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Neighbours And Rivals

Page 3

by Bridy McAvoy

  Suddenly he broke off the kiss and looked deep into her eyes, eyes that were hooded with passion as she stood there waiting for the next move in his calculated ravishment of her willing body. He spun her round again and pushed her hands against the rough bark, this time pulling her hips back so that she was leaning into the tree from some distance away. Now she felt the touch of his cock against the still burning flesh of her tenderised backside. The moment her mind had been dreading was upon her, but her body was still reacting without conscious direction and she realised that she was thrusting her ass back at him in mute supplication to get him to thrust into her. Suddenly one of his hands left her hip and grasping hold of himself slowly lowered the head of his dick into contact with her moist open lips.

  As soon as he was centred at the gushing opening of her pussy, he began to slowly push himself into her. This process was accelerated when she thrust her hips back at him enveloping several inches of his length. He completed the thrust with an audible grunt as he buried himself in her moist vulva and was almost startled as the body he had pinned between himself and the tree convulsed into an orgasm. He began to thrust in and out of her in a regular but slow rhythm and was rewarded when she began to thrust back at him. He reached down and around and tweaked her nipple with one hand whilst continuing to steady himself with his other hand on her hip.

  As the pair rocked in perfect counterpoint they both increased the tempo and he could sense she was on the way up to another orgasm. Quickly he let go of the swinging breast dangling down from her chest and drawing his hand back let rip another hard slap on the side of her rear. She squealed with surprise as much as pain and then sobbed in remorse as the single act of chastisement sent her crashing over the edge into her second orgasm.

  Phil returned his hand to her breast and began to increase both the speed and force of his thrusts as he began to build toward his own climax. Carol was thrusting back at him, her mind oblivious now to everything other than the driving need to get him to climax inside of her. The thrusts became somewhat more irregular as he began holding the stroke at its furthest inside her; lifting her almost clear of the ground as he did so. He began to ask her questions.

  "What do you want me to do? Do you want me to stop?"

  "Please, don't stop ... don't stop ... Keep going..."

  "What do you want Carol?"

  "I want to cum ... I want you to cum..."

  "Are you nearly there slut?"

  The use of the slut word was enough to push this young woman over the edge again and as her climax engulfed her Phil could wait no longer. He, however, had no intention of ejaculating inside of her. Quickly he pulled out and pointing his engorged dick at her still bright red ass checks sprayed them with long sticky trails of goo that stuck where it landed.

  As she slowly descended from the heights his brutal fucking had taken her to, Carol was vaguely aware of Phil releasing the handcuffs and easing her into an upright position. She stood there swaying for a moment and then realising what the wetness all over her backside was from began to reach around to brush it with her hands.

  "Leave it there please, Carol."

  She looked at him questioningly.

  "I think the trails of spunk on your reddened ass will make a great picture as you head back to the house across the lawn. You can clean up later. For now let me retrieve the camera and we'll head back to the garden."

  After removing the camera from the tripod and slipping a new memory card into place, he took her hand and gently guided her back to the edge of the trees. One glance toward the hose stopped Carol in her tracks.

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  Chapter 4

  Phil chuckled at Carol's discomfiture with the scene in front of them; unlike Carol he had been expecting them. Sitting at the patio table and all looking directly at the two people just emerging from the last line of trees were three women. Two Carol knew well, Lizzie and Susie but the third, a tall slim and very pretty brunette was a stranger to her.

  "Walk slowly across the lawn toward the steps to the patio and Lizzie will tell you what to do then."

  "I can't!"

  Carol was in a state of panic, her fear of crossing the open space under the eyes of the three women temporarily outweighing the fear of disobeying.

  "You can. As I said the sight of a well fucked, well spanked woman walking across a lawn in just her stockings and heels is truly erotic. You have to admit you have been well fucked don't you Carol?"

  Carol refused to answer, still remaining rooted to the spot, half hidden by the trees.


