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School Time for Death: Resurection (Death Dealer Saga Book 5)

Page 17

by Jessie Wolf

  As I sat in my seat I thought of how to balance out the four orders. If all went well I could very well end up with a starter force of eight hundred and four members. If I were to just get half that number I would be ecstatic. A force of that size would be the equivalent of a battalion in size. I won’t hold out for the full student bodies of both schools, as it would be just too much to ask of the Gods and Goddesses.

  There is an old saying from Earth Prime that fits this situation perfectly. A man has to know his limitations. No one knows who said it first, but it is most often attributed to a Peacekeeper of the late twentieth century by the name of Harry Callahan. The only proof of this is an ancient two-d documentary on the Peacekeepers of the day. I myself had never really seen this two-d, but I will always remember that saying as it was one of my instructor’s favorites. APS pilots are more often heard using one of his others that went ‘Do you feel lucky?’, but I never really understood that one.

  The first thing I did was to list what possible problems could result from forming these orders. The biggest one I already knew about, Cardinal Richelieu. The next was the Black Rose and Crimson Shield. Religious fanatics have been the bane of modern man since before we left Earth Prime for the stars. I knew that once they got their act together I would be facing a very deadly military force of diehard fanatics. When they came at us it would be a very bloody and fatal fight. My next problem would be with the parents of the students. I wasn’t too sure that most have just written off their children, I just couldn’t accept that. However if it was true and I was giving these young men and women a way out, then I would do all that I could to make it happen.

  I was interrupted in my thoughts by mama. “I take it that you’re already trying to work out what all we have to do. And from the look on your face I would also say that you have been going over possible problems.”

  “Mama, I have said it before and I’ll say it again. You have a gift for understatement. Do you have any idea of just how massive an undertaking this is? We have at best eight months to gather, outfit, and train enough people to be members of the four orders. That doesn’t even come close to what the parents of these girls and boys are going to say.” Before I can go any further mama starts to giggle, then out and out laugh. My shock at her laughing must have been very apparent. Even the Princess and her friends, who had been listening in on us, started to laugh as while.

  Then I hear the Princess say to Lisa. “She looks like she’s been hit with a fish!”

  “No, no, a trout. She looks like a trout out of water!” Susan says.

  Before I can become angry with them and tell them that don’t know what they’re talking about Princess Daniela smiles at me. “Lady Maiha, please understand something. Once the parents of all the girls and boys of both schools find out they can send their unwanted children here to become members of the orders, you’ll have more than you can handle. Hell, I know why I am really here at JES. So does every girl who attends this school. We are the embarrassments to those fine upstanding moral High Families. If word of who are our real fathers were ever to get out, why there would be absolute scandal. The same goes for the boys over at JS. Trust me when I say for us joining the orders is a blessing that they would jump at. Most of us girls would be forced into arranged marriages as third or fourth wives at best. The other option is not one most of us want to think about as it means we’re on our way to one of the penal colonies. As for me I’m a special case. This is my only chance at having a life that isn’t controlled by the Palace Security. I know my father better than you, Lady Maiha. He would not only stoop to an arranged marriage to some backwater Lord, but would go out of the way to make it happen. Why do you think I went to all the trouble I did to get away the first time? Before you say anything, yes I know my real father was not the Emperor. My mama told me before I was sent to your mama where you met me.”

  Susan was the next to speak up about her own past. “I was the illegitimate son of Harry Two Horses Whitehorse, before I came out as being transgendered, so I was sent to JES. That was before helping the Princess in her escape. As far as the Whitehorse clan is concerned I could drop over dead and no one would shed a tear especially my younger brothers. That’s right I was born before my brothers were and am the rightful heir, but my mother was one of the maids my father had slept with before marrying the mother of my brothers. Being transgendered on my home world is looked on as favorably as it once was by my people. Too many of them have forgotten the old ways.”

  “I’m not much better than the two of them. My father would love to see my pretty little ass on a one way rocket to a penal colony. If it hadn’t been for the Princess that is exactly where I would be. I am just the latest of his illegitimate children. There are three others, two boys and a girl. I have no idea of where they are, but if I had to make a guess I would say Bal Moto Six or Kingston Falls.” I feel a chill run down my spine at Lisa’s mention of the two most feared and hated penal colonies. “I know for a fact that if I return home I’ll be married off to the current Governor of New Castle Two as a reward. Trust me, as far as my father is concerned there is no love lost between us.”

  “I kept running away so I could transition before my father and mother finally agreed to send me to JES. Most of the trans-girls at JES have the same back ground as I do. Usually we’re the youngest or middle child and are not in line to inherit so they send us off to some boarding school that accepts trans-girls or boys. A lot of us wind up as second or third wives when we graduate from school. Hell, joining the Sisterhood of the Dragon was my only way out of the contract marriage I was forced into signing.” Cassidy told us. When I heard that joining the Sisterhood was her only way out I needed to know more. So I asked about the contract. “In every contract marriage there is a clause that gives the bride an out. However that out is not one that most can take. You see one of the things that every contract has to take in to account for is Religious Awakening.”

