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Guilty! -The Trials of Phil Ferguson

Page 15

by Sean Russell

  “I see. That changes the complexion of things.”

  “Poppa Ferg, I worried that Phil might have snapped and that he may be off to do something drastic, like threaten Jimmy or try to kill himself. He’s been getting quite desperate.”

  “Jade, that seems quite extreme.”

  “It’s been extreme for Phil and he is desperate, trust me.”

  Isaac was more concerned now. Not worried, he’d learnt over the years that worry accomplished nothing productive and often was destructive.

  “Jade, is there something you need to tell me?” Jade paused as she contemplated her next action.

  She did not want to betray Phil’s trust and lose esteem in his father’s eyes, as surely he would if she apprised him of Teddy’s ill-conceived plot to save Phil. On the other hand, if he changed his mind and acceded to Teddy’s demands, it would be disastrous, or worse yet, if Teddy or Phil himself concocted another illegitimate modus operandi.

  She concluded that Poppa Ferg had enough going on. He still had his business and other personal matters in his life. Besides, she could be wrong and she would have disgraced Phil when he was at his lowest point unnecessarily. She would handle this without turning informant on her husband. She just needed to find him.

  “Nothing specific, it’s just living with him and seeing him stressing has me on my guard, especially after he hurt himself when he crashed the car.”

  “I see where you’re coming from. I’ll make sure to call him as soon as I put down from you and I’ll have him call you when I speak to him.”


  Jade tried to sound less concerned than she was.

  “Remember, have faith, be strong. There is also no harm in praying.”

  “I know. I have been. Bye for now, Poppa Ferg.” CHAPTER FORTY-THREE

  Jimmy was in his office texting his newest intern.

  The content was not any form of tort, it was about his intentions for her that evening. She wasn’t the prettiest, but she had a pair of breasts that he had to get to know first hand. She was also very ambitious.

  She would be easy to bed.

  Jimmy had found a tremendous need to secure his manhood since his sodomitic encounter. His typical lascivious behaviour had escalated to a new extreme.

  It was as if the more sex he had, the closer he got to expunging that dark mark on his journal of exploits.

  He was interrupted by the ringing of his telephone. A glance at the display told him it was his secretary. He completed his text and answered.

  “Mr. Brown is here to see you.”

  “Send him in.”

  Jimmy welcomed his visitor and ushered him to his seat. He walked over to his bar which was concealed by ornately-designed mahogany doors. He poured a large shot of premium brandy in each of two brandy glasses. He handed one to Brian.

  “Cheers. To victory.”

  Brian knocked his glass against Jimmy’s.

  “So, it’s done?”

  “The case is tomorrow. Phil goes to jail, the Fergusons are disgraced and we get the twenty million dollar contract. We sign day after tomorrow.”

  “Great. Cheers, partner. Or should I say boss, seeing that you have controlling interest in Regal Enterprises.”

  “I shall be magnanimous today as I’m in such a good mood, partner. After all, you run the business. I just inject capital and provide strategic advice.” Jimmy was smiling as he sipped his brandy. Life was as it should be, with Jimmy Cadogan in full control, the incident with Amanda and that thing, Jackie, receded from his consciousness temporarily.

  It had nagged him daily since it occurred, but Jimmy knew they would pay.

  “You make most of the money.”

  Brian’s tone bordered on accusing. He was glad for the bailout four years prior, and to be honest, his association with Jimmy had kept the business very profitable, especially with the big deal they were celebrating, but Jimmy was like a tick. He sucked money from the company like an unpleasant parasite did, relentlessly. Worse than the tick was that Jimmy was involved in much of the running of the company, more so than was expected from a silent partner. Jimmy was impervious to Brian’s lack of enthusiasm.

  “Set the yacht up. We are going to have a celebration.

  The same night after we see Ferguson go to jail.” Jimmy’s warped mind started processing. Perhaps he would invite Jade. Jimmy had clout and her once hotshot husband would be in jail. She would need cheering up. This time he would make sure she fully appreciated the luxury of a yacht and this time she would be conscious.

