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Catching Fire: Educating Ellie (Billionaire Romance Series Book 1)

Page 11

by T. N. King

  Morgan didn’t look convinced. “You will let me know if there is anything bothering you? Anything I can do to—”

  She leaned forward and cut off his words with a kiss to his yummy lips. The man was gorgeous, kind, and sweet. She kissed him deeply.

  Morgan tightened his free hand into a fist as he let her direct the kiss and took what she gave him.

  Ellie moaned into his mouth as his flavor set her on fire. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close. It was glorious, kissing a man with all your might, like you wanted to since you first saw him. Then he growled into her mouth, or nearly so. Her eyes popped open to gaze into molten steel. OH! She was revving him up when she had made him promise to not seduce her. Wasn’t that what she was doing right this very minute? She pulled her mouth from his and breathed heavily. “I-I’m sorry.” She pulled away and scooted further from him in the seat.

  His expression looked intense, like almost angry.

  At least that was her view of him.

  He took a deep breath and unfurled his fists. “Why are you sorry?”

  Ellie shrugged. “I shouldn’t have kissed you like that. It might be misleading.”

  He looked stunned for a second and then leaned his head back on the seat and laughed.

  His laughter startled her and she jumped a little in her seat. “W-what is so funny?” she asked.

  He swiped at his tears. “It did lead me to places that were–visions of you the night we…” He took a deep breath. “Dammit, Ellie. I think we both just need to relax, okay? We are too wound up.”

  She nodded. Hell yes, we are! I am wound up and wet. She grinned at him. “I will be calm now. I promise.”

  He smiled back at her.

  “Sir?” A voice came over the speaker behind Ellie.

  She turned and stared at where the voice had come from.

  “Yes, Frank?” Morgan replied.

  “We are now at the tarmac.”

  “Okay.” Morgan looked over at Ellie.

  “Tarmac?” she asked, though she almost knew what this meant.

  Nodding, Morgan replied, “Yes the jet, remember?”

  Her eyes widened. Oh, god. The second panic attack was fast approaching. What do I do?

  He stared at her face. “What do you mean? You just get on it with me.”

  Oh, she had said that aloud? She took a deep calming breath and closed her eyes. Count to 50. One, two, three—

  “Ellie?’ Morgan called to her.

  Her eyes opened. “Yes, Morgan?” she answered in the calmest simulated voice she could muster.

  “Are you feeling ill?”

  Shaking her head, she let out a sigh. “No, it’s just the excitement, you know? I mean flying is always nerve wracking, right?”

  He studied her face. “You have never flown, have you?”

  Oh there! It was out. Now, play this off. She shrugged. Lying had always been a foreign thing to her. Her dad had always said lies led to cheating, and cheating led to stealing and—

  Morgan grasped both her hands in his. “I promise I will be right there with you and it will be okay.”

  She stared into his steady gaze. Get a grip, Ellie. This man has seen two panic attacks within ten minutes out of you! What kind of crazy do you think he sees in you? She nodded and calmed. “Okay.”

  He beamed at her. Then the door opened revealing the driver. Morgan nodded at him and tugged her across the seat.

  Allowing him to just lead her, she realized she would just give everything over to him. Let go and allow it all to happen. Just like on her trip to the falls with her dad.

  They walked to the little set of stairs and Morgan carefully led her up and into the jet.

  Ellie gazed around. Wow! It was huge inside. She spotted a bar, a lounge, couches. It was bigger than any plane she could imagine. She sniffed the air. Food?

  Morgan led her to the couch and sat her down. He chuckled. “Yes, we are going to have dinner on the plane.”

  She suddenly did feel hungry. Of course, the delicious scents in the air had probably done that to her.

  Morgan leaned over and tapped a button on the table. “We are in and ready.”

  “Yes, sir,” a voice replied.

  The plane door closed up and the engines started.

  Ellie jumped a little at the sound.

  Morgan patted her hand and soothed, “I am right here. No worries.”

