The Commanders

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The Commanders Page 41

by Bob Woodward

Saddam’s statues dropped from target list by, 364

  Saddam’s withdrawal predicted by, 351

  Saudi advisory team sent by, 254–259, 263–73

  Saudi Arabia offered military help by, 240–41, 242–46, 276

  secretive management style of, 57

  speech-giving disliked by, 321

  Tower nomination defeat and, 56–59

  on U.S. goals in Panama, 90, 128–29, 184

  on U.S. hostages in Iraq and Kuwait, 317–18

  Vietnam War’s effect on, 306–7, 324, 339, 347

  Welch’s retirement meeting with, 279–80

  wimp factor and, 127, 129

  Woerner’s firing and, 96, 97, 98, 99

  Bush administration:

  consensus and loyalty prized in, 38

  Crowe on Chairman’s responsibility in, 39

  drug war and, 114–16

  informality of meetings of, 41, 302, 318

  Iraqi and Kuwaiti assets frozen by, 223, 224, 225

  Iraqi policy of, 211–12

  national security team of, 108

  Noriega as an irritant of, 83

  Panama invasion goals of, 85, 90, 128, 170

  Persian Gulf goals of, 234, 236–237, 239, 259–62, 281–82, 298–99, 300–302, 311, 312, 319, 323

  public unity of, 38

  Bush-Gorbachev Malta summit, 147, 150

  Butler, George Lee, 308

  Carlucci, Frank, 54, 68, 110

  Powell’s chairmanship backed by, 107, 108

  Carnes, Michael P. C., 171

  Carter, Jimmy, 127, 151, 230, 240, 241

  Carter administration, 115

  Carter Doctrine, 230

  Casey, William J., 203, 213

  CBS, 180, 194, 195, 312

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 46, 147, 148, 158, 205, 265, 266, 276, 317, 359

  anti-Saddam orders of, 237, 282

  Buckley’s murder and, 91, 137

  demoralized state of, 47

  on Iraq’s pre-invasion buildup, 207, 218, 219, 222

  Noriega’s ties with, 83

  Panamanian activities of, 84, 91, 133, 140

  PDF coup attempt and, 119–20, 122, 128

  prediction of Iraqi withdrawal by, 351

  in Saudi advisory team, 263–264

  Soviet weapons intelligence of, 327–28

  see also Muse, Kurt

  C-5 cargo planes, 173

  chain guns, 141

  chain of command, 12–13, 76, 138, 143, 175–76, 179, 293

  chemical weapons, of Iraq, 200, 249, 250, 285, 286, 331, 349

  Cheney, Lynne, 62, 63, 67

  Cheney, Mary, 63

  Cheney, Richard B. (Dick), 127, 130, 178, 199, 205, 213, 298–299, 302, 313, 318, 327–30, 337, 352, 358, 364, 373, 374

  Arab support for Desert Shield sought by, 283

  Aspin on, 322

  on Bush’s war decision, 353–54, 355

  on Bush’s political memory, 89–90

  at Camp David meeting on Kuwait invasion, 247, 248, 250–51, 253–54

  career of, 59, 61, 67, 109

  on chain of command, 175–76, 179

  characteristics of, 37, 61, 66, 71

  “Cheney-watchers” and, 66

  on civilian control of military, 110, 329

  on congressional war support, 288, 355, 356, 357–58, 362

  conservatism of, 65–66

  contras supported by, 67, 107

  Crowe and, 68–69, 78–79

  Defense Secretary nomination of, 60–72

  on Desert Shield coalition’s shakiness, 353

  on Desert Shield troop levels, 280, 311–12, 323, 324

  Dugan fired by, 292–96

  Escobar and, 114–16

  and first day of Desert Storm, 369–70, 371–72

  on first Desert Shield deployment, 274–76, 282, 283

  on F-117A Stealth fighter, 140–141

  on Gorbachev’s future, 106

  heart surgery of, 61

  Iraqi target list reviewed by, 364, 365

  on Iraq’s pre-invasion buildup, 210, 211, 218, 220, 221–22

  in Kuwait invasion response, 41, 42, 224, 226–27, 230, 231, 232–35, 238, 241, 243–45, 254, 255–58, 277

  military deferments of, 69–70

  military response to Kuwait

  invasion sought by, 234–35, 241–42

  on Muse rescue, 137

  in Panama invasion, 182, 183, 185–87, 193

  Panama invasion decision and, 161–62, 163, 167, 169

  Panama invasion plans and, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 103, 135–36, 141, 143–44

