The Billionaire's Baby Arrangement

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The Billionaire's Baby Arrangement Page 15

by Charlene Sands

  “Nothing, but I have to be realistic. She may want to know her father one day. At the very most, I’d grant him visitation rights with me being there. That’s all I can imagine for now.”

  “That might be doable.”

  “I’m not that sure, Nick. I’m going to have a lot of sleepless nights over this.”

  “He’s the reason you came to me that first night, isn’t it?” It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. “You were upset.”

  “That was part of the reason,” she confessed with apology in her voice.

  Nick arched his brows. “Part? What was the other part?”

  “Maybe you’re just irresistible.”

  Nick scoffed at that. “Come on, Brooke. Tell me.”

  Indecision marred her pretty face as she debated a few seconds before finally owning up. “It was partly because Dan had contacted me and I was frightened, but it was also because I wanted to be reckless for once in my life. I wanted something just for me. I’ve dreamed about being with you for a long time and well, you were just down the hall giving me an open invitation.”

  Nick swallowed down hard. He didn’t know what to say to that.

  “I know you’re leaving, and I’ve got my own plans. I figured no harm could come of it.”

  “You want simple, I get that,” he said. “I’ve lived my whole life that way.”

  “Right. Simple is as simple does.”

  Only Brooke and Leah were complicating the hell out of his life lately.

  Nick stood and walked over to Brooke, reaching for her hand and when she placed it in his, he helped her up. He wound his arms around her waist and kissed her gently. “It’s late. You’ve had a rough day. Let’s go to bed.”

  “Together?” she asked.

  “I’ll be waiting for you.”

  Brooke’s eyes softened and she smiled. “As soon as I get the baby to sleep, I’ll be there.”

  Nick would hold her all night long if that was what she wanted. He’d never done that with a woman but with Brooke, all his rules were shot to hell.

  He picked up Leah and walked up the stairs side by side with Brooke, Nick kissing the baby’s cheek before handing her off to her mommy.

  He was in deep. But he hadn’t changed his mind about anything. Brooke knew the score—he was leaving for Monte Carlo in just a few weeks.

  He wanted no ties to Napa at all and that included this beautiful blond mommy with her equally beautiful blond baby.

  Brooke got Leah to sleep easily. All that crying today had worn her out. She checked on her one last time, before she donned the oversized T-shirt that Nick liked and went to his room. She knocked softly and Nick was there, immediately opening the door and taking her into his arms. He held her gently and kissed her forehead, cheek and chin before bringing his warm inviting lips to hers.

  “I don’t think I can leave Leah,” she whispered, a sense of urgency she couldn’t explain, niggling at her. “I’m sorry. I thought I could, but I can’t. It’s going to be hard enough for me to fall asleep tonight.”

  Nick kissed her forehead again. “Then I’ll come to you.”

  She gazed into his eyes.

  He winked and pulled her against his chest. “I miss my big old bed.”

  “I’m not feeling—”

  “I know, honey. We’ll just sleep together. Just don’t tell anybody, it might ruin my reputation.”

  She punched him in the shoulder. “You’re so bad, Nick.” Then she added, “In a wonderful way.”

  A chuckle rumbled from his chest. “That might be the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”

  She turned to go back to her bedroom, but Nick grabbed her hand just in time and she swirled around to face him. “Wait a second.” He moved to the dresser and pulled out a black velvet box from the top drawer. “When I saw this, I knew you had to have it.”

  He handed her the square box. “This is for you.”

  Her heart pounded and she was totally confused. “What, why?”

  “Open it, Brooke.”

  She held the box with trembling hands and opened it slowly. “Oh, Nick, this is beautiful.” She fingered the green-blue oval gemstone surrounded by inset diamonds on a long silver chain.

  “It’s tourmaline. This stone is the exact color of your eyes.”

  “I don’t know what to say, except thank you…and why?”

  Nick shrugged. “Why not? When I saw the necklace it reminded me of you and I wanted you to have it.”

  “But it’s probably worth more than my old clunker car.”

  “Your point?”

