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LAW Box Set: Books 4-6 (Life After War Book 0)

Page 147

by Angela White

  “Where have you been?”

  Conner’s voice in the darkness was unexpected and Adrian slipped as he spun, landing on his ass in the damp dirt.

  Conner couldn’t keep from snickering, but he knew to retreat. Making fun of Adrian while in range probably wasn’t smart.

  Adrian sighed, picking himself up. That’s what I get for being proud of my skills, he thought.

  Conner’s chuckles continued, sending a flush over Adrian’s cheeks, but he controlled the urge to strike out. It was often funny when someone fell and he wouldn’t punish the boy for being human.

  Adrian took his shirt off and tossed it over a nearby branch to scrub later. He used the dew on the foliage around them to clean his hands, and then headed for his tent.

  Conner followed, observing eagerly. Almost all of his survival knowledge had come first hand, after careful trips into the Little Rock Public Library. His mother hadn’t been allowed to teach him things that weren’t approved.

  Adrian was zipping his jacket over a black turtleneck when Conner peered into the tent, and he noticed the missing dog tags, but didn’t comment on it. “Are you going to answer my question?”

  “No.” Adrian slid his gun into its holster. “But you can answer mine. Why did you agree to heal Samantha?”

  “How do you know that?” Conner demanded mistrustfully.

  “Because she didn’t shoot you or try to remove your limbs,” Adrian replied, thinking of Jeremy’s Jeepster. “Samantha has a quick fuse.”

  “No, how did you know she’s sick or that she asked me?”

  “She was on John’s list of positive tests, and there isn’t anything else she would want from you.”

  Conner let that sink in, thinking his father was smart. He would have a lot to teach.

  “Yes, I will,” Adrian agreed. “To people who are worthy.”

  “What do you want from me?” Conner snapped. “I’m trying!”

  “Yes, you are.”

  “But?” Conner insisted, as Adrian gathered things into a kit.

  “Unless you prove yourself, those women won’t ever trust you.”


  “So, they hold your fate, boy. When they go to Angela and tell her that you’re reformed, she can let you inside those gates.”

  “How do I become reformed?” Conner asked sullenly, saying the word as if it were a disease.

  “Start by telling me why you agreed to help Samantha,” Adrian repeated.

  “Selfish reasons,” Conner admitted, moving to let Adrian through the flap. “Same goal.”

  “The methods matter,” Adrian told him, going toward their small center fire. “Do you like her, as a person? Do you like her men? Do you feel bad for her children?”

  “That one!” Conner exclaimed, choice of words proclaiming his youth and inexperience. “I do feel bad for the kids.”

  “Good,” Adrian praised, lightly kicking the heels of soldiers–some already awake, some not. “It doesn’t excuse using her to get in, but it does show that you’re not totally corrupt. A descendant who has gone bad will slaughter children to attain their goals.”

  “I’d never do that,” Conner muttered, thinking of Autumn and the rescue.

  “We know you can feel compassion for kids. What else?”

  Conner concentrated. “Um… I care about a few people in there, like Charlie and maybe even Becky.”

  “Why haven’t you tried to make contact with them?”

  “It’s against the rules,” Conner evaded.

  Adrian knew and said, “You’re scared.”

  “Yeah.” Conner flushed unhappily. “What if they tell me to get lost?”

  “Becky probably will,” Adrian agreed. “She’s been through a lot and I’m not sure forgiveness is big on her list.”

  “Charlie will, too,” Conner stated. “He likes the good, the right. He might even tell on me.”

  “There’s always a chance,” Adrian replied. “But what is life without risk?”

  Adrian motioned to the soldiers using Eagle code and was pleased when all of them understood and started getting ready for their daily duties that he’d given them. They’d clearly been practicing and Adrian let a bit of good vibes wash over the dozen men. “Excellent.”

  Conner also felt the pleasure, but didn’t get to enjoy it, since he hadn’t been the intended target. It was disappointing and motivating at the same time. “I’ll try harder.”

