The Billionaire's Baby Arrangement

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The Billionaire's Baby Arrangement Page 16

by Charlene Sands

  Nick looked at her like she’d gone crazy.

  “Okay,” she said with a heavy sigh. Saying good-bye to Nick was one of the hardest things she’d ever had to do. She summoned all her courage and held her ground, when she wanted to throw herself into his arms. “I’ve got to go up. Leah and I have a long day tomorrow.” She whispered softly, “Good-bye, Nick.”

  Nick remained silent. She sensed his gaze on her as she climbed the stairs to the room she’d sleep in one last time. When she reached the top of the staircase, she heard him pick up his suitcase and open the front door.

  There was a long pause before finally, the front door slammed shut.

  Silent tears rained down her face as she carried her precious child to her bed. Brooke had no one to blame but herself. She’d come into this with her eyes wide open yet couldn’t help falling in love with him again regardless of her constant internal warnings.

  But by far, this time hurt the most.

  She’d never get over Nick Carlino.

  Not in this lifetime.

  Nick sat on the deck of his Monte Carlo home and sipped wine, gazing out at the Mediterranean’s classic blue waters. He had everything he wanted here, a gorgeous view of the ocean, twelve rooms of modern conveniences and old world charm, friends to party with and a world-renowned casino only minutes away.

  He’d gambled there last night and had gone out with friends afterward. He had offers from women during his time here, but Nick wasn’t interested in them. Somehow their sleek clothes and sultry looks didn’t stir his juices as they once had. Images of Brooke in her mommy clothes would seep into his mind instead. But he balked at that.

  Thoughts of her stayed with him constantly, but he knew that would pass. Nick wanted an easy life and now that he was away from all that Napa represented, he decided to stay on a few more days.

  The Italian marble “crisis” his contractor had called him about had been straightened out and it turned out not to be a big deal after all. The renovations he’d ordered were almost done and not a minute too soon. He was only weeks from winning his bet with his brothers, and by all accounts he’d already won. He’d be through with his father’s wine business once and for all and he could come and go as he pleased. He would enjoy rubbing his brothers’ faces in the win, smug as they both had been about the bet.

  But with those thoughts also came Brooke’s words that she’d spoken just days ago. You can’t dwell on the past. You have to move on and look to the future.

  He’d helped her see that?

  A smile spread across his face. If he had, then he was damn glad. He couldn’t deny that he wanted to see her happy. She’d always been special to him and she always made him smile with her sassy tongue and witty comebacks. She had a chance for a good future with Leah now.

  During the next few days, Nick refused more party invitations than he accepted and he refrained from entertaining females at the house. He took walks on the beach, spent a more active role in the renovations and watched sports on television.

  After dinner on Thursday night, he placed a call to Rena and Tony. The baby was almost a week old and Uncle Nick wanted to hear how the three of them were doing.

  Rena picked up and said hello.

  “Hi, it’s Nick. I’m checking on my favorite uncle status.”

  “You’re still it, but don’t tell Joe I said so. And least he isn’t thousands of miles away. He didn’t abandon the family.”

  Nick chuckled at Rena’s teasing.

  “I’ll be back in few days and I’m bringing gifts.”

  “Oh, so you’re spoiling my child already?”

  “That’s the plan. How’s the little guy?”

  “He’s doing fine. Eating like a Carlino and growing like one too. I never knew breast-feeding could be so challenging.”

  Nick laughed and an image popped into his head of Brooke holding Leah to her breast, the baby nursing until she was good and satisfied. The serene picture they’d made would be forever imbedded in his mind. “I bet you could ask Brooke for advice. She seemed to take to it naturally.”

  “Brooke?” Rena paused. “That girl’s got her hands full right now.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You haven’t heard?”

  “No, I haven’t spoken with her. We don’t have that kind of relationship,” Nick said, convincing himself of that fact.

  “The baby’s in the hospital.”

  “What?” Nick’s good mood vanished. His heart pounded hard and he thought he heard wrong. “Leah’s in the hospital?”

