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Stowaway (Redleg in Space Book 1)

Page 6

by Z D Dean

  “That’s fine. We’re going to be a while here. Be careful, there’s an animal that lives in the blue and orange trees. Looks like a monkey, but actually belongs to the reptile family. It loves to throw rocks down on things below it. Last time we were here, Axis got hit by one, and it took almost a quarter of his nanites to repair the gash on his head.”

  “OK, Mom,” Zade said as he headed into the woods, laughing at the idea of a combat vet being afraid of a little lizard monkey.


  “Why did he call you mother? And what was he laughing about?” Jorloss asked.

  “I don’t know. Maybe it’s a joke his people have. I need you up here. Looks like the data drone system was damaged by the solar flare, and it doesn’t look good,” Samix replied.

  The data drone launch system was a standard system for all Unity exploration vessels. Every time a new astronomical object was discovered by the exploration ship, all sensory, navigational, and manually input data on the object was stored in the data drone. To prevent catastrophic data loss from an exploration vessel from being destroyed or disabled outside of Unity space, the small warp capable drones were launched after every discovery. Unlike ships, the drones were nimble enough to avoid the gravity wells of astronomical bodies as they pass during flight back to the nearest Unity space station, and were not required to make periodic navigational stops. Just prior to launch, the captain of the exploration vessel could manually choose data they would like to keep stored on their ship. The drone containing all of Earth’s data, including galactic location, was no longer attached to the ship.

  Luckily for Jorloss, his family was part of the forest dwelling subspecies on his planet, meaning that he was born with the same sticky pads on his hands and feet that his ancestors used to climb trees to avoid predators. It made the climb to the top of the thirty-foot-tall ship no harder than a walk in the park. As he made his way to the top of the command deck, Jorloss immediately saw the problem that Samix called him up to see.

  “Where is the drone? Why is it not in the launcher?” Jorloss asked as he made his way to Samix’s side.

  “It looks like the system was damaged by the flare that hit us just before we warped,” Samix replied, finishing the last test on the drone system. “The electromagnetic clamps holding the drone in place inadvertently released. The drone must have fallen off the ship just before we warped.”

  “Don’t these drones have recovery protocol?”

  “No. Exploration vessels jettison damaged or subpar drones all the time. The Unity didn’t want the inconvenience of having to recover broken drones, so they never created a recovery protocol,” Samix answered coolly.

  “What information do we have on Zade’s planet, then?” Jorloss retorted.

  “The only data left is Zade’s personnel and medical data. It was tagged as such, so it never made it to the drone.”

  “Zade is expecting the next stop to be his home world,” Jorloss said, concern creeping into his voice. “If we can’t get him there, what do we tell him?”

  “I don’t know,” Samix said as she sat down hard on the canopy of the command deck.

  Realizing that the friendly hitchhiker she had on her ship might become violent as soon as he heard that he could never get home, Samix began thinking about her options and trying to figure out the best way to break the news to Zade. Both Jorloss and Samix finished their external testing in somber silence.


  Finishing early and waiting on Mur, who still had 45 minutes left to complete his analysis, Jorloss and Samix sat on the ship and discussed how to break the news to Zade. As both sat in silent contemplation, Samix heard a high-pitched cackle coming from the woods at the nose of the ship. Samix stood up and moved to the front of the ship to try and see what the noise was coming from, but as she peered into the woods, another cackle erupted, this time to the back-left side of the ship. Startled, Samix turned again, trying to sight the source as another bout of cackling erupted, this time to the rear right of the ship.

  “I know what those are,” Jorloss whispered, his eyes widening in fear. “They were the second lifeform I saw when we first cataloged this planet. These creatures appear to be the top scavengers in this area. When faced with hunger they become active hunters. Similar to other canine species that we have run across, these have perfected the art of hunting in a pack. If they’re around, we may not have to explain to Zade why we can’t get him back to Earth.”