  The twisted train of thought gave Jimmy’s serpentine mind immense pleasure.

  * * *


  Phil felt more nervous than a bank robber on his first heist. He felt like a criminal. It was not something he had done before, but this was fast becoming his new mantra: desperate times called for desperate measures. He agreed to meet Amanda at a bar in a hotel away from the eyes of curious citizens.

  He turned his mobile off because this meeting was crucial and he could not afford to be distracted in any way. He needed to focus one hundred per cent. He did not intend for the meeting to be long, and figured it was unlikely he would be missed.

  He took a seat at one the tables with an umbrella sticking through the middle of it several feet away from the pool. It was a medium-sized pool, the water appearing crystalline as it reflected the afternoon sunlight into Phil’s eyes. There was a ficus hedge surrounding the area, punctuated strategically by several colourful shrubs. Phil almost began to relax.

  It was a cozy hideaway.

  She arrived five minutes later. He could not miss her. She was striking as usual. Why did she have to be so attention-grabbing? The fact was, today it was not intentional. She did not go out of her way to grab Phil’s attention, but whenever it happened, she did not mind at all.

  She was wearing a khaki-coloured dress which reminded Phil of the Combermere junior girls’

  school uniform, but the colour was the extent of the resemblance. It was cut to expose some cleavage, in that nice way that lets you know it’s there but doesn’t shout at you. It was tapered at the waist, with just enough room at the hips so it was not tight. Her thighs were exposed from below a hem line that was seven inches above her knees. Her feet were shod in a delightful pair of copper-coloured Jimmy Choo pumps. Her belt, which was broad and sat on her hips, matched her shoes perfectly, as did her Coach bag. Her beautiful face was accessorised by a gorgeous pair of Fendi sunglasses, which she flicked up onto her forehead as she sat opposite him and greeted him with a smile so sweet it could melt the heart of a serial killer. It was then Phil realized that whatever trouble he was in, he was up for more. Phil tried to maintain his cool.

  “Hi Amanda.”

  “Hi Phil.”

  The waiter stepped up, took her order and retreated. Phil collected himself. He was focused. Get in, get out, don’t get caught up. Don’t let the pretty face and designer clothes catch you.

  The waiter returned with Amanda’s Guinness.

  More time must have passed than he realized. He was blanking out again, losing little handfuls of time without warning. He had to get out of this. Game on, he thought. First serve.

  “So Amanda. What’s this about solving my problems and getting Cadogan to back off?”

  She beamed at him again and took a long sip of her drink, wearing an expression which said she was savouring it. She licked her lips slowly, the pink tip of her tongue lazily exploring her sensuous lips.

  She explored Phil with her eyes and it was clear that the pleasure on her face was coming from her visual input, it was if she was tasting him. She took Phil’s hand with hers as she spoke. It was soft and charged with sexual electricity. Phil felt it. It ran all through his body, including the erectile tissue which extended from his pelvis. He felt a stirring right there. That was new. It had never happened to him before, or maybe it was the way she licked her lips. Focus, Phil.

  “Come on. Tell
me what you have, I really don’t have a lot of time.”

  “Straight to business, like when we first met. The consumate professional. No time for foreplay.” Before Phil could reply a devious grin erupted on her face. It took him by surprise.

  “Let’s say that I am in possession of some video footage with Jimmy in a very compromising position.”

  Phil sniggered. “So what? Knowing that sick bastard, he would want to put in on Facebook under the heading: ‘Cadogan in action’. Come on Amanda, you should know better than that.”

  Amanda squeezed his hand and played with his fingers. Phil got that sensation again.

  “It’s not what you think.”

  “Oh.” Phil really was hoping that she had something and that this was not some silly ploy.

  “I have a question for you.”

  Phil’s hopes plummeted. She has a question…

  right. Question, my ass. She’s playing me.

  Amanda saw his expression. She ignored it. She took both his hands and gazed into his eyes. She was smiling again. She managed to engage his attention despite his resistance.

