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LAW Box Set: Books 4-6 (Life After War Book 0)

Page 46

by Angela White

  All around them explosions and screams were echoing through the chaos. Four other groups were busy doing the same as Marc’s, each with three strategically targets.

  Marc checked the timer and sipped on his water, motioning for the others to do the same. None of them spoke.

  The rumble of engines came and every heart thumped anxiously. With another exit waiting for them, they felt relatively safe, but panic was riding underneath as the thuds and rumbles began passing over.

  The enemy had done their own recon and knew there was an army out here, but not how many or where it was based. Since the majority of the riders came from the south, the soldiers assumed that’s where the attacks were originating. They thought the Mexicans were attempting another takeover and were ruthless against them, which pissed off the Mexicans. Other than Sebastian, who wanted revenge, his population had chosen not to get involved in Safe Haven’s fight. With government fire teams now venturing south to deal out destruction for Marc’s attacks, a full complement of Mexicans soldiers had joined the fight a couple hours ago and the battle was raging unchecked all across 40. The government troops had gotten too spread out and the Shadow Riders were taking advantage of it in every area they could.

  They had also been reinforced a bit by small groups from the west. Most were strangers who had heard the calls going out, but a few were also from Safe Haven. They, too, wanted to be on the front lines and make sure it didn’t go further than 40. Marc knew that wasn’t possible, but he welcomed each of them eagerly. He’d given this stage two weeks. He needed double that for the camp to make it to the mountains. They would be setting things up there while the government took over a base that would do them no good. These little delays would mean the difference between maybe winning and certain death.


  “Here he comes!”

  “He’s here!”

  Marc plastered a welcoming expression on his face as the call went through the tired camp. After each team blew their three targets, they immediately went to the next camp down the road, where those teams were preparing for their own runs. They would be fed, tended, and reassigned to yet another target further down 40. Those tired men stayed by the fires, giving him a nod of accomplishment. It was the others in the camp–the new arrivals and camp tag-a-longs–that Marc had to pretend for, but he didn’t feel like shaking hands. He needed sleep.

  It would be another three days of hitting base camps and joining these battles before he could break away and join his Eagles. Paul and Jax were doing nicely along the eastern end of 40, according to the reports he was receiving, but Marc needed to see them, needed to be reminded of Safe Haven. All this killing was bad for him. He liked it too much.


  Just before dawn, Marc was among the small groups going out to do the day’s terrorizing. The others had blown their targets during the night–continuing Marc’s campaign of no sleep for the enemy–and the Shadow Riders had little trouble sneaking up on the exhausted, dozing men.

  Marc waved Kendle into place. She was the lookout for this run. Tomorrow, she would fight at his side.

  Marc led his team down the hill, using moldy cactus and decrepit shelters as cover. The smoke from campfires and the scent of coffee hung over the area.

  Marc drew his weapon as they got closer and knew the others with him were doing the same. They’d gotten very good at following his lead.

  Their setup hadn’t been discovered and they quickly pulled the brambles from the thick, stubby tree forks they’d sank into concreted holes a few days ago. With large bands attached, they had half a dozen small, strong slingshots to pummel the enemy with until they figured out where to fire. Across from them, a second team was waiting with the same setup. All these items had come from the surrounding town. Marc was extremely proud of their scrounging and inventiveness. There were only so many grenades, so many guns, but there was hundreds of miles of apocalyptic roads to mine.

  Marc helped to uncover the stash of ammunition and began loading, listening to the soldiers boots as they began their daily march to destroy everything he loved.

  Marc dug his heels in and leaned back, using his big arms to pull the band into place. He aimed high, waiting for the others to match it. He nodded to tell them when theirs was right.

  Marc listened, arms protesting.

  Now, the demon whispered.

  Marc let go.

  The fertilizer bombs caused powerful explosions, though the value of this weapon was in the damage it did to the buildings and structures. It sent debris down into the road in large chunks of smoldering metal and brick, blocking it.

