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Carter's Flame: A Rescue Four Novel

Page 5

by Tiffany Patterson

  I felt his grip on my hand tighten. When had he taken my hand?

  “Carter, you plan on introducing us?”

  I peered over Carter’s shoulder, the same one he glanced over.

  “Michelle, this is Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dumb-er,” he grumbled, turning back to me.

  “Asshole.” I heard come from behind.

  The two men stepped from behind Carter, flanking him. The one on the right stood about two inches shorter, with short, jet black hair and green eyes. He was just as handsome as Carter, even though their resemblance was limited to the smattering of freckles across the bridge of their nose and upper cheeks.

  “I’m Joshua. Carter’s younger but much better looking brother.” He winked.

  “And I’m–” My eyes went to the man on the right and I immediately recognized him.

  “Tyler Townsend,” I blurted out. How could I have forgotten that the Townsends’ youngest son was one of the most talked about, young quarterbacks in the NFL? Diego had his poster on the wall in his bedroom.

  Tyler’s sheepish grin spread. His red hair and beard made him stand out; coupled with his hazel-green eyes they made him look like the young playboy he was reported to me by the media. He, too, carried the freckles Carter and Joshua had.

  “A sports fan?” His voice was velvety smooth but still couldn’t hold a candle to his brother’s.

  “Fuck off, Tyler.”

  I turned back to Carter who gave his brother a hard look.

  “Beat it, you two.”

  Though they snickered, Joshua and Tyler backed up and followed through where their parents and the other man had gone.

  “Nancy, is it?” Carter dragged his gaze from mine to look at Nancy.

  “Yes, Mr. Townsend?”

  “I need to take Michelle with me.”

  “Uh … well, but …”

  “Just for a few.” He tugged on my hand and turned, and I had no choice but to follow. It was as if my body could do nothing else but to follow his lead. My eyes passed over a dumbfounded and confused Nancy, her facial expression mirroring my own confusion.

  I found myself stepping over the threshold and into the most immaculate home I’d ever been in. And thanks to my job, I’d been in some very swanky places. This home outshone all of them, with its shiny, white-marbled floors, white columns lining the hallway, and double staircase that led to the second floor. The place looked spotless, almost like a museum.

  “You’re a Townsend,” I blurted it out, looking around.

  “I am. And you’re a Clarke.”

  I gave him a be serious expression.

  “Townsend’s just my last name.”

  “And all of this?” I waved my free hand around.

  He shrugged. “The home I grew up in.”

  I gave a humorless laugh. “This is crazy,” I laughed some more.

  “What’s crazy is how pissed I was that I had to be at this shit tonight only to discover that you’re here.”

  “I’m working,” I reminded him.

  Another shrug. “Either way, it’s fate, sugar.”

  I shook my head, more to ward off the shiver that wanted to run through me at the sound of the pet name he’d apparently given me.

  “I don’t believe in fate.”

  “You don’t have to. I believe enough for the both of us. Come dance with me.”

  I pulled away when he went to tug me farther into the home. “I can’t. I’m working.”

  His jaw tightened and head tilted. His eyes honed in on me, darkening. “You don’t have time to dance?”

  “Carter! Mother and Father are waiting on you.”

  I broke away from Carter, who still remained transfixed on me, to see the scowling man from earlier.

  “And that’s my asshole brother, Aaron.”

  He brought my hand to his lips, brushing his lips across the inside of my palm. My eyelids fluttered and I had to fight to hold them open.

  “You’ll save me a dance.”

  “I can’t.”

  “It wasn’t a question. Don’t try to sneak out of here either. I’ve already proven I can be very resourceful when it comes to you.”

  I swallowed, remembering his call from earlier. He was indeed resourceful. Slowly he released my hand and moved away, following his brother, Aaron, out of the room. I pushed out a breath and covered my heart with my hand, trying to steady its rhythm. I shook my head and went to move to the front door to find Nancy.


  Not tonight.

  I turned and my worst nightmare was realized.

  “What a surprise.”

  I steeled myself, having to keep in mind that I was working for the second or third time that evening.

