Book Read Free

Death & Co.

Page 18

by D. J. McCune

  He’d never really been into dance music. Luc loved it – but then Luc’s music sounded like a drug-crazed woodpecker beating on metal pipes while apocalyptic sirens wailed in the background. Every time Adam heard it he felt like his eyeballs were going to start melting and running down his face.

  This music was different. It was fast but the beats and sounds and voices were merging and looping, rising higher, then falling low. Tentatively Adam began to dance. He felt awkward at first but gradually he realised that no one was paying any attention to him. Eyes closed, he let the music surround him and engulf him, until in a strange way the music and the dancing became the same.

  He wasn’t sure how long he had danced for when the music changed, becoming more trance-like. There was a roar of approval from the crowd and he joined in. More people were moving towards the dance floor, pushing and pressing. Adam found himself being swept along by a wave of bodies. Lights pulsed and swirled and dry ice hissed out, filling the room with a haze, softening the shapes and colours. Adam felt a simple, uncomplicated happiness.

  Over the beats and bass a woman’s voice rose, clear and crystalline, and the lights died, plunging the room into darkness until white strobes shattered everything, almost blinding Adam. Everything slowed down. He stared mesmerised as the figures around him transformed into puppets, faces transported, smiling or frowning with concentration.

  At that moment the bodies shifted and a figure appeared in front of him, recognisable but still far away across the crowd. Melissa was moving towards him, the lights turning her into a series of strobe-like photographs, her eyes wide and bright, smiling, her skin as luminous as her dress. She was dancing not walking, and Adam watched as she raised one pale arm towards the ceiling, fingers stretching, hand angled like a ballerina. She was frozen for just a second and then the moment was gone. Every strobe brought her closer until one final flash of white brought her face almost to Adam’s. He stood still. He could smell sweat and perfume, feeling her breath faintly. She stretched a little towards him, smiling and his chest was doing something strange, expanding and contracting at the same time …

  And then a hand seized his shoulder and pulled him round. He pivoted on one foot, stumbling and almost falling until his captor saved him. The lights changed, returning to the same bright flashes of colour, the music speeding up and all around him people were moving like a vast flock of birds. He stared up bewildered and to his horror he was no longer looking at Melissa. He was looking at Michael Bulber.

  Chapter 17

  The Beast’s face was twisted with rage but he was trying to smile. ‘You’re having a laugh, aren’t you? Bringing Melissa here right in front of me. So now I’m going to sort you out once and for all. I don’t know what you did in the alley but I don’t think you’re going to want to try it here.’ His fingers tightened on Adam’s shoulders, digging in painfully. ‘I told you to leave her alone.’

  Adam felt a surge of despair. Was Michael Bulber never going to get the message? How could he persuade the Beast that he wasn’t trying to annoy him? He just kept managing to do it by accident! Things had been going so well! It made Adam feel like punching him on the nose – but that would lead to certain death. His options were shrinking by the second …

  At that moment a familiar voice drawled in Adam’s ear and a mixture of humiliation and relief flooded through him. ‘Well, well, if it isn’t Mickey B! And I see the romance of the evening is bringing out your touchy-feely side. Thing is though, I don’t think you’re Adam’s type.’

  The Beast’s surprise was comical. ‘All right, Luc?’ He loosened his grip and jerked his chin towards Adam. ‘Didn’t know you knew this little tit.’

  Adam gaped up at the Beast. The change in him had been instant and unexpected. How did he know Luc? Or maybe he should be asking the question the other way round. After all, Luc hadn’t been to school since he was eleven.

  Luc stepped forward and threw a casual arm round Adam, surprising Adam as much as the Beast. ‘This little “tit” is my brother and we usually keep names like that in the family if you know what I mean.’

  The Beast was staring at Luc. ‘Oh yeah, right. Just having a laugh.’

  Luc shrugged. ‘Everybody likes a little laugh. I heard Baz had a bit of fun with you last weekend. Now that did make me chuckle.’

  Michael Bulber gave him a thin smile. ‘Baz doesn’t like people messing him around. You should remember that.’

