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Carter's Flame: A Rescue Four Novel

Page 10

by Tiffany Patterson

  She nodded. “Everything. I want to know everything about you.” Her voice was breathless, just above a whisper. But I heard the begging in it. The need that matched my own.

  I planted a kiss to her lips, taking my fill of her mouth when she opened up for me. Our tongues touched and teased one another, tasting, licking, and savoring our flavors. She tasted of the sake we’d had with dinner and sweetness, just like the pet name I’d given her. I moved lower, letting my lips trail down her neck, biting at the soft flesh there.

  “Carter,” she whispered my name into the night air.

  My hands moved lower to her waist, and I held firm as I lowered myself to my knees. I moved my hands down, underneath the slit of her dress and up her bare thighs until I reached the lace panties she wore. Driven by irresistible need, I tugged at the waistband of her panties, lowering them before pressing my nose against the short, curly hairs of her mound. I inhaled the scent of her arousal, already familiar with her unique smell from the previous Friday night. I heard my name again fall from her mouth, filled with such an intense need that I knew I had to satisfy the both of us. My mouth watered, lips itching to kiss her second pair of lips.

  I parted her thighs with my hands, lifting one leg over my shoulder, and dipped my head, licking her where I desired most. Her hips jolted against my face, egging me on. I licked, touched, and devoured every inch I could reach before literally spelling out my name in her pussy. It was the last and only name this part of her body would ever need to know from here on out.

  I moved both my arms under her thighs, placing her second leg over my shoulder. Holding her tightly against my face, I stood up fully, moving her entire body even higher against the wall.

  “Carter!” She yelled my name out of ecstasy and fear.

  I didn’t bother answering, as my mouth was otherwise occupied. Nor did I bother to let her down when both her hands went to the back of my head, keeping me right where I was. I wasn’t sure if she did so out of fear that I’d drop her, but she needn’t have worried about that. Right then, I knew I’d spent my entire adult life preparing to carry this woman in any way, shape, or form that she needed me. And when her mouth parted and she screamed out her orgasm, a sense of satisfaction I’d never known pelted my entire body. Only when she finished screaming and I’d had my fill of her, did I lower myself so her feet were on the ground. Even then, her drunkenness from my mouth was apparent when she lost her footing in her heels. I caught her, pressing her back against the wall and using my body to hold her upright.

  “Easy, sugar,” I crooned in her ear.

  “What’re you doing to me?” she whispered against my mouth.

  “Nothing you haven’t already done to me.” I kissed the corner of her mouth, and then again on the other side. This was the best first date I’d been on in a long time… no, ever.

  ~ Chapter Eight ~


  “You’ve been rather bubbly these last few days,” Natoi noted, watching me as we returned from lunch. I breezed past her through the glass doors of the office, giving her a half smile.

  “You think so?”

  “I know so. And there’s only one thing that puts a smile like that on my face. A man. And not just any man. For me, it’s David Beckham. But I know you don’t have any celebrity crushes like that, so it must be someone in your private life. Spill!” she demanded, following closely behind me as I moved inside my office.

  I glanced up. “Why are you shutting my door?”

  “Because you’re about to spill the tea. And we need some privacy.” Natoi giggled, her dark brown eyes gleaming in anticipation.

  I frowned. “I’m not about to spill anything. Open my door and bring me that Hayes file. We need to double check their guest list.”

  Natoi stood with her hands on her hips, staring down at me as if what I’d just said to her made no sense at all.

  “The Hayes file can wait.” She tapped her foot against the carpeted floor. “What really cannot wait is what’s going on with you. You’re taking off last Monday and then coming in here this week, looking all cheery and smiling and shit. You’ve got a man.”

