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Paradise Reclaimed

Page 86

by Raymond Harris

  “Shit,” said Sarakit. “Calm down Alice.”

  Rafael sunk further in his chair and tears began to form in his eyes as he realised he may have turned the project over to the very forces he had radically opposed.

  “Hey man, you okay?” said Tehani getting up from her chair. Adey did not stop her but instead turned immediately to check that he was okay.

  “This just got a bit too heavy,” said Jimi, also concerned about Rafael. “Truth is, I didn’t pay a whole lot of attention to the fucking contract either. It could”ve been me.”

  “Me too,” said Tommo, defending his new friend.

  Tehani comforted Rafael.

  “You okay to continue?” asked Adey.

  “Yes, yes. I’m so ashamed. I’m so sorry everyone, so sorry. I didn’t think. It was stupid. Of course we can’t let the corps find out. They’d fuck Eden like they’ve fucked this planet.”

  “Everyone,” said Adey loudly to pull the meeting to order. “This process is not easy on anyone. Do you want to take a short break while Rafael recovers?”

  “No, no, I’m all right. I support this process. I fucked up. It’s as simple as that.”

  “We all fuck up man,” said Tehani as she returned to her seat. “I’ve been responsible for some major league fuckups in my time, believe me.”

  Anaïs held up her hand. “I think it’s important we proceed. We’re going to face conflict when we get to Eden. We won’t have police or a justice system. We will have to deal with conflict ourselves. The object here is not to punish Rafael, but to find a way forward for everyone. Rafael, if you were in our shoes what would you do?”

  Rafael shook his head, not quite believing he was being asked to pass judgment on himself. “I’d be pretty pissed. I’d probably suggest expulsion from the group. Solidarity is important, traitors…”

  Put Put stood up. “No one thinks you’re a traitor. A fuckwit maybe…”

  “Who thinks with his stupid cock,” said Alice dismissively.

  “Hey little girl, there were two of us. I was thinking with my cunt too.” The room fell silent with Paloma’s forceful defence of Rafael.

  “Alice and Paloma, please, your choice of words,” said Adey.

  “Well I’m angry. This project means a lot to me; more than Rafael. I think he’s a traitor, and don’t ever call me a little girl, I’m way smarter than you. You’re a traitor too,” Alice snarled, pointing a finger at Paloma.

  “Don’t make things worse,” said Tehani.

  Adey held up her hand to calm the group. “Alice is perfectly entitled to her anger. No one is wrong in this process. Who else feels angry?”

  Half the hands rose.

  “Okay, I think we should take turns sharing our thoughts and reactions. No one is to interrupt. Listen with respect and try to understand. This is a truth and reconciliation process. Let people tell their truth, then we can try and come to some resolution.”

  They talked for another half hour, each person explaining their reactions, which ranged from puzzled indifference to varying degrees of betrayal. As the process continued people became more thoughtful, realising that the issue had raised further underlying tensions. The more astute knew that many human endeavours had floundered due to conflict and disharmony. If they couldn’t find a way to resolve conflict, the colony could easily turn in on itself.

  When they had all finished the time had come to discuss a resolution. Anaïs wanted to speak first. “The truth is that Rafael knows too much to leave the group and his skills are valuable to the mission. If we eject him from the mission, Shunyata would still have to keep him closely monitored. I am sure that he would not voluntarily reveal anything but he will be at risk…”

  “At risk?” asked Tehani, forgetting to hold up her hand.

  “He would be required to change his identity,” said Eva. “Shunyata has already had to contain a number of security breaches. He disappears. Simple. But if hostile forces discover his location they may resort to severe interrogation methods…”

  “Torture,” Tehani gasped.

  “I wouldn’t talk,” Rafael protested.

  “They’d use psychotropics. The more sophisticated spooks fuck with the mind,” Eva said coldly. “You wouldn’t even know you had talked.”

  “So what you’re saying is that the safest option is to take him with us?” asked Lars, who had been quiet through most of the proceedings.