  Panama pre-invasion incidents and, 157

  PDF coup attempt and, 121–23, 124, 125, 126, 130

  Persian Gulf preliminary offensive plan and, 303–7, 309, 318, 319, 320

  Philippines coup attempt and, 146, 147, 149, 150

  Powell’s JCS chairmanship and, 107–11

  public reaction to Desert Shield monitored by, 323

  and sanctions against Iraq, 299–300

  in Saudi advisory team, 256, 257, 258, 263–73

  Schwarzkopf’s war plan examined by, 345–49

  Scowcroft and, 61, 62, 63, 65

  Senate Desert Shield testimony of, 341, 343

  on SIOP, 328–29

  STOC visited by, 327–28

  on Thurman, 138

  Thurman promoted by, 94–96, 98, 99

  Tower nomination defeat and, 58, 59, 66

  on use of force, 90, 175

  war plan skepticism of, 329–330

  Welch publicly rebuked by, 76–80

  on Woerner, 93

  Woerner’s firing and, 96–97, 98, 99

  at Yale, 66–67

  China, People’s Republic of, 213, 226, 242, 267, 333, 335

  CIA, see Central Intelligence Agency

  Cisneros, Marc, 123, 131

  Civil War, U.S., 348

  Clark Air Force Base, 147

  CNN, 53–54, 65, 180, 192–93, 222, 260, 287, 290, 311, 369

  Cohen, William, 287, 288–89, 317–318, 339, 342

  Cold War, 37, 55, 106, 262

  collateral damage, 139, 374

  Colombia, 114, 142

  combat jump badges, 165

  commanders-in-chief (CINCs), 48

  in chain of command, 82

  C-141 Starlifters, 180

  Congress, U.S., 152, 153

  Democratic control of, 355

  Desert Shield hearings of, 325, 326, 331–32, 341–43, 345, 362

  Desert Shield reaction of, 288–89, 317–18, 322–23, 325–26, 337–39

  ICBM debate and, 75–77

  Persian Gulf War resolution passed by, 362

  on U.S. response to PDF coup attempt, 127

  war powers of, 357

  war support sought from, 337–339, 354, 355–58

  see also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.

  Constitution, U.S., 357

  contras, 67, 107, 108, 213

  Cooke, David O., 71

  crack cocaine, 116

  Criminal Investigation Division (CID), 144

  Crisis Action Team, 157, 159, 173

  CRITIC, 371

  Cronkite, Walter, 371

  Crowe, Blake, 37, 332–33

  Crowe, Shirley, 82

  Crowe, William J., Jr., 81, 107, 109, 115, 116, 127, 274

  Akhromeyev’s private communications channel with, 40

  on avoiding Persian Gulf war, 37, 331–32

  on Bush’s Persian Gulf policy, 37, 332

  Cheney and, 68–69, 78–79

  on JCS Chairman’s role, 38–39, 40, 82

  Panama contingency plans and, 84–92, 100, 103

  Powell and, 35–40, 111–12, 332

  retirement of, 82

  Senate testimony of, 36, 331–32, 341

  on use of force, 85

  on Woerner’s firing, 97–98

  Cuba, 166, 189, 335

  Curtis, Adam J., 158–59, 160, 161, 162, 165, 168, 173

  Curtis, Bonnie, 158–59, 160, 161, 162, 165, 168, 173

  Daily, Tom, 178–79

  Darman, Richard G., 228–29, 230, 237

  Defense Department, U.S.: chain of command and, 76, 138, 143, 175–76, 179, 293

  Cheney on civilian control of, 110, 329

  CRITIC emergency alert system of, 371

  JSOC created by, 88

  Justice Department’s “Ill Wind” investigation of, 62, 64

  military caution of, 117, 165, 230

  military “force of the future” plan of, 231

  Noriega’s capture planned by, 89, 90, 91, 93, 115, 135, 138, 159, 160, 170, 172

  political nature of, 155

  SIOP nuclear war plan of, 328–329

  STOC division of, 327–28, 364, 365

  in war on drugs, 95

  Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), 205, 207, 219, 222, 317, 351