  “I don’t really have one, except that it’s too generous, Nick. You’ve already done so much for me. How can I possibly accept this?”

  He gave her a smoldering kiss, loving her mouth and charming her into submission. “Just say you love it.”

  She shook her head, ready to refuse his gift even after that mind-blowing kiss. She had pride and Nick had given her so much already, but she couldn’t insult him by not accepting such a thoughtful gesture. Happy tears pooled in her eyes. “You’re impossible, you know.”

  “I’ve heard that before.”

  She reached up on tiptoes and pressed a sweet kiss to his lips. “I love it. But you shouldn’t have done it.”

  “I do a lot of things I shouldn’t do, but giving you this gift isn’t one of them.”

  Nick put out the light and took her hand, leading her back to the master bedroom. Quietly, they slipped in between the sheets and he took her into his arms and held her until she fell asleep.

  Brooke woke early in the morning in a better mood. She’d had a good night’s rest after all, cradled next to Nick during the night. She breathed in his expensive musky cologne and smiled from ear to ear at the position they were in. He lay on his back, his legs spread out, while she was on her stomach, her thigh thrust over his, and his full thick erection pressing against her hip.

  “It’s about time you woke up,” he said, stroking her back.

  Stunned, she let out a gasp. “How long have you been like this?”

  Nick groaned a complaint. “Too long. Am I taking a cold shower this morning?”

  Brooke kissed his neck and whispered, “Sometimes that can be fun when we do it together.”

  “Brooke,” he warned then he rolled her over onto her back and kissed her until her lips burned from the scorching heat. He gazed into her eyes until she nodded and smiled. He wasn’t a man to be denied, not that Brooke could even conceive of that now. She wanted him in all the ways that complicated her life. She wanted him in any way she could have him.

  Nick made love to her with slow hands and sexy words that sent her mind spinning and her body aching for more. He was an expert at making a woman feel desirable and beautiful. She relished every illicit touch, every gliding stroke of his hands and every moist sensual thrust of his tongue.

  With his encouragement she touched him back, her assault a partial revenge for the tortured pleasure he’d given her. She inched her palms up his muscled chest, through the coarse hairs surrounding his nipples. She kissed him there, then suckled on him until a heavy impatient groan erupted in his throat. She smiled and moved farther up, kissing him hard then outlining his mouth with her index finger, swirling it around and around, then slipping it into his mouth. He suckled her finger and pressure built, his chest heaving as much as hers. Heavy heat consumed her and when Nick held her tight and rolled her on top of him, instincts took over.

  He helped her off with her T-shirt and she slid him out of his boxers. Naked now and consumed with lust, Brooke took his thick shaft in her hands and stroked him, sliding her open palm up and down the silken skin. She bent and put her mouth on him, loving him with fiery passion. She sensed when he was at the brink and rose above him. His face was emblazoned with desire, his rough stubble and dark hair tousled. He was the sexiest man alive.

  She lowered her body down in a straddle and took him inside her. It felt so right, so perfect that she
wanted to cry. Nick watched her ride him, his eyes heavy-lidded. He brought his hands to her breasts and caressed her, sensitizing her pebble-hard nipples even more. She ached for him, wanted him and loved him like no other man before.

  Her climax came first and she splintered, her nerves tight, her body convulsing and finally giving up to the intense pleasure of being joined with Nick.

  Nick watched her with awe in his eyes and when she was completely through, she rolled off him and accommodated his weight. He filled her again and she welcomed him. He thrust into her hard and fast, his climax coming just seconds after hers. She felt another wave of fulfillment just witnessing the satisfaction she could give to him.

  She was so much in love with him her heart ached.

  Afterward, they lay in each other’s arms silently.

  Brooke felt content and happy, but distraught at the same time. She knew this wouldn’t last. She knew she was in for a gigantic fall.

  When Leah made her early rising sounds, little complaints as she woke, Brooke lifted up to get her. Nick put a stopping hand on her arm. “I’ll get her.”

  Brooke shook her head. “She’ll need to be changed.”

  Nick winced, his lips pulling down in a frown. “Really?”