  “Wait a minute; I don’t understand what that means. Can you please explain what a Religious Awakening is?” Daniela asked of Cassidy. However it was mama that stepped in to explain. It was a good thing to, as of all of us, she had the most experience in this field.

  “Daniela, a Religious Awakening is where an individual has a sudden desire or revelation of the spiritual nature. For many of these individuals it leads them to a life of service in one of the Temples. Unfortunately there is a problem for transgender people. Most Temples will not take them until they have completed their transition because it is felt that they have enough problems facing them without adding the restrictive nature of the first years as a member of the different orders. Now, once they have completed their transition they are welcomed with open arms.”

  “And that is why most trans-girls and boys never get the chance to take that out. They won’t let us complete our transition until we’re married, if ever. The male brides of Hellos Prime are trapped from the time of their birth in some cases. That is why so many second or third wives are trans-girls. The few that are real girls are the only ones who can really use that clause, but few if any ever really get the chance as they are told from the time they have their first menstruation that they are unworthy of Temple life. I can tell you right now, that when we get back to school be ready to have the rest of the student body demanding to join one of the orders.” Cassidy was almost in tears when she finished speaking.

  I turned to look at my family and saw something I wasn’t expecting. Anger. There was a look of barely controlled rage on all their faces. I look to Daniela before I ask my next question. “Do you know any of the boys over at JS?”

  “Yes ma’am. I know more than a few of them, and I can tell you that they’re all in the same boat as the girls at JES.” Before I can cast doubt on her claim that they are all in the same boat she holds up her hand. “That school is filled with the illegitimate sons or sons that pose a threat to the succession of the House Heir. They are usually the third, fourth, or more in line to inherit. Over ha
lf of them will never see their homes again after graduation as they will either wind up in some Planetary Defense Force, on an outbound colony transport, a penal colony, or in some cases a deep space probe out beyond the outer rims. Their families can’t kill them out right but they can make them disappear. Once again, Lady Maiha, trust me when I say that if you offer the boys of that school a chance at joining one of the orders you’ll have more volunteers than you can handle. Don’t you realize the chance you have given to all of us, especially to the Heathers?”

  The convoy was just pulling back into the school campus when Daniela asked me this question. “To be honest with you Daniela, no I have no idea what this means to you girls. Why don’t you explain it to me? Because I am at a loss to understand.”

  Instead of telling me she stands up and points to the forward view screen. In front of the school was the entire student body except for those with us in the transports. They were jumping around and waving at us before we even pulled to the front of the school. The MCU driver was calling out over the P.A. system for the girls to back away so he could park the big combat vehicle. I turned and looked at the Imperial Princess to demand an answer to what was going on.

  “You have given them hope, Lady Maiha. The other girls have already spread the word about the two orders for girls. If you look out to the far side of the campus you’ll see the boys of JS headed this way. Word has spread of what you’re trying to do, Lady Maiha Nakatoma. They have heard, they have come, and will you now turn them away? Not when you can afford them hope for something better in their lives?” she may not be the Empress and may never be the Empress, but the little bitch sure knows how to act like one.

  “I will not be the one to turn them away. As it is I cannot even if I wanted to. I figure in eight months I’ll have the full weight of the Black Rose, and Crimson Shield coming down on my head.” I was truthful with them. I figured that these girls deserved to know the truth about what was soon to happen. “The four orders of the Temple of Ida-ten have been outlawed for four hundred years. By my reviving them I have in effect declared war on the Imperial Temples. I know I told you all this last night, but do you think that those out there will join knowing this?”

  “Try and stop them, Lady Nakatoma, try and stop them.” said the most unlikely of the four. When I looked at Cassidy she told me why. “A lot of them have more reason to hate the Imperial Temples than I do.”

  “Why is that Cissy?”

  “They were the ones who destroyed most of their lives.”

  Chapter 9

  To say that I was not surprised by this very blunt accusation just showed how jaded I had become towards the Imperial Temples. Over the years I had seen too many times how the Imperial Temples have used their influence to manipulate the Parliament and Hall of Lords. There was supposed to be a defined separation of Church and State to keep this from happening. However over the last few centuries they have moved to be more and more the power behind the throne. The more I think about it the more I realize that the Imperial Temples could make or break any of the High Families.

  This fact has been made readily apparent to me by the way these children were treated. If there is one thing that has always gotten under my skin it was the abuse of children for personal or political gain. In my younger years I helped more than one planet’s population to overthrow a corrupt government because of this alone. The fact that I now have proof that the Imperial Temples were doing this was all that I needed to follow through with my plans. The fact that it will be the very children that have been the victims of their abuse was just icing on the cake.