  “Who is this, Gabriel?” the woman next to him asked, and nausea rolled through my belly.

  “This is Michelle, Linda. One of the event planners. She’s done some work for the firm. Listen, go on ahead and say hello. I’ll be out shortly,” Gabriel said to his wife, and pressed a kiss to her cheek. More nausea.

  “It’s been a long time,” Gabriel stated, turning back to me, dark eyes glittering. He took pleasure in my discomfort, I was sure of it.

  “Not long enough.”

  His smile dipped. “How is Diego?”

  My eyes narrowed. “If you want to know how your son is doing, you should make an effort to see him,” I whispered harshly.

  Gabriel’s five-foot-eleven body moved closer, his tanned, olive-toned skin darkening in anger. “If I want to see my son, I’ll come see him. In the meantime, when I ask his mother how he’s doing, I expect an answer,” he growled in my face, and not for the first time I had to resist the urge to punch him.

  “He’s fine, Gabriel. I have to get back to work.” I tried to step around him but felt his hand on my arm. “You’re not dating anyone, are you?” The threat in his voice was ominous.

  “You’ve pretty much made sure of that, haven’t you, Gabriel?” I snatched my arm away and stormed off toward the door, regretting that time years ago when I swore I was in love with that asshole.

  I tried to focus on my work. All I needed to do was get through the evening and get home to my son where thoughts of handsome firefighters and baby daddies couldn’t intervene. At least, that’s what I told myself. The truth was, both would follow me, well past the evening.



  I couldn’t wait to get out of that damn monkey suit.

  “Looking uncomfortable, bro,” Tyler chuckled, clapping me on the back.

  I shrugged him off. “Don’t touch me.”

  “Someone’s panties are in a bunch,” came Joshua’s reply.

  I grunted. My real brothers were just as bad if not worse than my brothers at the damn fire station. At least there I had fire accelerant to threaten them. Here, I only had my bare hands, which were lethal enough, but considering the number of people around us all, I doubted I’d be able to take both Tyler and Joshua out without being seen. Instead, I retorted with my words.

  “You would know all about wearing panties, wouldn’t you, Josh?” I tilted my head, bringing my champagne flute to my lips. I heard Tyler laughing in the background but I was too busy scoping out our surroundings. Where is she? Amidst the sea of ball gowns, tuxedos, coiffed hairstyles, and shiny shoes, I hadn’t laid eyes on the one person who’d had me not regretting the fact that I’d actually shown up that night.

  “Looking for someone?”

  I pushed out a deep breath before rolling my eyes over to Aaron who’d just joined our group. “Yeah, looking for a fucking sedative for you.”

  Aaron’s eyes shot to Tyler and Joshua on either side of him, who were snickering.

  “Carter, you know damn well it would take more than a sedative for this guy to calm down,” Josh reminded us all.

  He was right; Aaron was the most uptight out of us all.

  “Someone has to keep the family business thriving.”

  “I do my part,” Joshua spoke.

  “Carter knows who I was referring to,” Aaron answered.

  “Tyler doesn’t work for Townsend Industries anymore than I do, yet you don’t give him half the shit you give me.”

  “Tyler’s only twenty-five. A career in the NFL lasts all of what? Ten years, maybe. Fifteen if he’s lucky.”

  “Damn, thanks for the vote of confidence,” Tyler snarked.

  Aaron merely turned harsh eyes on Tyler before dismissing him and returning his gaze back to me. “He’ll join Townsend upon his retirement. Joshua’s growing the real estate division by leaps and bounds, which just leaves you. The oldest brother of all of us and the one who officially shirked his responsibility to play pretend hero.”

  Less than a second later, I was in Aaron’s face, while simultaneously shoving my champagne flute into Joshua’s chest for him to take it. I would need my hands free for this confrontation if necessary.

  “Listen, asshole, I let you get away with a lot of shit,” I growled in my brother’s scowling face. “But don’t ever disrespect my career choices again. I’ve lived through shit you could never imagine.”

  “You’re not the only person who’s lived through shit,” Aaron growled, shoving me back, which caused me to grab him by the collar.