  Dust filled the air as the sounds of exploding weapons and screaming men rang in their ears.

  Marc waited for all of his team to fire their second wave, and then followed them into the sewer. This was the last town where they would use this hiding style. The soldiers weren’t stupid. By now, they had to be figuring out how the rebels were able to hit and run. Marc had thought even using it one more time might be too much, but he’d had to take the chance. After this, the soldiers had a straight march across 40. He had to do more damage now, while he could.


  Marc motioned Kendle into place. They were doing a last hit on their own before meeting up with the next camp and she was eager to draw blood again. The disease appeared to leave her alone for almost a full day when she got to commit an act of violence.

  As Kendle slipped into place behind the small campfire, it was easier to pretend that it was Angie. There wasn’t a long, black braid or the scent of vanilla, but there was a fire burning that had to have a release.

  Marc moved into the next slot, using the debris piles as cover. He nodded to her when she held up the grenade. It was only a smoker, but the suppressor he’d given her yesterday was something she hadn’t gotten to play with yet. He had no doubt she would stick around and breathe in smoke fumes to get a good run with it.

  Kendle tossed the grenade lightly and the wind drafted it right into the middle of the snoozing soldiers.

  Smoke poured out.

  Marc took a cover position as Kendle drew her gun.

  The four-man team didn’t get to return fire. Kendle was too good for that.

  Marc had to take her by the arm as the smoke began to fade. The bodies weren’t bloody enough to satisfy her and Marc knew they’d be working out again before bed.

  “Come on. We have to go.”

  Kendle went reluctantly. Shooting wasn’t as good as stabbing or slicing. She needed that!

  Marc tossed an arm around her shoulders, leaning close. “Vanilla is about the best smell in the world to most men.”

  Kendle blinked, realizing he was giving her something she could use.

  Marc pushed his agenda a little more. “And long hair. The men in Safe Haven love long hair.

  Kendle patted her own shoulder-length locks self-consciously.

  Marc chuckled, tugging her closer. “Not you. You’re one of the guys. I meant as a mate, the future. Hard not to wonder what it might be like if we win.”

  Kendle didn’t answer. She was becoming too attached to Marc. She didn’t want to think about a time when she might have to give him up. His comments about smell and hair were noted, though. If he liked those things, later, when she could, she would do them for him. They were small things to ask of her, considering how good he was, how right he preferred to be. It made him a strong leader and she was already willing to follow him anywhere. If that eventually led them to his home, she would adjust. And maybe fight this Angela woman for him.


  Marc rounded the last curve before they got to the camp that Paul and Jax were hopefully still in charge of. The soldiers had driven them back and Marc had been forced to go to their base camp to make sure things were ready now. The troops were coming faster than he could hold them. He didn’t know how many of the other groups had survived.

  There were lights glowing from multiple fires, but Marc didn’t understand how many fighters ha
d come until he topped the small rise.


  Kendle’s comment was lost in Marc’s shock. The vast, sprawling camp before them resembled Safe Haven so much that he had stopped, filled with longing. I miss home.

  The riders behind them were also stunned by the sight as a feeling of hope began to swell among the tired men. With this many warriors, they might actually stand a chance.

  Paul came greet them.

  The camp fell quiet as they watched. Their gazes were protective, wary, and Marc understood his rookies had been closely cared for.

  “Welcome back,” Paul called, happiness stretching across his bearded face. “You are a sight, my friend.”

  Marc laughed, driven to it by the demon’s whispers. “We’re gonna wipe them out.”

  Around him, his riders cheered. If Marc said something was going to happen, it happened.

  The happy noise brought fast attention. The camp of hundreds began making their way toward Marc.

  Paul immediately waved them off, raising his voice. “After he gets fed and tended. Let him come to you.”

  Marc was grateful when the dozens of shadows stopped and then returned to what they’d been doing–waiting.