  My eyebrows rose and I bit the inside of my cheek. I turned toward the computer screen on my desk, avoiding eye contact with my assistant, who’d become a good friend over the last few years. Despite the truth that Natoi and I were friends, I didn’t tell her all my business. She nor anyone else in the office knew that the real reason I’d taken off the previous Monday was actually because I’d been suspended. As far as everyone in the office knew, I’d had a little family emergency and had to take the day off. I appreciated Nancy for being tight lipped about the situation. I truly valued my professional reputation, and didn’t want it tarnished in front of my coworkers. Not even Natoi.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I insisted.

  She pivoted her head to the side, giving me a side-eye that screamed her skepticism. I sighed.

  “I don’t know what you’re trying to hide. It’s not like you’re seeing David Beckham. Now that would be a secret worth holding onto.”

  My thoughts immediately strayed to the previous Thursday night. Heat rose in my belly when I thought about the way Carter handled me. I squeezed my thighs together. David Beckham has absolutely nothing on Carter Townsend. I straightened in my chair, tugging the sides of the white blazer I wore. I hoped my thoughts weren’t visible on my face.

  “There’s nothing to tell. It’s dry as a bell in the love department.” I cleared my throat and shuffled some files on my desk, hoping my assistant would drop the subject altogether. I didn’t date, as far as she knew. As far as everybody knew. I’d told everyone in my life that raising my son was my main priority because it was. But then one day on my way to work, fate stepped in. And I found myself unable to deny the irresistible ruggedness of one of Williamsport Fire Department’s very own.

  “Saved by the bell.”

  I blinked in realization that Natoi was referring to the phone ringing. She rose and darted out of my office to answer the call. I went back to the guest list I was working on for one of our events, doing my best to forget about the dilemma I’d found myself in. A few minutes passed as I looked through the open file I had on my desk. Regrettably, I was soon to find that my problem had decided to walk right in my office door.

  “Michelle, there’s a Gabriel Garcia here to see you.”

  My heart rate quickened. Does he know? An image of a smiling Diego popped in my head and my heart sank.

  “Ms. Clarke and I already know each other.”

  It was hard, but I managed to keep the frown from forming on my face when I heard his voice. Soon enough, Gabriel stepped from behind Natoi, a cocky smirk on his attractive face. I slowly lowered and opened my eyelids to keep from rolling my eyes. The glint in his hazelnut eyes showed that he got off on my discomfort.

  “Oh, were we working on an event for you already, Mr. Garcia?” Natoi questioned, confused.

  Gabriel shook his dark head. “Not as of yet, but my firm is looking to host our annual charity event for the homeless and we wanted to go with a different event planner this time around. I thought, just my luck, I happen to know one of the best event planners in the city.” He smiled down at Natoi, giving her a wink. Much to my chagrin, she giggled at his charms. “Ms. Clarke and I met a long time ago while she was serving as a caterer for a small catering company.”

  “Thank you, Natoi.” I stood from my chair, smoothing down the front of the blouse I wore. Thankfully, she got the dismissal and nodded, just before leaving. Gabriel took the initiative to close the door behind her.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Mi vida, is that anyway to greet your first love?” He strolled over to the chair in front of my desk, unbuttoned the buttons of his suit jacket, and casually took a seat. I let my eyes peruse the cocky expression he wore. Gabriel was undoubtedly an attractive man with his warm, toffee-colored skin, deep brown eyes, and thick, dark hair that was gre
ying at the temples. He wore an air of confidence but I knew it was more like arrogance. “Mi vida” had been the Spanish term of endearment he began calling me when we first met, a decade ago. At nineteen, and desperate for any attention, let alone that of a successful attorney, I found it cute. I fell head-over-heels in love. Gabriel had wooed me with his stories of moving from Mexico City to pursue the American dream after his parents had died. Now, as I looked down on the man that was in his early fifties, I felt nothing but disgust and regret.

  “Don’t call me that. And what are you doing here?”

  “I told your assistant. My firm is having an event and I need an event planner.”

  “There are least two dozen event planning companies in this city. You could’ve easily found another one. I’m sure a firm of your size works exclusively with an agency already.”