  "I can't. That's your wife out there, with her friends. They'll know what you've been doing. That's your wife!"

  Phil laughed, for him the moment was priceless.

  "You think she doesn't know what will happen if I take a naked woman, naked except for her stockings, garter belt and heels that is, into the woods with a camera. Get real Carol. These women know exactly what I have been doing to you. Now cross the lawn so I can take the shots I want. Do it."

  Still chuckling, he placed his hand in the small of Carol's back and exerted a gentle pressure. She tensed and resisted but as he upped the force he was using she could only take an involuntary pace forwards to balance herself. She was now clear of the trees and Carol knew that there was nothing else for it.

  "If it makes you feel better I've taken all three of these women out to that tree and fucked them the same way. You are the first one to achieve three orgasms in one fuck there though."

  Carol knew her face was flaming as she gritted her teeth and walked out onto the lawn. Behind her she heard the click of the shutter as Phil began to take his series of shots of her walking toward the other women with his spunk dripping down her ass cheeks.

  The three women around the patio table watched the apparition of a young well fucked young woman walking toward them with slight smiles on their faces. The way Phil was focusing the camera on Carol's ass told Lizzie exactly what he had done. Unbeknown to Carol, Phil had held his hand up behind her and signalled two numbers to Lizzie, three and seven, which was information she intended on using to increase Carol's discomfiture.

  Carol paused at the foot of the three steps that led up to the level of the deck. Her face still burned from the indignity of having every intimate part of her body on display to these three women. Their frank appraising stares sent an involuntary shiver running down her spine. It was warm in the sunshine and the breeze did little to cool her so when Carol glanced down and saw that her nipples were still fully erect she confirmed she was still aroused. Even being told to parade in just stockings and garter belt in front of the wife of the man who had just screwed her was a humiliation she was taking pleasure from. She closed her hers tightly, desperate not to allow the tears she felt welling there flow through.

  "Come up onto the deck please, slut!"

  The words from Lizzie cut through her self-pity like a whip, and she obeyed without pausing to think.

  "Turn around and face the woods."

  Biting her lip, she knew that the strings of goo still attached to her ass cheeks would be visible to Lizzie and the others if she obeyed. Obey she did and slowly turned round to face the grinning Phil who was now halfway across the lawn too.

  "What's that on your ass, Carol?"

  Lizzie's voice held a bantering quality but there was enough steel underneath to ensure Carol answered the question accurately. She closed her eyes as she answered quietly.

  "Your husband's cum."

  "Louder, we can't hear you, slut."

  "Your husband's cum."

  She said it louder this time and tried to hold her head up to look at Phil who was now at the foot of the steps up to the deck. Lizzie continued in the same bantering tone.

  "Why is your ass so red Carol?"

  "Because ... because ... because he spanked me first!"

  She heard the three women giggle behind her and saw the grin on Phil's face in front of her which only added t
o her humiliation.

  "Did you enjoy it slut? I mean did you enjoy my husband fucking you?"

  Carol shook her head slowly from side to side.

  "Oh come now, sweetie. You must have enjoyed having his cock inside of you. How many times did you cum in the woods?"

  Carol stood mute, hanging her head in shame.

  "Tell me slut. How many times did you cum in the woods?"

  "Th ... three"

  "So you must be very different from the rest of us then slut, if you can cum three times and not enjoy it?"

  The wave of laughter coursed over Carol as the three women found this idea very funny indeed.

  "How many times did you cum altogether this morning young lady?"

  "Seven ... I think it was seven"

  "You came seven times this morning and you stand there with my husband's spunk dripping off your reddened ass and claim not to enjoy it? You silly slut. I bet you are even enjoying this now aren't you?"