  Adrian smiled at his son. “I know and you’ll succeed if you remember to put yourself last in every way, even your thoughts. The correct solutions are always easier to reach when you remove yourself from the picture.”

  “Hey, are they headed down to the site?” Conner asked as the soldiers began leaving.

  “Yes, but you’re not,” Adrian answered. “You’re with me today.”

  Conner wanted to protest not being told, but the only thing he wanted in the world more than time around Candy, was time with his dad. “Okay.”

  “We need to make a supply run. On the way, we’ll be hunting and doing recon. And I’ll give you a few ways to keep up your energy. Our gifts can be depleted if we use them up too quickly.”

  Conner brightened and ran to get his own kit. He didn’t have much in it right now and he slung it over one shoulder.

  “We’ll eat on the road,” Adrian stated, kicking dirt over the smoldering embers of the fire. “Check your gun.”

  Conner was used to this part of a descendant’s life and Adrian was pleased with the smooth motions. “Good. Let’s go.”

  “Mind if I tag along?” Kendle came through the trees.

  Conner’s face tightened.

  Adrian lifted a brow. “You’re on second shift. Have you slept?”

  “A little. I’m good for a couple hours and then you can send me back.”

  Adrian glanced at Conner and reluctantly said, “Next time.”

  Kendle had expected it after overhearing Adrian’s last words. “Okay. Maybe I can sleep in your bed. Mine certainly isn’t cutting it.”

  Adrian grinned, ignoring Conner’s blush. “In roughly fifteen hours, I’ll join you.”

  Kendle didn’t tell him she would be on duty and Adrian led Conner down the mountain by means of a side path he’d discovered. He didn’t want to get close to Zone C right now. None of those people were happy.


  “Someone came in our gate last night!”

  “We want to report a killing!”

  Kenn didn’t leave his place on the gate. The rookies were getting a taste of a shift here and Kenn already hated it.

  “The boss will handle it,” Kenn spoke into the speaker that echoed into all of the quarantine zones. “Stay calm and tell us what happened.”

  “Someone came in and killed two of our biggest men!”

  “We want justice!”

  “We want inside your gates!”

  Angela shook her head. “Tell them my decision.”

  Kenn hit the button. “Word came down, folks. Those people in Zone C will not be let into Safe Haven. Please take your things and leave.”

  Shouts and horrible insults began flying and Kenn was glad they had another hour until it was time to open their gates.

  “Open it now,” Angela instructed. She had a tripled patrol here right now, if she included all the rookies, and she wasn’t worried about any of the troublemakers getting inside. She didn’t honestly want to kill them in front of her camp, either, but if they didn’t leave, that’s exactly what would happen.

  Hoping to forestall it, Angela climbed to the second tier of rafters and let her eyes glow that dangerous red. The witch surrounded her with protection and Angela let the bubble around herself be seen. She didn’t want to start her day with murder, but none of those people would be allowed in here.

  Around the main gates, the other zone people came from their tents to glare and mutter.

  “We ain’t leavin’!”

  “Come out and make us!”

denied the Eagles who would have responded to the challenge. “We have plans in place for this.”

  Angela signaled Jennifer.

  Jennifer whistled toward the far edge of their circular site, where the ants had set up their colony in the secondary cave. People stopped what they were doing to gawk, as a long line of soldier ants scurried from their cave and rushed toward the zones.

  Instead of going through the crowd, the insects were able to run along the cliff to get to the zone and the people there began screaming in horror as the ants overwhelmed the opening gate.

  Being used like farm dogs, the ants herded the people from the gates instead of attacking them, but a few of them men refused to be driven out and the soldier ants did kill those, using their powerful jaws to clamp down on tender throats after the men were covered and forced to their knees.

  It was ugly for those in the other zones and Angela motioned to Kenn. “Explain this to them.”

  “Like anyone could do that,” Kenn muttered, but dutifully hit his radio. “Those people refused to leave and they threatened us. We will not tolerate that. Follow the rules and if we tell you to leave, then leave.”

