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Chelsea (The Club Girl Diaries Book 2)

Page 17

by Jane, Addison

“I definitely thought there would be more cowboys.” I couldn’t help the cheeky smile that played on my lips. Deacon’s laughter filled the space, echoing loudly in the empty gym.

  “Maybe you should write a letter to the state or something claiming false advertising,” he said through small shakes.

  I pointed my bottle at him, my face completely serious. “You know what, that’s a great idea!”

  “I just can’t compete with that, cowboys seem to be on every girl’s fantasy list,” he said with an enormous sigh.

  I scoffed. “Yeah, like ladies here don’t swoon over the Boston style accent you have going on.”

  He almost looked offended. “I do not have a Boston accent!”

  I giggled. “Yup, you do.”

  “Take it back.”

  “Ooh, what are you going to do, Boston boy?” I taunted, wiggling my fingers at him. His hand shot out and grabbed my ankle. I squealed, my water bottle flying across the soft mats as he dragged me to him. His body was suddenly over me, my wrists clasped in his hands and pinned tightly to the floor.

  “Take it back,” he prompted with a cocky grin.

  “Ha! Not a chance.” I tried to wiggle out from under him, but I may have underestimated just how strong he was. He may not have been as big as some of the boys at the club, but I knew that underneath his clothing there was a body practically made of stone. Even as I struggled he somehow managed to switch both my wrists into one of his hands, freeing up the other.

  “How ticklish are you?”

  I froze. “Don’t you dare!”

  A look that could only be described as pure evil delight formed on his face and I felt his hand slide to my side. I struggled harder, the more I laughed.

  “Stop!” I cried, my belly aching.

  “Take it back!”

  I bit my lip and tried to fight it, but he moved his fingers all over my stomach, hitting every ticklish spot I had. “Okay! Okay!” I yelled through the laughter. “I take it back!”

  “Say, Deacon is awesome.” He chuckled deviously.

  I squirmed and lifted my hips, trying to throw him off. “Deacon is awesome!”

  His hand stilled instantly, resting on my waist and I finally managed to take a deep breath, the laughter subsiding. It was only then I realized just how close he was, his face only inches from mine as he leaned over me, still clasping my wrists in his hand. The laughter had subsided, and all that could be heard in the air was heavy breathing. His eyes were intense and weren’t looking right at me, they were watching my mouth. His body was pressed between my thighs and my legs had automatically wrapped around him in my fight, holding him in place.

  I didn’t know what to do.

  “Deacon,” I whispered, finally able to find my voice even through my dry throat. It was like the movement of my lips snapped him out of his daze and he slowly began to release me, somewhat reluctantly. He shuffled back, giving me some space as I fought to sit up.

  He smiled at me, almost shyly. “I win.”

  I cleared my throat with a nervous laugh. “That was cheating.”

  “Oh sure!”

  We both stood awkwardly, me gathering my strewn water bottle and Deacon picking up the discarded pizza boxes.

  “I need to get home before Rose starts to freak out,” I told him as I walked over to the front desk and began to shut down the computer.

  “Don’t worry about that, I’ve got a few things to do here before I head out. You go.”

  I nodded. “Thanks for dinner.”

  He smiled, highlighting the dimple that I’d only recently noticed indented in his cheek. “No problem. I’ll see you tomorrow?”

  “For sure!” I gave a small wave and smile as I headed for the front door, very aware of the fact that he watched me until I climbed into Rose’s car which was parked on the street just out the front. It was just lucky she’d let me borrow her’s for when I was working until close. Usually, I would just run a few miles. It was just starting to get dark as I drove the short ride home.


  It was a strange feeling calling somewhere else home. The clubhouse had been my home for so long now that I almost had to fight the urge to change direction and head for it. It was like it had a pull on me that no matter where I went, I just couldn’t escape it.

  I’d been gone close to a week, but it was like it haunted me. Every time I heard a motorcycle I found myself turning and looking around. I’m not sure if part of me was hoping that Optimus would come for me, drag me back, and tell me he’d made a mistake. I guess I wished it would happen, but in my heart I knew it wouldn’t.

