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Blocker (Seattle Sharks Book 5)

Page 21

by Samantha Whiskey

  They obeyed, a hush so quiet falling over it that we could hear someone’s stomach growling a few seats over.

  He paced the stage a couple times, his heavy boots clunking against the floor with each pass. Then, he stopped only a few feet from the long table that sat before us and brought the mic to his mask covered face.

  “Apologies for not being the real Iron Man, folks,” the man said, his voice muffled from the mask. “But there is an urgent matter that only a hero can attend to.”

  The crowd went wild again, and even I couldn’t stop the small grin that shaped my lips. This was intriguing and fun and…my heart sank. I wished Eric was here.

  “But,” he continued when it fell quiet again. “I spoke with the real Iron Man, and he was completely on board for this. So, not only is RDJ a legend. He’s a real hero.”

  Another round of applause.

  “There is someone in this audience,” he continued. “Someone here that is unbelievably special to me.”

  An aww ran through the crowd and even though it stung I glanced over my shoulder, scanning the audience for the lucky girl that was about to be beautifully mortified.

  “She’s funny and smart and strong and…” his voice trailed for a moment as if he needed the seconds to breathe. “She’s my world. The Pepper to my Iron Man.”

  That got him another round of awws and squeals from nearly every girl.

  All except for me.

  Because while that was super cute and awesome for whoever this girl was…it cut through me with memories I was having a hard time surviving.

  “And we were recently met with a challenge,” he said, something in that voice nagging the back of my mind. Like I’d heard it. Maybe it was a different actor? Someone from another movie?

  “A villain even we couldn’t withstand.” He dropped his head for a moment before looking back at the crowd. His masked gaze swept in our direction. “Timing. On occasion, timing can be the biggest villain of all.”

  I glanced at Ivy, who had tears…actual tears rolling down her cheeks. I leaned to her ear. “Are you okay?”

  She rolled her eyes and waved me off.

  I mean, I know this guy was going above and beyond swoon-worthy, but holy hell, she was crying.

  “But that is the thing about challenges and villains,” he continued, dropping to one knee on the edge of the stage, earning a sweet gasp from nearly half the room. “Heroes don’t run from them. Or cower from them. They face them. And they always get the girl.” He turned his other hand over, revealing a small black box.

  Great, now a fairytale proposal is happening right in front of my shredded soul.

  I tried so damn hard not to be jealous.

  Jealous of the woman whose life was about to change.

  Jealous of the woman who clearly snagged the perfect man because only perfection could pull this off.

  Jealous of their happily ever after.

  “And I’m really hoping I get the girl,” he said. “Because I want to spend the rest of my life with her.”

  He set the mic down.

  And took off his mask.

  And the world shifted beneath my feet like the sudden swell of the sea.

  “Eric?” I whispered in the stunning quiet, suddenly gripping Ivy’s arm so hard she yelped.

  His green eyes focused on mine like he’d known exactly where I was this entire time. Love and hope and a little bit of fear coated those eyes.

  I couldn’t breathe.

  The whole time…he was talking about…me?

  That was my Iron Man on stage.

  Eric scooped up the mic again. “Pepper,” he said, his voice clear and filling my soul so much it ached. “I know it’s only been six months, but I knew from the first moment I saw you…you were it. I knew it before I knew your name. I knew it when you sat next to me during my first Marvel movie—” the crowd went nuts. “—and I knew it after our first kiss.” He took a deep breath, the massive suit moving with his chest. “And I know we’ve hit a roadblock, but…” he shrugged. “I’m ready to gamble my forever if you are. Because I can’t live without you.” He held up the ring, a nervous smile on his lips. “Marry me?”

  I gaped at him and then at Ivy, who was knowingly smiling and crying.

  Well, that explained a lot.

  The hole in my chest burned and ached with the possibility in front of me. With the stark realization that he was with me.

  My hero, on the same page, on the same wavelength.

  And despite all the odds stacked against us…he’d shown up…and defied them.

  I bolted off my chair, leaping onto the stage, the bouncer allowing me through like he’d known who I was the whole time too.

  Eric was on his feet in seconds, staring down at me, his eyes wide and hopeful.

  “Yes,” I said, breathless. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Tears coated my eyes as he reached for me, capturing my mouth with his. The kiss healing the pain inside, mending what I’d broken.

  I laughed against his mouth as the rubber and plastic from the suit pinched my soft curves when he’d pressed me against it.

  “Sorry,” he said and slipped the ring on my finger. It was a solid gold band and instead of a diamond, a ruby sat in its center. “Too much?” he asked.

  “It’s perfect,” I said, truly meaning it. He knew me better than anyone had ever known me. I kissed him again, wild and hungry, damning the suit and the crowd.

  The crowd.

  I waited for the mortification at being on display in front of so many people, but it didn’t come. Nothing could touch the bliss running through my veins.

  Well, almost nothing.

  “What about Dad,” I said, my shoulders falling.

  A smirk shaped his lips. “I asked him first,” he said.

  I gasped.

  “Ivy helped.” He motioned to where she sat, her hands clamped on top of her chest, that same tear-stained grin on her face.