  “Tell them to have two representatives from every group come to a meeting. We’ll fill in all the details and plans then.”

  Paul wrote it down, aware of Marc picking out his clean clothes, the unharmed hands.

  “They won’t let you work?”

  Paul snorted. “They think leadership means sitting on my ass and handing out orders. I hope you’re gonna change that now that you’re here.”

  Marc didn’t make any promises.

  “Fine.” Paul smirked. “It is kinda nice to be able sleep with both eyes closed.”

  Paul turned his attention to Kendle, saw her possessive clutch on Marc’s waist. He scowled. Angie wouldn’t like that. He didn’t say anything, however.

  Marc let him off the hook. “Paul, will you take Kendle somewhere she can get cleaned up and eat?”

  “I want to stay with you.”


  Paul gently tugged Kendle down, trying to soothe her. “We have a tent ready for both of you and there’s hot water. You can even do your hair if you want.”

  Kendle reluctantly allowed herself to be led away.

  Marc felt the hunger as Kendle stumbled through the masses of men. The demon lunged out to cover her in protection. Dark where they were, the glow was obvious.

  Those closest shrank away in respectful fear as she walked beside Paul.

  Satisfied that word would spread, Marc turned to the trio now approaching him. “Make sure she has a guard. She gets angry and cannot be controlled.”

  “Do you wish me to handle it for you?” Atolius asked tonelessly.

  “No. We need her for the fight. Keep her safe.”

  “I will put my best men on it.”

  Marc went down the hill as they began updating him, but his thoughts were on his army. In these brave men, he would deliver a battle like none the government had ever experienced on this soil. They had started this war. He would be the one to end it.


  Marc didn’t waste time or censor his words as he met with the forty men who’d come to represent their groups. He gave them the cold, hard numbers and his outlines for doing damage. They would relay it word for word to their men.

  He got out of the planning meeting as soon as he could however, leaving them to figure out the best way to do it. There were too many strangers here and too little time for him to try what Adrian had. All Marc could do was pass his wishes on and depend on his allies to carry them out.

  As soon as he left the meeting, Marc went to check on Kendle. His time in Safe Haven had given him a very protective nature, but he also needed to know she was alive so that his plan was safe. As he walked, acknowledging the other hard-ass men here, Marc wondered if that had been where Adrian had started at with Angela.

  Since leaving Safe Haven, Marc had found himself stewing over the spark between her and Adrian–when it had started, how it had been triggered. He still didn’t have an answer for it, only the final solution of being himself now. His pretenses were gone. He was as open as he’d ever been. And it was likely too late. He could feel her calling, reassuring, but he could also feel her restlessness. When it became too much, she would turn to Adrian for comfort.

  And I’ll forgive her, Marc thought, stopping in the shadows to observe. He felt Jax on his heels, eager to be his shadow, and held the pride in check.

  Kendle was working with two other women, squaws from what Marc could tell by their demeanor and markings. The trio of females was chatting lightly as they checked through a stack of clothes that had been scavenged in a recent haul. It was surrounded by bags and boxes of supplies that anyone was free to use.

  Kendle felt his stare, but didn’t turn around. He’d been stuck with her on the road, but he could leave her with the women now. She wasn’t going to force her company on him any longer.

  Marc wondered if she actually understood what the Indians were saying and decided that she did. The survival star he’d viewed had been tough and smart.

  “We’ve got tents over there,” Jax stated, pointing toward the dense trees. They both watched Kendle flinch as one of the Apache Indians came over to talk to the other females.

  “She needs a protector.”

  Jax had sensed that when they picked her up. “Zack...?”


  Jax stared at Marc, marveling at the genius, but worrying over the animosity in the single word.

  “Will you try?”

  Jax forced it out. “Turn her into someone he’d want?”

  Marc looked away. “Into Angie. He won’t settle for anything less.”

  “I’m sorry, no,” Jax answered regretfully. “She’s unique.”

  “Do the best you can,” Marc conceded. He knew that.