  What is it with this woman?

  “Humour me.” She said.

  “Uh huh.”

  “Would you consider Jimmy homophobic?”

  “Are you kidding? He’s the poster boy for gay bashing.”

  Phil’s face became animated. It was as if a floodlight got powered up inside him. The energy transferred to his opposite, and her smile got more radiant. He was piecing the clues together in his mind, hope returning in a huge wave.

  “No.” Amanda shook her head. “Cadogan is down-low man. He was parading to cover up his true colours.”

  “Then… What??”

  “I have a video of Jimmy taking some serious dick.

  His face was a picture of pure agony. He hated it. I know it’s the worst thing that could ever happen to him.”

  Phil’s jaw dropped. He was absorbing this new revelation—the notorious Cadogan finally beaten at his own nasty game.

  “How did you get this video?”

  Amanda wore a mixed expression of pride, anger, and disgust all at once.

  “I set the fucker up?”

  Phil’s brows high-jumped to this statement, though maybe he should have not been so surprised.

  “You want to see?” She said. She did not wait for him to reply. She pulled her iphone out from her bag and selected the video. She pushed the phone over to him. He picked it up and started the video. He was riveted by the images streaming in front of him. He was disgusted, then perversely pleased. This was priceless.

  He was so absorbed by the video that he did not notice when Amanda got up and positioned herself beside him, her hair brushing his face, her breast massaging his arm. Phil smelled her before he felt her. She smelt like heaven and sex merged perfectly.

  “Imagine that on Youtube.”

  He turned to look at her. She seized the opportunity to plant a kiss on his lips, which put the poor man in a tailspin.

  “Yeah, that would be something.”

  His mind was fractured by what just happened.

  “So this is serious ammunition. How do you propose to use it?”

  “I will tell him that I will release this video into the public domain unless he reverses the injustice he has brought upon you.”

  “Are sure you want to do that? He is a nasty, dangerous son of a bitch.”

  “I am sure. It will be worth it. Besides, I despise him.”

  “Worth it?”

  “Yes. Worth it.” She whispered the words in his ear and then caressed it with her tongue. “What do you mean? What will you be getting out of it?”

  “You.” It took a few moments for the implication of the three-letter combination.

  “What… does that mean?” The delivery was very slow and measured.

  “Sleep with me.”

  Phil was unable to speak, largely because his brain just froze.

  “I need to have you again. I’ll be nice. It’s a one-time demand and a one-time offer.”

  He was still speechless.

  “You don’t have to see me again if you don’t want to. I will place no demands on you. I want you this time. Now.”

  Somehow the way she said ‘now’ had an erotic effect on him.

  “When you told me where we were meeting, I took the liberty of booking a room, the way where no one has to know you are staying in a room.” Before he could respond she got up and sashayed away, treating Phil to a view of the most exquisite ass he had ever seen. He finally stopped looking in her direction seconds after she had gone out of sight.

  He looked down on the table, the number 201 was scribbled on the napkin in front of him.

  He had a decision to make. He did not know what to do. He knew what was right. He also had an ache in his heart for freedom and just as great an ache in his loins. He had to ease the pain, his health demanded it. He had to do it. He wanted to do it.

  * * *


  Phil arrived in court with Jade in tow. She had been furious about his disappearing act, but Phil explained that he thought he was going to lose it and he had needed some quiet time. She wasn’t sure whether to believe him, but she decided that there were bigger issues immediately at hand. If he went to jail, he would be missing for a long time. There was a huge irony in the fact that this man walked into court obviously supported by the woman he was accused of killing.

  Phil scanned the courtroom. Although he was dressed in a tailored Hugo Boss suit, navy blue with pinstripes, white oxford shirt secured at the throat with a crimson necktie, his feet in a pair of black Stacy Adams shoes, he still managed to appear uncomfortable and unkempt. The courtroom was packed with fellow attorneys, friends, and curious onlookers. Phil continued his walk to the front of the courtroom. He tightened a bit when he saw Amanda.

