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Naughty for Santa: An Erotic Holiday Romance

Page 3

by Easton, Alisa

  This was it, the moment I'd been craving long before I knew this strange man would show up in my home. He leaned over me to kiss me gently and I considered telling him to stop but I knew I was already too far gone. I needed him too much.

  “Roll onto your stomach,” he whispered in my ear.

  I did it without hesitation, bracing myself on all fours, and wondering if I should pinch myself to prove I wasn't dreaming. But then I risked waking from this amazing dream.

  The smack came down hard against my backside before I had a chance to prepare for it. My weight shifted forward and I screamed out. I snapped my head around to ask what the hell he thought he was doing but didn't have a chance to say a word before his hand came down again hard against my backside. This time I managed to steady myself enough to keep from falling forward.

  “Do you still believe it's a dream?” he asked.

  I felt my cheeks burn hot as my ass when I realized Santa was giving me the spanking he'd threatened earlier. I'd never allowed myself to be handled this way in the bedroom before and although I never thought it would be something I enjoyed, my body betrayed me. Every nerve begged for more.

  Once. Twice. Three more times his hand came down hard against me. Each time I cried out with the sting of pleasure and pain.

  He paused to run his hands slowly along the backs of my thighs. He dipped between to feel the wetness of my core and sighed. There was no doubting the effect he had on me.

  Would I have waken if this were only a dream? I knew without looking that my backside would be angry red and swollen. Santa spanked without mercy. This went on at least five more minutes until I was certain I could take no more. Tears filled my eyes as he caressed the tender, raw flesh and slid his warm body over mine.

  I never felt more awake or more aware.

  “I can't take anymore,” I told him. I felt too vulnerable and exposed. Santa was touching on something deep inside me that had gone dormant and dead a long time ago.

  “No, Cara, we're only just getting started.”

  He turned me gently in his arms and kissed my face.

  The red silk ties were already in place, positioned at either post of my headboard. I definitely hadn't put them there. When did he have a chance to set this up? I opened my mouth to ask him as he crawled over me to take my left wrist and gently secure it in place.

  Panic seized me when he let go and I realized I couldn't free my hand if I wanted to. I tried to push him off before he secured my right wrist to the bed but it was no use. Santa's strength far outmatched mine and he was filled with a sense of determination to tie me up.

  What had I gotten myself into?

  “This is too much.” I tugged uselessly at my arms while he leaned back and watched me with an amused expression on his face.

  My heart raced as he got off the bed, kicked off his boots, and began unfastening his black buckle. I knew my eyes were wide as I watched him, mesmerized by every movement. He went deliberately slowly opening his velvet pants and pushing them down over thick strong muscular thighs until he was wearing nothing but black silk underpants.

  Damn, I wanted him. Even if it meant being tied to my bed to do it.

  His gaze roamed the length of my body, taking me in, enjoying the fact that I lay there waiting for him with no way to resist.

  “You know what happens now, right?” he asked.

  I couldn't speak. He'd tucked a thumb into the waistband of his underwear and began tugging downward. Whoever this man was, his body was chiseled perfection in every way. His shaft stood thick and proud, glistening at the tip.

  “Oh god,” I whispered. He was big. I tried to imagine him pushing that inside me and I couldn't.

  He leaned over me and forced my legs apart. I ached in anticipation of what he might do to me.

  Somewhere in the back of my mind a voice reminded me I'd gotten myself into trouble this way before. Too far gone to care about the consequences and too horny to say no, I'd given in to Jake's pleading the night we conceived Abby. I'd never say having her was a mistake but I knew better than to believe getting myself knocked up by a stranger dressed like Santa Claus was a wise move. I could barely handle one child. I didn't have the luxury of being so irresponsible any longer.

  “Shit,” I whispered under my breath. I was panting so hard I struggled to put the words together but I needed to ask him to take precautions.

  “You don't have to worry about that,” he told me.