  He’d let me walk away.

  He hadn’t fought for me.

  Goosebumps covered my skin as I thought back to Deacon. Feeling his body over me, pressed against me. I feel like I should have felt something more. When his eyes watched my lips, I didn’t silently beg for him to kiss me like a normal girl would when she had a sexy as hell man giving her that kind of attention.

  Deacon was gorgeous—strong, sweet, funny. Everything a girl like me should be looking for when searching for her fairytale ending.

  But no, he wasn’t mine.

  He wasn’t the one I wanted.

  He wasn’t Optimus.

  And that thought alone crushed me.

  “Honey, I’m home,” I called as I strolled through the front door, having a little giggle to myself as I did. I sniffed my nose wrinkling. There was a strange smell in the air, it wasn’t burning, but something definitely not right.

  “Hey, there’s dinner in the oven,” Rose called from her bedroom.

  “What is it? It smells...different.”

  “It’s just lasagna.” I heard a slight shake in her voice and frowned. Even just the small change in her tone alerted me to the fact that there was something wrong. I’d become pretty good at reading Rose’s emotions. She was usually strong and happy, but there were certain things that put a dampener on her emotions—the main one being her family.

  While I had yet to meet them, she said her parents were overbearing and controlling. At first I laughed it off, comparing it to what I had to deal with at the club. But then there were little things that I started to pick up on. How she talked about trying to fit in and be accepted. How she always tried so hard but it never mattered, they were never happy.

  I felt for her, but it was something I’d rarely experienced myself. Growing up I never felt like I wanted to fit in, I never needed to fight to impress anyone, I never had people that cared about what I did. I guess maybe they just wanted her to be the best she could be. But their execution was just shitty. I veered away from the kitchen and made my way down the short hall to her room which was directly opposite mine.

  I knocked softly. “Rose? Can I come in?” There was silence for a good ten or so seconds and I raised my hand to knock again.

  “Yeah, come in!” I pushed the door open. Rose was sitting on her bed with her legs crossed, school books spread out around her. She looked down, her hair falling across her face. “Just trying to get some study done. We’ve got a couple of assignments coming up.”

  I sighed and dropped myself onto the side of her bed. “Don’t remind me. I’m dreading class tomorrow. I just don’t know if I have the attention span needed at the moment. Did you pick up your grade yesterday from the test last term?”

  Her head bobbed, but she didn’t look up. “Yeah, I got a B.”

  “That’s good! I picked mine up before work, I managed a B+.” She didn’t say anything, just nodded. “Are you all right?” I unconsciously reached out to touch her hand, attempting to get her attention. A sharp cry left her mouth and she quickly pulled her hand away, cradling it to her chest.

  I flinched back. “Rose?”

  “Sorry,” her voice shook and her breathing was heavy. “Sorry, it’s just a bit sore.” She finally raised her face to look at me and I noticed how red and puffy her eyes were. That wasn’t caused by a small sniffle that was from a hardcore meltdown. I would know.
  I crawled across the bed to her, not caring that I was scrunching her books and papers but feeling the desperate need to comfort my friend. I tucked in beside her, reaching out for her hand. “Let me look.”

  She was reluctant but slowly she pulled it from where she had it hidden close to her chest. I turned it over and couldn’t help the gasp that came from my mouth. The palm of her hand was completely burned and blistered. It brought tears to my eyes just thinking about how much pain she must be in. It was already beginning to peel and swell.

  “Oh my gosh, Rose. We need to get you to the hospital!”

  “It’’s okay. I’m sure it will be fine.”

  I climbed off the bed and stared at her like she was crazy. “Do you know how many nerves there are in your hands? Those aren’t just light burns. That’s really bad, possibly third degree!”

  She shook her head, pulling her hand back to her body and holding it close.

  “Rose, how did this happen?” I asked, trying to calm my tone like I was speaking to a scared animal or small child.

  “My hand on the burner on the stove,” she murmured.

