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Neighbours And Rivals

Page 6

by Bridy McAvoy

  "Come on sweetie, we don't want to be late do we."

  Lizzie almost dragged her out of the bedroom, down the stairs and out the front door. It was difficult for Carol to walk that fast on high heels; she was used to much lower ones, only wearing them this high for special occasions. When she reached the end of her drive she spotted there were three strange cars parked outside Susie's house and was therefore relieved when Lizzie led her up the drive toward her own house. Phil opened the door for them as they arrived.

  "Hi Carol. I thought we were going to have to send out a search party to find you. Never mind. Has Lizzie told you what the shoot is about?"

  Carol shook her head.

  "No she hasn't told me much of anything."

  She allowed a hint of annoyance to creep into her voice but Phil simply laughed.

  "It's a very simple shoot for you today. I want you to go out onto the deck and slowly undress before putting on the white bikini you wore the other day and climb into the hot tub. Ok?"

  "Is that all?"

  "Well, we'll have to see won't we?"

  Phil turned and led the two toward the patio door from the kitchen. Lizzie put out a hand and stopped Carol from following him too closely.

  "Let him have a minute to set up, he'll want to be taking photos from the moment you appear at the doorway sweetie."

  Carol shrugged, it wasn't as f she had much choice was it? Then she had a little epiphany, actually she did have a choice and she could choose to walk back out of the front door at any moment. The truth was at that particular moment she didn't want to. As the realisation sunk in a huge smile crossed her face.

  "See ... I knew you would see it our way eventually. You can go out now."

  At Lizzie's prompting, Carol moved through the kitchen, surprised to see the blinds down but thought nothing of it until she reached the patio door and stepped outside, still smiling. The smile froze on her face as Phil clicked the shutter button several times, capturing the play of emotions across his neighbours face as she took in the scene. Phil was by no means alone.

  Phil was standing on the far edge of the deck and capturing the whole scene. Between Carol at the door and the hot tub was the patio table. Sitting at the patio table were four young men, one of them black. They were all wearing bathing shorts and were otherwise bare. All were muscular and definitely looked like young college jocks and Carol had to admit they were all relatively handsome if somewhat younger than herself. The chair nearest to her was empty but she could see the scraps of white cloth which was the bikini she was supposed to change into hanging over the back. The entire scenario was now becoming clearly obvious to her and she swallowed hard in anticipation of the both the humiliation and the stimulation to come.

  She sensed a movement behind her and realised that Lizzie was stood in the doorway behind her, perhaps in a valid attempt to prevent her fleeing. At that moment she realised she had no intention of fleeing and as Lizzie gently pushed her to take another step out into the sunlight she found herself doing so of her own accord.

  "Lizzie, I'll introduce you to the young gentlemen later, but perhaps they will enjoy introducing themselves to you first. Now you know what to do so please come over here and do it."

  Phil's instructions didn't sound particularly precise but somehow they conjured up an image in Carol's mind of precisely what she was required to do. She moved slowly across the deck towards the chair that contained her bikini and smiled at the stares of appreciation from the young jocks. Taking a deep breath she faced the four men and reached up with both hands and undid the top button on her blouse. The four men leaned in for a closer look as she slipped the second button through its hole and she caught sight of movement as Phil circled round to catch the action from all angles. There was no sign of Lizzie though, she had obviously disappeared inside and was staying out of the way for this shoot.

  Carol continued to slowly, one at a time; open the buttons on her blouse. She was surprised to find that she was in no way nervous and even smiled dazzlingly at the men who were so avidly watching her. As the last button came undone she moved her hands to her waist and carefully eased the blouse out of the top of her skirt without allowing the blouse to fall open too far. The watching men and of course Phil and the camera had a clear view of her cleavage and could see that the long line bra was black lace but could not see anything more. She turned three quarters side on to the table and bent over, stretching the tight skirt fabric over her ass. Shifting her legs she allowed the split to fall open allowing her naked thigh to expose itself to the avid eyes. She reached down to undo the clasp of her high heeled shoe and then straightened back up to the obvious dismay of the watching men.

  Whipping the blouse off of her shoulders and with it stretched across the small of her back she looked back over her shoulder at the group and winked. Freeing her arms of the cuffs, she dropped it unconcernedly to the floor before lifting the foot nearest to the group onto the seat of the chair. Again she stroked her hands slowly down the length of her leg to reach and undo the clasp on the shoe before standing up once more. She kicked off her shoes and turned to face the men. For the first time they could now see the full extent of her beauty as the lace bra covered her breasts without concealing them. Her hands moved behind her back as if to undo the zip on the skirt but suddenly she smiled and turned her back again.

