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Miss Wayne and the Queens of DC (The Cartel Publications Presents)

Page 4

by Styles, T.

  “Wow,” Levi says, “I think I don’t believe you gonna make all of that for us.”

  “Then you don’t know me yet,” I smile. “Besides, cooking is how I express love.” I say placin’ my hand on my chest. “Well…one of the ways anyway.”

  He chuckles.

  “Th…Th…Th…That sounds…,” Corey stutters.

  “Good. That sounds good,” I say finishin’ the sentence for ‘Stutterin’ Stanley’. “Now relax yourself before you pass out. Let me cater to you.” I turn to Adrian and say, “Adrian take their shoes off while I prep the meal.”

  Eager at a chance to show my sexy, I take my shoes off too and show my tiny cute size thirteen feet. Then I rinse the chicken, put the yams in the pan and begin to clean and wash my greens before placin’ them in the pot. Lastly, I place a troth of grease into a fryin’ pan and wait for it to bubble. Then I look behind me, and when I’m sure no one is comin’, I remove flour from the cabinet and push it deeply to the bottom of the trashcan. When the preppin’ and fakin’ is done, I decide that I’m ready to perform.

  “Oh my God!” I cry out lookin’ frantically through opened cabinets.

  “What mother?” Adrian asks runnin’ into the kitchen. “Are you okay?”

  “I don’t have any flower. I can’t believe it. There was an entire pack here yesterday.”

  “You want us to get some?” Levi asks enterin’ the kitchen too. His show of affection and concern makes me want to fuck him even more.

  “No, you guys are comfortable.” I say to him. “Your shoes are off, you’re listenin’ to music…I wouldn’t feel right askin’ either of you to run out here to no store.” Luckily when I look into his and Corey’s eyes, I can tell that runnin’ around town looking for flour is the last thing on their minds. But I’m not surprised. In the process of perfectin’ my plan, I waited for them to get good and comfortable before fakin’ like I didn’t have flour.

  “I can go get it,” Adrian says reluctantly.

  “You sure?” I ask him.

  “Yeah. It’ll take me thirty minutes to get there and back.”

  In my mind, I’m thinkin’ thirty minutes is plenty. “Works for me.”

  Adrian gets himself together and walks out the door, the moment the door closes I say, “Well, while she’s gettin’ the flour, I figure you guys could enjoy some hors d'oeuvres.”

  Levi smiles and Corey stands up.

  “What did you have in mind?” Levi asks.

  Let’s just say by the time a minute passes, I was standing in the middle of the floor with Corey’s dick in my ass and Levi’s dick in my mouth.

  “Damn you feel good as shit!” Corey says, no stutter. It’s amazin’ what good boo-gina can do for a speech impediment.

  I was puttin’ the slob down on Levi’s dick and I smile when I look up and see his eyes roll to the back of his head. The funny thing is, I didn’t put the entire stick in my mouth yet. When I do, trust me, it will be a wrap.

  “Mmmmm,” Levi moans, “damn you suckin’ that shit good, nigga. Keep that shit right there,” he says pawning the back of my head pushin’ his dick to the back of my throat. Irritated my wig is movin’, he throws it to the floor and says, “Fuck that shit. I want to feel your head, nigga.” He continues pushin’ deeper. “Open that mouth wide and suck this shit!”

  I know he wants to choke me, but it ain’t happenin’. I perfected the art of suckin’ dick before I knew how to walk on my father and uncle. So I don’t care how far back you push, or how big your dick is, I can open my throat wider.

  Doing a quick time check by lookin’ at the clock on the wall, I can see we have ten minutes left before spoiled little princess comes in here and discovers we started the party without her. So if I want to please them both and get my shit off too, I was gonna have to reach deep to pull out my inner freak.

  So I found my rhythm. First I pulled Levi closer toward me, so that the entire shaft of his dick remained in my mouth, then I wound my hips and squeezed the walls of my boogina so that Corey was right where he needed to be. Next I jerked my dick repeatedly not missin’ a beat.

  When I felt my body shiver, I knew I was about to cum. And right on point, I felt Levi’s creamy load fill my throat, Corey’s oil slide down my ass and my own wetness fill my hands.

