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The Laird of Stonehaven

Page 21

by Connie Mason

  “I will miss you.”

  Blair’s eyes grew round. “Will you?”

  “Aye. I want to make love to you.”


  “I canna think of a better time.”

  “Nor can I,” Blair said, lifting her face for his kiss.

  Graeme couldn’t get enough of her sweet kisses, but he wanted more, much more. His hands worked swiftly, unfastening buttons and ties until she stood naked before him. He never tired of looking at her. Sweetly rounded and feminine, she enthralled him as no other woman had. He unbound her hair and ran his fingers through the silken mass, spreading it over her shoulders and breasts until only her nipples peeked through the golden strands.

  Just looking at her aroused him. He could feel his cock swelling against his trews and his balls tightening. When he had looked his fill, he swept her into his arms and carried her to the bed. He would have followed her down, but Blair whispered, “I want you naked.”

  Groaning at the delay, he shed his clothes, carelessly tossing them aside. Then he joined her, pulling her against him, letting her feel the strength of his need. When she ground her hips against his loins, he nearly exploded.

  “Not so fast, sweeting,” Graeme panted. “I dinna want this to end too soon.”

  He wooed her with slow, tender kisses. He loved her body with his hands and mouth, leaving no part of her untouched. When he finally entered her, he was so aroused, he wanted to release the moment he slid into her tight sheath.

  “Dinna move, love. Wait until I am more in control of myself.”

  “Please, Graeme,” Blair pleaded. “I need you now.”

  Her words unleashed something savage inside him. Once he began to move, there was no stopping him. Grasping her bottom in his hands, he lifted her, thrusting deep, again and again, giving her all of him. When that wasn’t enough, he lifted her legs over his shoulders to gain the deep penetration he sought.

  Blair went wild beneath him, bucking and moaning. He felt her stiffen, knew she was near completion and let himself go, thrusting fast and deep. He felt her body spasm, felt her sex squeezing his cock and heard her scream his name. Then he emptied himself inside her, shouting his joy to the heavens.

  Blair’s escort was waiting in the courtyard the following morning when she, Graeme and Father Lachlan appeared. She recognized Aiden but didn’t know the names of the other five men. Graeme wore a scowl that proved his unwillingness to let Blair leave Stonehaven. Alyce trailed behind, carrying a basket of herbs and medicines.

  “I’m going with ye, lass,” Alyce insisted.

  “We went over this yesterday,” Blair said. “Someone with knowledge of healing should remain at Stonehaven. With Gunna gone, there is no midwife in the village. You are needed here.”

  “Heed the lass,” Stuart said. “Stonehaven needs ye, Alyce.”

  Though Alyce didn’t look happy, she accepted the decision and handed the basket to Blair.

  Blair stifled a grin. Stuart was acting very protective toward Alyce. Did Graeme’s uncle hold tender feelings for her tiring woman? She didn’t have time to explore the subject, for Graeme was lifting her onto her mount.

  “I’ll fasten this to the saddle,” Graeme said, taking the basket from her. “Aiden has instructions to send word back as soon as you arrive at Gairloch.”

  “You worry needlessly,” Blair said, while secretly pleased by his concern.

  He pulled her head down and kissed her, apparently unconcerned that they were being watched. Then he stepped away. Blair glanced over her shoulder as she rode off, stunned to see Glenda join Graeme. She watched until she saw Glenda press herself against Graeme before looking away, angry with herself for letting the serving girl irritate her. If Graeme wanted Glenda, he would take her, but for Blair’s own peace of mind she had to believe that he would not.

  The trip to Gairloch was uneventful. They reached the keep she had called home for most of her life near dusk. The gate was opened to them immediately and they rode through. Aiden helped her dismount and handed her the basket containing her medicines as a lad ran up to take their mounts. Then the Campbell men formed a tight circle around her as they escorted her inside the keep.

  A man Blair didn’t recognize greeted them.

  “Where is Gavin?” Blair asked.

  “Gone,” the man said. “I am Gordon, the new steward.”

  “Take me to my brother,” Blair ordered.

  “I will go with her,” Lachlan said.