  Her hands reappeared at her shoulders and with one finger she flipped first one and then the other shoulder strap down to dangle uselessly around her arms. Her hands moved again and from the play of the muscles across her back the men could only surmise she was caressing her own boobs. Indeed she was and the stimulation was driving her up toward an orgasmic peak just simply from undressing in front of them. Reluctantly she let go and her hands met in the small of her back and swiftly unfastened the hooks on the bra. Shrugging the now useless garment off, she swiftly assumed the classic model pose of dangling it from one hand whilst mashing her breasts to her chest with the other arm. As such she then turned to face the group and was greeted with several cheers as she threw the bra to land amongst the beer cans on the table in front of them.

  She now stood there, naked from the waist up; her only cover one arm closely mashed across her breasts. Even this pretence at modesty didn't last very long and she could hear Phil clicking the shutter madly as she slowly released the pressure from her arm and finally allowed the arm to drop away revealing her breasts in their full majesty. All eyes there devoured her and her nipples stood out strong and hard, almost painfully so.

  On a whim she decided to play the scene out slightly differently from Phil's instructions, gambling that he would allow her a small victory. Instead of now removing her skirt and finally her panties to appear nude before them she now reached out for the bikini top. Holding the two triangles of fabric over her engorged nipples with one hand, she slipped the already knotted neck cord over her head with the other before bringing both hands behind her back o secure the other strap in place. Finished tying it on she adjusted it to fit and considered her next move.

  For the third time she turned her back on her audience and this time quickly unzipped the skirt and let it fall. She was closer to the table and the four young men had to lean over the table to see her ass as she bent to pick up the skirt and hang it on the chair. Phil circled to one side, obviously having guessed her plan but she had no mystery to conceal from him and the camera following events earlier in the week. With Phil only slightly to one side he was able to capture shots of her stripping the panties down her legs and stepping out of them without turning and facing her audience. Surprisingly the four young men were showing no sign of disappointment but then again they knew what would be happening later. Carol completed the manoeuvre by reaching behind her, snagging the bikini bottoms and tying them quickly in place around her hips. Adjusting the bottoms into place, she finally turned and faced her audience hands on hips for them to admire her toned body. They immediately applauded and she turned and looked over her shoulder
at Phil who nodded approval and then jerked his head in the direction of the hot tub.

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  Chapter 8

  Carol moved slowly over toward the hot tub knowing that five pairs of eyes and a camera lens were boring into her backside as it swayed. She tried to roll her hips a little bit more than she normally did but without the high heels this wasn't really very effective. She reached the edge of the half sunken tub and very deliberately bent at the waist to reach out and check the water temperature with her fingers. This had the required effect of stretching her bikini bottoms to the maximum and this generated another set of whistles. Smiling to herself, she walked around the tub to the controls and again bent at the waist to manipulate them. This time giving her audience a complete view straight down her cleavage, which was also of course accentuated by her position. Another round of cheers, whistles and catcalls followed.

  She moved a further quarter of the way around the tub and stepped into it from the side. She had quite deliberately stepped into the shallowest part of the tub and the water only came up to her knees. She sat on the side of the tub and tossed her head back allowing all of the young men to see her full profile, from her face down to her thighs. Of course the guys were only looking at the chest area but she didn't care at that moment. She looked over at Phil and he motioned for her to get all the way into the tub. Slowly she slid herself forward until her body was almost suspended over the water before lowering herself into the bubbling warm liquid.

  Underwater she moved her feet down to the deeper section in the middle before settling down immersed all the way to her neck. She looked down and through occasional gaps in the bubbles she could see that the bikini had, as expected, gone virtually transparent. Any moment now Phil would tell the guys to come and join her in the tub but she decided she wanted to retain control of the proceedings as long as she could.

  Suddenly she surged back up to a standing position facing the small group of men, surging upward like a mermaid rising from the sea. All four jaws dropped open as they realised the bathing suit had turned transparent. She correctly surmised that under the line of the table all four dicks jerked in automatic response to the sight in front of them. Each pair of eyes devoured her from chin to knee, well from breast to groin anyway. She looked down at herself to check what they were seeing. You could tell she was wearing a bikini, the turned over edges were less transparent than the patches of fabric in between but not by that much. She looked back at the four guys and then cocked an eyebrow at Phil whose camera was fairly obviously pointing at her prominent pussy mound and through the transparent fabric her equally prominent pubic hair. When he realised she was waiting for him to tell her to move on, he nodded to her and allowed her a last few seconds of control.