  Luc yawned with great relish. ‘I’ll try. It’s just that I have so many more interesting things to remember, you know? Anyway, good to chat. Now that you know Adam’s off the market you better run along and find someone else to play with tonight.’

  The Beast sneered. ‘Yeah, I might just do that. See you around, Luc.’ He gave Adam a last glowering look and barrelled his way through the crowd, disappearing into the darkness.

  Adam turned to Luc, not sure whether to strangle him or fall on his knees with gratitude. ‘OK, how the hell do you know Michael Bulber?’

  Luc shrugged. ‘We move in similar circles. Or rather, different circles that occasionally overlap.’ He sniggered and called the Beast something unmentionable. ‘I don’t know him that well – but he knows me well enough not to try anything when I’m standing right beside you. You may kiss my feet later.’ He paused and frowned. ‘Still, I can’t stand guard over you all evening – I’m at a delicate stage in proceedings. Maybe you should call it a night.’

  Adam glared at him. ‘There’s no way I’m going home! I didn’t do anything to him!’ Or to Melissa, he added silently. He thought about how close they had come to actually kissing and could have groaned with frustration.

  Luc rolled his eyes. ‘It’s your funeral. I’m going to be too busy to save you.’ He nodded towards a cute brunette in leather trousers who was smiling hopefully over at them. ‘You’re on your own, bro. Try not to get killed.’

  Adam watched him disappear into the crowd and prayed that the Beast would leave him alone. He peered around, wondering where Melissa had gone, when suddenly she appeared to his left. He sighed with relief. Maybe she hadn’t even noticed …

  ‘Sorry! Everybody kind of moved at the same time and I got swept along. Was that Michael Bulber?’ At Adam’s subdued nod, she groaned. ‘Seriously, what is his problem?’

  ‘Oh, it’s OK,’ Adam said, trying to hide his indescribable relief. ‘He knows my brother so everything’s sorted.’

  Melissa was less ecstatic than he had expected. ‘So your brother hangs out with Ripper and Michael Bulber?’

  ‘This is a great place!’ Adam exclaimed, desperate to change the subject. ‘The music’s brilliant!’

  Melissa smiled, thankfully distracted. ‘Yeah, I love it. It’s like when you’re here … you forget everything else. Oh, I love this song!’

  She started dancing and Adam danced next to her. Looking around, he could see that people were pairing up and dancing closer, faces touching. In fact some of them were touching quite a lot more than faces. The pressure was on.

  The thing was, everything was going so well. Should he really risk messing things up? They had almost kissed – but that had been a moment. Everything had been perfect – the music, the lights, the way Melissa was looking at him … You couldn’t force a moment like that. Maybe he should just wait. On the other hand, when was he ever going to be out with Melissa again if he didn’t make his move …?

  He inched in closer, trying to look casual. He felt like a big cat stalking something tiny and edible. The trouble was, he was getting in the way. Melissa’s elbow kept hitting him in the side and after a couple of clunks she looked at him with vague irritation. He backed away a few paces and closed his eyes, pretending to be lost in the music. As children Elise had dragged them all to lessons with a French dance mistress so they wouldn’t shame her at Luman balls. Adam tried hard to remember what Madame Gauche-Pieds had taught them in their dance lessons. ‘The man must lead his partner! The woman must feel lighter than air, as soft as a sum
mer breeze!’

  In other words, just grab her and move her! He took a deep breath and pounced, seizing Melissa’s waist with one hand and her fingers with the other. It was more of a waltzing stance than a club slow dance but still …

  He suddenly realised that Melissa was staring at him with honest confusion. Her mouth was hanging open slightly. ‘What are you doing?’

  The music changed tempo, the beats increasing. The couples around them tore themselves apart and began to jump on the spot, hooting and screeching with approval. The moment was lost – to Adam’s incalculable relief. ‘Nothing! Just messing! Erm … I’ll get us a drink, shall I? Back in a minute.’

  He slithered through the crowd, cheeks burning at the memory of her bewildered expression. He was almost desperate enough to go and ask Luc for advice, until he remembered that he would have to surgically remove his brother from leather-trouser girl. Great. He was on his own.

