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Neighbours And Rivals

Page 1

by Bridy McAvoy

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  Mystic Moon Press

  Copyright ©

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  Neighbours and Rivals

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  About the Author

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  Neighbours And Rivals

  By: Bridy McAvoy


  All rights reserved

  + Copyright © Dec. 2008, Bridy McAvoy

  Cover Art Copyright © Dec. 2008, Brightling Spur

  Mystic Moon Press, LLC

  Santa Fe, NM 87507

  Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

  No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared by any electronic or mechanical means, including but not limited to printing, file sharing, and email, without prior written permission from Mystic Moon Press, LLC

  Special Note: This book contains UK Spellings


  To my husband who lets me indulge my fantasies and allows me to live out some of them at least. To Olympus for the camera. To the gals at MMP for choosing this work to be published.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Neighbours and Rivals

  Carol and Peter loved their house when they moved in. The small gated community of only four executive houses, each occupied by other young professionals represented their ideal home. Having only been married for eighteen months they were still at the totally besotted stage with each other.

  For Carol things began to change after she confessed over a glass or wine to her neighbour Lizzie that she wished her husband would be a little bit more dominant with her at times. Under Lizzie's gentle probing she eventually confessed to fantasies that included being watched having sex with her husband by an intruder in the garden. That night, Lizzie played the part of the intruder and Carol thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

  The shock came the following morning when she found out that her devious neighbour had not only watched her performance but with her husband Phil at her side filmed it. As her husband had thought it was only a fantasy she was shocked when Lizzie suggested a possible use for the film. As she sank further and further into the realms of willing submissive to her dominant neighbours, she began to experience the sex life of her dreams; but her husband wasn't part of it!

  As Phil and Lizzie's power over her became absolute, she found out that he had political aspirations and that Lizzie, Susie from over the road, and herself weren't just going to be playing bit parts as mere neighbours. Rather, they were quite literally going to be centre stage for the Mayor and his cronies whilst Phil took her husband on a weekend fishing trip! The hedonistic weekend that she can no longer get out of is weeks away as yet but in the meantime, Lizzie fully intends to continue her training...

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 1

  After her experiences at the party and the guilty way she had avoided her husband afterwards, Carol was glad they had the weekend to recover. Using her wiles, she persuaded her husband to spend all day on the Saturday and on the Sunday shopping. They managed to stay out late on the Saturday and eating out meant she avoided any chance of seeing her devious neighbour. Monday and Tuesday came and went without incident to as she was at work both days but now it was Wednesday morning and Peter was at work and she wasn't.

  Dressed in a sloppy and ill fitting sweat shirt and scruffy jeans, she was making an attempt to do some housework when the doorbell rang. Forgetting that it might well be her tormentor at the door Carol rushed to answer it. Seeing Lizzie stood there on the porch was like a bucket of cold water being poured over her. All of the emotional trauma of Friday night crashed back around her ears as she stood there with her mouth hanging open. Lizzie smiled brightly at her.

  "Morning Carol, may I come in?"

  Without waiting for a response, Lizzie pushed through the door way and now stood facing Carol within the hall.

  "I have something to show you sweetie. But first let's have a coffee and catch up shall we?"

  Somewhat bemused, Carol followed Lizzie into her own kitchen and as Lizzie perched at the breakfast bar she went through the motions of making the coffee mechanically.

  She brought the two cups over to the breakfast bar but stayed standing on the other side from Lizzie. Her neighbour looked at her.

  "What's wrong Carol?"

  "I can't go on like this."

  "Like what sweetie?"

  "Friday night. That was not something that was supposed to happen. Not ever! That was horrible."

  Lizzie just smiled at her and then sipped her coffee, almost as if she was waiting for the dam to break, which after a minute or so it did.

  "There is absolutely no way this is going to continue! No way! You hear me?"

  Carol's voice was going up an octave as she tried to convince herself as much as Lizzie.

  "Don't try to tell me you didn't enjoy it on Friday night, Carol. I have all the evidence I need to demonstrate otherwise."

  "What evidence?"

  Lizzie waved the DVD case she had been carrying that Carol had been deliberately ignoring.

  "What happened before Friday isn't the same thing and you know it. You tricked me into being unfaithful to my husband and that was downright nasty!"

  "I didn't trick you at all, you could have stopped the fun at any time and you didn't even attempt to did you Carol? Maybe you were slightly deceived but the idea of watching Susie and me get it on with the Mayor was something you couldn't resist wasn't it?"

  Lizzie's voice had developed an edge of steel.

  "Why don't we go and have a little look at this."

  Lizzie climbed down from the stool at the breakfast bar and picking up her cover as well as the DVD case walked slowly through to the den where the TV and DVD machine were located. Carol bemusedly followed; still unsure why she wasn't protesting more vigorously. Her neighbour settled into the couch facing the large screen TV and handed Carol the DVD.