  Delta Squadrons, 88, 89, 90, 91, 102, 136, 137, 138, 172, 185, 193

  Democratic party, 107, 108, 311, 317–18, 324

  Cheney’s suspicions of, 355

  Congress controlled by, 355

  House of Representatives controlled by, 61, 63

  DePuy, William E., 154–55

  Desert I, 88

  Desert Shield, 279–376

  congressional hearings on, 325, 326, 331–32, 341–43, 345, 362

  congressional reaction to, 288–289, 317–18, 322–23, 325–26, 337–39

  goals of, 298–99, 300–302, 311, 312, 319, 323

  international coalition in, 319, 321, 338, 341, 353

  Iraqi defensive preparations against, 314

  Iraq target list and, 330–31, 364, 365

  media coverage of, 314–15, 324

  preliminary offensive plan during, 303–7

  public opinion on, 36, 279, 316, 325

  Schwarzkopf’s war plan for, 345, 346–49

  troop morale in, 314–15

  U.S. troop levels in, 36, 38, 243, 249, 279, 284, 297–98, 312, 318–24, 355

  see also Desert Storm; Kuwait invasion

  Desert Storm, 369–76

  air phases of, 376

  anticipated U.S. casualties in, 349, 376

  first day of, 369–76

  ground phase of, 376

  Iraqi casualties in, 376

  Kuwait liberated in, 376

  media rules in, 368, 370, 375

  NSD for, 353, 354, 366–67

  Powell’s planned restraint in, 374

  Schwarzkopf’s naming of, 352

  starting time set for, 352–53, 364

  U.S. casualties in, 376

  see also Desert Shield; Kuwait invasion

  Dhahran, 257

  Dickinson, William L., 76

  Dignity Battalions (Digbats), 84, 91, 144

  Dobrynin, Anatoly, 53–54

  dog bomb-detection teams, 144

  Dole, Robert J., 326

  droplines, 127

  Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), 115, 116, 124, 193

  drugs, war on, 95, 221

  Duberstein, Kenneth, 49, 54

  Dubinin, Yuri, 53

  Dugan, Michael J., 290–96, 364

  Cheney’s firing of, 293–96, 305

  Persian Gulf War plan comments of, 290–92

  Welch succeeded by, 239, 280

  Dukakis, Michael, 47

  Eagleburger, Larry, 116, 147, 283, 356, 363

  Egypt, 271, 274, 283, 353

  18th Airborne Corps, 100, 101–2, 114, 133, 305

  82nd Airborne Division, 101, 274

  Division Ready Brigade of, 220, 245, 261, 274, 278

  in Operations Plan 90–1002: 220, 261, 274, 278

  in Panama invasion, 180

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 307

  Eisenhower, U.S.S., 275–76, 278



  Embody, Kathie, 64, 71

  Endara, Guillermo, 84, 170, 182


  Escobar Gaviria, Pablo, 114–16

  EYRE, 327

  “Face the Nation,” 292, 293

  Fahd ibn Abdul Aziz, King of Saudi Arabia, 200, 202, 231–32, 287, 335–36, 341, 370

  Bush’s advisory team sent to, 254–59, 263–73, 276

  Bush’s offer of military help to, 240–41, 242–46

  financial diplomacy favored by, 231, 253

  indecisiveness of, 266

  Saddam’s calls to, 199, 204

  Saddam vouched for by, 203, 213, 222

  war approval given by, 361

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 62, 64, 65, 70, 124

  Escobar and, 114–16

  foreign jurisdiction of, 115, 140

  F-4 fighter bombers, 147, 148, 150–151

  F-5 fighters, 248

  F-15 fighters, 220, 224, 227, 240, 248, 273, 365, 370

  1st Tactical Fighter Wing, 273–74

  Fitzwater, Marlin, 87, 125, 171, 184–85, 247

  Foley, Thomas S., 317, 338, 356

  F-117A Stealth fighter, 140–41, 174, 176–77, 179, 328, 352

  Forces Command, U.S., 48, 49, 109

  Ford, Gerald R., 50, 67, 76

  Ford, Guillermo (Billy), 84, 87, 187

  Fortune, 114

  France, 203, 267, 333

  Freeman, Charles W., Jr., 263, 265, 266, 271

  “friendly fire,” casualties from, 195

  Frost, David, 343–44

  Fuller, Craig, 56–57, 60

  GABEL ADDER, 136, 138

  Gates, Robert, 128, 146, 147, 150, 215, 223, 259, 263, 265, 266, 276, 283, 296, 354, 358, 366

