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Taking Her Down

Page 3

by Vonna Harper

  “Me either,” Iva said from Genice’s other side. “My cousin said it would be the ride of my life but she refused to elaborate. And when I asked if she’d join me, she said ‘hell no’. We never were that close. If she…”

  “You aren’t saying she might have sold you out, are you?” Genice asked.

  “No.” Iva didn’t sound sure. “No, she wouldn’t.”

  The videos Joleen had introduced her to had been hot to the max, so hot she’d watched them every night for a week, while treating herself to multiple orgasms. Then, she’d scored two new landscaping contracts and been so busy there’d been no time for self-satisfaction. Now, those projects were winding down and she’d pretty much cleared her agenda for twenty-four hours, give or take a few. It wasn’t much, but the way she saw it, twenty-four hours of not having to think about work constituted a vacation.

  After talking herself in and out of trying to see what MSDB was about more times than she wanted to admit, she’d filled in the online application. That had been the start of some whirlwind activity, including more soul-searching and reminders that she’d never backed down from a challenge and shouldn’t start now.

  Here she was. Bracing herself as the craft bumped the dock. Smelling a wealth of plants, trees and swampy earth. Straining to make out the path that had to lead to the cottage where she’d be staying.

  Not just staying.

  Learning why the thought of wearing cuffs and rope turned her on.

  “I wonder if we’ll see each other,” Iva said.

  Genice took a less-than-steady breath. “There’s that community room where food’s kept and where everyone has to check in from time to time. Maybe we’ll bump into each other.”

  As the boat motor cut out, Shana impulsively grabbed both women’s hands and squeezed. They returned the gesture. She might have said something if a tall, slender man, wearing tan shorts and a collared shirt, wasn’t tying their craft to the dock. He seemed overdressed for the task. Unlike the captain, who’d barely acknowledged them, this man looked more approachable.

  Unfortunately, she wasn’t sure she could trust her instincts on that.

  The slim man picked up a ramp and hooked it over the side of the boat. He beckoned the women to join him.

  “Are we ready for this, ladies?” Genice asked.

  Iva took a backward step. “I guess. I wish they would have sent me a picture of the hunk I’ll be working with. I asked and asked. All I got for my trouble was a one word answer. I’m sure you know what it was.”

  Shana hadn’t asked for a picture, but she’d nearly backed out when she’d been informed that MSDB wasn’t in the business of supplying background information about their male operatives. ‘Operatives’? What the hell did that mean? She could understand a Dominant. At least she was comfortable with the concept.

  Irritated at herself for stalling, she fell in line behind the other two women.

  “Welcome, ladies,” their host said, once they were on the dock. “It’s eighty-two degrees today with a humidity of not quite forty percent which, considering the time of year, is quite pleasant. Everything has been made ready for you. Your education is about to begin.”

  “‘Education’?” Genice asked. “I thought the word was adventure.”

  He shrugged and smiled. “I dare say by the time your opportunity to return to the mainline comes you’ll admit it has been both. Now”—he studied each of them in turn—“for the record, I need to hear you say you’re here of your own free will and have no doubt that your wellbeing is our priority. No matter what happens—well, I won’t elaborate on that, because anticipation is half of the fun. No reservations?”

  Shana started to nod but, damn it, being in unfamiliar territory was no reason to wimp out. “No reservations,” she said.

  He smiled. “Shana, right?”

  “How did you know?” she asked.

  Long fingers circled her wrist. “Those are the hands of a woman who earns her living with them.”

  The man’s hand felt nothing like hers had when she’d done the same thing. She nearly jerked free of the intimate contact, but he was undoubtedly judging her reaction. No way would she fail this first test.

  She was here to learn the meaning of the word ‘submissive’.

  Maybe understand herself better.

  Head cocked, the man regarded her while slowly tightening his grip. Iva’s sharp intake of breath told her the other woman was aware of what was happening. No way did she want her blood flow cut off but, until or unless that happened, she’d experience. Besides, she could probably break free and, hopefully, her fellow travelers would come to her aid. Those things helped settle her. More to the point, she was getting her first taste of what MSDB Island was about.



  “Good,” the man said and released her. “Now, for a few housekeeping items. There’s a separate path leading from here to each cabin and those paths go through some of the island’s densest vegetation. Tropical growth serves as a natural buffer between every cabin so you’ll be assured of complete privacy.”

  And no one knowing what the others are experiencing.

  Whether they’re all right.

  “What about the main building?” Ivy’s voice sounded higher than it had earlier.

  “Your Dominant will take you to it for certain activities, but most of your training will take place in isolated and secure settings.”

  By ‘secure’, did he mean they were assured of privacy or because they couldn’t escape? She’d weathered moments of doubt before, about this so-called adventure, but they’d reared their heads when she’d been at home. Now she was on alien turf, on an island controlled by forces she didn’t comprehend.

  What the hell am I doing here?