  She gazed up at him, then could feel the plane taxing. Her heart pounded in her ears and the sounds around her seemed odd, as the plane must have lifted from the ground. “OH!” she yelled.

  Morgan gasped at her shout, then pulled her up on his lap and planted his mouth over hers.

  Ellie fought for breath and for a moment, she fought his embrace.

  He was so much stronger than her and his arms were like steel bands. He held her in place and kissed her hard.

  The kiss finally permeated her brain and her body as she melted into him and allowed him to take her breath away—take her fear away. She felt like as they rose from the earth, her body rose too, by the headiness he was taking her to. She then leaned in as close as she could get and let him kiss her however, he wanted.

  Morgan seemed to know when she finally relaxed and he slowed the kiss to nibble at her lower lip.

  The plane steadied and now, Ellie couldn’t tell they were even flying.

  Pulling his mouth from hers, he rested his forehead against her head. “Okay, now?”

  She nodded and let out a sigh, feeling safe and protected in his large arms.

  Then after a few minutes, he grunted.

  She raised her head up to look at him.

  He looked troubled. “I love holding you, but I am not relaxed if you get my meaning.” He motioned his head downward.

  Puzzled, Ellie gazed down and realized he meant he was hard under her lap. “Oh!” She tried to move.

  He still held her with an iron grip. “Wait just a moment.”

  The plane then seemed to dip. And she leaned forward against him again.

  He laughed as he held her. “I was waiting for that, we needed to level out.” He pulled back. “All will be calm now, okay?”

  She gazed into his eyes and nodded.

  Now, he lifted her up and set her on the luxurious couch. “Do you think you can eat yet?” he asked softly.

  “I-I think so.”

  He smiled at her, leaned over, and tapped a button. “You can serve now.” Then before he did anything else, he seemed to try to adjust his slacks.

  Ellie couldn’t help it, she giggled.

  He slowly turned his gaze to her. “Something amusing?”

  She nodded her head and let out a huge laugh.

  His eyes narrowed at her. That grey color turned to a dark charcoal again.

  Halting her laughter, she admitted, “You are not alone. I will now have to change my—my panties.”

  His eyes widened for a second. “Really?”

  She nodded. “It was not from peeing myself with fear either.”

  He suddenly looked gratified as he chuckled. “Well, at least it isn’t just me.”

  Ellie said nothing, but she so knew…It was ALL him that had caused it. She chose to leave the subject alone.

  A steward served them dinner. It was Chicken Cordon bleu, Morgan had informed her. He dismissed the man and poured her a glass of wine, then served her the best dinner she had so far with him. Well—no, the dinner in his suite would never be topped, no matter what she was served. This thought Ellie kept to herself as well. It wouldn’t be fair to keep revving the poor man up. She had requested he go slow, and it wasn’t fair if she pushed at his gears by teasing him.


  They arrived at the hotel fairly late at night. When Ellie stepped in, she stopped and gazed around. This hotel was twice as large and more opulent than the one in Philly. With a huge glass gold chandelier, red carpeting and lush sofas everywhere. This time, she looked around to see people that were laugh
ing and chatting and they did seem to be on vacation. She took a deep breath and allowed Morgan to tug her along.

  He hadn’t let go of her hand, the entire time. When he said he would comfort her and protect her…the man had meant it.

  She then remembered what Joanna had said. Wedding. Would that be what he did? Take care of her and protect her. Make her feel safe and loved. Ellie rolled her yes. Look who is getting ahead of themselves!

  They were ushered up to the penthouse at the top, of course.

  The bell boy asked about luggage and Morgan laughed. He took out a hundred dollar bill from his pocket and handed it to him. “It is all in the suites.”

  The young kid stared at the bill in his hand. “Thank you sir!”

  Ellie had watched. She used to be, or still was in the service industry and she knew this feeling. She gave the kid a bright smile. While with Morgan, she knew she would see this type of thing a lot, so she’d better act like it was nothing. Just like he did.