  We were done and we didn’t get caught. All we had to do was hurry up and get dressed before softy came back. We were almost in the clear until Adrian walks through the door and sees me adjustin’ my skirt, Levi zippenin’ his pants and Corey wipin’ the cum off of his jeans.

  We stop what we are doin’ and stare at him in the doorway. And to think, the clock says we had two minutes left.


  Missing DC

  jmiss wayneL

  Me, Parade, Daffany, Dayshawn and Tyrone are out on Miss Dayshawn’s deck. The temperature dropped a little so it was a little chilly but we were okay. So many people were in this backyard earlier in the day that we were happy that now it was just us.

  My body is here but my mind is focused on the call I got earlier from the person who is caring for my mother. They say she’s gettin’ worse and that I should go and see her before it’s too late. But right now, I just can’t. How do you lose the person who has been your rock most of your life? I don’t know.

  “Where’s Adrian?” I ask Tyrone.

  “Somewhere actin’ like a bitch. She mad because the two thugs she brought over here last night wanted me instead of her.”

  “Wait a minute, how come that don’t even sound right?” I ask.

  “’Cause ya’ll stay thinkin’ twinkie sexier than me when she’s not. I’m not hatin’, I’m just statin’.”

  “Girl you can feed Parade and Daffany that bullshit if you want to, but I already know the deal. ‘Cause ain’t nobody in their right mind choosin’ you over no twinkie. Unless you offered them some dick first.”

  We all laugh but Tyrone looks at me strangely. Normally he can take my jokes but tonight there’s something behind his stare that makes me think otherwise.

  “You alright?” I ask him. “’Cause you lookin’ mighty hard.”

  “Oh…yeah…I was just thinkin’ about somethin’.”

  My mind wanders as Miss Tyrone proceeds in tellin’ her stories again, as if we didn’t just have that uncomfortable moment.

  I step to the side and smoke my cigarette. A habit I picked back up recently. Something was bothering me and I wasn’t sure what it was. All I know is that the moment I got off the plane the feeling was worse.

  As I continue to smoke my square, I glance over at Parade. She’s laughin’ so hard at Tyrone it looks likes she’s about to shit herself. And Miss Daffany is damn near on the floor reliving Miss Tyrone’s antics as he talks about the usher at the funeral.

  “I think he wanted to fuck me. I mean, why else would he come for me about sitting down? Maybe he was the one lookin’ instead of everybody else and couldn’t help himself.”

  “You always makin’ somethin’ to be what it ain’t.” I tell him.

  “Don’t act like I ain’t fuck the preacher at the funeral before.”

  “Here we go again with your Hollywood Chronicles.”

  Just then Adrian walks up the back steps with Marlene holding him up. Adrian’s pissy drunk.

  “Was that Tyrone talkin’?” he says with slurred speech. “Because if it was I wanna tell ya’ll somethin’. Don’t ever leave your man ‘round him.”

  Marlene sits Adrian in one of the chairs on the deck and says, “I been through hell with twinkie today. He drank a whole bottle of Kettle One by himself. Now I need me a drink after that shit,” he continues walking to the table full of half empty liquor bottles. “Ya’ll got anything left?”

  “You aight, honey?” I ask Adrian ignoring Marlene.

  “I’ll be fine. Just wish I had more real friends like you.”

  “Girl, are you still talkin’ ‘bout the shit that happened last night? ‘Cause if you are you need to know them nigg
as wanted to fuck me the moment they got there. Don’t hate me…hate the game.”

  “Girl, leave Twink alone and finish your story,” I say, hoping they miss me with all the other bullshit.

  “Anyway,” Miss Tyrone starts rolling his eyes at Adrian, “one day the preacher asked me to go along to visit his grandmother at this nursin’ home. I was one of his regular members and use to play the organ for his church sometimes. For real, I don’t even know how he knew I was in the life because I was a butch queen back then.”

  “Bitch, you use to wear two gold hoop earrings and red lip gloss.” I remind her. “Just ‘cause you dressed it up with slacks and a button down shirt don’t make it no different.”

  “And don’t you forget I have a son and a wife, motha Wayne. So trust me, he was not suspectin’ me for no queen.”

  I shake my head.

  “I remember that shit with the preacher.” Miss Dayshawn adds. “He use to call the house sometimes. Sayin’ he was callin’ to pray over you and save your soul.”