  “Yes, she had a febrile seizure.”

  “A seizure?” Nick couldn’t believe it. “But she’s such a healthy kid.”

  “It’s caused from a high temperature. The baby was sick and her fever spiked really fast. It’s pretty scary, but they say it happens to some children. Because she’s so young, they’re doing tests to make sure it’s nothing more serious.”

  “Damn! It better not be.” Nick couldn’t fathom that sweet baby having to suffer. “How’s Brooke?”

  “She’s a brave one. She’s all alone and I tell you, I don’t know how she does it. Ali stopped by the hospital when she found out to check on both of them. She said Brooke is holding up. She has no choice, but it’s rough. Her world revolves around that baby.”

  “Oh man.” Nick put his head down and took a few deep breaths. His stomach felt hollowed out, like someone had gone in and scooped out his guts with a shovel.

  “You should call her, Nick. She doesn’t say it, but I know she misses you.”

  “I’m not so sure.” He couldn’t call her. He didn’t know what to say to her. He’d walked out on her just like every other man in her life. He’d let her down and he’d done it without realizing it. He should have known better than to get involved with someone like Brooke. She didn’t need him in her life. She needed stability. She needed someone who would be there for her, through thick and thin. She needed a man who would love the hell out of her and her beautiful daughter.

  He’s been like a father to Leah. She should be that lucky.

  Had Brooke meant it? Had she seen something in him that he hadn’t seen in himself?

  Nick hung up the phone and paced the length of his living room, darting glances around his home, noting the textured walls and marble flooring, the pillared terrace with its sweeping vista overlooking the Mediterranean. The place was perfect. He’d gotten what he wanted. He could Pass Go and Collect $200 and as an added bonus he’d received the Get Out of Jail Free card, his prison being Napa and all it signified.

  He admitted that he had decided to stay on longer in Monte Carlo to keep as much distance from Brooke as possible. She would have moved out of his house by now. He could go back to living his bachelor life, yet he didn’t like what he was feeling about her. He missed her, but he was no good for her. He wouldn’t succumb to those emotions. A few more days away would help purge her from his thoughts.

  “Hang on, Nick,” he muttered to himself. “Don’t go nuts because the kid got sick. Brooke’s a survivor. She’ll be okay.”

  And to prove to himself that he was better off without them and vice-versa, he went out that night. He gambled in Monaco and had dinner with an acquaintance he’d met months ago at the roulette table. She was beautiful and willing, but he made up an excuse and spent the night alone in his bed.

  Nick woke up feeling like crap. If someone had taken a hammer to his head, he couldn’t feel worse. The hell of it was, he knew why. He hadn’t caught too many winks last night and he had two blond-haired, blue-eyed females to thank for that. He rose from his bed and padded to the kitchen for some aspirin.

  Only Nick knew beyond a doubt now, aspirin wouldn’t cure what was really wrong with him.

  Brooke took Leah out of her car seat in the back of the Lexus and gazed at her daughter with pride. “You’re my pretty girl.” Leah returned her compliment with a two-toothed smile. She’d dressed her in a brand-new white dress dotted with bright red cherries
and green stems. Atop her baby blond curls sat a cherry red bow.

  “We’re going to visit your new little friend, David Anthony today,” she said as she walked up the path to the house at Purple Fields. Brooke had dressed to match Leah. She wore a red and white sundress, minus the cherries. It felt good to dress up for a change and go out with Leah. Since the move into the bed-and-breakfast, Brooke had felt somewhat isolated and lonely, just the two of them in that big house.

  Leah’s medical episode had taken its toll on Brooke. The febrile seizure had come on so suddenly and had scared her half to death. She’d called the paramedics and they’d taken Leah to the hospital. By the time they arrived, Leah was alert and awake again. The doctor explained that the seizure was the body’s natural reaction to such high temperatures and as soon as Leah’s body adjusted, she came out of it. They also explained that febrile seizures in themselves were not life threatening.