  Morgan again, took a hold of her hand and led her inside.

  She gaped. It made the one in Philly look like a studio apartment. This was—looked like a house! Her steps halted.

  Morgan stopped with her and looked at her. “You okay?”

  “Umm, yes. But is this just one suite? I mean it is both right?”

  He grinned and led her across the marble floors, past the couches, the gold plated lamps and tables, then through past a full kitchen, to a hall.

  “This is like a house!” she blurted out.

  He laughed. “Yes, I suppose they made it to feel that way.” He stopped at door in the hallway, then tapped the screen with a few numbers. It clicked open and he tugged her inside. “This is your suite.”

  Halting again, she stared around. It was gorgeous. She kept trying to look around but he kept pulling her forward and in past another kitchen, a Jacuzzi, plus a gym room, then to a door. “This is your bedroom.” He opened the door.

  The room looked huge inside as big even as her entire brand new apartment. Velvet blankets on a canopy princess bed. Her mouth popped open.

  Morgan chuckled and placed his fingers under her chin, closing her mouth. “Then here is the best part.” He walked over to a double set of doors and pulled them open.

  Stepping forward in a bit of a daze, she peeked in. Again, her jaw went slack.

  A closet, but not just a closet. It was like a huge fitting room; with rows and rows of dresses, outfits, shoe, hats, clutches and a make-up table. It was an entire room almost the same size as the bedroom. “It’s like they put a Macey’s inside a hotel suite!”

  Morgan grinned at her. “Yeah, I suppose.”

  She swung her gaze back over to him. “Is this where you…” Her voice hushed and she regretted the start of the question as soon as it left her mouth.

  “Where I what?”

  Shaking her head, she refused to finish.

  He stepped closer. “Where I take my women?” he finished for her.

  Her gaze rose up to his.

  “No. This is provided for Hunt’s executives. This is the female’s suite.”

  She let out a breath. “It isn’t any of my business, really.”

  Morgan grabbed her hands and ducked to catch her gaze. “It is now. Let me say first, that with you in my life, there will be no other women, woman, or female besides you.”

  Her eyes rose to meet his. “Why?”

  Looking puzzled, Morgan shook his head. “Why what?”

  “Am I enough? Why do you even want me?” There, she said it. It is out there now. The burning question she’d had since she met him.

  Stepping into her body, he wrapped his arms around her. “Because I realized something.”


  “There is only one Ellie White in the world and she will be mine.” His voice had gone low and seemed to carry a vow.

  Ellie felt stunned. He really thought she was this rare person? Why? These answers he gave, just added more questions in her mind.

  He sighed and stepped back. “Now, it has been a long day and despite the short flight, you probably will feel jet lag. So, if you wish take a bath or shower and climb into your canopy bed.”

  Ellie smiled up at him. “It is a princess bed.” She giggled.

  He raised his brows and looked over at it. “Well, it is appropriate for you to sleep in then.” He lowered his mouth to hers and gave her a sweet kiss.

  Ellie wrapped her arms around his neck and gave into his kiss.

  Morgan never put his tongue in her mouth though. He raised his head and stepped back. “Temptation Ellie.” His eyes looked dark again.

  Nodding her head, she sighed.

  “In the morning, a woman will be here. She is the fashion consultant. She will help you get ready for the ball. She’s the best in her business.”

  Ellie blinked. “A what? You mean you hired someone to make me over?” Her chest tightened. Did he think she wasn’t good enough to be seen with, just like she secretly believed?

  His eyes widened as he realized what she might think. “No, no sweetness. Not a makeover. Just to help you with choosing the shoes, doing your hair, you know…” He again, stepped close and grabbed her arms. “I like you the way you are and in fact, I forbade her on very much makeup. Your skin glows all by itself.”

  Ellie felt bad for getting the wrong idea…again. And she now felt stupid again. “Okay.”

  He stepped away, then he turned back to her. “Do you have your phone?”

