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Billionaire Romance: The Storm ARRIVES: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (The Billionaire President Book 11)

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by Sarah J. Brooks


  The Billionaire President -

  A Dark Alpha Billionaire Romance

  Sarah Brooks

  Copyright © 2015 by Sarah Brooks

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is entirely coincidental. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Facebook: Sarah Brooks

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  Someone had been outside my home when I was making the deal. I couldn’t be sure what they had or had not heard. I really couldn’t be sure they were even trying to listen in on our conversation. It could have simply been a person walking by at the same time we were talking. But I had to take all the precautions that I could.

  The stakes were getting higher and I was only a few steps away from becoming the next President of the United States. There were a lot of individual plans that needed to work out perfectly in order for me to make it to the Presidency. I wasn’t the only one involved, but I had to do my part and ensure my tasks were completed without fail.

  I made my way over to Kayla’s house the next morning because we had to talk. Things were heating up and I needed to know if I could count on her. I had intended to go into the presidency as a single man. But the positive welcoming I had had over dating Kayla made me think that it might be better to lock her down before things got too crazy.

  People hadn’t been as much of assholes as I thought they would be, but that was probably because Kayla actually had skills as my chief of staff. She knew a lot about Washington politics even if she had only learned those things in the few short months she had been there. Sometimes people were just naturally born politicians.

  I wasn’t sure marriage was what I was looking for, but I simply needed to know if she was interested in sticking things out with me as a couple. It would help in my strategic planning.

  Things between us had become so rigid and office like, I needed to get us back to the fun and carefree times. Or at the very least I needed to feel like Kayla and I were a team again. We certainly hadn’t felt very much like a team in the recent days.

  “Coffee delivery,” I said as I waited for Kayla to come to her door.

  When she opened the door, she held it tight and didn’t want to let me in. Kayla looked like she hadn’t slept all night long. Her appearance was shocking to me. If I hadn’t known better, I would have thought she was up drinking all night long, but that wasn’t her thing.

  “Hey,” Kayla said as she looked at the coffee.

  “Hi, I brought coffee. Can we talk?”

  “Um, I’m not really feeling well; can I just see you at work or something?” Kayla asked.

  There was something wrong with Kayla, but I had no idea what was going on with her. She didn’t seem interested in talking to me or even looking at me. I filed through my memory of our day at the White House and tried to think of what it was I had done to make her feel like this. I really had no idea, when I had dropped her off at her house the night before she seemed alright. She certainly didn’t seem angry with me when I dropped her off.

  “Kayla, I’m coming in. I’ve brought you coffee. We should talk,” I said as I pressed pass her and into the dining area of her kitchen.

  She allowed me in, but she didn’t look like she wanted to talk very much. She looked angry, or sad, I didn’t really know which one it was. I sat the coffee down and took my coat off. I wasn’t leaving until I figured out what was going on.

  “Thanks for the coffee, I’m still coming to work today, don’t worry.”

  “Ok, well I was wondering if you wanted to go for wine and dinner later tonight. Does that sound good?”

  Kayla hesitated and I saw her look toward her bedroom and then back toward me. For a moment, I thought that there was someone else in her room. Jealousy swarmed my body and I couldn’t resist getting up and taking a look around the apartment.

  “What are you doing Matthew?” She asked as I walked into her bedroom and looked around. I even made sure to look in the closet, as I remembered all too well that I had been stuck in there naked before.

  “What’s going on Kayla? Are you still afraid your apartment has been bugged? I hired a guy to go through the place and make sure it wasn’t. I’m very confident we can freely talk here.”

  “You did what?” Kayla said as she suddenly stopped being quiet and decided to be angry.

  There was no confusion at all about what emotion was going on, Kayla was pissed off. I knew that having someone come into her home and sweep for bugs might not have been the best choice I made. But I had hired him to do the office and my house and it seemed like a good idea to have him check Kayla’s apartment as well. I honestly had meant to tell her earlier, but it slipped my mind.

  “I had the apartment swept for bugs and cameras. After the other day, I didn’t want us to feel so worried about it. I had both our places and the office searched.”

  “Who gave you permission to come into my apartment?” She said with anger that filled her eyes.

  “Well, you did. You gave me a key. Remember?”

  I sat down on the couch and waited to see if Kayla was going to calm down. She was acting totally strange and not like herself at all. She seemed so angry with me. Angry over something that I thought would have helped put her at ease.

  “I need to get ready for work now. Can you please go?” She said as she stood near the door.

  “What the hell is going on? If I did something you are going to have to tell me what I did because I have no idea.”

  “Nothing, I just need to get ready. Please leave.”