  "Put this on sweetie and come and watch it."

  Carol noticed the slightly smug grin on Lizzie's face as she robotically inserted the DVD into the machine and switched the TV on. Lizzie grabbed the remote control and as soon as the menu came up switched to the scene by scene mode and selecting scene seven, hit the play button.

  As the image came up on the screen Carol squealed in horror. There on the screen was a very clear image of last Friday night as the two naked women slowly removed her blouse. At the edge of the picture you could clearly make out a man sitting watching but the picture had been clearly edited to exclude his face to prevent him being identified.

  Lizzie patted the cushion beside her on the couch and Carol, her eyes still fixed on the screen sank down onto it with all her resistance drained by the flickering images on the screen in front of her. Wisely, Lizzie allowe
d the DVD to continue playing without interruption allowing the import of the film's existence to penetrate Carol's mind.

  As the on screen duo of Lizzie and Susie slowly stripped the image of Carol, the real Carol buried her head in her hands and burst into wave after wave of anguished sobs. Lizzie sat and watched and allowed her to slowly cry herself out. Finally she raised her head off of her hands and looked up at the screen just as her on screen persona shuddered to her first orgasm impaled on the Mayor's cock. She shook her head soundlessly from side to side. Flicking off the screen, Lizzie put a comforting arm around her neighbour and hugged her.

  "Carol, sweetie, it's ok. Honestly."

  Carol finally lifted her tear stained face and looked at her.

  "No, nothing is ever going to be right again. I've betrayed myself, I've betrayed my husband and I've betrayed my vows. Nothing will ever make it right again."

  "Carol, really try to keep a perspective on this. Nobody else knows about what happened on Friday night and nobody need ever know. Peter knows nothing and suspects nothing. Who can find out if we don't tell them?"

  "But you will tell won't you? He will find out; won't he?"

  "Why would we tell anybody anything sweetie? Tell me why?"

  "Because I'm not going to do it anymore?"

  "You mean you think the pretend blackmail was actually real?"

  Carol nodded her head.

  "Sweetie, you enjoyed the entire experience at the time. Granted the incident in the garden with Norm wasn't clever but he has been reprimanded for that; he won't be so nasty next time."

  "There won't be a next time!"

  "Won't there? Tell me Carol, or more importantly tell yourself honestly, can you completely go back to the way you were? Can you live with that itch still dying to be scratched? You said yourself that Peter can never be as dominant with you as you say you want him to be."

  She bit her lip as Lizzie continued.

  "You are naturally a submissive. Think for a moment. Whose idea was it to come and sit in here and watch that DVD? Did you ask me to? I don't think so; I think you will find I told you to. If I tell you to do something you will you see Carol; you are enjoying being dominated so much that you won't give it up. Will you?"

  The naked play of emotions across Carol's innocent face was clear to Lizzie and finally as Carol hung her head in surrender Lizzie spoke again.

  "You see. I told you so, now let's go upstairs and get you changed into something more appropriate for a sexy submissive. From now on you are only going to dress sexy during the day. Very sexy indeed. It's time to continue your slut training young lady."

  * * * *

  Wearing a thin white lace camisole and a red mini skirt, Carol felt self conscious as she tottered round to Lizzie's in her highest pair of heels. Her makeup done the ravages of the emotional spree an hour earlier had been repaired and she knew that she looked pretty hot. Inside she was quaking at the thoughts running through her mind about the things Phil and Lizzie might be doing to her today, but she had convinced herself there was no choice.

  "Smile.” Lizzie hissed to her as they walked up the driveway toward Lizzie's front door. “Phil expects you to be smiling."

  Suddenly a thought struck Carol and she stopped dead in her tracks.

  "That film. The one you just showed me. Where were the cameras? I didn't see and cameras that night."

  "Well hidden sweetie, well hidden. You could even say built in"

  "So they were there the day I changed into the bikini too?"

  "Of course, and very nice you looked too."

  Carol looked up as Phil broke into the conversation; she hadn't heard the door open.

  "Come in."

  With her options limited, Carol meekly followed the instruction, her mind still racing over the way the devious pair had the house rigged with video cameras.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 2

  Once inside Carol looked around nervously, half expecting to see Susie also waiting for them but there was only Phil and Lizzie. Suddenly she realised that Lizzie had hustled past her into the kitchen area and was now heading back out, car keys in one hand and purse clutched in the other.

  "I'll be back in about an hour sweetie, try not to wear her out!” was her parting shot as she disappeared back out of the front door.

  "Right, if you'll come this way please Carol."

  Phil turned and without a backward glance led the way to the foot of the stairs. As she heard the car start up outside, Carol bit her lip but realised she had no choice meekly followed him. She assumed that as soon as they got upstairs he would be leading her to the bedroom; instead he led her into the spare room at the back of the house where there was another dropdown staircase up into the loft. He motioned for Carol to precede him.