  “I don’t trust him,” said Alice. “I don’t trust Paloma either.”

  “So it’s about rebuilding trust,” said Put Put. “Personally I think Rafael’s learnt his lesson. It was foolish, it wasn’t malicious.”

  “Well, I think we have to vote at some point,” said Solomon. “I don’t think everyone will be happy no matter what we decide now. Which means we may sow the seeds for future conflict within the group.”

  “I think whatever happens, Rafael will still have to reach a resolution with each individual,” said Po. “I would remind Alice that forgiveness is a necessary part of the process. I also think there are deeper issues underlying her response that she may not be fully conscious of. I would suggest mediated one on one sessions.”

  “We are departing soon. They’d have to continue on Eden,” said Grace.

  “If I’m judging the mood of the group correctly, I think we should have a show of hands,” said Adey. “Who thinks Rafael should still go to Eden?”

  There was a clear majority, with Sirakit, Jules and Alice withholding their support.

  “Okay, well that resolves that particular issue, but it doesn’t resolve the larger conflict, which seems impossible to resolve today,” said Adey. “Do you guys accept the group’s decision?”

  “Not happy, but it’s a clear majority,” said Sirakit.

  Jules shrugged his shoulders and nodded his acceptance of the decision. Alice folded her arms and scowled.

  “Thank you everyone. I’ll make it up to you, I promise,” said Rafael attempting a reassuring smile.

  “Okay, well that’s that issue,” said Adey. “Next on the agenda is Paloma. She has expressed a wish to join the mission. We’ll have to bring the others in at this stage.”

  At that point the large screen lit up to show the team on Eden.

  “Me cago en Dios,” Paloma exclaimed with shock of seeing a naked African woman in a multi-coloured tropical rainforest.

  Akoi laughed. “Well, hello to you too Paloma. Hi everyone. We were watching but didn’t want to reveal ourselves to Paloma. It would have been a distraction. As for you Rafael, you’ll have to deal with us when you get here. We were less than impressed. We think you should be on latrine duty for a year.”

  “Es esto un sueño?” said Paloma, forgetting to speak English.

  “No, esto es real, muy real,” said Akoi. “Now let me introduce the team.”



  He desperately wanted to speak to Tshering but he needed to talk to Aviva first to get her advice. He would have to wake her but she had insisted he call her at any hour. She appeared on the screen bleary eyed, her hair a mess, a pale, freckled breast visible until she closed the robe she had obviously thrown on in a hurry.

  “Akash, is there a problem?”

  “A problem, an opportunity.”

  “What’s the deal?”

  “Do you want to go get a coffee or something?”

  “Is it that involved?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry, but we have to get moving.”

  “Okay, hang on…”

  He watched as she stood and walked across the darkened room. He saw the kitchen light go on and waited, his mind rehearsing what needed to be said. She reappeared with a coffee in hand. She hadn’t tied the robe and it had fallen open to reveal a pale thigh. They had known each other long enough that he barely noticed; she seemed too tired to care.

  “Right, so I gather they made you an offer you couldn’t refuse.”

  She listened carefully as he told her about Angelika, the Laurel Group
and the consortium. He expected her to be shocked and to show some resistance.

  “Might be for the best. Things are getting out of control.”

  She told him everything that had happened in the three days he’d been away. He was distressed to hear what had happened in Barcelona.

  “Is Anaïs okay?”

  “Oh, she shat herself initially, but now she’s telling war stories. She’ll be fine.”

  “And your situation?”

  “Contained, but it means we’re increasingly vulnerable here in ‘Cisco.”

  “And you’re sure about this Paloma?”

  “No, not really. It’s a calculated risk. She worked it out for herself Akash and I don’t think she would have gone quietly. It would have been a waste to pop her.”

  He winced at the casual way Aviva had said “pop her”. He had placed a heavy burden on her shoulders and he felt extremely guilty, yet they were in too deep to go back to more innocent times. “If the legals are happy, it’ll mean we’ll have to cooperate with other agencies. This is where it gets tricky. We need to hide some of our main cards and selectively reveal others. I need to take your advice on this.”