  Passionately he kissed me as his hands groped my breasts and slid between my legs to touch and fondle me. I arched my back and groaned into him as I felt the tip of his hard shaft graze my inner thighs and settle on my most sensitive part. He sat back and positioned himself between my legs before gripping my inner thighs in strong hands and pushing his hips forward. I felt the tip slip inside and he paused to gauge my reaction.

  “Are you ready to tell me what you really want for Christmas?” he asked.

  I moaned and pushed my hips upward trying to coax him forward. Wasn't it obvious what I wanted?

  He eased a little closer and I felt my body stretch deliciously to accommodate his thickness.

  “Oh yes,” I whispered, “More.”

  Closer still, he teased and tormented me.

  “Tell me what you want, Cara.”

  “I want you to take me,” I said breathlessly.

  He eased in to me and rested against my body before pulling back slightly and doing it again. I cried out as he filled me to the hilt and I bucked my hips under the weight of him.

  Maybe I would regret giving myself over so easily but as he moved inside me, I didn't care. My life was a steady stream of bad decisions peppered with dubious consequences and me trying to pick up the pieces and make the best of what I had left. Abby was only one example of the careless abandon that employed my mind when opportunity for pleasure outweighed the reality of doing what was right in the world.

  Santa pulled back and slammed into me hard. He let go of my legs and I wrapped them around his waist, my only level of control to keep him where I wanted him while desire consumed my senses. He kissed and nuzzled my neck. He tugged on my breasts and pinched my nipples until they hurt and then he bent down to suckle and nip at them until I moaned.


  His hips moved quickly, thrusting into me until the entire bed rocked with the motion. I felt my body begin to tighten as the release built. I tipped my head back and brought my hips to meet his as he pummeled me harder. I was so close.

  And then he stopped.

  I opened my eyes and looked up at him in alarm. He rested his weight against his hands. He was breathing heavily and I could see sweat dotting his forehead. He watched me, waiting. For what?

  “What's wrong?”

  I tried to encourage him to continue but there was little I could do tied to my bed like that. He looked down between our legs, sighed, and then eased out. His hard-on glistened in the dim light and I could see he was still very much capable of finishing the job. He scooted down to nestle his face between my legs again and I opened to him eagerly.

  “Please,” I begged again. But he pulled away again.

  Angry and desperate, I tugged at my binds but the only thing I accomplished was making them tighten around my wrists.

  “Don't leave me like this,” I screamed. Suddenly I imagined him happily going through my belongings and taking anything he liked while I lay here helpless to stop him and unable to describe him to the police later.

  “Why exactly were you tied naked to your bed?” the police would ask me and I'd have to admit that I'd been so horny that I'd actually thought playing this little game with a psycho would be a good way to pass the time on Christmas Eve.

  “Cara,” he said shaking his head sadly, “We're running out of time. It's almost midnight. I need you to tell me what you really want.”

  “I don't understand.” I started sobbing then. My limbs shook fiercely. I gave up on trying to free myself and kicked at the bed.

  “Just say the words.”

  I felt his beard tickle my thighs. His fingers traced a lazy trail across my belly and pubic mound. I tried to pull away from him but of course, it was no use.

  “Shit,” I cursed under my breath. How could I have been so stupid?

  Santa sat on the edge of my bed. I realized he stroked himself slowly, running his closed fist over the length of his hard shaft up and down in deliberate slowness. He watched me with half closed eyes. Did he intend to add insult to injury by covering me before robbing me, I wondered?

  If I had a husband I'd never let him treat me this way.

  Something inside me ached as the words echoed inside my head.

  A husband.

  I didn't want to marry Jake. I knew that the moment I discovered I was pregnant. But that didn't mean I never wanted someone special in my life. The way Abby had confessed to me she wanted a father made me so sad because I knew it was the one thing I desperately wanted to give her that I'd never be able to.

  I sighed and choked back the tears. I could really use a drink.