  “Ohmygod,” I said, more tears coating my eyes. “This is really happening, then? You’re mine?”

  A shudder ran through him and he tucked me into his side. “Yes,” he said. “And you’re mine.” He lifted the mic, our conversation private before. “She said yes!”

  The audience cheered and clapped, and I smiled shyly out at them, half hiding my face behind Eric’s suit.

  Then the crowd went really nuts.

  Like, fangirls takeover the world nuts.

  I turned my gaze to see who they were screaming for…

  And about fainted.

  “Actually,” the man said, eyeing Eric then the crowd. “Doesn’t Pepper technically belong to me?”

  Every single person laughed at that, including Eric and me, even as we nodded and slowly descended from the stage. Bowing and smiling at his congratulations.

  Eric tugged us through a set of doors near the front of the room, just off the stage, and then through another, until we were in a closet-sized room.

  He didn’t waste time, this time claiming my mouth with all the love and hunger and none of the restraint.

  “I love you,” he said between my lips.

  “I love you,” I gasped back. Every nerve in my body stood at attention, burning for him, his touch, the taste of him in my mouth. “I’m sorry,” I said between kisses. “I’m so freaking sorry.”

  “Don’t,” he said, stopping me. “Wait, let me get out of this suit,” he said, practically growling when he had to break contact.

  “What…how did you pull this off?” I asked as he took off so many pieces to the elaborate costume.

  “I may have promised a few autographs,” he said, smirking as he shed the last pieces, leaving him in Under Armour tights and top. “And a few season passes.”

  My mouth went dry at the sight of him. The tight fabric hugged every inch of his body—his toned legs, his carved abs, the broad chest, and…every considerable inch of him.

  Slowly, he stepped toward me, until my back was against the door and
his tall frame towered over me. He caged me in with his arms, his forehead against mine.

  “I couldn’t stand another second away from you,” he whispered.

  “I’m so sorry—”

  He covered my mouth with his, shaking his head.

  “Don’t,” he said again. “I know everything. Why you did it.” He kissed me again, too fast, before pulling away. “I’ve never had anyone love me that much, Pepper. And I’m prepared to show you every day for the rest of your life just how damn much I love you.”

  I flung my arms around his neck, locking my ankles around his hips as he hefted me to his eye level.

  “My hero,” I said with all the muster and cheese I could possess.

  He laughed against my mouth. “At your service.”

  I rocked my hips against what I could easily feel through his tights.

  A low growl rumbled in his chest. “Pepper,” he said, sighing as he clutched my hips. “Don’t you want to go see the panel?” He asked the question through clenched teeth as I continued my slow rock. “Iron Man,” he continued. “He’s your favorite.”


  I was a fangirl.

  And on any other day, I would’ve sat in that front-row-seat and watched RDJ do his thing with my mouth gaping open.

  But not today.

  Not after what I’d done to us.

  “You’re my favorite,” I said, rolling my hips against his.

  He kissed up my neck until he claimed my mouth again. His tongue sweeping in, flicking and teasing all the right spots. Stealing my breath.

  “Besides,” I said, arching my head back so he could kiss my chest. “There is always next year.”

  He jerked his head up, his eyes locking with mine as realization clicked into place.

  “Because we have forever,” he said, grinning.

  I smiled.

  “Forever,” I said before kissing him again.

  And then I wrapped my arms around my world and held on tight.



  Two weeks later

  The party was in full swing by seven p.m.

  Maybe it wasn’t a giant mansion like Gage’s or a swanky loft like Rory’s, but our new townhouse was perfect for us.

  Then again, everything about being married to Pepper was perfect. And maybe it was the whole newlywed thing. Or the great sex thing. Or the infatuation that came from being utterly and completely blissed out. Either way, I’d never been more in love with the gorgeous blonde in the blue dress.

  “I love you, Mrs. Gentry,” I whispered in her ear as I came up behind her.

  She startled but settled into my touch.

  “I love you, Mr. Gentry,” she replied, turning so I could brush a kiss across her lips.

  “Happy Housewarming!” Ivy said, carrying a bottle of champagne over her head as she walked into our foyer, ending our kiss.

  “Hey!” Pepper grabbed her sister into a hug. “I’m so glad you came!”

  “Me, too?” Asked Coach Harris as he came in behind her.

  Sure, he’d agreed to let me marry Pepper, and kept me on the Sharks, but I hadn’t given him much of a choice. I was a top goalie, my contract had been signed, and we were seated to start the Stanley Cup playoffs in three weeks.

  Just like he’d forced Pepper’s hand, I’d forced his.

  “Of course, Dad,” Pepper said, giving him an awkward one-armed hug.



  “Guess we haven’t quite reached the Dad and Son titles, yet, huh?” Ivy joked.

  It fell flat as Coach and I stared at each other.

  “So this is awkward,” Ivy rocked back on her heels.

  “Ivy!” Hannah shouted, running into the foyer in her pink party dress.

  “Hannah Banana!” Ivy answered, handing the champagne to Pepper and scooping up Hannah. “The dress is perfect on you!”