  Jorloss and Samix stood and creeped closer to the edge of the ship in an attempt to lay eyes on the creatures. All the while the cackling grew louder and more frantic. Samix knew that there were at least three of these animals, stalking just out of sight, waiting for the perfect moment to attack. Suddenly, the frantic communications of the animals stopped, and the forest became eerily silent. Samix hoped that the creatures have lost interest in the ship and its crew. As she slowly inhaled, three towering shapes launched out of the tree line, one targeting each of the SSILF tasked with protecting the ship’s crew. The SSILF at the nose of the ship had the animal on top of it before it could raise its weapon. After pinning the SSILF to the ground the animal wrapped its colossal mouth around the SSILF’s head, and after two violent shakes, managed to separate it from the SSILF’s body. Samix spun to see that the other two SSILF at the rear of the ship had been dismembered by the powerful claws of the other two creatures. As the two creatures at the back of the ship finished terminating the SSILF, the largest of the creatures, clearly the alpha, walked out of the trees and began circling the trapped crew.

  While the animals were attacking, they had been moving too fast for Samix to get a good look at them. While they were circling the ship slowly, Samix could see what her crew was facing. The creatures stood waist high, the alpha standing chest height, weighing in about 350 pounds apiece. The muscular creatures were covered in jet black fur with a green, dappled pattern stretching across their chests and heads. They each had six legs. The four rear legs were slightly shorter than the front two, allowing them to run at full speed while using the four-inch razor sharp claws on the front paws to swipe at prey. The creatures’ mouths were misshapen and full of dagger like teeth that stuck out at wild angles. These creatures were known to be aggressive, strong, and cunning, and now Samix and Jorloss were trapped by them.


  Just after venturing away from the ship, Zade decided to carve “Alex was here” into the trunk of one of the fat blue trees. Zade continued deeper into the forest admiring the scenery and looking for wildlife. After walking for a short time, Zade came upon a swift moving creek, covered with red algae. It was home to beautiful, fluorescent fish that glowed vivid pinks and greens. Not knowing what the water might contain and not really wanting to have wet feet, Zade headed upstream to try and find a place where he could jump across. Luckily, after only a couple hundred meters the stream sank into a rock fissure narrow enough to cross. Zade continued into the forest and shortly decided to sit beneath one of the spruce-like trees to rest out of the sun and to take in the landscape around him.

  As Zade sat down, he felt something hit him in the top of the head, but thought it was nothing more than some cone or seed pod that had fallen out of the tree. As he marveled at the serendipity of his current predicament, his train of thought was interrupted again by something hitting him in the top of the head. Zade looked up and locked eyes with a baboon-like creature, covered in alligator skin. As Zade jumped to his feet and put distance between himself and the tree, the monkey made his way further up the tree. Zade stood and watched as the creature began pulling rocks and nuts out of a small hollow in the trunk and began hurling them at Zade as fast as his arm would move. Not to be outdone by a primate, Zade began collecting rocks to return fire. Zade’s third projectile connected with the monkey’s chest, knocking him out of the tree. It hit the ground and laid still.

  Afraid he may have killed the creature, Zade moved closer to investigate. At four paces away, the monkey sprang to i
ts feet and charged him. Before he could react, the monkey was on top of Zade, throwing wild haymakers at his face. Struggling to regain his feet while defending himself, Zade managed to put a small amount of distance between himself and the creature. As the monkey tried to close the distance again, Zade prepared himself for a second round and was ready. When the monkey was in range, Zade gave it a sharp kick causing it to go airborne and land a few feet away unfazed. The creature charged again, and the ensuing fistfight backed Zade all the way up to the red creek he had passed just minutes prior. Tired and unsure about his chances of beating this scrappy alligator-monkey, Zade jumped the creek and prepared to make a break for it. After clearing the creek, he jogged away. Zade turned to see the monkey on the opposite bank. Zade could have sworn the monkey began making obscene gestures, but he turned his head to watch where he was running.

  As Zade neared the landing site, he could tell something was amiss. When he had left, he could hear Samix and Jorloss well into the forested area. Now, almost in view of the ship, all he could hear was heavy panting and occasional laughter. Slowing to a walk and crouching down, Zade covered the last bit of distance until he could see the ship. His heart dropped into the pit of his stomach as he crept closer to the ship. The only two people in the universe capable of getting him home had been treed by four giant, black, six-legged hyenas. The hyenas were circling around the landing gear, and between the hyenas and Zade laid the torso section of one of the SSILF.