  “I will settle yer escort in their quarters first,” Gordon said. “The laird has made arrangements for them. He knew Campbell wouldna send ye alone.”

  “I wish to see Niall immediately,” Blair persisted. “If he is as ill as I was led to believe, I need to see him without delay.”

  “Ye will do as yer brother orders, lady,” Gordon said. “I will return as soon as I see to yer escort.”

  “I find that passing strange,” Lachlan remarked as Gordon greeted Aiden and offered to show his men to their quarters.

  Aiden looked to Blair for direction, and when she nodded, he and the others fell in behind Gordon.

  Blair and Father Lachlan were offered a cup of ale by a shy serving maid. They accepted and sat down at one of the tables to await Gordon’s return.

  “I recognize no one,” Blair said. “Where did Niall get these people? Are they clansmen?”

  “Aye,” said Lachlan. “They come from fishing villages along the coast. Some are MacArthurs, some are MacMurrays, and the rest are Kincaids. All are loyal to Niall.”

  Gordon returned a short time later, wearing a smug look. “Yer men are taken care of,” he said. “I’ll take ye to yer brother now.”

  Lachlan rose to accompany her, but Gordon shook his head. “Nay, Father, the lass will go alone. Laird Niall doesna wish others to catch his illness.”

  “I promised to protect the lass,” Lachlan protested.

  “No harm will come to her,” Gordon promised. “If ye wish to be helpful, go to the chapel and pray for our laird’s recovery. If ye are ready, lady, I will take ye to yer brother now.”

  Clutching her basket to her chest, Blair followed Gordon. He led her up one flight of stairs, then another.

  “Why does Niall not occupy the laird’s chamber?” Blair asked as she paused to catch her breath.

  “He thought it best to isolate himself in the tower. Until he knew the nature of his illness, he didna want it to spread. Con MacMurray and I are the only ones allowed to serve him.”

  “How have you managed to stay well?”

  Gordon mumbled something she didn’t understand. When she started to repeat the question, Gordon stopped before a closed door. Blair knew the castle well; they had reached the tower room. The door was closed. A chill slid down her spine. What awaited her behind that closed door?

  “Are ye ready, lady?” Gordon asked.

  Shoving aside her fear, Blair nodded. She would do whatever was necessary to heal her brother. The knowledge that he had asked for her had prompted a slim hope that she and Niall could mend the rift between them.

  Gordon opened the door and Blair stepped inside. She whirled about when she heard the door close behind her and the key turn in the lock.

  “Welcome, Blair.”

  Blair gasped as Niall stepped out from the shadows.

  “Niall, you frightened me.” She stared at him. “You are not sick at all, are you?”

  “I knew ye would come, Sister,” Niall gloated. “Ye have a tender heart. But I’m surprised yer husband let ye come. We worried about that.”

  Fear struck deep in Blair’s heart. “What evil plot are you and the MacKay hatching?”

  “Ye belong to MacKay. I promised ye to him. Our father sought to destroy my plans by wedding ye to Campbell, but I will prevail in the end.”

  “I dinna understand. What are you talking about?”

  He removed a coiled parchment from his sporran and carefully unrolled it. “Ye can read, lass. See for yerself.”
r />   Blair stepped closer, her heart in her mouth as she perused the document. “Oh, no!” she cried when she came to the end and recognized the king’s royal seal.

  “Aye,” Niall said, gloating. “The king was angry when Campbell didna show up at Inverness with the other Highland lairds. It wasna difficult to persuade him to set aside yer marriage. Ye’re free to wed MacKay now. One of my men has ridden out to fetch MacKay.”

  “Graeme sent an escort to protect me against your evil machinations.”

  Niall laughed harshly. “Are ye referring to the six men imprisoned in my dungeon?”

  The breath froze in Blair’s throat. “How could that have happened?”

  “Yer escort is as gullible as ye are. Gordon led them straight to a company of armed men. They fought bravely, but the odds were against them. They were quickly disarmed and imprisoned. Once ye and MacKay are wed, I will release them.”

  “Were any of them hurt? I must see to their wounds.”

  “Forget them. I go now to prepare for yer wedding.”