  “Mercy, that’s a mess.” Marlene says grabbing a drink. She always eating and drinking without puttin’ in on shit.

  “That’s fucked up that you lumpin’ all preachers together because all of them not the same.” Miss Day says.

  “Fuck all of ‘em…they the biggest pimps in the world.” Miss Tyrone disrespects. “So I don’t care how you try to clean it up. They pimp their congregation just like they on the stroll. Anyway, we couldn’t fuck in a hotel or nothin’, cause someone would recognize us. So I use to go with him to the nursin’ home to visit his peeps.

  “His dear sweet grandma ma was half blind, deaf and stupid so we use to take her out of the bed and push her up to the window to look out of it, that way the bed was free.” He laughs. “As long as her face felt the warmth of the sun on her cheeks, she ain’t know nothin’ ‘bout her grandson the preacher partin’ the black cheeks behind her back.”

  “Bitch, you goin’ to hell!” Miss Dayshawn says.

  “I don’t think they’ll have him there either.” Marlene adds, pouring some more liquor in her cup.

  “What is your point with this story, Tyrone?” Miss Dayshawn laughs. “’Cause right now all I can say is that you crazy for this shit right here.”

  He looks up for a minute and says, “Oh, shit! I forgot. What the fuck were we talkin’ about again?”

  We all burst into laughter.

  Having enough of Miss Tyrone, I turn my attention to Miss Daffany. She appears to be doin’ well but I can tell she is taking the burial harder than she thought.

  When Miss Daffany suddenly stands and leaves Miss Tyrone’s conversation, I know immediately somethin’ else is on her mind. She sits on a lawn chair and I sit next to her.

  Smiling she says, “What are you looking at, Miss Wayne?”

  “Did I ever tell you how proud I am of you? It’s like you’re a new person now. I’ve never seen you glow so much in your life.”

  “You mean it’s been a long time since you’ve seen me clean for so long.”

  “That too. But also you’re takin’ care of yourself now and got a new boo.” Her new friend is HIV positive and loves the ground Miss Daffany walks on. She met him at a support group for people with the virus.

  She waves me off and says, “Miss Wayne, don’t start being mushy.”

  “Bitch, I’m bein’ real. I’m not tellin’ you nothin’ that ain’t true. You know that’s not the ole girl’s style.”

  “It’s still tough hearing it.” She lowers her head. “Nobody ever really told me that they were proud of me, in my entire life.”

  “Well maybe now you deserve it.”

  “I don’t know where I would be without you.” She looks down at her hands. “You didn’t give up on me. Even when I treated you like shit, you fought for my life. I never knew that kind of love existed. Mama was so selfish.” She pauses. “I remember when your mama use to buy me clothes,” a smile spreads across her face, “and she found out my mamma was selling them for drugs. She busted up in my house and told mamma that she wouldn’t get in the way of her killing herself, but she’d be damn if she was gonna stand by and watch her take what was mine and kill me too. Mama never took my clothes again…none your mother bought for me anyway.”

  When she mentions my mama, I grow sad.

  “Have you talked to her yet? Or gone to see her?”

  “Miss Daffany, I keep tellin’ you I don’t wanna talk about it.”

  “Okay…okay,” she smiles. “I see you still not ready.”

  “Daffany, please.”

  “It’s dropped.” She smiles. “Do you know we’ve been through so much together, Wayne? First when Sky was murdered,” she utters softly looking around to see if anyone was listening. Speaking of Sky’s death is still taboo and we hardly ever talk about that night, “and then with Parade and Smokes tryin’ to kill her…not to mention you saving my life by coming in that drug house to rescue me. I took you through a lot, we both did, but you never left our side.”


  “Bitch, calm your ass down!” I say to Tyrone.

  Miss Tyrone waves me off and proceeds in running his mouth. That is one funny fish.

  Out of nowhere Miss Daffany says, “You miss DC don’t you?”

  I drop my head before lookin’ back into her eyes. “I don’t know if I would say miss…but there’s somethin’ that makes me want to be here.” I cross my sexy legs and wiggle my blue sequin pump, which matches my blue sequin top. My True Religion jeans hug my curves.

  “Well do you miss your friends?”