  “Of course, really. She’s slept all night in the same diaper.”

  Nick thought about it for half a second then gave her a quick kiss on the lips, slipped on his boxers and rose from the bed. “I’ll take care of it. Just relax.”

  Brooke laid her head down on the pillow and grinned as she heard Nick struggling with the diaper change, but after a while Nick brought Leah to her. “Here she is.”

  He sat Leah on the bed between the two of them and Brooke inspected his handiwork. “Well, you’re no speed demon, but it looks good.”

  With a satisfied look on his face, he winked. “I learned from the best.”

  She hated when Nick said nice things. She hated when he did nice things. And he’d been doing and saying nice things for so long now. Maybe she should have clung to her anger and not let him charm her into liking him. Because aside from being head-over-heels in love, she really liked the man Nick had become.

  Deep down in her heart, Brooke knew this wasn’t a good idea. Nick hadn’t made her any promises. He’d been up front and honest with her. She was the one who wanted “simple.”

  What she’d gotten was a whole lot more.

  Sure, she feared Leah was getting too attached to Nick. But her mommy was already a terribly hopeless case.


  Three days later, Nick showed up unannounced at the bed-and-breakfast just as Brooke had finished dusting the entire house from top to bottom. She met him at the front door, wearing an apron with her hair pulled back in a ponytail. “Hi,” she said, looking at him with confusion. “You didn’t say you were stopping by this morning.”

  “I have some news,” he said, his face grim. He made his way into the house and walked into the kitchen. Brooke followed him inside the room, curious. He gestured to a chair. “Here, have a seat.”

  Brooke’s heart pounded with dread as he waited for her to sit down. “What is it?”

  He sat in a chair adjacent to her. “I had your ex investigated. Don’t ask me how or why, but it’s done.”

  Brooke ran a hand down her face, taking it all in. She was more than a little stunned. “Okay,” she dragged out, “but I don’t understand.”

  “He’s bankrupt. Seems his girlfriend cleaned him out and he’s desperate for money. He knew that you’d had his child, months before showing up here.”

  Brooke blinked and shook her head. “What are you saying?”

  Nick studied her face and spoke quietly, “I’m saying that he didn’t search for you for months. He found out where you were right after Leah was born. He knew about her almost from the time of her birth. He didn’t come for you and Leah, until he found out that you inherited this house. The house is probably worth what, three quarters of a million dollars? He probably figured you’d inherited a huge pile of cash along with it.”

  Brooke squeezed her eyes shut momentarily. “That bastard.”

  When she opened her eyes again, she saw the whole startling truth. It hurt to know what little she’d ever meant to Dan, but it hurt worse knowing he didn’t really care about his daughter. “He was after my money?” Brooke asked, already certain of the answer.

  Nick nodded.

  Her heart in her throat and her stomach in knots, she was ready to cry. “It’s hard to believe I once loved him. Shows you what a poor judge of character I am.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up too badly. He only showed you a side of himself he wanted you to see.”

  “He’s Leah’s father and she deserves more.”

  “He won’t be around much.”

  Brooke snapped her head up and stared into eyes that didn’t meet hers. “What did you do? You didn’t make him disappear, did you?”

  Nick cast her a crooked grin and scratched the back of his neck. “No, I had a little chat with him. I told him you and Leah were off-limits. You’ll decide when and where you want Leah to see him.”

  “How did you get him to agree…?” Then it dawned on Brooke. “Oh Nick, you paid him off, didn’t you?”

  Nick kept his expression unreadable. “All that matters is that you and Leah won’t be bothered by him from now on.”

  “It does matter.” Brooke rose from her chair. “How much was my little girl worth to him? How could he put a price tag on that?”

  Nick stood and cupped her shoulders in his big hands, holding her still while she wanted to throw things. He spoke calmly. “It doesn’t matter, Brooke. He was never in Leah’s life. You can move on and forget about him. Will you do that?”

  Brooke stared at Nick, wondering if she should take that same advice about him. She was a bad judge of character. She’d fallen for a guy who’d flat out told her he didn’t want a family—a man who was leaving to live halfway across the world. Was he also telling her to move on and forget about him?