  Thank God for that.

  They’d kept Leah in the hospital to do some tests and when they released her with a clean bill of health, Brooke had broken down and cried her eyes out. Now, just three days later, Leah was a happy girl again and both were looking forward to spending time with Rena and the new baby.

  She knocked on the door and just a few seconds later Rena appeared, looking beautiful and well rested. “Hi, Rena. Leah and I are so excited to see you and the baby.”

  “I’m glad you accepted the invitation.” Rena smiled at her and patted Leah’s head. “She looks happy and healthy, Brooke. Is all okay now?”

  “Yes, she’s perfect. Thanks for your support and friendship. It means a lot to me.”

  Rena opened the door wider. “Come in, please.”

  Brooke stepped into the entrance hall and followed Rena to the living room. Once they reached it, Rena turned to her with apology in her eyes. “I just want you to know this wasn’t my idea. I think there’s a better way to do this.”

  Puzzled, Brooke looked at Rena then followed the line of her gaze into the room. Tony, Joe and Ali were there. “Oh, I didn’t realize you were having the family over.”

  Rena sighed and shot Tony a hard look.

  “Meet little David Anthony.” Tony walked over to greet them and Brooke forgot all else, thrilled to see their new child.

  “He’s beautiful. You must be so happy.”

  “We are,” Tony said to her, then Rena walked over and Tony put his arm around her. “We’re thrilled.”

  Leah reached a hand out to touch the baby and Brooke made sure she was gentle, helping guide her hand to his cheek. “Isn’t he sweet, Leah?” And after they’d fawned over little David, Brooke turned to say hello to Ali and Joe. They inquired about Leah’s health and made her feel welcome, then the room became awkwardly silent. Brooke wondered what was up.

  “Sorry, Brooke,” Ali said finally.

  Rena joined forces with Ali. “We didn’t know about the bet.”

  Brooke looked from one woman to the other, sensing their discomfort and feeling some of her own. “What bet? What’s going on?”

  Nick appeared, coming out of another room and startling her. He stood in a solid stance, his gaze flowing over her from head to toe with hunger in his eyes, then he glanced at Leah and his gaze went heartbreakingly soft. He looked drop-dead gorgeous and dangerously confident about something. Just seeing him again squeezed her heart and coiled her stomach. He’d hurt her when he hadn’t called about Leah. He must have known. He must have realized how much agony she’d been in when Leah was sick. He’d taken her at her word when she’d asked for simple, but she never thought he’d be so cold and uncaring. He should have called and asked about Leah.

  “Hello, Brooke,” he said.

  She couldn’t keep her disappointment from showing. She pursed her lips.

  “Tell her,” Nick demanded, looking at his brothers.

  Joe glanced at Nick. “You’re sure? This could spell doom for you, bro.”

  Nick nodded. “I want her to know the truth, all of it.”

  Tony handed the baby off to Rena and she shook her head at him. “We were on your side, Brooke. In all of this,” Tony said in a defensive tone.

  “All of what? What’s going on?” she asked.

  As soon as Leah spotted Nick, she put her arms out to him and she bounced with excitement until Brooke could barely contain her. “Leah!”

  The dimples of doom broke out on Nick’s face and he strode over to Brooke. “Let me hold her.”

  “I can’t seem to stop her,” she said, disgruntled.

  Leah reached out for Nick and when he took her, she clung to his neck. He kissed her cheek and stroked her hair. “Thank God you’re all right.”

  Ali’s and Rena’s expressions softened.

  “Tell her the truth,” Nick demanded again of his brothers.

  “Why don’t you tell me, Nick?” Brooke said, angrily. “Since it’s obvious this was all set up and your doing. Tell me what you have to say.”

  Nick looked at his brothers who refused to speak. “Cowards.”

  “On that note, we’ll leave you two alone.” Joe grabbed Ali’s hand and walked outside.

  “That’s a good plan. Let’s take the baby for a walk,” Tony said to Rena and the three of them left the room.