  I pause and say, “I do but I don’t. You know I have my gay friends back home, too. But here, there’s a lot of backstabbing, lying and other shit I can’t tell you about right now.” I didn’t want to give all the details of the shoot out the other night because I knew she’d just worry.

  “Then maybe you wanna stay, to be closer to your mother. You know, to bring closure to your relationship?”

  “Miss Daffany, please!”

  “Miss Wayne you have to deal with it. You help everybody else with their problems but don’t want nobody helpin’ you with yours. Please tell me what’s goin’ on with your mother? Why don’t you talk about her anymore?”

  “Not now, Daffany.”

  “I hope ya’ll not over here being mushy.” Miss Parade says leavin’ the loud ass queens to themselves. She sits in an available seat next to me interrupting the conversation and I’m happy.

  “BITCH, I’M TRYIN’ TO TELL YOU! MISTER HAD ME FUCKED UP! HOOOONNNNEY, THE OLE GIRL DON’T PLAY!” Miss Tyrone continues stompin’ around in his black stretch jeans, no shoes and a white tshirt. His five o’clock shadow showin’ against his dark skin and his hair sticks straight up in the air.

  “We can hear you fine without the bullhorn!” He was drunk and really feeling himself.

  “Just ‘cause you lesbians want to exclude yourselves from our conversation, don’t try to rock…(one snap)…my…(two snaps) boat!”

  And then she strikes a pose.

  I fan the air.

  “Gone with you!” I tell her before redirectin’ my attention to my friends. “We weren’t talkin’ about nothin’, Miss Parade.”

  “Yeah. Nothin’.” Miss Daffany says rubbing Parade’s swollen belly. “Just want to know if Miss Wayne’s gonna leave us.”

  “Are you?” Miss Parade questions leanin’ in toward me. She looks cute wearing the one-piece jean jumper that I brought her last month. “What about my kids? What about Daffany’s baby? What are we going to do if you gone?”

  “Hold up!” I say placin’ my hand against my chest. “First off the ole girl ain’t say she was leavin’ either of you.” I point, waving my finger between them. “Second of all, I don’t recall bein’ either one of your baby’s daddies.”

  They laugh.

  “Well if you’re not thinking about leaving, why she say that?” Miss Parade asks.

  When my phone vibrates I pull it out and check the number. It was Jay, Parade’s pressed ass husband. Don’t get me wrong, I like him, but we needed those few extra days we stayed here so that Daffany could feel closer to her mother’s spirit. But here he was callin’ Miss Parade every second of the day. And every time she got off the phone with him, she’d be upset. So tonight, I was having none of it.

  “’Cuse me, darlin’s.” I stand up and walk to the far end of the deck for privacy.

  “Who’s that?” Miss Parade questions.

  “Your husband,” I joke.

  “Stop playing,” she says waving me off, not believing me.

  Well I tried. I shrug.

  “Yes?” I say into my phone with my hands on my hips.

  “Wayne, where’s my wife?” Jay yells, my God-kids playin’ loudly in the background. “She don’t need to be runnin’ ‘round DC when she carryin’ my seed.”

  “Jay, please! That nut you deposited ain’t been a seed in nine months. Anyway, we’re still here and she’s okay. She’ll be on a plane tomorrow but I don’t want you upsettin’ her. So unless you calm down, I’m not givin’ her the phone.”

  “Are you fuckin’ crazy or just stupid?”

  “Are you gonna calm down?”

  “Fuck no! I wanna speak to my wife!”

  “Sorry I can’t do that. Bye, bye,” I hit the end key and when he calls back, I turns the phone off altogether. I’m so happy she left her phone at the hotel I don’t know what to do. Just ‘cause you’re married don’t mean you’re a slave. She needs to breathe.

  Just when I was about to rejoin them, through the glass door I see Miss Tyrone tusslin’ in the kitchen with Miss Paul. Paul stayed competing against me in the ball circuit. Knowing every category I tried for, ‘cept for the Lengendary category, I won. That rusty bitch never won shit!

  “Unlock my door, bitch!” Miss Dayshawn yells through the glass tryin’ to slide the door open. Apparently Paul has locked us out on the deck.

  “Fuck is happenin’ now?” I ask him.


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