  “You will never get me to agree to wed MacKay,” Blair spat. “I am already wed, no matter what the king says. Furthermore, no man of God would force a woman to wed a man without her consent. Dinna think ye can bully Father Lachlan to do your bidding.”

  Niall’s smirk set Blair’s teeth on edge. “He came to fetch ye, did he not?”

  “You tricked him.”

  Niall shrugged. “I dinna need Father Lachlan. MacKay is bringing his own priest. Whether ye say yea or nay doesna matter.”

  “Father Lachlan willna let you do this.”

  “The priest has joined Campbell’s guardsmen in the dungeon. He never did approve of me, and I have always disliked him.”

  He gestured expansively. “Make yerself at home. Food will be sent up to ye, and there’s a cot where ye may rest until MacKay comes for ye.”

  He turned to leave. “Wait!” Blair cried. “Why does MacKay want me? I still dinna understand.”

  “Neither do I. The mon fears yer power, yet he seems to want ye for those very same powers. He needs something from ye, but I dinna ken what. He agreed to let me keep yer dowry and lands if I gave ye to him. I dinna want to part with yer dowry. If ye remained wed to Campbell, eventually he would have claimed it for himself. I dinna ken what MacKay has in mind for ye and I dinna care. The sooner I am rid of ye, the better.

  “No more questions,” he said when Blair opened her mouth to speak. “There are preparations to be made.” He rapped on the door, and it opened immediately.

  Blair tried to rush past him but he slammed the door in her face. She pounded on the door, to no avail, then slid down to the floor, choking on the tears that clogged her throat.

  How could the king do this to her? A piece of paper might revoke her marriage, but it wouldn’t end the love she felt for Graeme. That would go on forever. How could she have been so foolish as to leave Stonehaven? Had she remained, there was no way Graeme would have let an annulment part them. He might not love her, but he took his vows seriously. When he’d promised her father he would let no harm come to her, he had meant it.

  What would Graeme do when he learned about the annulment? Would he storm Castle MacKay? It was her understanding that the keep was impregnable. That knowledge and the king’s signature on the annulment document had sealed her fate.

  She was lost.

  And bereft.

  And powerless. The spirits were no longer with her. Tears spilled from her eyes as she sent Graeme a mental message that she feared would never reach him.

  Graeme prowled his bedchamber like a caged animal. Something was wrong. A burning sensation in his gut warned him of danger. Danger to whom? Did Blair need him? He shouldn’t have let her leave. The wail of the wind through the trees beckoned him, and he strode to the window. He feared he was going insane when he heard Blair’s voice riding the wind. Fear for his wife escalated.

  How long would he have to wait before one of his men brought word of Blair’s safe arrival at Gairloch? Tomorrow at the very earliest, he supposed. Heaving a frustrated sigh, he left the chamber to join his men in the hall. Though Blair had been gone but a few hours, it felt like an eternity. Perhaps a game of cards or dice would take his mind off the woman he . . .

  He halted, suddenly aware of the direction his thoughts were taking.

  Could it be?

  Did he love Blair?

  His feelings for her were nothing like the pure, innocent adoration he had felt for Joan the Maid. What he felt for Blair was neither innocent nor pure. He wanted her with a yearning that nearly unmanned him.

  Nay, he couldn’t let himself love Blair. The last thing he wanted was for her powers to return.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Blair awoke to the sound of laughter outside her tower prison. Disoriented, she was slow to recall everything that had happened the previous day. When full awareness came to her, a cry of dismay left her lips. She was her brother’s prisoner. Her Campbell escort shared her captivity, as did Father Lachlan.

  Shoving herself to her feet, she caught sight of the food congealing on the tray and she recalled that she had refused to eat last night when Niall’s toady had brought it. She had, however, used the hot water and soap Gordon had brought with her food.

  The laughter grew louder. Then the door flew open. She wasn’t surprised to see her brother and MacKay standing in the opening. She raised her chin to a defiant angle.

  “I hope you are shaking in your boots. My husband will retaliate when he learns of this.”

  “Ye no longer have a husband, lass,” MacKay said. “Ye’re free now to wed me. ’Tis as it should be. We will wed immediately.”

  Blair squared her shoulders. “You canna force me to marry you.”

  “Oh, aye, I can. Ye will wed me and gladly.”