  Nick’s cell phone rang and he excused himself to answer it. Brooke took that time to check on Leah, then wash her face and comb her hair. She removed her apron and by the time Nick reentered the kitchen, she had new but heartbreaking determination.

  “That was Tony. He’s a giddy mess. Rena had the baby. They named him David Anthony Carlino.” Nick’s grin broadened across his face.

  Brooke’s heavy heart warmed. Babies brought such joy into a person’s life. “That’s wonderful. Is Rena okay?”

  “According to my big brother, she’s doing fine. I’m going to see them now. Want to come?”

  “No, no. You go. Tell Rena I’ll visit her another time. I want to see the baby. But this time is for family.”

  The thought of seeing Rena, Tony and their new baby, a child that wasn’t Tony’s biological child but one he’d love like his own, hit a little too close to home. Brooke had wanted that so much for herself, but it wasn’t to be. And after the news she’d gotten today about Dan, she couldn’t take witnessing the happy threesome with their whole future ahead of them.

  Nick cast her an odd look. “She wouldn’t mind if you came with me.”

  “No, Nick,” she said with resolve. “I’m not coming with you. I’m not part of your family.”

  And I never will be.

  That night when Brooke entered the Carlino house, her courage bolstered by the words she’d rehearsed all day and knew by heart, she found Nick’s suitcase by the front door.

  “Hi,” Nick said, coming to greet her when she walked in. “You should have seen the size of that baby. He was almost nine pounds.” He held two flutes of champagne. “I’ve been waiting for you to celebrate.”

  Leah clung to her shoulder, nearly asleep. “I can’t right now, Nick. Leah’s not feeling well. She’s a little warm and her nose is running. I’m going to put her to sleep.”

  Nick’s face fell and she could barely stand to watch his cheerful expression transform. He gaze
d at Leah with concern, his eyes soft and caring. “I’ll go up with you.” He set the flutes down, ready to help.

  “No, that’s okay. She’s a little clingy right now. Are you going somewhere?”

  Nick glanced at the suitcase in the entry. “I’ve got a crisis at the Monte Carlo house. I’m leaving on the red-eye tonight. I hope to be back in three days, tops.”

  Brooke stopped when she reached the base of the staircase and seized on her chance to say her rehearsed words. “Nick, now’s as good a time as any to tell you, Leah and I are moving out. The house is ready for us now. I don’t have much more to do before I can open my doors. We’ll be gone before you get back.”

  Nick furrowed his brows. “You’re leaving?” He sounded as if it were news to him. This had always been their deal, though it broke her heart to see the look of confusion on his face. Women didn’t walk out on Nick Carlino.

  “It’s time for me to go. I want to thank you for everything. I don’t know what I would’ve done without your help these past few weeks. I promise, I’ll find a way to pay you back. And I’m still in shock about how you handled Dan. I don’t know what to say about that.”

  “Damn it, Brooke, you don’t owe me anything.” His mouth tightened to a thin line. “And you don’t have to move out right now.”

  “Yes, Nick. I do. That was the deal.” He was the classic dealmaker in the family, so he should understand. She may owe him a few weeks of work, but he’d just have to make do. She couldn’t live in the house with him another day. “This was always a temporary arrangement.”

  His eyes darkened with anger. “I know that.”

  “I’ve learned something since coming back to Napa, Nick. You can’t dwell on the past. You have to move on and look to the future. You’ve helped me see that.”

  Nick stared at her without blinking.

  “Just think, you’ll have the house back to normal, no more baby things to trip over.”

  Nick ignored her little jest. “This is because of what that jerk did to you, isn’t it?”

  Brooke smiled with sadness in her heart and shook her head. How could she explain that her leaving had nothing to do with Dan and everything to do with protecting herself and her daughter from getting attached to Nick, a man who was bent on running away from his past, a man who wanted a lifestyle that didn’t include a ready-made family. “You’ve given me so much and I want to return the favor the only way I know how. My friend Molly says the high school is in desperate need of a baseball coach for the boys. You should think about it.”


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