  He nodded. “Si, mi vida. We do, but I thought, why not do things a little differently this year. Seeing you again last Friday night after so many months apart, reminded me that I know a very competent event planner, who also happens to be the mother of my youngest son.” Sitting forward, he grabbed the picture of me and Diego that I kept on my desk. It was my favorite picture of the two of us, taken when Diego was just three years old. In it, his little mouth is wide open, laughing as I tickle his belly.

  I reached over my desk and snatched the picture frame from Gabriel, hating for him to even see one of those special moments between my son and I.

  Gabriel frowned, his eyes darkening.

  “You want Save the Date to do an event for your firm?” I questioned, my voice tight.

  He began shaking his head. “No. I want you to do an event for me.”

  “Your firm.”

  “Me. My firm. Same difference.” He shrugged.

  “You don’t own the firm,” I reminded, and was satisfied when a small grimace passed over his face.

  “I’m a partner.”

  “I don’t freelance.”

  “Save the Date will be the official event planner but you will take the lead on this event. You will be working directly with me to ensure Williams & Brodsky puts on a spectacular event.”

  I shook my head and took a step back, holding up my hands. “I cannot do that.”

  “And why not?” He truly seemed perplexed but I knew it was just a front. Gabriel was great at convincing you he was one way but was the complete opposite. He knew exactly why this proposal of his made me uncomfortable.

  “Gabriel, this is ridiculous. There are seven other event planners in this office who can take on this project. I’m swamped as it is, and–”

  “And what? You’re busy outside of work?” His eyes narrowed.

  I placed my palms on my desk, feeling truly exhausted by this conversation already. I slowly closed my eyes, inhaling before speaking again. “As a matter of fact, I am.” I opened my eyes, staring directly at his now angered face. “In case you forgot, I have a son to raise. A very precocious six-year-old son who needs his mother’s attention when she’s home. Taking on an additional event will mean less time for him.” I snapped my mouth shut when the thought of Carter came to mind. There was no way I was going to reveal to Gabriel that I was also seeing someone.

  “You have a son?” Gabriel remained seated, but the steely nature in his voice gave way to his anger. “My son. My son whose private school I pay for. My son who is receiving a quality education because of me. Don’t you fucking forget that.” He pointed at me, seething.

  A son you haven’t seen in more than six months either. I knew that thought was better left unsaid.

  “Remember our little agreement, mi vida. As long as you abide by my terms, I will allow you to continue raising our son in peace.”

  “Your terms. Do you even hear yourself?” I whispered the words even though the door was closed. I didn’t want to take the chance of someone outside hearing this part of the conversation.

  “I hear myself loud and clear. You were the one who wanted to break things off without my agreement, so this is how it must be.” He held out his hands in the air.

  I stood, folding my arms across my chest and rolling my eyes. This was Gabriel’s thing. He loved being in charge. It’s why he went after nineteen-year-old me, when he was a man in his forties, with an unsuspecting wife at home. He sought out power and control in every aspect of his life. When I stripped him of that control, even just a little bit by breaking things off, he fought to maintain it. He couldn’t make me be with him but, through our son, he definitely could pull my strings.

  “Fine!” I hissed at him. “You want me to fucking do your event. No problem,” I snarled, pulling my chair underneath me to sit back down.

  “I’m glad you finally see things my way.”

  I ignored the satisfied note in his tone. Ignored the way the corners of his mouth turned upwards in a contented grin. And I paid no attention to the way his eyes roved over my body, stopping at my breasts. But the nausea that rolled through my belly, I couldn’t disregard. It reminded me of how much I despised this man I once loved. Made me even angrier at the young woman I once was―who felt so lost and alone in this world that I missed all the warning signs―because now I was still paying for it a decade later.


  “What’re you doing?”