  The mutters calmed down a bit and Kenn asked, “We’re not doing this to the other people, are we?”

  Angela shook her head, though she wasn’t positive about all of the four dozen people they had split between the other two zones. “We won’t have to.”

  Kenn didn’t like the answer, but he didn’t argue. Angela was capable of determining who was good and who was bad, a needed skill during any time, but one that was especially useful now. Unlike my own gifts, he thought. His were innate and usually not visible to other people, even descendants.

  “Why?” Zone C people shouted, as they got away from the insects.

  “Yeah! Why can’t we come in?”

  “Tell us why! We can change.”

  Angela stepped carefully around Kenn and hit the button. “You have a killer among you and I can’t tell who it is. You don’t care, you won’t share, and you burned the Safe Haven rules without ever reading them. You’ve conspired to take over my settlement as soon as you’re inside. You’ve plotted the death of each man on this gate, and because I don’t like you!”

  Angela’s voice had increased as she listed their offenses and for a full minute, there was silence. As she waited, she rubbed the deep scar that occasionally ached. She could still feel the wolf’s teeth against her skin, hot and hungry, and it made her wince as the screams and shouts resumed.

  “Boss, there’s a call for you,” the radio crackled.

  Angela left the gate without giving any instructions. If the people didn’t go, the ants would continue to flush them down the mountain. Kenn was about to think of the crews waiting there and get on the radio to make calls. Her men were caring and sharing, and they would survive. Most of the camp was signing up for the classes or the Eagles. Weeding through that list had been harder than she had expected. Self-respect was returning to almost her entire herd and there was no way she would let in new disruptions without a good reason.


  Seth and Becky stayed on the rafters of the main gate, both ready to offer assistance. Angela’s instructions had said to be helpful to the Eagles, in whatever way they were needed. So far, it had simply been spelling sentries for short breaks, but the people from Zone C were very unhappy. Most of them had fled down the road, but a few were still attempting to get by the ants and regain the safety of the gated area.

  The guards had little sympathy for them. If Angela said they were bad, then they were.

  “You okay?” Seth asked, coming to where she was standing. Her gaze was on Adrian’s site and Seth wondered what she was thinking.

  “Sure. You?”

  Seth heard the forced cheer and came nearer. “Can we talk?”

  “Not if you’re about to ask me to resign from the Eagles, and then go hide in a tent or cave until the baby comes.”

  That’s exactly what he’d been about to do, but Seth wasn’t going to admit it. He used his backup topic. “Actually, I was wondering how you feel about moving into the caves. Theo almost has them ready for everyone.”

  Becky considered the idea, liking that topic much better than the one she’d been chewing over. Her mind had been whispering of Adrian’s betrayal and the woman sleeping with him. “Maybe. I don’t think I’ll have an issue with it.”

  “I might,” Seth confessed. “It’s like being buried.”

  Becky winced at the reminder of their last battles for Angela. Things had worked out in the end, but those moments had been terrifying. “I understand. I’m okay with topside.”

  Seth smiled, thinking they needed a night out. “You want to catch the movie when they get the theater tent open?”

  “Yes, please,” Becky answered, blushing. They could be alone in the dark.

  Seth liked the sparks of attraction, but he returned to his post before either of them could get too distracted. He’d lost his team, except for Tommy, and Jeff had left Safe Haven with Kevin. Distractions were usually welcome. He hated thinking about his missing men.

  Becky also returned to her musings, wondering if Kendle realized how much the Eagles were starting to dislike her for keeping company with Adrian.

  “She knows,” Cynthia answered the thought on her way passed the gate. “She doesn’t care.”

  Becky realized her mind was open and forced herself not to bring down the wall. She didn’t need people studying her more than they already were.

  Cynthia kept going, busy handling things for the boss. She knew Becky’s thoughts weren’t all together, but she understood why. Time would remove the sting from the wounds she’d suffered and Seth’s love would heal her heart. They had to be patient.