  He knew she would be there, but he was considering Jade’s reaction. As if by telepathy, Jade looked at him, disapproval evident but not blatant. Phil accepted her non-verbal reproach and continued his surveillance.

  Jade felt his muscles tense. It felt like a wild animal ready to fight for it’s life. Jade followed Phil’s gaze. His eyes were focused on Jimmy Cadogan. Jimmy, in his typical way, was impervious to Phil’s glare. In fact, he looked as if he was sitting at the Grammy’s waiting for his name to be announced as the winner.

  Jade squeezed Phil’s elbow. Phil bit his lip and took a seat beside his attorney, who was already seated.

  They greeted each other while the judge strode in.

  They stood at the bidding of the court’s marshall. The case was announced and everyone took their seat. The tension in the court immediately became electrified. It was as if the courtroom and its entire contents got plugged into a huge power grid.

  The assistant Director of Public Prosecutions, Decourcey O’Neale, commenced his opening remarks to the court. He was a tall, thin man, dark in complexion, balding except for a crown of graying hair and a tuft of hair at the front of his scalp the size of a silver dollar.

  It looked as if someone just stuck it there. He had a somewhat shrill voice and he strutted across the courtroom as he spoke as though he were auditioning for the lead role on a hit TV legal drama. Jimmy was enjoying every moment. He was invigorated with the same energy that was putting Phil out of his mind with anxiety. Jimmy felt like he was literally vibrating. This is so sweet, if this continues I will climax, figuratively of course. Jimmy had a hell of an evening planned.

  A party on the yacht with lots of champagne and a live show in ‘his’ stateroom involving to two young females heavily blessed in looks, but much less so in inhibitions. Jimmy knew it was going to be a good night, but he also had a feeling. It was his blackberry.

  It was vibrating. Etiquette suggested that he wait for an opportune time to check his phone, curiosity and arrogance demanded he check right away. He saw that it was an email, but he was surprised at the identity of the sender.

bsp; It was from Jade. It said: ‘ I have a momento for you J’. Jimmy’s head was spinning. This was what being a winner was all about. Everyone backs a winner.

  Jimmy read Jades thoughts: Jade saw her ship about to sink and she was attempting to board Jimmy’s yacht. She can be on it tonight, I will have to arrange a second show tonight in the stateroom. Jade was a smart girl. Her life would be shit with Phil in jail and the family business struggling. She was accustomed to a certain lifestyle, and she knew that Jimmy could provide it and more.

  Jimmy was now high on life. Life according to his will. He was barely aware of the court proceedings, so absorbed was he in his reverie. His Blackberry vibrated again. This time the email had an attachment.

  It was from Jade, with pictures attached. He knew what they were. They were already playing in his mind as he was using them to visualize his newly planned evening on the yacht. They were the pictures he used to inflame Phil, the ones of he and Jade. He glanced at the images as they downloaded. He was dismayed.

  He was in them, sans clothes, but the other party was Jackie. The phone vibrated. It was another email. The message was curt and clear: ‘ You know what to do’.

  Jimmy became consumed by a blinding rage. It descended on him in a dark cloud of hatred. He could see no one but the focus of his rage, the person bold enough to threaten him. She knew not what she was doing. He saw her sitting ahead of him, across and to the right, just behind that poor excuse of a man, the man standing trial. In a swift motion, Jimmy withdrew his fabled gun. The STI VIP 0.45 calibre was a showpiece of workmanship. It was also loaded and accurate. Jimmy’s claim would be that he had never used it to shoot at another human being, but then one would have to ask Jimmy who he considered to be a human being. Jimmy fired four shots before he was apprehended by two citizens and a police constable.

  One bullet hit Jade in her back and buried itself in the vital tissues which occupied the chest cavity. Another bullet hit Amanda in her chest as she, espying Jimmy’s homicidal intentions, jumped up and tried to intervene. The other two shots were wayward, one of them grazing the judge on his inner thigh en route to its final destination, the wall at the back of the courtroom.


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