth in a hungry kiss. My fingers revel against the smooth flesh of his stomach. With a groan, he acquiesces, tongue lapping against mine, hands cupping my face to hold me still.

  Soon the shirt is in my way, the fabric frustrating me as it obstructs my progress. I don’t know if Aiden senses my growing agitation or is only experiencing his own, but he withdraws from me long enough to whip the shirt over his head.

  His skin is so hot beneath my fingertips, so smooth pulled taut over the hard ridges of muscle. His abs and pecs, biceps and triceps are perfectly formed, drum tight and ready for whatever demands he makes of his body. The perfect weapon, honed via the hellish flames he’s endured. With only inches between us, the wild scent of his skin is overwhelming, like a drug spicing the air. I sway on my feet while I explore the entrancing terrain at my leisure.

  “Nic,” he breathes my name and I can’t tell if it’s encouragement or protest.

  I move closer into him, my hands curling around to the equally exquisite dips and hollows of his back. My stomach brushes against the hard length between his legs and he gasps into my mouth. The sound delights me, and I repeat the contact, intentionally this time, wondering what would break the iron fetters of his self-control. His hold on me tightens, his hands slide down my back to grip my ass in both hands, holding me against him. What would it take to make Aiden wild with lust, with desire? What will drive him to the point of no return?

  Aiden’s hands slide lower still, until he’s got one hand around the back of each of my thighs. He lifts me up, encouraging me to wrap my legs around his waist, my arms around his neck.

  The pressure is addictive, him pressed against me just there, the friction and heat making me crave him even more. Dream memories have given me glimpses of what it’s like to make love with Aiden. He’s fire and magic and all things sex should be. There will be no awkward teenage fumbling, no clumsy exploration with teeth clacking together, hair inadvertently pulled. My wolf will know exactly what to do, how best to proceed, even if I don’t.

  It dawns on me suddenly that I want more, I want all that his delicious kisses promise. And not just the sex. The intimacy. Me, who has never let anyone close, who trusts no one, including the aunts who raised me. And yet here I am imagining that sort of closeness with Aiden. When did that happen?

  Without warning he sets me down in the icy mountain stream. I gasp in indignation as the cold seeps into my calves.

  Aiden ducks under water. The yellow gold dust drifts downstream like a thick layer of pine pollen, glittering in the sunlight.

  “Your turn,” he emerges wearing only his wet jeans but looking more like himself.

  I reach up to touch his face when he reaches for me. His stubble prickles against my fingertips. “I’ll tell you a secret. It’s not because I don’t like you.”

  He pauses in trying to dunk me. “What isn’t?”

  “Why I’m such a bitch to you. It’s not because I don’t like you. It’s because I do like you. And that’s scary.”

  “Nic,” he breathes the word like a prayer.

  “You want to kiss me,” I lean in closer, ready, eager for another taste of him. Kissing Aiden seems like the best idea I’ve ever had. Why didn’t I think of it sooner?

  “That’s the dust talking.” He makes a grab for me but I dart away, laughing.

It is not.”

  He closes in. “Nic, this isn’t a good time for heartfelt confession. Trust me. You think you know what you’re talking about, but—”

  I splash him. Not with my hands or feet, but with my fey queen powers, I dump a big bucket of water over the top of his head.

  He stands there, staring at me, water dripping off his perfect nose. “I can’t believe you just did that.”

  Neither can I. I stare down at my hands, in awe. I hadn’t even thought about it, it had been sheer reflex. Of course, now I have a sopping wet wolf to contend with.

  With a growl he lunges for me. I dodge and then leap to the rocky shore. Alighting on rocks, moving fast enough to stay ahead of him.

  But not for long.

  He leaps, his body plowing into mine and turning in midair to take the impact of our crash landing on his back. The water is about four feet deep, and he wastes no time rolling with me until my entire body is submerged.

  Quickly he helps me up. Wet hair streams in my eyes as I sputter and choke.

  “Are you all right?” Aiden pushes the sodden masses of hair out of my face.