  Now it made sense. That smell in the house wasn’t the lasagna she’d cooked. It was the smell of burnt flesh.

  “Were you not paying attention?” Her head hung, but I didn’t miss the tears that began to fall and splash onto her bare legs. “Rose? Please.”

  “My dad,” she whispered.

  I narrowed my eyes. “You’re dad? What?”

  A dark laugh blew past her lips and she finally looked up. “He put my hand on the element.”

  “What the fuck! Why the hell would he do that?” I screamed, causing her to flinch. But I didn’t care, what the fuck kind of person does that?

  She looked around the room, avoiding eye contact with me like she was embarrassed. “I guess he um...thinks I’m not doing well enough.”

  “That’s psycho! Rose, you shouldn’t have to deal with that.”

  She shrugged. “He’s always been a little heavy handed. It’s usually only small things, but yeah, he was infuriated.”

  “We’re going to the hospital,” I said sternly.

  I’d seen enough abuse in my life, I wasn’t about to watch someone I cared about go through that. Rose was beautiful and smart and had an amazing heart. She didn’t deserve to be treated like dog shit.

  “Chelsea!” she called following me out of her room. “Please, don’t tell anyone.”

  I choked out a laugh. “Rose, he should be arrested for doing that to you.”

  Her eyes shone with tears, sparkling in the light. “Please, he’s my dad. I struggle enough already to keep him happy and off my back. Please just leave it alone. When all this is done, I know something needs to change and I’m hoping that it will. We’re both just stressed, he’s trying to build a life up for our family and I haven’t been doing what I need to do to help.”

  I glared at her but my anger wasn’t directed at her, it was at her father. I don’t care how much stress he’s under with their family business or whatever. Chelsea is getting great grades and she’s trying her best.

  “Please,” she pleaded.

  I growled. “You better hope like hell I don’t meet him, because if I do I won’t be holding back.”

  She shook her head, the movement causing her obvious pain. “I hope you don’t meet him. He’s an asshole.”

  I laughed. “I’m still taking you to the hospital.”

  She sighed. “Yeah, I guess it’s pretty bad. It hurts so much.”

  “Put it in some cold water for a bit. I’m just going to run and jump in the shower real quick. I’m not going to meet any sexy emergency room doctors smelling like sweat.”

  She giggled. “You think we can request one?”

  “Why not? What’s that saying? ‘You don’t know until you ask.’” I tugged my cellphone from the pocket of my track pants and ducked into the bathroom making sure I turned the shower on before I dialed.

  “Princess.” Blizzard’s voice came across the line. There was noise in the background—voices, laughter, music. All the signs of a casual night at the clubhouse.

  “Hey Blizzard,” I said quietly.

  “How you going out there in the big wide world?” he teased. “It’s kinda empty around here without you.”

  “Naw, you miss me!” I laughed.

  “How am I supposed to mess with Op now?” he joked. I knew Blizzard loved to use me to wind Optimus up. Those two were as close as real brothers. I didn’t mind. Sometimes it was fun to see Op get all jealous. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

  “I need a favor.”

  He chuckled. “Now princess, you did up and leave did you not? You do realize that you kinda forfeit your right to ask the club for that kind of stuff?”

  I felt sadness stir in my stomach, but I pushed on. “I’m not asking the club. I’m asking you.”

  The noise slowly began to lessen as I listened to his heavy footsteps. “You got something you need to tell me?”

  I sighed. “I need you to keep an eye on Rose.”

  “She okay?” His voice suddenly sounded strained and concerned.

  “Look, I can’t say much. I just want to make sure she’s safe.”

  “You’ve gotta give me more than that, Chel,” he said gruffly.

  There was a soft tap on the door. “Hey Chelsea, I called ahead to the hospital. They don’t have any hot doctors on, but they said it wasn’t too busy. So the sooner we get there the quicker we can get home.”

  I held my phone to my chest. “Okay! I’ll be out in a minute.”

  I listened against the door for her footsteps to disappear before lifting the phone back to my ear. “Sorry.”