  Cynthia continued on to the path that led to the cave entrance. Large tents and bathrooms with Eagle stations covered the site and Cynthia took note of the progress. Angela would ask.

  Cynthia spotted Jeremy coming from the large gathering tent halfway down the path and detoured that way. “Got your next run.”

  Jeremy took the paper and skimmed it. “Sure, we can do that. When?”

  “Tonight, after mess,” Cynthia answered, writing it in her book. “She said to call for the vet if you find anything alive at the fish farm next door. Have him run tests and if it’s bad, destroy it to keep other people from eating it and getting sick.”

  “Sounds good,” Jeremy agreed, happy to be sent out on another gathering run. Anything was preferable to going inside that cave.

  Neil came from the stone entrance and spotted them. Jeremy motioned him over. They hadn’t been working together, but they would be now. Both men glanced at Cynthia, trying to judge if this was a good time to talk to her, but she was clearly busy.

  “Boss has new orders. You guys have a run.”

  Neil read it. “Cool. You’ve already got the fine print?”

  “Yep,” Jeremy confirmed.

  Cynthia left as Jeremy filled Neil in. She was hoping to be finished and in the mess or her tent before the copies of her newspaper came out. She would stand by every word, but she didn’t expect it to go over well. The truth hardly ever did.

  “Do you have a minute?”

  Cynthia stopped to let Daryl catch up with her. They hadn’t seen much of each other during the last week.

  Daryl took a risk and gave her a hug.

  Surprised, Cynthia hugged him back.

  Their small spat was easily forgotten as they held on and Cynthia sighed. “Nice.”

  Daryl placed a kiss on the top of her head. “I missed you.”

  Cynthia didn’t want to tell him she’d been too busy to miss him and said, “Me too.”

  Daryl took it the good way and he stepped away reluctantly. “Free for a meal?”

  “Not until evening mess,” she answered. “Still have a list right now.”

  Daryl understood she needed to go and waved her off. “I’ll see you at dinner.”

  Mood improved
, Cynthia continued her rounds.

  Daryl was also soothed a bit. She’d ignored him for days and he’d expected that to go badly. He also expected their talk during mess to be ugly, but it had to happen. If she was in love with Adrian, like many of the women here had been until recently, then he would have to bow out. If her heart was free and clear, Daryl wanted a commitment.


  “You can ask for more,” Angela stated warmly into the radio. “We’d be happy to send anything you need. You’ve helped our men. We owe you.”

  “No shit?”

  Angela grinned. “No shit.”

  Around her, there were shared expressions of relief. Angela could have demanded their men be returned or simply gone in and grabbed them. Rewarding their rescuers was a much better solution, and doing it over the open waves would encourage others to defend Safe Haven people instead of attacking them.

  “You can bring whatever you want, but we voted and we don’t want more than we need,” the voice replied firmly. “Your men are safe with us.”

  “Thank you,” Angela answered. “Please give my radioman the location in code and we’ll send a team out immediately. They will not hurt you.”

  “We trust Safe Haven. You took out the government.”

  “Yes, we did,” Angela confirmed. “And we’ll help you in any way we can. Expect a van.”

  Angela gestured for Kenn to finish the call and headed toward the main activity tents. They’d placed their brig in the center so that members and guards could be responsible for them. Marc was there now, dealing with Darian.

  Angela wasn’t anxious to join them and she detoured into an activity tent, where groups of Eagles were enjoying a break.

  The men spotted her coming and stopped their games and conversations, sensing she wasn’t there to goof off.

  Angela went to Joseph, pleased to discern he was being treated like any other rookie. Getting minorities into Safe Haven programs was a key to future peace. Everyone, of all races, had to feel the same pride, have the same goal of survival. No one could be set above the others and Angela didn’t have a full solution for that yet. Because of their gifts, descendants would always be viewed as slightly superior. In a few generations, when everyone had descendant blood, she hoped those perceptions would fade.


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