  “Fine.” I sway on my feet. Then the ground rises up to meet me and I know no more.


  Brigit sits atop a throne made of golden fire, her perfect porcelain face marbled with the black streaks that appeared when her Kiss of Life met my Goodnight Kiss. “Oh, sister mine, what have you done?”

  Her smile turns predatory. “And how shall I retaliate?”

  “You’re dead.” I can’t move. My arms are bound by my sides. “This isn’t real.”

  “First,” she muses, not bothering to answer my statement. “I think I’ll roast all the skin from your bones until it splits. Cooking the flesh beneath. Then I’ll let your wolf eat you up.”

  A door opens behind her throne and a green-eyed wolf is brought in, foaming at the mouth.

  I lift my chin, even as fear makes me want to shrink into myself. “Aiden won’t ever hurt me.”

  “Ah, but after the Master of the Waves is finished with him, Aiden will be gone for good. There is only your wolf.”

  Aiden, I think. But there is no reply, only a hollow space where Aiden had been.

  “This wolf’s a killer. He committed fratricide. A fitting mate for you, Betrayer of Underhill. And I doubt he can resist the scent of cooked meat.” The Fire Queen raises her hand and I see the flames surge toward me, melting my clothes, singeing my hair, burning....

  The flare of agony jolts me awake. Consciousness does nothing to still my thundering heart. The wolf that had been sleeping at the foot of my bed, raises his face to meet my gaze with leaf green eyes.

  I stare back, heart pounding from that too vivid dream. But it’s just Aiden, looking back at me, concern radiating from his alert form.

  Nic? How are you feeling?

  “Like death warmed over. What happened?”

  We were gassed.

  Slowly it comes back to me, the fairy hill, the cloud of golden dust emerging from the enchanted doorway.

  Acting like a complete idiot. A desperate, horny idiot.

  “Did you see whoever did it?” I can’t hold his gaze. Heat suffuses my face as I recall how I’d acted like a cat in heat.

  No, my attention was focused...elsewhere. Strong stuff. Whoever crossed came through. By the time the dust cleared the hill was gone again.

  “Why are you the wolf?” I swallow, my throat too damn dry.

  Only way they’d let me stay. Aiden tilts his head at the cracked bedroom door. Unless you want them in here with us, I suggest you speak to me mind to mind.

  No, I certainly didn’t want Addy and Chloe and whoever else was out in the main room coming to check on me. Coddling wasn’t my thing and while Addy was matter of fact, Chloe would make a fuss.

  I’m surprised they agreed to let you stay at all. My mouth is mossy, my teeth badly in need of brushing. There’s a glass of water on my nightstand. I flail, but can’t seem to force myself upwards enough to reach it.

  Gritting my teeth, I stretch toward the water glass and again fall short.

  This is ridiculous. Aiden leaps off the bed and between one step and another, transforms himself from wolf to man. I’m not going to sit here like a lump and watch you struggle.

  I close my eyes, more from exhaustion than to preserve his modesty. Aiden thinks nothing of strutting around naked. Most of the fair folk don’t. There was no industrial revolution beyond the Veil. Clothing is a luxury in Underhill, one very few can afford. You said you were supposed to be a wolf.

  He picks up the glass with ease and hands it to me. His green eyes spark with mischief as he crouches down to meet my gaze. I won’t tell if you don’t.

  I down several gulps of water and then take the pain reliever. Thanks.

  There is silence for a beat. I have no idea what he’s thinking, all my concentration on forgetting that disturbing dream. And not reliving the confessions I’d spewed at him earlier. Had I really admitted to fearing my feelings for him? I would cringe but it would probably make me hurt worse.

  You like the way I smell. Even his mental voice sounds distinctly pleased.

  A groan escapes and I put a hand over my face. I’m pleading intoxication.

  Worry not. I won’t hold you to any of it. Aiden lifts my hand away, threading his fingers through mine.

  I stare up at him, unsure.

  The things you said while you were drugged. I’m not going to hold them over your head.