  She raised her small purse. “Right here.”

  He nodded looking pleased. “Keep it with you. If you need anything no matter the time, you call my number.”

  “Okay, Morgan. Good night.”

  He nodded once and left through the door.

  Ellie looked around. “OH. MY. GOD.” She stared at it all. Yes, a bath! She looked around and saw another set of doors. Opening them, she stepped in. “What the fu…”

  The room had a huge shower, marble tiling, two sinks, and a counter longer than the one at the diner. Then she stepped across the marble floor to stare at it. A garden tub, but it was the size of a small swimming pool. “Oh, hell yeah!” She immediately started to tug her clothes off and stepped toward while mesmerized. It’s like in those movies, where everyone just took swim in one tub.

  She wondered if she should dive in? Shaking her head, she said aloud, “No more bad ideas, Ellie.” She laughed and stepped in. It was the perfect temperature. Ellie laughed loudly and floated around like a little girl swimming for the first time.


  He forced himself to walk out of her suite and down the hall. He was showing her he had restraint. But he was barely holding it together. Damn, she just got more beautiful by the minute. Then his protective instincts kicked in during the plane ride, then they didn’t let up all the way here.

  Now, Morgan remembered that porcelain doll ideal, her image had conjured up the very first minute he saw her face after pulling her from the fire. Like she needed protection. He let out a sigh. What? You are her knight or some shit? He felt stupid over it. But he also knew he couldn’t seem to help it. It was the way she affected him. He walked through his suite and divested himself of his suit, tie, jacket, shoes and just left a thoughtless trail of garments behind him as he headed for the shower.

  He wanted this trip to be perfect and he would even protect her from himself, if he had to. That was why he’d left her so abruptly, just now. He didn’t trust himself not to strip her bare and take her in that bed, on the floor, in the huge tub, he knew was in that monstrous bathroom.

  He stepped into his hot shower, then gazed down at his rock hard cock. It had remained this way for the last four hours. He’d better take care of it, so he could act right around her. It shouldn’t be too difficult, all he needed to do was grab a hold of it. He did so. Then picture Ellie on her knees with his cock in her mouth as she came when he did. His strokes sped up as he remembered this event, it was the hottest blow job he’d ever ha
d and by a slip of a girl with no experience, he remembered her sweet mouth, and how she’d swallowed him clean. Just sucked him down, like his cock was something she needed and yearned to have. His strokes were more rapid now as he braced his hand on the shower wall. “Ellie…” he grunted as he came all over the shower wall while panting.

  Morgan lowered his head and let the warm water wash his cares away and his ejaculation. Dammit. Jacking off, because he’s messed up by leaving her that morning. He’d assumed he was done with her. He’d assumed that she was just any other woman. He’d assumed wrong. Ellie could have been right here in this shower as he fucked her up against the tile, but he’d made a mistake.

  He would have that and more though. He never lost a deal. Never.



  A voice woke her. She laid very still. Who is that?

  “Miss White?’

  There it was again, and no one called her Miss White. At the diner, it was sweetie, sugar, darling and Ellie. Never Miss White. Ellie opened her eyes.

  A tall woman stood over her, and she smiled. “Coffee?” She pushed a tray up to the side of the bed. Then gracefully, she stepped back seeming to wait for a response.

  Ellie shook her head in confusion and sat up. “W-what? Are you room service?”

  The woman laughed. It was like a musical sound. “No, my dear. I am Miss Petra.”

  Ellie rubbed her eyes and yawned. “I am sorry. I’m just—?”

  “Lovely!” the woman supplied.

  Ellie blinked her eyes. “Sorry. What?”

  The woman stepped forward and lifted the silver coffee pot then gracefully poured a cup. “You are simply lovely and I can now see why Mr. Hunt said no or little make up. Why that would ruin your complexion!” She glanced up. “Cream, sugar?”

  It now dawned on Ellie now who this was. “Oh yes, both.”

  The woman nodded. “Three lumps?”


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