  I obliged her and moved from the couch toward the door. I was going to lean in and kiss her on the cheek, but I could tell she didn’t want anything to do with me.

  “Kayla,” I said as I stood in the doorway. “I wouldn’t do anything that would hurt you. Whatever you’re angry about I’d like to talk about it.”

  She just stood there and looked away from me. Her arms were crossed and I could tell that nothing I was trying to say was getting through to her. Whatever had upset her wasn’t going to easily be gotten over.

  “I’ll see you at work. I’m not angry. I just need to get ready,” Kayla said calmly.

  Her words said she wasn’t angry, but I could tell there was something majorly wrong between the two of us. I needed to get it fixed and right away. She was the woman I wanted as my partner for the upcoming plans I had. But I relegated myself to the hallway and decided I could work on making things better between us when she got to work later that morning.

  Kayla slammed the door behind me and I saw her body slide down and sit in front of the door. I went a few steps down the hall and waited to see if I could hear anything that would give me a clue as to what the hell was going on.

  Then I heard Kayla’s sobs coming from under the door. She was sad. I hadn’t made her angry.
I had made her sad. Now I really had no idea what I had done.


  I wasn’t exactly sure why I starting crying so hard when Matthew left. Things just felt so out of control between the two of us. The man that I had once looked up to and admired now made me question if he was even a good guy at all.

  It probably didn’t help anything that I had stayed up all night drinking wine. I was exhausted and couldn’t think straight. All I kept thinking about was the deceitful things that I thought Matthew was doing. But I didn’t have any evidence of a single wrong thing that he had done. Besides handing that man money in the dark, I wasn’t sure what Matthew had been part of that was making me feel so unease.

  After seeing him pay that man money, all I could think about was evil things that he was paying him to do. I was afraid Matthew had come over to talk to me about following him, but that didn’t seem to be the case. I was relieved to see that he didn’t seem to know at all that I had been the one who got into the cab. That was one bright spot in the morning at least.

  I really had to think about what it was I wanted for my future in Washington D.C. and as the tears flowed I thought about so many of the different options that I had. The idea of just packing up and going back to Illinois was certainly on my mind.

  When I had first come to Washington D.C., I had such idealized views of what it would be like to work there. I thought if I worked hard that was all that I needed to do in order to build up my reputation. My education in politics over the last few months had proven to me that I didn’t understand all the layers that were really involved in politics at all.

  Matthew had shown me some of the darker sides of politics, but he wasn’t even truthful with me most of the time. I just wished there were genuine people that could be truthful with me. I really wished that Matthew would be more frank with me. He seemed to lie constantly. Or at least, keep the truth from me. How was I supposed to love a man that I couldn’t trust at all?

  My tears weren’t because I was angry or hurt. They were more because of the lack of direction I felt in everything I was doing. I wasn’t being given all the information with Matthew at work and that made it impossible for me to be a good chief of staff to him. I had to look beyond the immediate job and to my future as far as work was concerned. Matthew was going to be the next Vice President and that would look good for me if I could keep things together professionally.

  I took a couple deep breaths and then got into the shower to wash away my neurotic tears and get myself ready for a new day. I had to go into work with a professional look and an attitude that showed I was ready to get some serious work done.

  As I dressed for work, I thought about what I wanted my legacy to be during this huge national event. I didn’t want to be remembered as Matthew Storm’s employee who he had an affair with. I wanted to be remembered for expertly handling the transition that was about to take place with Matthew. We needed to get him out and into the public eye.

  Matthew needed to talk about the country and his views so that people would feel more confident in him as a choice for Vice President when that time came. We would avoid talking about Senator Masson as much as possible and we would say a simple offer of condolence when we talked about the Vice President. I took a moment to write down some of my thoughts on news stations we could reach out to.

  It would be essential that the reporters liked Matthew. More important for me, was that they believed me as a credible and capable chief of staff. We would avoid all personal questions and talk only about the items that were important to the public.

  I was excited. I downed the coffee Matthew had brought me and headed over to work with a renewed excitement for the weeks ahead. No matter what was really going on between Matthew and I, that didn’t matter. What mattered was the publicity that was about to go down when Matthew was invited to be the Vice President.

  We had to navigate the turmoil that would happen around Senator Masson without looking bad ourselves. It was exciting and invigorating to be on the cusp of making national news. Really…we were about to make history.

  I held my head up with confidence as I made my way into the office right at eight o’clock on the dot. I moved my things to the desk area right outside Matthew’s office and took a moment to talk with his secretary about how to handle inquiries from the media.

  Everything I did that morning was filled with confidence. I couldn’t look like I didn’t know what I was doing. I had to appear totally and one hundred percent confident in every task I handled.

