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School Time for Death: Resurection (Death Dealer Saga Book 5)

Page 22

by Jessie Wolf

  “Well at least she knows when to choose her fights and when to yield to the inevitable.” Fuyuko cracked behind her hand.

  “Quiet you! No comments from the peanut gallery are needed at this time. Alright you three lets have the rest of it. What else do you have in the pipeline?” I asked of my three younger siblings. If there is one thing I have learned about my sisters they never do anything half way. If they knew sending this e-mail out would shove the membership of the Temple up past the needed number to force membership in the Imperial Temples, then they had more than one reason for doing it. Something that would make the Temple Elders sit up and take notice of our Temple.

  This time it was Nanase who decided to speak up for the three of them. “Um… there is an FTL packet going out on the next burst transmission to Vega Prime and the Temple Elders with our total membership numbers.” It was barely over a whisper, but that one sentence might as well have been a sonic boom. The fact that they were sending FTL packets to Vega Prime was like sending up a signal flare on a clear moonless night. Talk about over kill for getting the Temple Elders attention.

  The head ache that was threating to overwhelm me at that point in time had gone from a three on the ten scale right up to a solid fifteen and climbing. I sat down in one of the chairs and start to rub my temples with my fingertips. Looking down at the floor as I do this, because if I look at my sisters I might start screaming and that would not be good for my headache.

  “Did, any of you, stop to think about how your little hello would be taken, by the Temple Elders?” when no one answered my question I looked up at them, and then Alice. “Pussycat, please tell me that you didn’t know about the FTL packet?”

  “Do you think I’m daft? Trust me I know better than to go and pour liquid oxygen on a lit fire.” Alice was just as shocked as mama and me, I could tell by the twitch in her right eye. “You said you were only going to send that message out across the campuses, not across the fracking Universe! By the Goddess what were you three thinking? Or were you even thinking at all? Do you realize that now they have to come at us with everything and the kitchen sink? Hell if they wanted to; they could petition the Emperor for reinforcements. All you have done is force their hand, and by doing that have basically given Richelieu all the ammo he needs to send in the Black Rose and Crimson Shield in full force.”

  “Good!” both Alice and I snapped our head around at mama when she said that. “For too long that man has used the threat of those two orders to keep the smaller Family Temples down. For too long, far too long, the Temple of Holy Light have used those two orders as the bogyman of freethinking Family Temple leaders whose only wish is to be able to spread their faith in a peaceful manner. No, Maiha, it is time that they were torn from their place of power and made to face those who would oppress the Freedom of Religion. Your sisters did not start this war, it began over four hundred and fifty years ago with an arrogant Royal and far too ambitious Cardinal. We are only the latest chapter in this ongoing story.”

  “That is where you are wrong mama. When I get done, there will be true Freedom of Religion, or House Nakatoma will be nothing more than a memory.” At my very dire prediction everyone in the room turned white. “If that should happen I have already told you what will follow. I make no joke about this very dire situation we are in. if we, no strike that, if the Temple of Ida-ten and its Knights fail, the Death Dealers will take matters into their own hands. And unlike the last war, there will be no one to keep them in check or stop them once they get going. So my dear loved ones I hope you’re ready, because we will have less time than before to get these kids trained and ready for a war of religion. One that we either win or everything we hold dear will be out the flipping damn door. Because those men, who you made the mistake of becoming their mascot for, will leave nothing but ash behind them as they keep going until they have the man responsible for all of this in their sights. After that we may not have an Empire anymore.”

  As the consequences of their actions began to sink into my sisters heads I watched as a grim determination came to their faces. It was mama who put their thoughts into words for me. “Where my daughters go, I will lead. If that is into the very gates of Hell then so be it. The Daughters of the Dragon and Brothers of the Black Swords shall lead the charge. And the Children of Mars shall bathe their armor in the blood of our enemies. The Brothers of Balance shall send down Judgment on those who see fit to wage war for wars sake, while the Nightingale Sisters see to those in need and the affirmed. The Five Knights of Ida-ten shall ride once again to bring Justice to our Empire.”

  Standing up I drain my Scotch glass, put out my cigarette, and walk over to her. I pull my mama into a hug, and then step back. In a clear and commanding voice I say. “So say we all. So let it be written, so let it be done. So say we all.” when I’m finished I am looking at Alice and my sisters. They don’t let me down, because as one they say. “So say we all.”

  It was as a family that we left mine and Alice’s room heading over to the gymnasium for dinner that night. You could not tell by the way we were lined up who was the Head of House for the Nakatoma Family. It didn’t matter though, if you came at us with mischief in your mind or soul you would meet all of our blades at once. Mama and I were in the center side by side. One step back and to the side were Fuyuko and Alice. Behind them, in the same place to them that they were to mama and me; were Nanase and Nanami. You could not come at us in a hostile manner without meeting three sets of steal.