  “Well?” Santa prompted. He stroked himself a little faster and I felt lust and longing for something more. I didn't want to be used and discarded. I wanted to be loved and treasured.

  “I want...”

  I struggled to find the right words to express exactly what it was I did want. Santa seemed to hang on my words as if his fate depended on my revelation.

  “I want someone special,” I said, knowing I probably sounded girlish and silly. “I want a soul mate. A father for Abby.”

  He grinned at me and I wished I could disappear.

  “Will you untie me now?” I said wrinkling my face in disgust.

  “Not quite,” he said moving over me again, “I am not finished.”

  I gasped as he thrust himself into me again, hard and fast. I moaned as he moved. My body hadn't cooled off at all. I still ached for more and Santa was willing to give it to me now. He pulled back and pushed in again hard. Together we moved in rapid succession until once again, I felt the tightening as the climax build inside me. Santa panted and worked me in a frenzy. He wasn't going to stop this time. He forced my legs wider and filled me as deeply as he could.

  Closing my eyes, I gripped fistful of sheets as our bodies slapped together. Two more thrusts and he sent me spiraling over the edge. I cried out with the power of the orgasm that ripped through me. Santa continued to pump into me relentlessly until finally he grunted and collapsed.

  We lay that way for a moment while I tried to absorb the fact that I'd just had the most incredible orgasm of my life with Santa Claus. He kissed me and untied my wrists without saying a word. I wanted to say something to fill the silence but what was there to say? I'd opened myself to him in every way imaginable and yet, I didn't even know his true identity.

  I followed him back to the living room where it all started, slipped into my nightgown, and watched him get dressed.

  “Will I see you again?” The question felt a little absurd considering the circumstances. He glanced back at me and gave me a wink. And then, just like that, he vanished. I was standing alone in my house once again, blinking, in shock, but my body still hummed with the electricity of sex and my backside stung with the force of my spanking. I turned and headed for bed. I didn't know what else to do.

  I woke to a world that was way too bright. Rolling over, I shielded my eyes as I discovered the source of my assault. I'd left the bedroom blinds open when I went to sleep. I groaned. The bright light did little to help the throbbing in my head, a byproduct of an overindulgence of alcohol.

  Then I remembered what day it was and bolted upright. Christmas! According to the clock on the bedside table, I had exactly one hour to shower and dress before Abby would be home and that meant I better scramble if I wanted to look better than I felt at the moment.

  My legs dangled over the edge of the bed and I noticed for the first time since waking that my ass was incredibly sore. My memory was fuzzy. I rubbed my head and tried to focus. Did I take a fall?

  There was a man last night...

  No, that couldn't be. I'd spend the night alone like always. Jake had turned me down when I tried to hook up with him. I got up, rubbing away the soreness but when I stepped into the shower and let the warm spray revive me, images from the night before began to flash in my mind. The stranger dressed in a Santa suit. The way he'd captivated me, sexually tormented me, and ultimately offered me the biggest orgasm I could remember ever having.

  I turned off the shower and stood there a moment with my mind and heart racing. Between my legs I felt the dull ache of satisfaction, the sort of feeling I'd only ever had after being with a partner, not when I'd pleasured myself. If it had all been a dream, it sure felt real. Twisting, I managed to view my backside in the bathroom mirror and gasped when I saw the red welts. I snatched my robe from the hook and wrapped it around me quickly, not bothering to dry off. I set off to investigate whether anything in my house was missing.

  Not only was everything as I had left it, but the red silk ties were no longer fastened to the bed posts. The living room window was closed and locked. So was the front door. The fireplace still gave off a gentle heat from the previous night's fire. The plate of cookies sat untouched on the table but the glass next to it was empty. I wrinkled my nose as I considered the possibility that I'd drank the milk. Not likely, even in an intoxicated state, because I hated milk and had refused to drink it since I was ten. The only reason I even had a bottle of the stuff in my fridge was so that Abby would have strong healthy bones.