  “We want to talk to the Media. Anyone who calls please make a list of which organization they are from and the time of day they intend to show their news piece. We are most interested in prime time spots; so if that’s what they are offering make sure I see it right away.”

  “Sounds good. Are we making comments on the Vice President?” She asked.

  “Yes, you can say ‘Senator Storm is deeply saddened by the new of Vice President Howard’s death. We send our deepest sympathy to his family and friends’, nothing else should be said on that matter.”

  “Yes, I’ve got it,” she said as she wrote down what I said word for word.

  “Is Matthew in?” I asked as I looked at his closed door.

  I paused for a moment as I tried to decide just how I wanted to approach Matthew for the day. I couldn’t be a baby about things. This was work and I was determined to keep things as professional as possible.

  “Yes, he’s been in for a couple hours.”

  I made a point to knock on Matthew’s door and then leave it wide open as I went in to talk with him. We were done having sex in the office. I was going to make sure things were kept professional at work so everyone around us would know that I was working my ass off in my position. I didn’t want them thinking that Matthew and I were fucking all the time, everyone needed to see that I was working. If only for my own personal well-being, I needed to separate work and private life a little better.

  “Kayla, good to see you. How are you doing?” Matthew said as he stood up when I entered his office.

  “I’m doing great. Here’s some key points I want you to talk about when you have media interviews. Your secretary has a statement about the VP, please go take a look at it and make any changes that you would like. But I think it’s pretty good.”

  “Kayla, I asked you how you were doing.” Matthew said as he reached across the desk and held onto my hand.

  I quickly pulled away from him and shook my head no. We couldn’t go there again. Things in the office were going to be professional even if I had to stand ten feet away from him at all times.

  “I’m doing great. We need to stay focused, though. Right now people are going to be calling for interviews about Senator Masson and maybe even about the prospect of you becoming Vice President. You need to focus. Until news breaks about Masson, we need to stay as neutral as possible.”

  “Are you afraid of me?” Matthew asked out of the blue.

  He caught me off guard. Yes, I was afraid of him, but no I wasn’t about to tell him that. I knew that Matthew was capable of a lot of things. I felt like he was mostly capable of buying people off and bribing people, but I really didn’t know if he was capable of more than that. Deep down I still wondered if Matthew had something to do with the Vice Presidents disappearance and murder. I wanted to believe he didn’t have a thing to do with it, but I still had so many questions.

  “No Matthew,” I said with a fake smile.

  Matthew stood up and made his way to his door and shut it. He quickly walked toward me and pressed me up against his desk. His hands moved to my face and held onto my cheeks passionately as he looked in my eyes.

  In that moment, I wasn’t scared of Matthew at all. His eyes were passionate and I saw love in them. I didn’t see hate or anger at all.

  “Then what is it? What have I done? How can I fix this?” Matthew said passionately.

  “Stop lying to me. I can’t take it, Matthew. My mind plays so many worse possib
ilities than if you would just tell me the truth. Tell me, Matthew! Tell me the damn truth!”

  Matthew pulled away from me as I yelled at him. I could tell he hadn’t expected me to release myself like that. His hand went to his hair and he paced the room for a minute while I waited for him to answer me.

  “Kayla, I’m trying to protect you.”

  “From what? Matthew, I can decide for myself what I need protection from. I’m here with you Matthew. I need to be your partner or not here at all.”

  Matthew looked hurt by my words and sat down on the couch as he continued to run his fingers through his hair. He was processing the pro’s and con’s of finally telling me everything. I could tell he wanted me to stay involved with him and with his office; but was he really ready to be honest with me? Was I really ready to hear the honesty that he had to tell me?

  I sat down next to him and grabbed his hand. Together we sat there silently for what seemed like at least fifteen minutes.

  “You won’t like me if I tell you everything,” Matthew said as he drew in a deep breath.

  “Try me. Matthew, I’m here aren’t I. Try me. I might just surprise you.”

  “Tonight. Dinner. We can discuss everything. Will that work?” Matthew asked as he turned toward me.

  His lips moved toward mine and I felt my body give in to my desire for him. As much as I wanted to avoid all physical intimacy at the office, it was impossible to avoid it. When Matthew touched me, my body felt on fire with desire. Every muscle in my body reacted to Matthew and wanted him near me. I couldn’t resist him.

  His hands gently stroked my leg as we let our mouths move together and play with each other. Each twist and turn of our lips made our kiss deeper and more passionate. I wanted to know everything about this Man. I needed to know it all if I was going to decide my future.

  “Yes, tonight,” I said as I stood up and opened his office door. “And let’s keep this open from now on,” I said with a smile.


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