  “You wanna tell me why you’re going to the hospital?” Blizzard snapped.

  I cringed, I wanted Blizzard to keep an eye out for her just for peace of mind, but if I let him in on what was going on, I know he would storm in all crazy and Rose would freak out.

  “Yeah … um … Rose just burnt herself. I just want to take her to get it checked out.”

  “How bad?”

  “Pretty bad,” I muttered.

  “I’ll meet you there,” he said sharply.

  “I really don’t think that’s—” I started.

  “I’ll meet you there.”

  The line went dead and I leaned back against the sink. Well, this just went from bad to worse.

  Rose was going to kill me.

  “Where are you going?” I asked Blizzard as he stormed past me with a serious look of agitation on his face.

  “To the fucking hospital.”

  I raised my brows and followed him out the front door to his bike. Grabbing his shoulder, and pulling him to a stop I said, “You wanna expand on that?”

  “Chelsea called—”

  “What? Why?” I questioned dread sinking in my gut.

  He scrubbed at his face, eyeing me carefully. “It’s not her. Rose got burnt, if it’s bad enough to take her to the hospital, I wanna check things out.”

  I smirked. “Man, you got it bad for this girl.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Look, brother, Chelsea rang and asked if I would keep an eye on her. From what I can gather she’s got family issues. Chel seemed pretty worried. Now they’re off to the hospital because of some burn? Things just aren’t adding up.”

  He picked up his helmet and placed it on his head, doing the strap up.

  “You think she’s in some sort of trouble?” I asked, crossing my arms.

  “I don’t know, but I’m gonna try and find out.”

  “Can you hear that?” I yelled over the sound of his bike as he started it. His eyebrows creased together showing he had no idea what I was talking about. “I think it’s the sound a whip cracking!”

  He glared, raising his hand and giving me the middle finger before pulling out at full speed. I couldn’t help but grin. Blizzard felt something for Rose. She was a sweet girl, pretty, smart, and from what I hear from Chel,
a little on the dirty side. The problem was, she was unsure of the club and in Blizzard’s books—club would always come first, even over a girl.

  I looked over at my bike, my body itching to climb on it and follow Blizzard to the hospital just so I had an excuse to check on Chelsea. I squeezed my hands into fists, fighting the feeling and forcing myself to walk back inside the clubhouse and head for the bar. I’d just downed my first shot when I felt a light touch on my back.

  Sugar took the seat next to me. “Harlyn’s about to go to sleep, but she wanted you to read her a story.”

  I nodded, not even having to think about it. I’d do everything and more for that little girl. Even at five-years-old she was smart, strong and independent. I may not be able to take credit for that myself—Sugar had done an incredible job raising our daughter in my absence—but I was fucking proud to be able to call myself her father.

  Sugar stayed at the bar, ordering herself a beer as I headed off toward their room. I’d placed them in the same hall as my room, we kept a spare there especially for family. The boys knew that when there was someone staying there, they took their business elsewhere or to a club girl’s room so no one had to hear. I pushed the door open and smiled, spotting Harlyn sitting up, her tiny body dwarfed by the king sized bed she was sharing with Sugar.

  “Daddy!” She beamed as she looked up from the iPad she was currently playing on.

  “Hey, baby girl.” I kicked off my boots at the door and climbed up on the bed, settling myself in next to her. She didn’t waste a moment and was soon wriggling herself into my side. I enjoyed the moment, tucking her head under my chin and nuzzling her hair. It smelt good, like strawberry bubblegum.

  “You just have a bath, kiddo?”

  Her head bobbed even as she continued to swipe her fingers back and forth across the iPad’s screen, connecting some sort of dots together. “Yeah, Momma said I had to.”

  I chuckled. “You don’t like the bath?”

  She sighed dramatically. “It’s not that I don’t like it. Bath’s mean bedtime, and I don’t really want to go to bed.” I placed my finger on the game she was playing and connected some dots that she’d missed. She giggled and patted my hand. “Good work, Daddy!”


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