  There was no indication that anything unusual had happened in my home and yet I couldn't shake the warm glow surrounding me as if nothing was the same. I stood at the window staring out to the fresh fallen blanket of white snow and believed that somehow my life was forever altered.

  By the time the doorbell rang, I'd managed to dress and bring myself back to life. The hazy fantasies from my night had almost faded from my mind entirely and I was more than ready to dive into a frenzy of present opening with my daughter. I frowned as I opened the door and found Jake standing on my doorstep holding Abby's hand. I'd forgotten his plan to drop her off.

  “Mommy, it's Christmas!” Abby declared, giving me a big hug before racing into the house to find out if Santa had left any presents. Jake shuffled nervously waiting for me to invite him in. I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment when I thought about the text message I'd sent sounding like a horny teenager desperate for sex.

  “Would you like to come in and watch Abby open presents?” I offered, even though I secretly hoped he'd say no.

  Jake hesitated. I could tell he was considering it. “I'd love to but I can't. My parents are expecting me back for brunch. I just wanted to see you and...”

  I put up my hand. No sense in getting muddled into territory where we'd both floundered before. I caught a glimpse of the blond coming out of my neighbor's house and sighed. She looked angry. How could anyone be angry on the most magical day of the year?

  “We can talk later,” I told him.

  He nodded and I saw his shoulders relax a little with the relief of not having to discuss serious stuff on the holiday.

  “I'll give you a call.”

  I said sure but I was already coming up with a million reasons in my head for not answering the phone when that happened. I stood in the doorway watching him get into his jeep and drive off. Just then, Nick emerged from his house and yelled something at the blond who was puffing away on a cigarette. He looked over at me, smiled, and waved. I waved back before closing the door to my impatient daughter who was tugging at my clothes and begging me to start opening presents.

  I teased her a little, of course, and told her bogus reasons why we'd have to wait but ultimately, I gave in just like always. She was my world and I was grateful to have her home again. She tugged my hand and we moved to the living room for the main event.

  “Look, Mommy, Santa left something in your stocking, too

  I laughed. There wasn't anything in my stocking before so Abby must have slipped it in there when I wasn't looking. Perhaps her grandparents had helped her pick it out? I pulled out a small, gold wrapped box.

  “Is this from you?” I asked, giving her a little hug.

  She shook her head gravely. “It must be from Santa!”

  I giggled and decided I'd play along. I unwrapped the present but my smile faded when I saw what was inside. I quickly closed the box and set it aside.

  “What is it, Mommy?”

  “Nothing. Why don't you open your presents now?”

  Abby squealed each time she opened a present to find something she'd longed for in one of the packages but all I could think about was the box. My heart beat heavily, my palms were sweating and I struggled to focus. I thought about texting Jake and asking if the present was from him but I knew it wasn't. It couldn't have been. There was only one man who could have left it there – the one I'd spent Christmas Eve with. When Abby finished, she sat sadly in the middle of the floor surrounded by toys and a mountain of wrapping paper.

  “What's wrong Abby?”

  “I didn't get what I really wanted.”

  I sighed. I'd been hoping she'd forget about wanting a Daddy when she had so many new things to play with but clearly, it weighed on her mind as much as it did mine. I felt my throat constrict as I remembered the moment last night when my fantasy lover made me confess the one thing I wanted most of all. I didn't just want it – I needed someone to share my life in order to make my family complete.

  “I know, Honey, but even though Santa is magic, there are some things even he can't give you.”

  Tears rolled down her cheeks and I felt powerless to stop them this time. The doorbell rang and I cursed under my breath. Of all the moments to interrupt us.

  As I approached the door, my body tingled with anticipation. I imagined him standing there, back for more naughty temptations. He'd have ditched the suit, of course, and that damned white beard, but I'd know him when I looked into his eyes. If he was real then...


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