  Carol heard someone, she presumed it was Lizzie push her chair back and approach her. In fact it was Susie rather than Lizzie who appeared in front of the naked woman. Susie sank gracefully to her knees in front of the suddenly trembling Carol and reached out a finger to probe at the standing woman's tender mound. It took no pressure at all for the finger to sink up to the second knuckle inside Carol's sopping pussy. Soon a second finger joined it and Carol could feel her own juices leaking onto her thighs as she adjusted her stance to accommodate the invasion of her precious treasure.

  "She's still very wet indeed. On a scale of one to ten I think she's an eleven."

  Susie spoke for the first time, and the other two women giggled behind Carol. Phil still stood there watching with that same cheesy grin on his face. Lizzie spoke again.

  "I think the slut needs to get dressed, don't you ladies? After all how can we enjoy our coffee if this slut is exhibiting herself like this?"

  Carol breathed a sigh of relief at the thought of being at least partially covered again, to achieve some kind of parity with Lizzie, Susie and the woman who had not been introduced. The thought that this might include the chance to clean up brought relief too.

  "I've fetched bag four down and it's there near the door. Go and put the clothes in it on slut."

  Trembling with relief Carol made her way over to the patio door and opened the zipper on the bag. Inside she found a black cropped top and a very short black skirt and a tiny black thong. She picked them up and took a pace toward the open door when Lizzie's voice stopped her.

  "Where do you think you are going slut?"

  "I'm ... hmm ... I'm just going to clean up."

  "Slut's like you don't need to clean up, just put the clothes on."

  Carol stopped and reversed direction and returned to the pile of clothes, she picked the thong up and was about to step into it when Lizzie stopped her again.

  "That thong's no good; you can't possibly put clean knickers on that mess. Besides it won't cover your cheeks so you'll get spunk all over your skirt and that will never do. Susie, are you wearing black ones?"

  Susie nodded and Carol's eyes got wide as the tall leggy blonde hitched her own skirt up and calmly stripped her panties down her legs. Holding them in front of her, she walked over to Carol and simply swapped them with the stunned woman. Then standing only a couple of feet in front of her, the blonde calmly pulled the thong up her legs and adjusted it to fit snugly over her mound. Leaving the still shocked woman standing there, Susie returned to her seat at the table to a nod of thanks from Lizzie.

  "Put them on, we haven't got all day."

  Lizzie's command finally started Carol into action and she reached down and stepped into the panties handed to her by Susie. She knew her face betrayed her own conflicting emotions as she pulled the still warm garment up her own legs. Putting on another woman's underwear was not something she had ever expected to be doing but now as they slipped into position around her hips she shuddered as they trapped the goo on her backside against her flesh. Shaking off the feeling of revulsion, she adjusted the panties into position at the front as well only to realise the crotch panel was already damp from Susie's own secretions. Quickly she slid the skirt up her legs and snapped the fastening into place only to realise it was so short that at least four inches of bare thigh now showed above the tops of her stockings. Sighing in resignation, she pulled the top over her head and adjusted it into position before turning to fully face her tormentors.

  "Come and sit here sweetie and have a cup of coffee. After your morning exertions I think you need one don't you?"

  Grateful for the apparently normal suggestion, Carol didn't hesitate to pull the chair out next to Lizzie. As she began to sit back into it the expression on Lizzie's face reminded her of the condition of her ass but she was already moving.


  The startled gasp burst from her mouth as her full weight came to bear on her sensitised ass checks and she shot back upright again. Not before the feeling of the gooey liquid trapped between her skin and her panties was intensified by the pressure.

  "Don't worry, you will get used to it in time."

  The implication that the spanking was something that might happen again sank into her mind as with a feeling of resignation and the knowledge the day's events weren't yet over sank into her mind she gingerly sat back down again.

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  Chapter 5

  For the next twenty minutes or so, a sense of normality pervaded Carol. The four women sat around and talked, she now learned that the other woman, Carrie, had been Lizzie and Susie's housemate at college and was here on a visit with her old friends. Phil had disappeared inside and Carol was feeling more nearly normal than at any time that morning. Suddenly the phone on the table buzzed and Lizzie picked it up and spoke for a moment before returning it to its cradle. Reaching into her purse she extracted a twenty and turned to Carol.