  I paused, pushed my back against the wall in the hallway, and closed my eyes, allowing the rumble of his voice to roll over me. It felt dangerous and soothing at the same time. After my day at work, I needed that, the calmness he afforded me.

  “Giving Diego a bath,” I responded, finally opening my eyes and sticking my head around the corner to see into the bathroom. I smiled as my son played with a few of his action figures, splashing water everywhere.

  “You sound … drained.”

  I stood erect, Carter’s voice drawing my attention back to our conversation. “How can you read me so well through the phone?” He had an uncanny way of knowing what I was feeling, no matter how much I tried to hide it. That intrigued and scared me.

  “I’ve learned to read people.”

  “Did you learn that in the army?” I squeezed my eyes shut, feeling foolish.

  My body tensed when his chuckle moved across the phone line.

  “What else did you learn about me during your Google search?”

  “Not a whole lot. You’re a Townsend, went into the army right after high school, and now you’re a firefighter.”

  “That pretty much sums me up.”

  “That doesn’t even begin to scrape the surface of who you are.”

  Another laugh.

  “Were you really in the special forces?”


  “I hear those guys are pretty badass.”

  “We got shit done.”

  The confidence in his voice actually caused a small flood in my panties. I put my head against the wall, remembering the serious expression on his face as he hovered above me, bringing me to one climax after another.

  “You definitely get shit done alright.” My voice was filled with lust.

  “There’s a lot more where that came from.”

  “I bet there is.” I opened my eyes and again, checked to make sure Diego was doing okay. “Don’t forget to wash behind your ears, baby,” I called.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  I burst out laughing into the phone.

  “I was talking to Diego.”

  “Got it. But I’ll still wash behind my ears.”

  “Must be a slow night at the station.”

  “Not too busy. Why were you sounding so drained when you first answered?”

  I hesitated, not wanting to go into the details about Gabriel. “Just a demanding client of ours.”

  “What’d they want?”

  “A big event for a law firm and they expect us to drop everything and cater to their every whim.” Tension filled my voice. “Nothing worth discussing right now.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, of course.”

  There was
nothing from the other end of the phone. I knew he was mulling over my words in his head. That was what he did. He watched and listened intently. He was keen on details I’d never notice.

  “Stop doing that,” I finally said.

  “Doing what?”

  “Measuring everything I say. Every intonation. It’s just a work thing.”

  “Okay. Then let’s discuss something else.”

  “Like what?”

  “The next time I can see you.”

  I smiled in spite of myself. My body warmed at just the idea of seeing him face-to-face again. But I had to control myself, for my sake and for my son’s sake. I was no longer the shy, hungry for attention, nineteen-year-old girl I once was. I needed to be smart about things this time around. Especially given Carter’s background. He may not work for the family business but he was still a Townsend and that gave him immeasurable power and influence.

  “I think … I think we need to slow down a little bit.”

  “Slow down.” He repeated the words, as if rolling them around in his mouth to see how they tasted. Obviously, he didn’t like the flavor because he soon came back with, “No.”

  I sighed, rolling my eyes. “What do you mean no?”

  “I mean, when it comes to you, I’m going as slow as I possibly can.”

  My shoulders slumped a little. Somehow I knew what he meant. He’d been insistent from the very beginning but I could tell he’d been showing restraint. I suspected if he had things his way, we’d be living together by now. He was that damn intense, but he sensed my hesitation and didn’t want to scare me off.

  “I’m not saying we should totally stop seeing each other. I’m just saying we need to take things a little slower.”

  “Go out with me this Friday and we’ll discuss it some more.”

  I lowered my head and giggled. When I caught my breath, I stood all the way up, releasing a breath. “Fine. This Friday.” My mother was actually taking Diego Friday night, per one of their traditions, so I’d have the evening to myself anyway.

  “Friday night! Whoop! Carter, you got a date.”

  I pulled the phone away from my ear, eyeing it suspiciously upon hearing the unfamiliar man’s voice.


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