  “I understand. Of course, they’ll expect us to keep some things close to our chest. They’ll try to catch us out and they’ll assume we’ll be trying to catch them out. It’s the way it is.”

  “Where do you want to be in this? I was thinking of having you up front, dealing with the spooks directly. I don’t want you in deep.”

  She took a sip of coffee and thought about what he had just said. Her answer surprised him. “I need a break. Two weeks. Then I’ll give you an answer.”

  “A break?”

  “A vacation. I’m exhausted Akash. A part of me doesn’t care anymore.”

  “I’m sorry. You’ve taken the brunt…”

  “Which is why you’re going to agree, no questions…”

  “Of course. When?”

  “Soon. Don’t worry. The department is in good hands. I need to forget about things for a while. Just make sure to sign off with Jorge and finance.”

  “Okay, sure. I’ll send an email. So, does that mean you’re okay with the Swiss move?”

  “It would be better to reveal your plans at a time of your choosing rather than have others force it on you. You’ll need powerful allies when that happens. You’ll also need the top PR minds.”

  “You don’t think Shunyata’s current agency is sufficient?”

  “Frankly no… They’re product people. The next phase will about controlling the narrative and preparing the public, politicians and special interest groups for a paradigm shift. That requires a new strategy, one that includes political advisors, paid journos, staged media events, the strategic release of information, social psychologists. I’d advise we set up a secure in-house group. But that can all wait. I need to return to sleep.”

  “Why not take the day off, boss’s orders. Catch a movie or something.”

  “If I do anything, I’ll hit the gym, take it out on a punching bag. I need to start sharpening my reflexes. I’ve lost some muscle tone. I wasn’t confident I could handle myself, you know…”

  “Okay, well, I’ll inform Tatiana. This’ll take months of tedious legal meetings, but we always knew we’d have to come out of the cold eventually.”

  “Speaking of cold…”

  “Yes, okay, goodnight.”

  The screen went blank. His next call was to Tatiana. She was in New York. It would just be beginning to dawn.

  “A bit early Akash,” she said as she peered into the screen.

  “You’re usually up…”

  “We had a late night.”

  “I’m sorry. I thought you’d want to get moving. Was it the ballet?” He knew that Tatiana was now giving generously to the New York City Ballet (she had fallen in love with ballet as a child).

  “Yes, so what’s your decision?” she replied rather coldly.

  “You can proceed.”

  “Good. I’ll start the negotiations and then at an appropriate time, I’ll resign.”


  “Surely you thought this through. A merger of this order usually requires significant changes in the management structure. Frankly, I want to move onto something else.”

  “This is a surprise. What will you do?”

  “I’ll get a good pay out and I’ll make sure I retain a good portfolio of shares. I have other ambitions now.”


  “Yes, the Kirov needs rescuing.”


  “I still have contacts there. There are rumours that Timinov is treating the Kirov as his own personal plaything. He has a ballerina fetish. I have seen footage of some of the younger dancers performing naked in a private audience. Apparently he uses them as a sweetener for his business friends, including the president; the less talented dancers are pressured to perform sexual favours in the hopes of a promotion. It’s a scandal.”

  He wanted to appear shocked but he had heard many stories about the sexual predilections of dictators and corrupt officials, and of the athletes and entertainers forced to endure exploitation for fear of reprisals. “I see. A high-risk endeavour. I suppose you know what you’re doing.” He frowned. She was effectively telling him she was about to enter Russian politics. The president protected Timinov and to get rid of him she would have to get rid of the president. Her reward would be control of the Kirov. It would be impossible for her to continue with Shunyata if she was going to help finance a coup attempt. “I’ll instruct Aviva to offer what assistance she can.”

  “Thank you Akash, I’m sorry it’s come to this but these things have their own momentum. People with our level of resources have a duty to make a difference. You are either a victim of history or you attempt to shape history.”