  He had nearly reached the bar, when something large and heavy tapped his shoulder. Before he even finished turning he knew what he was going to see. ‘OK, seriously, give me a break!’

  The Beast gave him a sharkish smile. ‘That’s not very friendly.’

  Adam was staring death in the face – and suddenly realised that he didn’t care. The evening had started so well and now it was turning to ashes before his eyes. ‘Listen, I like Melissa. I didn’t bring her here to rub your face in it. I didn’t know you’d be here. If I’d known you would be here I would have taken her anywhere on earth apart from here.’

  The Beast shrugged. ‘Yeah, I know that. I didn’t realise you were Luc’s brother. So, you know, no worries. Any friend of Luc’s and all that.’ He held out his hand.

  Adam stared at him with deep suspicion. Michael Bulber wanted to shake his hand. This was quite a change of heart – and Adam wasn’t buying it. He wasn’t quite ready to trust the older boy with his fingers. He was pretty attached to them and he wanted to stay that way. ‘How do you know Luc?’

  The Beast smirked. ‘I’ve seen him around and … Let’s just say I owe him one. So, let me buy you a drink.’ He held up one enormous hand, quelling Adam’s protests. ‘It’s just a drink. I’m not proposing. Just let me get you one drink and we’ll call it quits. Name your poison.’

  Adam eyed him warily for a moment, waiting for some cruel double bluff. When nothing painful happened he nodded slowly. ‘OK, thanks. Just lemonade’s cool.’

  Bulber shrugged. ‘Hey, if that’s all you want …’ He sniggered and stormed off towards the bar, bodies ricocheting off him.

  Adam shook his head in wonder. Did Luc know everyone? Why couldn’t he have mentioned that he knew Bulber? It would have saved Adam a lot of grief! He didn’t want to be friends with the Beast but maybe this way they could just ignore one another, rather than being sworn enemies. It would definitely give Adam one less thing to worry about … Of course he would have to spin the story for Melissa. Maybe make it sound more heroic than, ‘He’s scared of my big brother.’

  The Beast reappeared beside him and handed him a glass. ‘Here. Cheers.’

  Adam raised his glass in a silent toast. He took a sip and winced. His lemonade was disgusting. Probably some cheap, nasty brand that no one had ever heard of. He didn’t really like it but the Beast was watching him and it didn’t seem sensible to jeopardise their truce. He pasted a smile onto his face. ‘Thanks.’ He managed to drink half of it in one gulp and felt a great wave of relief when the other boy smiled back. ‘So … we’re cool now?’

  ‘Oh yeah,’ the Beast said. For some reason he seemed to be trying not to laugh. ‘Things are going to be great. We’ll be the best of friends after all this.’ He raised his own bottle and drained the contents in one gulp.

  Adam’s smile wavered but he made a brave effort to finish the lemonade. It took a few attempts. Bleugh! The thing was, the Beast didn’t seem in any hurry to go anywhere. He was suddenly getting friendly, pointing out people that he knew, showing Adam his new mobile and generally being so … normal that it was completely freaky! Adam tried to play it cool but he felt twitchy. After all, as Dan would say: who turned their back on a great white?

  But as the minutes slipped away he began to relax. The Beast hadn’t killed him yet. He just had to finish his drink to be polite then make his excuses and find Melissa. He’d been gone so long she’d be wondering where he was – and Adam knew he wouldn’t be her only admirer tonight. His lemonade tasted awful but he managed to swallow the last gulp. He felt slightly sick but it was a relief handing Bulber the empty glass. ‘I better go but you know … cheers for the drink.’

  The Beast grinned from ear to ear. Adam blinked. OK, that was weird. Michael Bulber was actually, literally grinning from ear to ear. His mouth was enormous, like some deranged Cheshire cat’s. He blinked again and Bulber’s face returned to normal. Bizarre!

  The Beast was looking at him, concerned. ‘Are you OK?’ When Adam nodded he laughed and clapped his shoulder. ‘Well, can’t stand around chatting. You should get back to Melissa. Can’t leave her all on her own. I’m sure she’s ready for some action.’