  Sure you could say I was abusing them myself, and I would be inclined to agree with you. However if by allowing these children to join the Temple of Ida-ten they can get out of whatever they have been forced into, then I’ll do it. I will make sure that none of the preteens join. I know for a fact that this will drop the total number I will be able to help out right now, but I will not let anyone below the age of fourteen to make this commitment. They needed to be children before becoming crusaders. Not that it will be a problem as there are only fifteen girls at JES below the age of fifteen and only nine boys at JS below that age as well.

  As we step off the MCU we are met by almost the entire student body. The excitement in the air could be cut with a chainsaw. I had not truly understood the effect of having a choice would be to these girls until now. Thank the Goddess as mama stepped out in front of them all and raised her hands above her head. When they had quieted down so that she could address them she smiled then in a clear voice said. “Ladies, as you have all undoubtedly heard, the answer is yes. We are reviving the Temple of Ida-ten and you all will be given a chance to join one of the two Sisterhood Orders. Now, before that can happen we need for you to return to your rooms for now. Shortly either I, one of my daughters, or one of the Sisters of the Saint Nightingale will be by to talk to you about what it means to join these orders. For those of you who have a roommate who has already joined the orders talk with them. Now there are two Sisterhoods that you can join. The first is the Daughters of the Dragon and the second is the Sisterhood of Saint Nightingale. I will send the Nightingale Sisters around to talk with you all as at this time none of them are students here. Think long and hard about the path you would follow once you have joined the Sisterhoods. One is a Sisterhood of Healers and the other is a Sisterhood dedicated to the pursuit of justice.”

  When mama finished one girl up front raised her hand. Mama waved for her to ask her question. “Are you to be our new Vice Headmistress ma’am?”

  “Yes, I have been asked by your current Headmaster to be his Vice Headmistress. My name is Mrs. Dai Etsu Nakatoma, and before you ask yes I am the mother to the Nakatoma girls. You’ll find that I am fair and just in all my dealings. You’ll also find that I have very little tolerance for bullies, mischief, and unladylike behavior. If you doubt me, just ask my daughters.”

  I just couldn’t let that pass without commenting. “She also hates foul language. Trust me, unless you like the taste of soap don’t cuss around her.”

  The giggles that start from hearing this is soon all out laughter as mama snaps back. “You should know. It only took me feeding you what twelve bars a day for a month to break you of the habit.” I had the good sense to blush at her reprimand. Needless to say this brought the student body to full roar, causing my blush to deepen even more. I have said before and I’ll say it again. There are times when it just doesn’t pay to get out of bed. “Now ladies, I suggest you return to your rooms and make sure they are clean. As I said someone will be by to talk to you, but they will also report back to me on any room that is out of order.” Mama clapped her hands and it was like watching the tide recede. All the girls turned and started to run for their buildings as one. That was until mama called out. “LADIES! Here at Joan Eunice Smith we do not, I repeat, do not run. The only place for that is on the track field, gymnasium, or on the pitch. Remember, haste makes waste.”

  Ever girl had stopped dead in their tracks and listened to mama as she gave her little speech. Then almost as one they bowed to her they turned and started back toward their dorms at a fast paced walk. I was doing my best to keep from laughing at this display. However, Charlie’s next words drove all thoughts of amusement from my head.

  Commander, I have just been pinged by a High Security Surveillance AI of unknown origin. It is demanding ID codes for all of the Death Dealer AIs that are in front of the school at this time. (Charlie)

  “Shit! Fuck! Shit fuck! What the Hell over?! Charlie lock that AI down and find out where it is, Now!”

  Maiha, we have incoming Death Dealers from the East and South at high speed. (Dee De)

  Mama cut-in on the command network along with Alice and the rest of my family.

  ‘Maiha, what in the name of the Seven Pillars is going on?’ (Mama)

  ‘Heads up I have ten bogies in bound at the eight o’clock position.’ (Fuyuko)

  ‘I got another ten at the ten
o’clock coming fast and hot.’ (Nanami)

  ‘Two FAV’s in bound from the three and four o’clock positions Wave Dancer.’ (Alice)

  Before I can think of what is happening my family go from school governess and schoolgirls to full combat mode second gen Death Dealers. Sadly I’m not far behind them as I get hit by a targeting radar. The next thing I know all one hundred and thirty four Dragon Daughters with swords drawn are moving to surround me and my family. It is at that this time that I start getting the security request from the Death Dealer AIs.

  “This is First High Lady Maiha Nakatoma, to all Juliet Echo Sera Security, you will stand down. I repeat stand down. You do not want to try the force at the transports. Over.”

  “This is Sergeant Major Kingston all teams stand down. Sorry about that Lady Maiha. Our new security system AI doesn’t have all the security codes yet in its memory. Over.”

  “Copy that Sergeant Major. Stand by for a full down load of all new Death Dealer AIs belonging to the Daughters of the Dragon Sisterhood and the Sisterhood of the Saint Nightingale. Mark them in order received as Delta Delta for the Dragons Daughters and November Delta for the Nightingales. Over”

  “Roger ma’am. Good to have you and the rest of your class back at school. If you have time please swing by the Security Office. Over.”


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