  "That's the pizza delivery coming in the gate. Be a dear Carol and take this and meet him at the door please."

  It was a perfectly innocent request delivered in such a normal way that Carol responded automatically without thinking about how she was dressed. She was halfway from the table toward the patio door before the way she was dressed and the implications of being seen by the pizza boy sank in. She paused but realised she had no choice in the matter and continued. A mocking comment followed her from the deck.

  "Let him keep the change for the tip, and don't stop to blow him as the pizza will get cold. You can blow him next time sweetie."

  So it was a very red faced and extremely sexily dressed Carol who opened the door to the astonished pizza boy. She grabbed the box from him and thrust the twenty into his hand as his eyes bugged out of his head at the sight.

  "Keep the change.” She mumbled as she closed the door in his face and made her way back to the kitchen where the others had now gathered.

  "We ordered for you Carol, I hope you don't mind."

  Carol positioned herself on one of the high stools and was glad of the padding in the seat underneath her tortured backside as the five ravenous people wolfed down the pizza. Phil ate rather quicker than everyone else and then disappeared through into the dining room where Carol could hear him moving around. She assumed he was setting up for something to happen after lunch and her appetite faded at the thought. The three women still in the room with her were chatting away animatedly, obviously catching up on news and gossip. Lizzie kept trying to draw Carol into the conversation but Carol remained quiet. Finally the pizza was finished and Lizzie took Carol's hand and led her into the dining room whilst the other two quickly cleared the remains of lunch away.

  The dining table had been transformed; it was now covered with a green baize top and the there were four piles of poker chips positioned in front of each of the four chairs. Carol immediately realised the disparity in the numbers, four chairs but five people and assumed that Phil as going to shoot the four women playing poker. There were several lights on stands
surrounding the table and already the air conditioning was working hard to compensate for the heat they were giving off. There were also three video cameras as well.

  "Positions everyone."

  Phil called out as Susie and Carrie joined them and Carol just watched, waiting for Phil to tell her what to do as the other three women took their place at the table. When Phil also she was confused until Phil looked at her and told her the intended course of events.

  "Carol, we are going to play strip poker. We are playing it with a little twist. The winner of each hand gets to have you sit on their lap for the next hand and guess whose item of clothing is going to be removed!"

  Carol gulped.

  "Oh my God!"

  "It's ok, we'll be quite gentle. Now come and sit on my lap to start us off."

  With no other option, Carol did exactly as she was told and gingerly perched on Phil's lap. Instantly one of his arms circled her waist and the other hand rested on her thigh just below the hem of her skirt.

  "You deal, Lizzie."

  Carol quickly realised they were playing Texas Hold ‘Em and that the betting was purely for show, there was only one prize for winning a hand, her and the chips were moved around simply as props. She wasn't particularly surprised when Phil won the first hand with is pair of nines in the hole and one showing on the flop. The three women now turned their attention to her and Phil and she waited passively for him to remove an item of her scanty clothing. Phil had other ideas though.

  "Carol, please relax. It's important that the cameras show you enjoying this too. I'm not going to take anything off this time, but lean back into me and relax."

  She did as she was told and as she leaned back she felt him lower his head and nuzzle at her sensitive neck. Despite herself, she shivered. The intense stimulation from the morning had not fully faded and her neck had always been sensitive to this kind of treatment. A couple of minutes of her husband's attention to it always paid dividends. Now another man was reaping benefit from doing exactly the same thing. Unable to prevent the response of her body, she realised she was starting to enjoy the experience and relaxed further. The subtle movement of her body as she signalled her surrender communicated itself to Phil and instantly his penis responded by hardening against the crack of her ass. Carol felt the response and felt her own responses increasing as a result.


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