  Thanks. I think at him again, this time with utter relief.

  If... A wicked grin steals across his features.

  My mouth falls open. No way. He’s going to curb boost me? My eyes narrow to menacing slits. Are you really going to use my drugged-out babble as leverage? Don’t be that, guy, Aiden.

  He shrugs, the gesture nonchalant and without mercy. I spent millennia with the fey. I know the value of a gift. And a bargain well struck. Would you do any less if there was something you wanted very badly?

  He has a point. And what exactly is it that you want? I brace myself for the worst.

  A date.

  I blink. One date? That’s it?

  He nods. That’s it.

  Are you fucking serious? I glare at him. You could ask me to stop pushing for

  you to break the bond, or blackmail me for whatever else you want. Half of the Unseelie Court. I could kill anyone you wanted dead. And your demand is a night on the town? You don’t need leverage for that.

  Green eyes sparkle. I do if I want you to say yes.

  Sensing the trap, I study him closely. Why is this so important to you?

  Aiden answers my question with one of his own. Do you agree to my terms?

  How can I not? I don’t know which angle he’s playing, but an evening out sounds better than reliving the single most humiliating experience of my life.

  Slowly, I reach out my hand, offering it to him palm up. It’s a bargain.

  He takes my hand in his, his touch more a caress than an actual shake. No kiss?

  Don’t push your luck, pal.

  The skin around his eyes crinkle up in amusement and I prepare for the next barb in our verbal sparring game when footsteps approach the door. In the space between heartbeats, Aiden shifts back into a wolf so when Chloe pushes my bedroom door farther open, I’m sitting there with his big paw in my hand.

  My aunt smells of toasted marshmallows and anxiety as her gaze takes in the scene. “Nic? You okay?”

  “Yeah.” I release Aiden’s paw and turn onto my back.

  “Aiden told us what happened.” She offers a weak smile. “Intoxispells have taken down the best of us.”

  I slide a glance to Aiden. “Would you mind giving us a minute?”

  Silently he pads to the door and out into the other room.

  “What’s up, Buttercup?”

  “I need to ask you something about Aiden.”

  Her jaw is set and I see hellfire blaze in her pretty blue eyes
. “Did that wolf try something? Because I swear I will make him suffer—”

  “No, Chloe. He was the one who kept his head. But it’s more a question about...” I trail off, not sure how to voice what I’m feeling.

  She plops onto the side of the bed. “Is it time we had the sex talk? Is wittle Nic feeling a funny tingling down there?”

  “Can you be serious for two seconds, please?”

  “One, two. Time’s up.”

  I groan and throw an arm over my eyes. “This was a bad idea. Especially when I’m hung over.”

  Chloe laughs. “Okay, no more shenanigans, I swear. Do you, like, have questions?”

  I pick at a stray thread on my comforter. “How do I know if it’s me he really wants?”

  Her face sobers and her scent changes to something that smells lemony. “Look, kid. I’m not living with my sister because I’m aces in the love department but there’s one piece of advice I can give you. Don’t get screwed with a hard-on meant for someone else.”

  I roll my eyes, then wince in pain. Freaking hangover. “Classy with a capital K.”

  “I mean it. If you think he’s using you as some sort of substitute, kick his furry ass to the curb. You deserve someone who will love you for the little sociopath you are.”

  “Thanks, Chloe.”

  She shrugs. “Obviously, Addy and I know you can do better, but we respect your choices.”

  I give her a level look. “He’s the son of a god. There really isn’t much better.”

  She sniffs. “I’ll keep my opinion to myself.”

  “That’d be a first.” I sigh and snuggle back into the pillows.

  She pushes some hair behind my ear. “You’ve been going at the training too hard.”

  “I want to beat the gauntlet. To become forever young.”

  Chloe arches one perfect red-gold eyebrow. “Do you really?”

  I hadn’t at first. When the possibility of me taking up the Unseelie Shadow Throne had been broached I’d wanted nothing to do with it. But now....

  “I have things that I need to fix, from my last life.”


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