  "Be careful, these stairs are very wide so please hold on."

  She was halfway up with her head almost into the loft space before she remembered that she was wearing a fairly short skirt and he was following her to get a good view straight up it. Gritting her teeth as she realised there was nothing she could do she continued. As her head came up into the space she realised why he was bring her into the attic space. Unlike her own home this one had been fully fitted out as a large open plan area. Not only that but it had obviously also been fitted out as a studio with a considerable number of lights, stands and different coloured backdrops.

  "What do you think to my playroom then?"

  Phil asked as he followed her up the stairs. She quickly moved away from the top of the stairs to allow him to finish the climb but also so he could no longer look up her skirt.

  "It's ... It's unexpected."

  "True but very useful nevertheless. Shall we get started then Carol?"

  What ... what do you want me to do?"

  "Well you see that clothes rack over there? The one with the suit hangers on it?"

  She nodded.

  "They are numbered and you are going to model for me in the contents of each bag starting with number one. Ok?"

  She gulped and nodded again.

  "Right, go and change into outfit number one then please Carol."

  Looking around she couldn't see anything that remotely looked like a changing room, her heart sinking she had to ask the question; knowing the probable answer.

  "Where is the changing room?"

  "Right here sweetheart, now get a move on please."

  She moved over to the clothes rail with leaden feet. None of the bags looked particularly full so she reached out with a shaking hand to the bag labelled number one and slowly drew the zip down. The bag was empty and she spun round to face Phil with the shock registering on her face. He laughed out loud and still grinning finally told her.

  "Just my little joke sweetie, the outfit you already have on is the one you will start in. You can put outfit number two on when you've taken that one off for the camera. Now come over here and sit on this stool please."

  She hesitated a moment too long.

  "Now Carol."

  Her legs still shaking, she slowly walked over to the stool in front of the pale blue background. Gingerly she perched on the edge of the stool realising that the seat height very deliberately caused her to stretch out her legs improving the tone for the camera. Phil looked at her for a moment and then picked his camera up.

  "I see you have forgotten how to smile young lady."

  "Sorry, I'll try again."

  The grimace that appeared on Carol's face was hardly a smile but Phil started clicking the shutter anyway. Over the next few minutes he had her turn this way and that in order to show off each profile but Carol just couldn't or wouldn't relax. He mounted the camera on a tripod and very carefully focused in on the area of Carol's midriff as she sat looking straight at him. He put the camera into automatic mode and checked the over sized memory card was up to it set the camera to take one picture per second.

  "Carol, let me sit there please."

  She frowned at him for a mom
ent and then moved nervously to the side. He hopped onto the stool and sat there looking straight at the camera with his legs spread wide apart.

  "Come and stand here please Carol, facing the camera.” He said indicating the space between his legs. Carol nervously complied and as soon as she was close enough wrapped his arms around her waist, pinning her arms to her sides.

  "That's better now just smile at the camera and stay still and let me do all the work. There's a good girl."

  Carol realised that now instead of stripping herself for the camera, Phil had every intention of stripping her instead and she closed her eyes as the feeling of shame washed over her but she made no attempt to escape his embrace. He released the vice like grip around her midriff and his hands slid up to her shoulders and gently began to rub the bare flesh around the thin strap of her camisole.

  The unwanted touch was enough to begin the stimulation of her body and within a very short space of time her nipples were beginning to press against the thin fabric of the camisole and she guessed, correctly, that this would be visible from the camera's viewpoint. She stood there passively as Phil lowered his lips to her neck and began to gently kiss and nibble at the soft flesh as his hands wandered down the sides of her body.

  "Put your hands on my knees for support please Carol. Good. Now spread your legs a little, good. Now a little bit further."

  The instructions were obeyed without hesitation as she felt him slowly pull the camisole hem out of the waistband of her skirt. As his hands again met in the middle, this time on the bare flesh of her belly she could not help herself as her breathing quickened. One hand moved away only to reappear at the back between them whilst the other angled upward to rest just below the jutting breast. She felt the pooper of her skirt let go and then the gently downward pressure as he drew the zip down. She expected him to immediately remove the skirt all the way but instead his hand now came back round to her navel and began to slide the skirt material upward, baring more and more of her legs.

  He pulled her backward a little and she realised that her back was now in contact with his crotch and there was a distinct bulge pressing into the small of her back. Her skirt was now up above the level of her crotch and she realised the thin lacy panties that matched the camisole were now on show to the camera. Her breathing deepened still further and she slowly relaxed her head back against him in an obvious signal of surrender. Phil continued to play her body like a musical instrument and as one hand cupped her breast and the other cupped her sex through her panties that she began to moan in passion.


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