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Llithan, a Rhu trader boy
Loayn, Senior Realmfleet Midshipman, NavBase
Marff, brain techneer, student Automagica Realm University
Maud of the Kell, Queen, twins’ grandmother
Mhann, Captain Ni-M 498 corvette
Mother, the old leader of the Keni-Arroo tribe, Kau’s World
Nate Harwans, Odysson’s father
Ney, Assistant, student Magriculture, Realm University
Norrol, Captain, Exec 3rd Fleet Base
Noya, Elementalist, with Kambisha
Odysson Harwans, Grand Trader
Ogmond, Captain CL-A 97 corvette
Oitec, Major (BP), Operator Search & Rescue Base 13
Holyn, Healer Mindmage, with Kyrus
Ortheus the Magnificent (BP) Operator BES Studio
Perceptor, Lord (D) pre-quake head of Realm University
Qanan, Prince of Sashuni, of Tamyas’ crew
Ram of the Kell, marine lieutenant No-R 77 (Hallar of the M’Odayr)
Ranlarn, Scienteer, Head of Mathemagics, Polymatech
Rowert the Stargazer, Mage, at Kalbakar Keep
Saqq, a Dregh trader
S-Az (AI BP), Operator SA-113, Kyrus’ Flagship
Seffild, Captain (BP), Operator 3rd Fleet Base
Shaw Harwans, Trader Magnate, Odysson’s mother
Six, an amnesiac castaway
Tamyas, Captain, a Firstworld tramp skipper
Taraha, Lector Emeritus (BP), Operator Realm University
Technor, Lord, Director Polymatech
Thigor, Trade Lord of House Thigor, a Rhu trader
Thon, Healer, with Kyrus
Tollen (AI), Operator Tollen Reserve Base
Ulaataq of the White Shore Clan, Kambisha’s tutor
Unnaerd, Flag Captain Lin-Gor 9
Valluur, Colonel (BP), Operator Fleet Academy
Varan Lomillor, Overcaptain, Ruler of the Chorwaynies
Verrythers, Senior Motivator, a Realm University mentor
Waell, Recruit-Major, cadet-in-command, Fleet Academy
Wanei, Prince of Sashuni, of Tamyas’ crew
Willoder, Captain Fr-R 6 frigate, 3rd Fleet Base
Yarwan, Commodore (Ret.); Lord Basil’s husband
Zorade, Chief Senior Realmfleet Midshipwoman, NavBase
Zvalarh, Admiral, imaginary Moi
A-Bu 4, frigate (one of the first, historical, sister ship to A-Din)
A-Di 14, frigate (Polymatech/Entrallen)
Aw-F 58, corvette (Lost Fleet)
Bq-E 501 corvette (NavBase)
Bu-Ba 47, frigate (captured Saeill, ex-DRegh)
Cl-A 97, corvette (Lost Fleet) Capt. Ogmond
D-Barr 48, frigate (captured, ex-Dregh)
Do-T 99, frigate (Lost Fleet) Captain Henor
Fr-R 6, frigate, DESTROYED 3rd Fleet
Ja-P 18, frigate (Lost Fleet)
Lin-Gor 9, battlecruiser (Emma) Flagship Kambisha
Ma-T 12, frigate (Lost Fleet) Captain Jenson
Ni-M 498 corvette (NavBase) Capt. Mhann
Nin-Y 7, dreadnought (Rotez) (Pikarran 3 Fleet Base Border Patrol)
No-R 77, frigate (No-R) Captain Joff
Nu-R 56, frigate (Lost Fleet) Captain Loayn
Oi-T 84, corvette (Lost Fleet)
Po-D 499 corvette (NavBase)
Pta-Gor 8, battlecruiser (Aharte)
Ra-V 497 corvette (NavBase) Captain Worrol
Ra-V 502 corvette (NavBase)
S-Az 113, cruiser (S-Az) Flagship Kyrus
Sh-Q 500 corvette (NavBase)
T-Dor 22, cruiser (captured Tarrik, ex-Dregh)
Tech-Lab 3, tech ship (Lost Fleet)
Tran 5, transporter (drifting)
Tri-Nat 4, battlecruiser (DESTROYED)
Uin-Gor 2, battlecruiser (Ollianth) Flagship; RAdm Kayens
U-Rac 204, scout ship (Lost Fleet)
W-Shu 37, cruiser (captured Tarrik, ex-Dregh)
Y-Tuc 376, scout ship (drifting, Dregh battle)
Z-Ha 67, frigate (Lost Fleet)
BES Studio (Orheus the Magnificent)
Darliene Variables Mining Operation (AI)
Entrallen 5 Research Station (AI)
Firstworld HQ (ER-HQ 1, AI)
Flor 3, Realmport (Manager Gunhild)
Kau’s World 3, Fleet Academy (Col. Valluur, RMar)
Koopal 3, trade post Rimrock’s moon (Gloria)
Krogond 2, Realm Library (Librarian + AI Assistant)
NavBase (General Cruishand)
Outpost 312 (Dolleen)
Outpost 748 (Kondar)
Realm University (Lector Emeritus Taraha)
Outpost 1148, Realmfleet Outpost (Major Athelstan, REng)
Rhutarq 5, Brain Laboratories, (Lead Designer Laiisse)
S&R 13, Search and Rescue base (Major Oitec, RMar)
Shan 4, Fleet Base 8th Fleet (Captain Atharn, RN)
Son 4, starship yard (Foreman Eycus and 6 AI)
Tollen 4 (AI), Fleet Reserve Base
Zimwuel 2, the Polymatech Institute (Scienteer Cury)
Aera, Sky Goddess Zvaen, God of Air
Bodrus, the Allfather Lodastra, the Allmother
Chanoona, Goddess of Inland Waters Rir, God of Cosmic Dust
Chottapan, Sea God Irynach, Goddess of Space
Demetea, Goddess of the Wild Things Tyrror, God of Alien Beasts
Gathea, Nature, the Mother Hochin, Universe, the Father
Gorm & Otha, the Siblings of Battle Helan & Dotte, the Twins of Peace
Kallianura, Defender of the Home Spittall, Master of the Garden
Lumentis, God of Knowledge Thara, Goddess of Wisdom
Ratla, Mother of Thieves Kork, Father of Fences
Tenaaz, God of Trade Pekonna, Goddess of Profit
Thi-a-Yuuk, Great Grandmother Ice Tha-a-Zeek, Great Grandfather Snow
Zenyunthalata, God of the Lands Otlas, Goddess of Planets