  If I can get to the SSILF I can get its weapon and dispatch these mangy dogs.

  He could see four hyenas, one being markedly larger than the rest, and one appearing to have slightly misshapen legs running down its left side. As they patrolled around the craft there was a small window when both he and the SSILF were in the hyenas’ blind spots. Planning to sneak up to the SSILF body when the hyenas couldn’t see him, Zade would grab the weapon and retreat back to the tree line. Then from the safety of the trees, Zade would engage the animals, starting with the alpha, and finishing with the runt.

  Satisfied with his plan, Zade sprang into action. As the last hyena turned towards the front of the ship, Zade ran to the SSILF and grabbed the weapon clutched in its hands. After a sharp tug Zade realized that it was somehow attached to the SSILF. Seriously Murphy? Zade thought, as he elected to carry the whole damaged robot section back into the trees, out of earshot of the animals. Once safely separated from the predators, Zade managed to pry the weapon from the robot’s grasp, a task made difficult by dozens of tiny wires extending from the SSILF’s palms to the weapon’s stock. Doing a quick inspection of the weapon, Zade first checked the display located at the rear of the upper receiver, it showed a green battery. Not knowing what exactly he was looking at, Zade figured that a green battery must be a good thing and moved on to the magazine. After getting it to release he saw that it was filled with tiny BB’s.

  Come on guys. I know you’re an exploration ship, but BB guns for potentially hostile unknown planets?

  Slapping the magazine back into the weapon, Zade’s final check was for some kind of trigger. The only control Zade could find on the whole weapon was a tiny button located under the thumb of his front hand. He figured that if he stayed concealed in the trees and that the button fired the weapon he would be good, and if the button did nothing, he could make up a new plan. Taking a deep breath and calming himself, Zade moved into position. The weapon had no sights, but aiming the best he could at the alpha, Zade pressed the button. The weapon exploded with a deafening roar, and the alpha disappeared in a pink cloud. Based on the carnage, Zade knew he was holding a railgun. Before the others could even react, Zade lined up the next target and pressed the button, nothing. As he squeezed the trigger the first time, Zade was shocked to see a 30 second timer begin counting down in his right field of vision.

  Attention: your actions have been deemed detrimental to the survival of this ship. If you do not cease aggressive actions within 30 seconds, the nanites in your blood stream will be forced to remove the threat by terminating you, said a computerized voice, which seemed to come from inside his head.

  All right. Fuck you, Murphy! Now you’re just screwing with me.

  Examining the weapon, Zade could see that the once green battery on the display was now a soul crushing black with a red X through it. The weapon was out of power. While Zade was trying to fix the weapon, the remaining three hyenas had caught his scent and were now staring straight at him. Attacking one at a time, to preserve the hierarchy, the first began to run towards Zade. Out of options, Zade jumped to his feet and flipped the weapon so he was holding it with both hands on the buttstock. As the creature closed, Zade took two steps forward, closing with the animal before it could lunge, and swung as hard as he could. The weapon connected with the animal’s head with a sickening crack. It hit the ground and wasn’t moving. As Zade was grand slamming the second hyena, the third had moved into position behind him. Hearing it approach, Zade turned just in time to lodge the weapon in the maw that had been aimed at his head. Although the weapon stopped the killing blow, the creature buried its razor-sharp claws into Zade’s shoulders and drove him to the ground. Struggling to maintain control of the weapon, Zade grabbed the ends protruding from either side of the animal’s mouth and twisted. The weapon broke in half, but only after Zade heard the satisfying snap of the creature’s neck. As the weapon broke in half, the countdown timer, now down to eighteen seconds, disappeared.

  Three down, one to go. Also, ask Samix why she put a kill order out on me.