  Chapter Four

  Shana could no longer see Genice or Iva. At the man’s direction, they’d each started down a separate path. Within seconds, the wilderness had swallowed them. Her heart pounding, Shana split her attention between trying to avoid the vines encroaching on the crushed seashell trail and straining to see what was around the next curve. The tropical smell was overpowering. Massive cypress trees and wild pines hid the sky. Being well-versed in natural vegetation, she knew it took frequent trimming to keep the thin walkway from being overtaken. She couldn’t help but imagine trying to escape, only to find herself trapped by the wilderness.

  Who was waiting for her at the cabin that had been selected for her? Would it be the designated Dominant? Hopefully, there’d be a housekeeper, maybe a worldly but easy-going older woman willing to fill in the considerable blanks in what little she knew about what she’d gotten herself into.

  Damn it, she should have done more research. Given herself time to reflect on what MSDB was about before committing.

  But she hadn’t, because she’d sensed she would have talked herself out of the adventure, or education, or whatever this was, and would spend the rest of her life wondering what she’d missed.

  Continue taking responsibility for her business and life when a part of her needed someone else to assume that role.

  Someone who understood her needs more intimately than she did.


  Startled, she stopped and stared in the direction she thought the voice had come from. Her cheeks flushed, which was understandable. She couldn’t say the same for her suddenly hard nipples.

  “What? Who is it? Where are you?”

  When no one answered, she wondered if she’d imagined she’d heard her name being spoken. After all, a million insects, to say nothing of untold birds, sang a loud and never-ending song. She needed to start walking again but didn’t.

  Damn it, why had she agreed to so much uncertainty?

  Because she needed to surrender control.

  She filled her lungs with heavy, damp air. “Is someone there?”

  “Why are you here?”

  Something about the deep, low and primitive-sounding masculine voice snapped her n
erve endings to attention and tightened her nipples even more.

  “I might ask you the same question,” she finally came up with.

  “You could, but I’m not going to answer. You are. What brought you to the island?”

  Don’t back down! Give as good as you get for as long as you can. “I like a challenge.”

  “Not enough.” He sounded angry. “How did you learn about MSDB?”

  She told him, but didn’t name Joleen. “I submitted my application and it was approved. I’m sure you know that.”

  “I assumed. For your information, I know almost nothing about you. How tall are you, five foot seven?”

  Undoubtedly, this was his way of telling her he was studying her. Fighting the urge to wrap her arms around her waist in a self-protective gesture, she nodded. “Close enough. How tall are you?”

  “I ask the questions. Back to my question about why you’re here. Viewing some of our videos triggered something inside you. Describe that something.”

  The contract she’d signed had included a paragraph about how being honest both with herself and the person in charge of her ‘education’ would maximize her experience. Back then, she’d wondered why whoever had developed the contract hadn’t been more specific. She still didn’t have an answer.

  “I don’t know if I can.” Insects buzzed around her, prompting her to wave her hands to keep them from landing. “I’m goal-oriented. I have my own business with plans to expand it. That hasn’t left much time for a personal life.”

  “Personal life? Your sexual one, you mean.”

  She nodded.

  “What do you want out of your time here?”

  She hadn’t expected this. On the brink of saying she wasn’t sure, she took a moment to dig deeper.

  “I need a greater understanding of myself. I said I’m goal-oriented but sometimes, when I think about living my entire life running or trying to run the show, it feels daunting.” She dug her sandal into the tiny pieces of seashell. “I’ve even joked I wouldn’t mind being a kept woman.”

  “All that money for spreading your legs?”

  “No,” she insisted. “My sugar daddy doesn’t have to be rich. I just want—damn, this isn’t easy to say, but a part of me wants to put that non-existent man’s needs before my own. Pleasing him might complete me.” Did I really say that? “At least I’d like to have a chance to find out if it’s true.”

  “What about turning your body over to him?”

  Sweat trickled down her back. Between the bugs and heat she was having trouble concentrating—either that, or he’d asked something she wasn’t ready to face after all.

  “I guess that’s for you to offer and for me to experience.”

  “It isn’t that simple.”

  Swallowing took effort. “No, I don’t suppose it is.”

  “All right. I know everything I need to for now. Get moving.”

  How could he say what he had? She hadn’t told him anything important, had she?

  Wishing she didn’t feel so conflicted, she started walking again. Knowing she was being watched was unnerving. At the same time, her awareness of herself as a sexual creature kicked up a notch. She wasn’t a knockout, but she wasn’t bad-looking either, and she was in decent physical shape. Before long she’d be naked and he’d—

  How would she go from dressed to nude? Maybe he’d order her to strip. Maybe he’d do the disrobing while she stood before him, shivering like a virgin. Would he immediately get rid of his own clothes or remain clothed as a statement about the difference in their status?

  Was it too late to change her mind?

  Even before she spotted the structure set up on stilts, she’d answered her question. She was nervous, that was all. Anyone who didn’t know what to expect in this situation would be.

  No way would she back down.

  She climbed the half dozen steps then gripped the porch railing and turned around. No matter how intently she studied her surroundings, she saw no sign of another human being. The prickling down her spine left no doubt that unseen eyes were on her.