  “Thank you for buying it for me.” She kicked out her feet. “Uncle Connor bought me new shoes, too!” She showed off her new pink Vaans.

  “So he did,” Ivy sang with a smile. “Let’s go find him, shall we?”

  “Right here,” Connor answered from the doorway.

  “Seriously, do you not understand dress shoes?” she hissed, dragging Connor into the party.

  “What? She said pink ballet flats. I got her pink shoes that are flat.”

  “Not the same!”

  They disappeared into the party, leaving the three of us in an uncomfortable silence.

  “Glad to see they’re still at each other’s throats,” Pepper muttered.

  “I don’t see that changing,” Coach answered, tugging on his tie.

  Pepper had wanted something on the more formal side, so I’d agreed. She’d said something about showing that we were good adults. I would have rather hung out in a tee shirt, but I lived to make her happy, so my hair was tied back and my neck was strangled by Hermes silk.

  “Look, I know we haven’t had a lot of heart to hearts, since…”

  “Since you blackmailed me into dumping my husband?” Pepper answered with a smile.

  “Hey, he wasn’t your husband at that point.”

  “Semantics,” I answered. “But we get your point. And baby, he did give me permission to marry you.” I looped my arm around her waist and pulled her tight against me. In just a few hours, this house would be empty and I’d be able to slide my hands right up her thighs and taste her orgasm on my tongue.

  Fuck, how long was this party?

  “I did,” Coach answered. “Which is why I’m stepping the hell out of my daughters’ lives,” he laughed.

  “Oh really?” Pepper teased.

  “Yeah, you think I ever want Ivy coming at me married just so she can date someone?” He shook his head. “I’m glad you two are working out, but that girl is never going to settle down, and you both know it. I’d rather she date every player on the Sharks than marry the wrong guy. You, Gentry, I know are the right guy for Pepper, so don’t get all testy with me.”

  Hell yes, I was.

  “So, I’m saying I’m sorry. I was wrong. I shouldn’t have interfered or made you feel like you had to choose. And I should have done a better job balancing my obligations as a coach and my love for you as a father,” he said directly to Pepper. “I’m just glad you were both certain enough to fight for what you have.”

  “Me too,” Pepper said.

  “Me three.” Sure, I was pissed at the guy, but it had all been done out of a misguided sense of love.


  We nodded, and he ended the awkwardness with a smile. “Guess I’ll go check out this new house of yours.”

  We stood in the foyer, and Pepper looped her arms around my neck.

  “I’ll always fight for you,” she promised.

  “I’ll always protect you. You and your heart,” I vowed before kissing her long and deep. Our tongues met and tangled, and it wasn’t long until I had my hands on her ass, lifting her for a better angle.

  “Stop molesting your wife, Gentry! No one needs a peep show!” Lukas called out from the doorway, his arm around yet another woman.

  I stared him down.

  “What? Did I say it wrong?”

  “Nope,” I answered, “that one you got exactly right.”

  He gave me a grin and disappeared with his flavor of the evening.

  “I can’t wait to get you alone later,” I growled in my wife’s ear.

  My wife. Mine. She had my last name, my heart, my future, everything.

  She was my everything.

  “Me, either,” she said, nipping my ear. “I have to ask, though…”


  “Do you still happen to have that Iron Man costume lying around? Because I definitely have a couple fantasies to fulfill.”

  Her smile was heart-stopping.

  I laughed. God, this woman would keep me on my toes.

  “Yeah. I think we can make that happen.”

  Because I’d make her every dream come true...the same way she had mine.

  The Seattle Sharks Have Bite!

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  Thank you to my incredible husband and my awesome kids without which I would live a super boring life!

  Huge thanks must be paid to these amazing authors who have always offered epic advice and constant support! Not to mention creating insanely hot reads to pass the time with!

  And thank you to each and every single one of you AMAZING readers who love the Sharks as much as I do!

  About the Author

  Samantha Whiskey is a wife, mom, lover of her dogs and romance novels. No stranger to hockey, hot alpha males, and a high dose of awkwardness, she tucks herself away to write books her PTA will never know about.

  The Crown Sneak Peek

  If you enjoy the Seattle Sharks series, you may enjoy my Modern Day Fairytale Romance series! Turn the page to read the first chapter of THE CROWN!

  The Crown—Prologue


  How the hell was this happening?

  Six months ago I’d been in New York, arguing a human rights case in front of the United Nations. Then the call came, and my entire life turned upside down.

  I drew a shaky breath as they slid the last piece of marble in place, effectively sealing my father’s coffin in the tomb. It was as if my lungs had simply forgotten how to function since he died almost two weeks if I didn’t know how to breathe in a world where he couldn’t.

  I was twenty-eight years old and drowning in a sea of regret. Had I learned enough from him? Had I listened when he’d asked? Done as he’d wanted? Why hadn’t I spent more time here in the last few years? The cancer had been quick—both a mercy and the worst case scenario, and though he’d told me his soul was ready to leave this life, mine was anything but ready to let him go.


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