  “I will break your–”

  “Hey, hey!

  “Calm down!”

  Tyler and Joshua whisper-called, doing their best to separate Aaron and I.

  “Mother and Father are coming over. Relax, guys.”

  I stared into Aaron’s angry eyes, mine just as filled with fury. He took a small step backwards and slowly I let the lapels of his tuxedo go. Both of our chests were heaving. I watched as he smoothed down the now wrinkled sides of his tuxedo jacket. I felt Tyler doing the same for my tuxedo but my eyes remained locked on Aaron.

  “Play it cool, bro,” Tyler whispered just before our parents reached our group.

  “It looked tense over here. Everything alright?” my mother questioned, worried blue eyes looking between her four sons.

  “Fine, Mother,” Aaron responded.

  “Are you sure?” she asked, placing a hand on his arm.

  Aaron’s anger visibly deflated at her touch, but only marginally. He wore whatever chip he had on his shoulder twenty-four seven.

  “We’re sure. Just brothers being brothers,” I stated, placing a kiss on my mother’s cheek. She grinned as she glanced up at me.

  “It looked a little heavier than brothers play fighting,” my father’s stern voice spoke.

  “Carter’s right, Father. We were just messing around and things got a little intense. You know how your two oldest can be.” Josh motioned his head toward Aaron and I.

  My father’s brown eyes looked between Aaron and I worriedly.

  “Family is always more important than business,” my father stated.

  I refrained from rolling my eyes, hoping he wasn’t about to launch into one of his speeches on the importance of family.

  “We know, Father,” Tyler interjected. “Without family, none of this would be possible.” Tyler spread his arms wide, looking around at the more than hundred and fifty people on our estate.

  “Right. And …”

  “And that’s exactly how we plan to keep it,” Joshua finished, knowing this speech like the back of his hand since we’d all been raised on some variant of it.

  I narrowed my eyes at Aaron, who’d made a grunting noise.

  “Here, honey, this is for you.” My mother handed Aaron a seltzer water with lime. Aaron was the only one of us who never touched alcohol. “Your speech is soon.”

  “You should go prepare for that,” I urged.

  “I’ve been prepared since our limo pulled through that iron gate.”

  “Just like the good boy scout you are.” I held up the champagne flute I’d grabbed from the passing waiter.

  The expression on Aaron’s face told me he saw the personal shot for what it was. Good.

  “I, for one, can’t wait to hear it,” I stated. “But if you all will excuse me, I’ve got to take a leak.”

  “Son, must you use that type of language?” my mother tutted.

  “Excuse me, where are my manners? I need to use the restroom.” I placed another kiss on my mother’s cheek, nodded at my father, and turned to make my way to the bathrooms in one of the guest houses farther down on the property. I needed space, and I needed to find the only other person I wanted to occupy my time while I was at this shindig. I’d grown up attending events like this one, but it never was something I looked forward to going. The pomp and circumstance were never my thing.

  I entered one of the darkened guest houses, which was unlocked, and made a beeline for the bathroom. Having spent plenty of time in every nook and cranny of this property when I was a child, I didn’t even need to turn on the lights to see where I was going. Finally relieving myself, I washed my hands and then made a plan to head out to the front of the main house where I last saw Michelle. If I couldn’t find her, I’d look for the woman, Nancy, who I was pretty sure was her boss, to ask. I was already making up some bullshit story in my head to tell Nancy about why I was looking for Michelle, when I saw a figure walking along the pier toward the lake out back. It hadn’t even registered in my mind, before my feet were moving in the direction of her.

  “Hello, sugar.” I held my laughter when she started, turning to me, holding her hand over her chest.

  “Carter!” she stated, breathless from her surprise. And at that moment, all I could envision was her calling out my name, breathless as she was impaled on my cock.

  “I finally found you.”

  Her honey brown eyes widened. “You were looking for me?”

  All my life. “I told you to save me a dance.”

  Her eyes fell to my proffered hand.

  “Dance with me.” The sounds of the harpist that had been hired for this event were distant but could be heard.

  “I’m working.”