  Zade regained his feet still holding the two pieces of the weapon. Looking at the remaining beast, Zade could tell it had become slightly indecisive. Using the animal’s hesitation, Zade looked at the pieces of the weapon he held. The barrel section had broken free from the upper receiver leaving a sharp point. Tossing the rear half of the weapon, Zade squared up with the last beast. Learning from the last one he had killed, Zade knew that this one was going to lunge for his head; this time he would be ready. Seconds felt like hours, but the creature finally lunged at Zade. Side stepping the attack, Zade jumped into the air and drove the pointed end of the barrel into the top of the creature’s head with all his might. As the creature slid through the grass obviously dead, Zade could see that with his new strength he had driven the barrel clean through the head, leaving only the section he was gripping exposed at the top.

  After dispatching the last hyena, Zade moved to the ship to check on Samix and Jorloss.

  “You guys good?” Zade asked.

  When neither replied, Zade looked up to see both, mouths agape, nodding their heads in shocked silence. After realizing that neither had been hurt, Zade made his rounds ensuring that all four creatures were dead. Confident that none were going to spring back into action, Zade began to examine the almost forgotten wounds he had received from the third animal. To his surprise, none of the eight jagged cuts bled more than a couple of drops. Moving his sleeve out of the way, he could see that each had been sealed with a gray film.

  “It’s the nanites,” said Jorloss, walking up behind Zade. “Their basic programming includes repairing any injury that threatens their host’s survival. When we get back on the ship, you’re going to need replacements.”

  “These little guys come in handy,” Zade said, staring at his arm in mild disbelief.

  Samix had disembarked from the top of the ship, and was looking at the dispatched animals. She walked toward Zade, unable to even meet his eyes.

  “You…You handled four apex predators with nothing more than a club,” Samix said meekly. “You saved our lives.”

  With that she shuffled aimlessly back to the rear ramp, that was now opening. Mur had completed his tests. The crew cleaned up their equipment and the broken SSILF, which would be sent to material reclamation, and boarded the ship before any other wildlife came to see what all the excitement was about. Jorloss and Zade headed to the medical bay to replace the nanites Zade had lost due to injury, while Samix quietly headed to the comma
nd deck. As Zade stepped into his shower, he felt the ship takeoff and head for high orbit.

  Chapter 5

  After his shower, Zade tried to sleep, but rest evaded him. With his mind spinning about the events that had occurred earlier, he stepped out of his room, grabbed a quick meal from the galley and retreated to one of the overstuffed club chairs in the common area. The lights had been dimmed as the ship was just entering its night cycle. From his time aboard, Zade figured that the ship followed a lighting and ambient noise pattern that must have represented the day night cycle of the Unity planets. Bereft of a watch since he came aboard, Zade could only estimate, but it seemed that the ship had a daylight period of about sixteen hours, and a night period of about ten hours.

  Now sitting in the darkened common area, Zade replayed the events of the past day. For the first time since he had first set foot on an active battlefield, he actually felt alive. Everything about this new experience was exactly what he had been missing back on Earth. The never-ending string of boredom and disappointment Zade felt during his time in the military highlighted that even the most adrenaline-filled, dangerous job—being a combat officer deployed forward to a warzone—wasn’t enough to satiate Zade’s appetite for excitement. The short time aboard the XES01, however, had excitement at every turn. Since leaving Earth, Zade had been introduced to two separate alien species, he was made near superhuman by advanced biomedical technology, a engaged in single melee combat with gigantic space dogs. Zade wondered how he was going to go back to his normal life on Earth.

  Not one to make snap decisions, Zade began thinking about the options staring him in the face. Staying on with this crew meant relegating himself to possibility of never seeing anyone he loved back on Earth ever again. Zade knew he didn’t understand how the ships warp engines worked, but as an aspiring engineer and physicist he did understand the concept of time dilation. Zade knew that while the ship was in warp, moving faster than the speed of light, time for the ship and its crew nearly stood still. The three-day warp the ship just made to and from Earth, from the perspective of the planet itself, could actually have taken hundreds of years. Zade knew there was a distinct possibility that when he made it home, the planet could have changed significantly, and most of the people he loved could be dead. Hell, Zade thought, they might already be gone after the first trip. Pushing the melancholy prospect from his mind, Zade reasoned through what it would mean if he had only been gone for the duration of time that he spent aboard the ship. Zade knew that he could never go home.


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