  Gilbert, Martin, 317

  Giroldi, Moises, 120, 122, 130

  glasnost, 54

  Glaspie, April, 211–12, 213, 215, 358–59, 360

  Gorbachev, Mikhail, 52, 310, 323, 341

  Bush’s first meeting with, 53–55

  future prospects of, 106

  UN’s Iraq resolution and, 333, 334–35

  see also Bush-Gorbachev Malta summit; Reagan-Gorbachev Reykjavik summit

  Gorgas U.S. Army Hospital, 142, 144, 157

  Grant, Ulysses S., 348

  Gray, Al, 213, 239, 340

  in Panama invasion decision, 162, 163–64, 179–80

  Gray, C. Boyden, 57–58, 62, 64, 151, 223, 229, 231

  Great Britain, 333

  Green, Fred K., 356

  Grenada, U.S. invasion of, 118, 140, 141, 175, 285

  Gribbin, David, 66, 71

  Haass, Richard, 243, 247, 358, 359

  Haig, Alexander, 108–9

  Haig Syndrome, 108, 109

  Halverson, Richard C., 366

  HAMMER RICK, 363–64, 370

  Hardisty, Huntington, 147, 150

  Hassan, King of Morocco, 276

  HAWK missiles, 314

  helicopters, 348

  AH-64 Apache, 141, 328, 376

  in Kuwait invasion, 219

  OH-58 scout, 141

  in Panama, 136, 138, 141, 172, 173

  Hellfire missiles, 141, 376

  Helms, Jesse, 127

  Herbits, Steve, 73–74

  Herrera Hassan, Eduardo, 133

  Herres, Robert, 106, 109, 110, 146, 147, 150, 153, 171

  Hertzog, William, 156, 158

  Hill & Knowlton, 287

  hiring quotas, at Defense Department, 72

  Horner, Charles, 248

  Horton, Willie, 47

  hostage rescue force, 136

  House Armed Services Committee, 76, 80, 112, 131, 345

  House Intelligence Committee, 67

  House of Representatives, U.S.:

  Democratic control of, 61, 63

  Desert Shield debated by, 356, 362

  Howard, Dan, 76

  Howe, Patricia, 62

  Hussein, King of Jordan, 257, 272, 287

  after invasion of Kuwait, 232, 234

  prior to invasion of Kuwait, 213, 222

  Hussein, Saddam, 38, 41, 42

  Bush’s letter to, 354, 361

sp; Bush’s personal attacks on, 282, 285

  character of, 216, 257–58, 286, 336, 350

  Glaspie’s meeting with, 211–12, 213, 215

  Iraqi support for, 359, 360

  Kuwait invasion goals of, 252, 274

  lifetime presidential appointment of, 208

  “mother of all battles” declaration by, 297, 359

  peace promises by, 199–204, 239, 257, 268

  proposed CIA overthrow of, 237, 282

  proposed meeting between Baker and, 335–37, 338, 345, 353, 354

  U.S. resolve misread by, 374

  war expected by, 358–60

  see also Desert Shield; Desert Storm; Kuwait invasion

  “Ill Wind” investigation, 62, 64

  Independence, U.S.S., 269, 278

  intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), debate on, 75–77

  Iran, 90

  secret U.S. arms sales to, 151

  Iran-contra affair, 213, 238, 300

  Iran hostage crisis, 87–88, 127, 151, 300

  Iran-Iraq War, 199, 203, 206, 207, 249, 251, 265, 286, 346


  Bush administration policy toward, 211–12

  chemical weapons of, 200, 249, 250, 285, 286, 331, 349

  French hostages released by, 317

  French weapons sales to, 203

  frozen assets of, 223, 224, 225

  human rights violations by, 343–344

  Kurdish rebels in, 249

  military strength of, 207, 242, 247–49, 257–58, 269, 286, 350

  1981 Israeli air strike against, 201, 203

  nuclear reactor of, 201, 331

  nuclear weapons capability of, 211, 337

  as outlaw Arab state, 203

  sanctions against, 225, 228–29, 237, 298, 299, 300–302, 308, 311, 312, 318, 322, 331–32, 338, 341, 342, 345, 356

  Soviet weapons of, 327–28

  terrain analysis of, 305, 348

  UN authorization of force, 333–335, 337, 338, 339, 341, 356, 362

  UN sanctions against, 36, 38, 41, 284–85, 308

  U.S. hostages in, 315, 316, 317–318, 346

  Iraqi Air Force, 248, 286, 304, 339

  Israel, 215, 274, 308, 323, 359, 370

  1981 Iraqi air strike by, 201, 203

  peace pledge by, 363

  Saddam’s peace promises and, 200–204

  U.S. military technology sent to, 363–64

  JCS, see Joint Chiefs of Staff

  Jeremiah, David, 222, 224, 236, 354

  Johnson, Hansford T., 172

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 167, 284, 325, 368

  Johnston, Robert B., 304–6, 307, 309

  Joint Chiefs of Staff, 112, 115, 116, 189, 374

  Bush’s Desert Shield meeting with, 340–41

  Chairman’s legal authority in, 38, 82, 162

  Crowe on Chairman’s role in, 38–39, 40, 82

  decision-making role of, 369

  insulation of, 48–49

  J-2 intelligence staff of, 134

  J-3 operations staff of, 99, 103, 134, 139, 140, 234

  J-5 plans and policy staff of, 308

  in Kuwait invasion response, 235, 238, 239


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