  I cocked my head to the side. “Working?”

  “Y-yes.” She looked around, avoiding my eyes.

  “Down here?”

  “I needed to check on the guest houses.”


  She gave me a shocked look.

  I stepped closer, giving her no space at all. “We don’t use the guest houses for events. They’re off limits during the galas. You weren’t working down here.”

  I paused and watched as her face fell.

  “I’m betting you were taking a few minutes of quiet time to yourself. Now, I can pretend I saw nothing, or I can go up to the main house, find your boss, and inform her that you were somewhere you weren’t supposed to be. How do you think that will play out?”

  A thrill shot through me when a spark of anger flared in her eyes, lines forming in her forehead. “You wouldn’t.”

  “I sure the hell would.”

  “One dance.”

  “One is all I need.” I hadn’t finished my statement before I was pulling her into my arms, bringing us to together. I didn’t miss the short sigh she let out from our bodies’ contact. I lowered my head to hover above her neck and inhaled deeply. She smelled sweet, intoxicatingly so.

  “You blackmailed me,” she murmured, resting her head against my chest.

  “So I did.” And I’d do it again just to keep her in my arms for the rest of the night.

  I placed the hand I held on my right shoulder, and moved my hand down her forearm, up her arm, feeling the softness of her skin. My other hand went around to her lower back, pulling her in even more. Her head lifted abruptly and she gasped, looking at me.

  “It’s what you do to me, sugar,” I stated coolly of the hard-on she’d obviously felt. “Every night for the last month, I’ve awakened with this problem because of you,” I confessed, taking her chin in my hand. Her mouth was slightly ajar, just begging to be taken. So that’s what I did. She inhaled at the initial intrusion of my tongue, but upon my insistence, relaxed and followed my lead int
o the best first kiss I’d ever experienced. I swore fireworks were going off in the background and my world tilted on its axis a little bit. I knew from the first kiss alone our first time together would be flammable.

  I continued to take her mouth, relishing the feel of her lips as they moved against mine. When she moaned into my mouth, I stooped down to pick her up and carry her to the nearest bed, if we could make it that far. Unfortunately, we could not because the most annoying sound I’d heard that evening beckoned me in the distance.


  I growled in the back of my throat, reluctantly pulling away from Michelle’s hungry mouth, and turning to glance over my shoulder. In predictable fashion there stood Aaron at the top of the walkway, frown in place, hands in his pocket, looking on angrily.

  “Oh no!” Michelle gasped, pulled away, and began to straighten out her dress.

  “I’m going to fucking kill him.”

  “I need to get back to work.” Michelle attempted to rush past me but was thwarted when my arm caught her around the waist. “Carter, I have to go!”

  “Meet me tonight.”

  She stopped struggling to look up at me, frowning.

  “Tonight, after the gala, after you’re done working. Meet me here.”

  “Do I have a choice?”


  She sighed. “Fine.”

  Smiling, I released her from my hold. She gave me one last glance before turning and heading up the walkway.

  “Hey, sugar.”

  She stopped to look back at me.

  “Do yourself a favor, don’t try to run. I have no trouble coming to find you.” It wasn’t a threat. I didn’t make threats. More like a promise. I eased my hands into my pockets and silently watched as she pivoted and traveled up the walkway back to where the gala attendees were having fun. I even watched as Aaron shot her a look when she passed him, then turned back to me. We both stared at one another for a few heartbeats until he finally turned and walked away. Eventually, I picked up my feet to follow along where they both had disappeared to, the only thing keeping me there was the knowledge that, that night I would be spending it with the woman who kept me wanting more.



  What the hell is it with me and pushy men? I thought not for the first time that night, making my way past the hanging lanterns that formed the line of demarcation between where the gala was held and the rest of the Townsend property. The estate was truly massive. I didn’t even know there was a private lake out back, until I’d stumbled upon it, while I was on a short fifteen minute break. I’d needed a moment to myself, especially after seeing Diego’s father there, cheerily dancing with his wife of twenty years. A woman who appeared to be none the wiser about what a complete jackass her husband was.


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