  Jax took the request seriously and went to where Kendle was now staring around hopelessly for a place to sleep.

  “We have tents over here. Follow me.”

  Kendle did, relieved to sense no hostility from Jax. Marc had a woman and these men probably knew her.

  “I’ll be your guard while you’re here.”

  “I am not a prisoner,” she growled, changing her mind.

  “No,” Jax quickly calmed, thinking she at least had Angela’s fire. “To keep you safe. There are a lot males here in case you hadn’t noticed. And you gave a good show to them.”

  Kendle shrugged angrily. “I’ll kill.”

  Jax didn’t doubt it. “At some point, he’ll probably send you to our main camp, to help there. Do you know about Safe Haven?

  Kendle followed him into the large tent, surprised at all the supplies waiting in neat stacks. “I heard the calls when we were in the East.”

  “It’s a good place. Not like here.”

  Kendle glanced around. “What’s wrong with here?”

  Jax didn’t answer that. Instead, he got started fulfilling the Ghost’s need. The more he thought about it, the more he liked Marc’s plan.

  “Our leader is Adrian. Marc’s wife is with him, helping run things there.”

  Kendle thought that spoke volumes about the type of woman Marc already had. Her shoulders drooped. “I thought it would be something like that.”

  “He’s as spoken for as a man can get. Marc doesn’t even use the whores,” Jax stated, grimacing at the thought of Leslie. He still missed her.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Old ghosts,” Jax answered tiredly. “Anyway, we have rules there and I’d like to give you a start now so that you’ll be able to fit in.”

  “Why would you help me?” she demanded suspiciously.

  Jax didn’t struggle with a response. “Because it will help a lot of people and bring peace to those who need it the most–including you.”

  Kendle couldn’t find any lies in his mind and let it go. “If you think I s
hould, we’ll do that. What else can I do or not do here?”

  Jax frowned. “I didn’t ask. I’ll get that information to you shortly.”

  Kendle sat down in the chair by the table. She saw his gaze go to the other seat and waved him over. “Talk if you want. I plan to get comfortable and lay down after I sit here and stare for a few minutes.”

  Kendle hadn’t had some of these luxuries in much longer than Jax. She’d been on an isolated island where there weren’t any stores to loot or buildings to pick through.

  Jax took the seat across from her, smiling. “The most important thing you need to know about Safe Haven, is that you won’t be hurt again. That fear of people will fade in Adrian’s light. He is the Guardian and there’s nothing he won’t do for us.”


  Marc took his time moving through the dozens of small camps around the one Paul and Jax now had him sequestered in. He needed to talk to these men, to make sure of their hearts, and it would take a while. He didn’t expect to sleep until well after midnight.

  Marc sat with them. He smoked and drank lightly, while observing intently. He also healed their wounds where he felt it warranted it. This wasn’t to gain more support or strengthen bonds. He didn’t like their pain, no matter if they deserved the healing or not. And some of these men did not. The stains on their souls were ugly, but Marc didn’t single them out as Adrian might have done. He needed them.

  As he traveled from group to group, Marc found himself being gifted with small totems and tokens of faith, support. He took these things with reverence, respecting the legends that had gotten him this far.

  When he asked about the things that those at the meeting hadn’t wanted to tell him, Marc got answers from these outer clans. He learned there had been assassination attempts on Jax and that Paul had stopped two of them. Thaddeus had saved him the third time and the warriors were keeping a close watch on the rookie. Paul had become respected well enough that the Indians didn’t fear for his safety. He was viewed much like Marc was.

  Marc wasn’t sure why the top men hadn’t wanted him to know about the deaths, fighting, and warriors leaving, but it came to him as he stared at one of the tokens. It was a snow globe, with a Christmas scene in it. The gift implied a childlike innocence and a complete obsession. Marc pieced it together and realized they were afraid he would leave them if he didn’t like what he heard. They didn’t understand that they held the power.


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