  “Exactly how do you intend for that to happen?”

  “Do ye value the lives of yer Campbell guardsmen and that worthless priest?”

  Blair blanched. “You wouldna dare!”

  “I dare much, lady.”

  “The king will punish you.”

  Niall’s laughter joined MacKay’s. “Think again, Blair. The king is grateful to us for revealing treasonous acts against him and willna punish us for killing men accused of plotting his downfall.”

  She sent MacKay a chilling smile. “Dinna you fear I will place a spell on you?” She pointed a finger at his privates. “Once I threatened to shrivel your manhood. I still can, you ken.”

  MacKay shifted uncomfortably. “Dinna threaten me, lady. If ye attempt to place a spell on me, I will slay ye first, then the Campbells.”

  Horrified, she blurted out, “Why do you want me?”

  “Dinna flatter yerself. ’Tis not ye I want. I covet yer powers.”

  “I possess no powers.”

  “Liar!” Niall and MacKay shouted together.

  “What exactly is it you want from me? How can my powers help you?”

  “Once we are wed, I will tell ye. What I have in mind is not a difficult task for ye.”

  “I willna wed you.”

  “MacArthur,” MacKay said, “ye can begin executing Graeme Campbell’s clansmen immediately. I recommend ye start with the priest.”

  “Nay!” Blair pleaded. “Father Lachlan is Niall’s own kinsman. Have you no heart?”

  “Wed me and all will be well. No one will be hurt, and Father Lachlan can accompany the Campbells to their stronghold after the wedding.”

  “I will go with you to your keep, but I willna wed you. And if you touch me, I will make you verra, verra sorry.”

  MacKay shook his head. “Marriage is the only way I can keep ye with me to do my bidding.”

  “Spare my escort and Father Lachlan, and I vow to remain with you until you have what it is you want from me.”

  “Dinna let her trick ye,” Niall warned. “I say we execute the whole lot of them and force Blair to wed ye. ’Twill make her more amenable to yer needs.”

ir pointed a finger at Niall and slowly moved it downward to his groin. Closing her eyes, she began to chant, aware that what she did was nothing more than a scare tactic. She could no more shrivel Niall’s privates than she could make the sun fall from the sky.

  Niall must have thought otherwise, for he grasped his groin and let out a high-pitched squeal.

  “Damn ye! Remove the spell.”

  Aware that she now held the upper hand, Blair said, “Release Graeme’s kinsmen.”

  “After we are wed,” MacKay repeated, forestalling Niall’s answer. “I need ye to use yer powers to find something that was lost long ago.”

  Blair’s brows shot upward. Finally MacKay had given her a reason, though it didn’t satisfy her. What was he looking for? “I told you my terms. Though I willna wed you, I vow to help you locate what you lost. If I succeed, you must let me return to my husband.”

  “Forget MacKay! Remove the spell!” Niall pleaded in a voice fraught with fear.

  Blair stifled a smile when she saw that Niall was still clutching his groin. “Release Graeme’s kinsmen, and I will consider it.”

  “Aye, anything ye say. I dinna want to be a eunuch.”

  “Dinna be such a coward,” MacKay scoffed. “The moment ye release Campbell’s clansmen, our control over the witch is gone.”

  “Ye’re a selfish bastard, MacKay. It wasna ye she put a spell on.”

  “Nevertheless, ye canna release Campbell’s clansmen just yet. Ye can set them free the day following our departure. And be sure to send a copy of the official document dissolving Campbell’s marriage with them.”

  “Remove the spell, Blair,” Niall cried. “I promise to release yer escort as MacKay directed.”

  Blair pretended to consider Niall’s proposal. At length she said, “I willna wed MacKay, and I willna remove the spell if you force me to wed him.”

  “Wed MacKay or not,” Niall said. “Either way yer dowry remains under my control. It shouldna be difficult to find what Mackay has lost. I promise yer escort will be released unharmed the day after ye and MacKay depart.”

  “If you refuse to accompany me to my keep, the priest and all your men will be promptly executed,” MacKay added. “I dinna really want to wed or bed ye. I have a fondness for my cock. All I ever wanted from ye are the powers ye possess.”


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