  Adam nodded. He felt a sudden powerful wave of affection for the Beast. The guy wasn’t so bad after all! It was exactly like Melissa had thought – he was just misunderstood. He held his hand up and attempted a Luc-and-Ripper-style handshake. He mostly seemed to end up just slapping the other boy’s fingers but the Beast didn’t seem to mind. In fact he was laughing. This was great! They were friends! ‘Thanks, man,’ Adam said.

  The Beast’s face loomed up close to his. ‘Go and find Melissa. It’s time you showed her your moves, Romeo.’ His eyes were wide and the pupils were black and bottomless. Adam stared into them, mesmerised. ‘This is going to be a memorable evening.’

  He turned and walked away. Adam stared after him, feeling sad. Come back, new friend, he almost cried but then he remembered how much he loved Cryptique and the music and Melissa … He stopped and giggled. He loved Melissa! He lurrrrrrrrrrved Melissa! That was so funny! He could imagine himself writing her name and drawing a little heart over the ‘i’, the way girls did! Ha ha ha!

  He squinted at the bar, feeling vaguely concerned. There was something he was supposed to have done but he couldn’t remember what it was. Or why he had forgotten it. He still felt a bit sick and he didn’t understand that either. Didn’t matter though. Nope, not one bit. He was going to go and kiss Melissa, he was sure of it. Romeo was ready!

  Adam turned and stumbled off into the crowd. People were dancing and they were all so happy! They were so happy that he wanted to hug them! In fact he was going to! He was going to hug some people! Only … they looked less happy now – but that was OK! He was going to go and hug Melissa instead.

  Where had she gone? His stomach flipped over. The lights were pulsing all around him, like a rainbow, and there were so many people, all dark and shadowy against the lights. It was a bit scary, until he saw the dark shadows were dancing and the dancing was making them happy. They were whirling and twirling, just like his head and Cryptique. Whirling and twirling like a merry-go-round.

  And then, like a vision … he saw Melissa. Her white dress stood out beneath the lights. It was so colourful and then it was so white and then it was a million colours again. She had her arms up in the air, dancing, and her hair had fallen down a bit and she looked so happy, like a beautiful fairy.

  He decided to tell her that. ‘You look like a beautiful fairy,’ he said, but she didn’t seem to hear him over the music, so he stumbled closer and said it again and then again and then again. The music changed and Adam’s heart beat faster and faster in time with it and he was so excited he had to jump up and down because the music was brilliant! And Melissa was brilliant! And life was brilliant!

  And now Melissa had seen him and that was even more brilliant because she was smiling. She was saying something but he couldn’t hear her because his heart was too loud and all he could hear was the blood rushing through his veins. The lights were all aro
und her like a rainbow and she was in the centre of the rainbow.

  He stopped, awestruck. This was the moment. This was the perfect moment, the moment when he was going to kiss her and she was going to like him back. It all made sense now. He had to like her right now! She knew it too because her face had changed and she wasn’t smiling any more, she looked serious and her lips were moving and he was finally brave and he was going to kiss her lips RIGHT NOW!

  Adam took a deep breath, moved towards her – and pitched headfirst into darkness.

  Chapter 18

  Something was wrong with Adam’s eyes. They felt funny, like someone had glued them shut. He forced them open and an agonising shaft of light hit him in the eyeball. There was a terrible groaning sound. It took a moment before he realised that he was making it.

  When he finally found the courage to open his eyes again he was lying in his own bed, wearing his clothes from the night before. His head was throbbing and there was blood on the front of his shirt. Adam blinked and tried to remember how he had ended up there. A series of images flickered across his mind in rapid succession – the motor bike ride to Cryptique, Ripper’s smile, Melissa in her white dress, the Beast grabbing him. Then – nothing.

  His bedroom door creaked open and Luc slipped inside carrying a glass of water. ‘Ah, Sleeping Beauty’s awake at last. Here – you’ll want these.’ He dropped two white tablets onto the bed. ‘For your head. Trust me, these will help.’

  Adam took the water from him and swallowed the tablets. They stuck in his throat and he gagged a little. ‘What happened? How did we get back here? Why don’t I remember?’

  Luc pulled a chair over, turned it round and sat on it with his legs astride, resting his chin on the back of it. ‘You don’t remember anything?’


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