  That night it was as the Storm Dancers, the Command Lance of one of the most feared House Militaries in all the Empire, that we crossed the campus grounds. After tonight that same command lance shall be the Head of the Dragons Daughters. The Knightly order that will help haul down a corrupt Cardinal and equally corrupted Imperial Temple Complex. In years to come the Security Detail that was on duty that night would tell stories of the six beautiful figures that glided across their monitors. Some would describe them as angels descended from the Heavens. Others would describe them as demons raised from the very depths of Hell to steel their immortal souls with their bewitching beauty, and still others the six Sisters of the Grim Reaper in all their immortal beauty.

  It is said that the only person that has more superstitions that a Star Sailor is a front line Combat Trooper. And that evening with the three moons just rising behind them, two in full phase, shining down over the grounds and over their Ceremonial robes, the women of the Nakatoma family, all moving in that trade mark way of theirs, looked like they really were of another world. The Death Dealers who were on roving patrols for the school campus would later say they had seen the Ghosts of ancient Japanese Royalty. Even centuries in to the future, members belonging to the Temple of Ida-ten would say that if you look just right on nights with two full moons you can see the six Dancing Ghosts of the Storms crossing the Temple grounds.

  As we moved across the campus none of us had any idea of the impact we were having on our Death Dealer protectors. For us the impact we wanted to make would be within the walls of the building ahead of us. Inside that unassuming building resided our only hope of success against the Imperial Temples and their armed enforcers. Stopping just short of the main doors to the gymnasium mama who was our Temple Head took a deep breath and centered herself. Seeing her do this I and the other quickly followed her example. I knew that we must present to those inside nothing but serine peace and total calm dignity. I had been working with Alice on this and by now the two of us could show the same refined quite dignity and peace that mama and my sisters could. It had taken us a shitload of practice, but we had mastered the look.

  Mama took one more look at all of us before entering the gymnasium. As one we move into the centurial area and toward the table at the far end of the central gym floor. There were folding tables, like the ones you would see at picnics, everywhere we looked. And none of them were empty. Thanks to the IFRD chips in their student id cards Dee De and Charlie were able to place names with faces and schools. Nearest th
e doors where we had entered were the college students for the schools. The ones who had made the list for the Order of Mars Charlie tagged them with a red chevron over their heads. Within less than forty six seconds between Dee De and Charlie had chevrons of different colors over the heads of all the students within the centurial hall, each color marked a different order.

  The Daughters of the Dragon were all marked by blue with silver trim. The Sisters of the Saint Nightingale had white with a red boarder chevron over their heads. The Brotherhood of Balance was the most surprising as their chevron of them all stood out the most. It was green with an indigo trim. Last but not lest were the Brotherhood of Saint George, the Black Swords. It came as no surprise that their chevron was black, but the trim being red was a surprise. As we walked toward the table up front I finally got a full break down on all of the orders. I had Dee De put it up on a grid layout for me.

  Name of Order




  Order of Mars












  Dragon Daughters




  Black Swords






  When I get a look at the full break down I stumble just a little but quickly cover it by looking down at the area of the floor I had just passed. “Careful of the loose floorboard, Alice.”

  “Thank you for the warning, kitten.” Our conversation was loud enough for those who would have seen me trip to pass it off as just that. However over the command net she asked. ‘What got you so distracted?’

  ‘Dee De just gave me a complete breakdown of the orders and their total numbers. Here you take a look and tell me what you see?’ I shoot her the grid table over the net; I made one mistake in that I had also sent it to mama. Her gasp of surprise was thankfully quiet enough that no one had heard it. At least I had given Alice a heads up about the table; mama had nothing of the sort. Mama shoots me a quick glance over her shoulder that speaks volumes. What her look said was simple. Warn me before you do something like that next time. I mouthed sorry to her before she turned to face back to the front.

  When we first entered the building that area of seating had gone quiet, but now that we had reached the front a hush had fallen over all those gathered here. Seated at the center of the long table were the Headmasters, Vice Headmasters, and the rest of their staff for all four schools, including the colleges. Mama, had moved to the front of all six of us to stand in front of Headmaster Brim. With a deep bow to the man, mama was getting ready to drop a bomb on all those assembled here. Once she stood back up she said in a loud and clear voice that rang through the massive hall.

  “Headmaster’s and honored guests’ I give to you the staff of the Temple of Ida-ten and its Knights.” the roar the came from this simple statement was loud enough to be heard across the universe. Everyone here knew at that point they would be accepted into the Order of their choice. While some would not get the one they truly wanted they would be accepted into the Temple.

  What neither mama, me, or anyone else knew Susan and Lisa had setup the web-site where everyone signed up and matched their school psychological profiles with each one of the orders they applied to. I don’t know how those girls did it and to be truthful I didn’t want to know. Some of the things those two and the Princess get into are just short if not over the line of being illegal. The fact that those three had manipulated the results of the sign up would not be known to us for several days. It would not be until after every one of those gathered here had gone through the second generation transformation.