  “I guess I don’t need to tell you to be careful.”

  “I will be as careful as is required, but everything has risks. You of all people should know that.”



  Xiao Xiao was waiting for her at the small private jet terminal at Queenstown airport. Aviva didn’t recognise her because she was dressed like any other traveller in jeans and a brand snowboarding hoodie, but Xiao Xiao recognised Aviva immediately and glided up to her to give her a kiss on each cheek. She was even more beautiful in the flesh, small and lithe, a classic doll-faced Asian beauty, the equal of any top actress, pop idoru or model. She smiled at Aviva reassuringly, as if she were in complete control. “I’ve been here for a day and stocked the house. I even have some homemade won ton soup waiting. I understand it is a favourite. How was your trip?” She spoke perfect, educated English, betraying just a hint of an exotic accent.

  “Um, fine, slept, tried to read and begin to wind down. I gather you’ve prepared a list of activities?”

  Xiao Xiao smiled and nodded quickly in the Asian manner. “We can discuss all this later. Take a deep breath and just let go. I have everything under control.” She took Aviva’s hand and stroked it gently. “This is what I do. I look after you. Now tell me, what were you reading?”

  “Oh, just trying to catch up the last couple of years of literary prizes: Pullitzer, Mann-Booker. You know, the ones you are supposed to have read and discuss at dinner parties. I suppose you’ve read them all?”

  Xiao Xiao shrugged her shoulders and attempted to shy away from the question for fear of appearing arrogant.

  “Of course you have,” said Aviva, taking the time to study her pretty face.

  Xiao Xiao smiled seductively in return. She knew she was being assessed. “We are expected to be able to converse across a range of topics, so yes, we have to be well read.” She stared directly at Aviva, as if she were testing Aviva’s intelligence in turn.

  “I suppose you have to be careful not to bruise too many egos, especially male egos.” Aviva held Xiao Xiao’s gaze. “It’s my job to assess people. I can see through most people’s bullshit, so there’s no need to hide how s
mart you are.”

  Xiao Xiao moved close to Aviva, just inside her comfort zone. “Fair enough, I won’t. But you must appreciate that we will need to keep certain confidences and maintain some boundaries. This is a purely professional relationship. I will have to keep my mask on.”

  “Of course, that is understood.” Aviva was beginning to feel slightly aroused. The seduction had begun. “Provided we are honest about the mask. I just don’t want you to hide your light. I want to be challenged, mentally, physically and sexually.”

  “I think I can manage that.” Xiao Xiao leant closer, as if she were about to kiss her, but she pulled back just to let Aviva know who was in charge. “I think all the paperwork is done now.” She looked over at the customs official waiting patiently. “It seems we are free to leave. It’s a small resort town, so it’s a short drive. I’ve hired a suitable all-terrain vehicle, functional, nothing too flash.”

  “Good, I want to blend in, keep a low profile…” She followed Xiao Xiao out to the car park. The sun came out from behind puffy white cumulus clouds and warmed her skin. She took a deep breath of clean mountain air and let go a little more tension. She looked at Xiao Xiao’s slender body and felt of flush of girlish shyness, amazed that she had dared to hire a high-class escort.

  Xiao Xiao turned and smiled at the way Aviva was staring at her. She paused to let her look, to imagine the delights that awaited her. “Shall I take the direct route or the scenic route?”

  “The direct route.”

  It was indeed a short trip, just fifteen minutes from the airport to their luxury accommodation, a modern house with panoramic views over Lake Wakatipu and the snow capped Remarkables.

  “Wow,” was all she could say as she walked through the open plan living area to look through floor to ceiling windows at a lap pool and spa with panoramic lake views.

  “I’ve stayed in some pretty impressive places, hotels mostly, but this has the best views. Do you want a wine to celebrate?” She turned to see Xiao Xiao place her suitcase against a wall and walk toward a well-stocked wine cabinet. “Can I suggest the Shiraz from a small winery in Wairarapa?”


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