  Once they were alone, Nick turned to her. “Okay, I’ll tell you the truth. When you first came to live with me after your accident, my brothers were so damn sure I’d get involved with you. I mean, here you were vulnerable and alone and you had this adorable kid. They were so damn smug about it. I told them what I told you, I don’t do permanent and I’m not father material. I was so sure of how I felt,” he said, stroking her daughter’s hair again, “that I made them a wager. I bet them I wouldn’t fall for you and want the whole enchilada. I bet them my stake in the company. If I didn’t fall in love with you, I get a free pass with Carlino Wines. I wouldn’t have to run the company and I wouldn’t have to stay in Napa. I’d be out of the running and it would be between Joe and Tony.”

  Brooke’s mouth dropped open and she was stunned speechless.

  Nick went on, “I told you how much I hated it here. How much I wanted revenge against my father. So much so, that I wanted nothing to do with his legacy. So much so, that I couldn’t see past my anger. But you made me see things differently, Brooke. You made me realize that I shouldn’t live in the past. That’s all I’ve been doing, living in the past and running away.”

  Brooke regained her composure and finally spoke. “You actually bet you wouldn’t fall in love with me? Not very good for a girl’s ego, is it?”

  “I wasn’t looking for permanent, Brooke. But man, was I wrong. I lost the bet. I’m the new head of Carlino Wines. I’m the CEO now and rightfully so. Joe and Tony are staying on too. We’re brothers and we’re going to help each other. Thanks to you I’m facing my past and moving on to my future.”

  Brooke swallowed hard. “Nick.” She didn’t know what to say.

  “I put in a call to the high school too. Looks like they might want me to coach the Victors this season.”

  “Oh, Nick. That’s wonderful.”

  “You’ve made it all possible, Brooke. You helped me see that I was wasting my life away. This is one bet I was glad to lose. Because I’m crazy about you and Leah. You’re all that matters to me. I don’t want to lose you and if it means me staying in Napa and running the company, I’ll do it. I want you that much. I love you that much.”

  Brooke got past the initial ego deflation, to hear him, to really hear what he was telling her. He loved her. He loved Leah. It was quite a lot to take in. He was making sacrifices for her and the idea warmed her to the point of melting. “What’s the whole enchilada?”

  Nick spoke with reverence and a hopeful tone. “Marriage. The three of us being a family, everything I thought I never wanted.”

  “And now you do?”

  “I took the CEO position to prove it to you.” He lowered his voice and spoke with sincerity. “With your help, I think I could be
a good father to Leah.”

  Oh my God. That did it. Any anger she felt over the stupid bet he made just faded to nothingness. She couldn’t hold it against him. He’d always been honest with her. But hearing him say he loved her and that he wanted to be Leah’s father turned her insides to jelly. Tears welled in her eyes and raw emotion overwhelmed her. She struggled to get the words out yet she felt them with every beat of her heart, “You don’t need my help being a good father. Leah’s already crazy about you.”

  “What about you, Brooke? How do you feel about me? Still trying to keep it simple?”

  Her smile spread across her face and her heart burst with joy. “Nick, you’ve complicated my life since the day I set eyes on you in high school. I loved you then and I love you now.”

  Nick breathed in deep. “Then will you marry me?”

  Brooke gazed at him holding Leah in his arms. “You don’t play fair asking me with Leah looking at you like you could paint the moon.”

  “I could, with both of you in my life.”

  Brooke sighed with utter joy and spoke the words she’d never thought she’d ever say to Nick Carlino. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Nick bundled her up close, the three of them in a huddle and Nick kissed her with sweet tenderness. “I’ve missed you, Brooke. I’ve missed you both. I promised you that night of the crash that I’d take care of Leah. I want to do that and share my life with you. We’ll be a family, the three of us.”

  “Oh, Nick. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

  Brooke would have the family she’d always hoped for, but she was getting a bonus.

  Her very own drop-dead handsome, dangerously sexy Desert Island Dream.


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