  Mr. Brim stood up along with the rest of those at the head table and as one they bowed to mama. After they stood back up Doctor Edmond Fitzgerald the Dean and Headmaster for the Anita Blake College speaks up for them all. “Lady Nakatoma, I have been appointed to be the spokesman for all of the staff members of the four schools that shall become part of the Temple. It is with great happiness that we turn over our students to you and your Temple staff. For too long we have been forced to sit back and watch as the young men and women of our schools leave us only to find themselves wasting away in some bloodless, loveless marriage or placed in the ‘cannon fodder’ troops of some House Military only to die on some forgotten battlefield. Those are the lucky ones, the one in every ten. The rest find themselves on an outbound deep space probe or as colonist on some outer rim planet indebted to paying back an astronomical amount. Then there are the ones who give in and join the Temple of Holy Light as either spies in the Silent Sisters or hired guns with the Black Rose or Crimson Shield.”

  “Doctor Fitzgerald, the Knights of Ida-ten are none of those things. I will make sure that this never happens. As the Reverend Mother for the Dragon’s Daughters I swear this.” Mama was truly in her element. This is where she should always been. She is a true teacher and academic. “My own daughters are the ones who stand as the Heads of our order. The five women who are the Heads of the Nightingale Sisters are all Doctors of Medicine first before they became members of the order. For the Reverend Father and his staff of the Brotherhood of Saint George or the Black Swords are all highly trained Samurai more than capable of handling the training of their order as well as teaching them in the ways of their order. I am sure that we can find someone to be the staff for the other two orders, and until then I shall act as their Reverend leader.”

  “We the Headmasters and our staff have the answer for that problem Reverend Mother Dai Etsu. At least for the Brotherhood of Balance anyway. If I may introduce Master Harry Fouler head of our Law and Judicial department. Besides being a student of those fields he is also a trained negotiator. I believe that along with four of his other instructors that they will be able to fulfill the needs of order Heads.” Doctor Fitzgerald politely said.

  “That only leaves the missing Order Heads for the Order of Mars.” Mama said with a smile like she knew something that had yet to happen. Like she had planned it the gymnasium doors swung open once again, but with a bang this time, we all looked in that direction. Then as if they were on parade three men and two women, all wearing House Nakatoma uniforms, marched through the doorway in lock step. Each of them had a look of familiarity about them. It was as if they had all been just reborn no more than an hour ago. Then I saw something about the one in the center that pulled my eyes to his face. Nanase was the one to put two and two together first and gave us all the answer.

  “Papa! What are you doing here? And what happened to you? You look so young now! That didn’t come out right. What I meant to say was you now look as young as mama.” Nanase was doing her best to not insult our father but was failing miserably. However papa’s laugh put her at ease letting her know that he was not upset with her.

  “The answer to that young lady is simple. Your mother figured that you girls would do something crazy and asked if I would like to be young and healthy again. So what if I had to go through the second generation process. Besides it was worth it as I’ll now be around longer for your new baby sister or brother and seeing as how your older sister now has one hundred APS pilots that need to be trained and fifty Halo Pilots as well I thought I lend her a hand. As for these other four old reprobates they’re just trying to relive their glory days.” Papa said, but I could tell there was more going on here than what he was saying.

  “Don’t you pay any attention to that old goat, Miss Nanase. He may be your father, but he is still the same old cantankerous First Sargent that he has always been. What your mama ever saw in him is besides me.” The younger of the two women said to her. It was the way she said it though that clicked for me who she was.

  “Holy Hana and sweet Marry Lou! You’re Flight Commander Porsha Benz, for the H
alo Wings back home! If you’re Porsha Benz,” I turn and looked at the other woman with them. “Then you must be her partner in crime and wingman Major Ashton Martin.”

  The young women bowed to me with a smile. “It is said that nothing really gets by the Head of House. Very good, Lady Maiha. We had a bet that you would not recognize any of us, but your father.”

  “If that is a challenge, then I accept.” I looked at the other two men who have yet to be identified. One was the same height of Colonel Fujiyama with the same coloration and intense eyes. If I has just met the man in the street I would’ve said he was the good Colonels son or nephew. The other man had light blond hair with the bluest eyes I have ever seen except for on one person, he was the same height as that person, so it would be a good bet that he was him. However it was the smirk he gave me that sealed the deal. Bowing to the one that looked like the Colonel. “Welcome to the party Fujiyama-son your wisdom will be greatly appreciated.”

  Laughing at my antics, the man returned my bow. “Thank you for the invitation, Lady Maiha. One does not often get the chance to turn back the hands of time.”

  Looking the last man standing with a grin a mile wide. “Well, major, how do you like being on the other end of the cocoon?”

  “And here I was so sure that you would not be able to recognize me. To answer your question it was rather welcoming going through the process. I was getting to the point of having to retire soon anyway, but to be given a second chance like this was too good to pass tell me, Commander, what gave me away?” Major Howard had been there from the time I first crawled out of my secondary reconfiguration cocoon. In that time he had become one of my most valued advisors and a good friend.


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