  The man was stalking her.

  He’d hunted her down and now she was where he wanted her.

  The unsettling thought stripped her of too much strength. Telling herself that her imagination was responsible didn’t begin to relax her. She’d have been a fool to discount anything instinct was trying to tell her.

  Time to see what was beyond the cabin door.

  She filled her lungs, turned her back to the wilderness and closed her numb hand around the knob. It turned. The door swung inward. Holding her breath, she tightened her grip and slowly entered.

  Large, open but screened windows took up most of the space on all four walls. An overhead fan stirred the humid air. The room wasn’t much bigger than her bedroom, with a minimum of furniture—two large, well-made chairs and an oversized couch. A hand-carved wooden storage chest painted in shades of red and black served as a coffee table. There was nothing on the table, no paintings on the walls. The stark quality said this wasn’t a place for living.

  Neither was it set up for sex play.

  Memories of the MSDB videos flooded her until she had no doubt what she’d find behind the closed door on the far side of the room. The bedroom was in there—more than a bedroom, she amended, a place for every erotic activity she could think of and more.

  No way was she going to check it out yet.

  Keeping her back to the hidden room, she started to close the front door behind her. It pressed against her. Startled, she scrambled away. Hand to her throat, she whirled to face whoever had been on the outside.

  The tall, tan man filling the doorway wore black shorts and a white collared shirt. He had sandals on. A length of rope dangled from strong fingers.

  Rope meant for her.

  A gasp threatened to break free. She fought to keep it buried. Her hands became fists, nails digging into her palms. He fixed a harsh, gray-eyed glare on her.

  “Don’t.” He indicated her fists. “I’m in charge, not you.”

  Wasn’t there supposed to be some kind of introduction, a discussion about the ground rules, a few quiet minutes before the storm?

  The man wasn’t huge, but she concluded he outweighed her by close to a hundred pounds. Between his height and the width of his shoulders, she didn’t stand a chance against him. His dark brown hair had recently been professionally cut, his hands showed no sign of physical labor and his clothing was expensive. The thought might have been crazy, yet she couldn’t help but wonder if he were a lawyer.

  A lawyer with a need to control?

  “Get a good look, did you?” he demanded. “For the record, I have all my own teeth and my eyesight is twenty-twenty.”

  Maybe he’d intended the comment as a joke, but until she knew him better—if that was going to happen—she’d simply watch and learn.

  “What do you think?” He indicated the room.

  “I— There isn’t much to it.”

  “That’s because the effort went into the bedroom. You’ll see it soon enough.”

  She would when he’d decided it was time. How much more was he determined to be in charge of?

  Chapter Five

  “Good.” He drew out the word. “Submissives who ask a lot of questions piss me off. Listen and learn. Experience and assess. That’s the only thing you have to do.”

  She wondered if his comment and presentation were designed to keep emotional distance between them. If so, that was fine with her, since she had no intention of checking him out on Facebook. Besides, how could she, when she didn’t know his name, let alone what he did for a living or why he was involved with MSDB.

  He took a slow step toward her. “First things first. Getting rid of your clothes.”

  Suddenly angry, she stood her ground. “What? No. That can’t be the first thing.”

  The beginning of a cool smile lifted his lips, only to be replaced by something dark. “It’s what I say it is. Either you strip o
r I do it for you.”

  Excitement lanced her. Damn it, yes, this was what she’d signed up for—even if it killed her.

  “I read the rules,” she countered. “You aren’t supposed to do anything I disapprove of.”

  “Oh, you’ll approve. And you’ll keep everything that happens here to yourself.”

  She waited for another wave of excitement that would tell her the games had begun, but it didn’t happen. On edge, she took in everything she could of the man standing between her and freedom. In sharp contrast to his professional vibes, there was something primal about him. A cave-like depth. When he was on the island, this man did what he wanted to. He had no concern for the consequences and no interest in her beyond getting her to submit to him.

  “Why wouldn’t I tell anyone?” she finally thought to ask.

  “You’ll understand, eventually.”

  This was crazy. Nothing was going like she’d told herself it would. Emotionally off balance, she curled her toes in an attempt to keep from bolting.

  “All right,” she said. “Show me.”

  His attention flicked to the window to his right. It had to be the lighting and her nerves, but for a moment she swore she was seeing a predator instead of a human. This creature would stalk and capture and control.

  She was still trying to shake off the crazy thought when he charged. He grabbed her around the waist and pushed her back and off her feet. She landed on her ass on the couch.

  “What the hell!” She reached for his neck but, before she could dig her fingers into his throat, if that had been her intention, he flipped her so she was sprawled the length of the couch on her belly and planted his knee against the base of her spine.

  More disbelieving than terrified, she wrenched her head to the side so she could breathe. He was so close she saw only a blur. His weight bore down on her, making it impossible for her to do more than flex her knees. Her right arm was caught between her body and the couch back but, maybe, if she tried hard enough, she could grab his cock with her left and inflict—


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