  Imperiously she stretched out one arm in the direction of the group of four men and extending her first finger beckoned them with it. Then as if it didn't matter to her, she turned her back on them and moved across the tub to the far side. The sight of her naked ass under the transparent bikini bottom would have caused them to move anyway, but they were already doing so in response to her gesture.

  Carol turned and sat down again and as the four young men approached the tub, she smiled up at them, cataloguing the fact that all four sported erections as they did so. There was a certain amount of horseplay and splashing as the four young jocks joined her in the tub, each vying for the chance to sit next to her. In the end, the blonde guy was sitting on one side of her and the coloured guy on the other.

  The tub should not have been that crowded with only five people in it but because they all wanted to be near Carol, her end of the tub certainly was. Realising now that her moments of control were now over she spread her arms along the back of the tub behind the guys sitting nearest her and waited for someone to make a move on her openly available body.

  The four guys seemed a little bit bashful at first and for a couple of minutes no one touched her and she was almost disappointed by this. Then she felt a light touch on her ankle which quickly became a caressing movement up her calf. She immediately realised that one of the two furthest away from her was now playing footsie with her. Her breath caught as she realised they were probably working to a plan agreed with Phil and that the entire shoot so far had been simply an appetiser. Out of the corner of her eye, she realised Phil was just swinging the camera back up to his face after changing memory cards and as he nodded the coloured lad, whose name like the others she didn't know, leaned in and using one hand slowly pulled her face around toward his.

  As he leaned down to rain gentle fleeting kisses onto her upturned lips, she closed her eyes and began to respond. Under the surface of the water the toes that had been caressing the front of her calf were now beginning to rub along the side of her thigh. The blonde guy on her other side now reached up with one hand and began to gently massage her shoulder. The final unoccupied guy also moved forward and she felt his hand begin to brush against her leg on the other side. The sensations were quite literally coming at her from all sides at once and she was in imminent danger of losing complete control as the four men prepared to take charge of her willing body.

  Suddenly she felt a slight pressure on the side of her face and the blonde turned her head to face his. Immediately his lips bent to kiss her and her mouth opened instinctively in response. The coloured guy now turned more fully toward her and leaned in and began to kiss her neck. He broke the contact for a moment and whispered in her ear.

  "Lift up."

  She lifted her bottom clear of the underwater seat in the tub and instantly both men moved inward so that she was now sitting on top of both of them. One ass cheek was on one thigh and the other on the other guy's thigh. She quickly looked down to see that this manoeuvre had raised her body so that her transparently encased breasts were clear of the water and her pussy mound was only just below the water. Suddenly the bubbles slowed and stopped and she realised that one of them had turned off the jets, as the water became still it also became ever more transparent and now her entire body, although still encased in the bikini was on show. She didn't care. The feeling of having one man kissing her mouth, another kissing her neck and what were now two pairs of hands caressing her legs was overwhelming.

  Her body arched under the contact of the four young men and she screamed out her passion into the muffling mouth of the blonde guy at her side. The sheer violence of her orgasm stunned the guys for a minute and they automatically stopped what they were doing to allow her to calm down again. The trouble was that she didn't want to calm down at all; she wanted to stay on that peak forever.

  "Don't stop” she gasped.

  Instantly the action resumed and she felt the blonde's tongue driving past her teeth in search of all of the nooks and crannies of her oral cavity. The guy nuzzling her neck had shifted his attention further down and round and was now nuzzling at the top of the gentle up swelling of her breast. His free hand had move across now and was cupping her ribcage just below the breast. Similarly the blonde guy had brought his hand across and was holding her on that side. The two men at her feet had changed to kneeling positions in order to reach further and the two pairs of hands were now stroking up and down her upper thighs. In abject surrender her legs had parted and their strokes were coming closer and closer to her desperate vagina.

  The blonde guy pulled away from the kiss and looked deeply into her eyes as his other hand met the coloured guy's at the back of her neck. It was obvious to Carol that they were about to undo the knot holding the bikini top up. Simultaneously the other two had stopped stroking her legs and their hands were poised on the knots at her hips that held the bottoms on.

  "What do you want us to do?"

  His voice was a throaty whisper and she shivered in delicious anticipation as she hesitated before answering him. In truth she knew the hesitation to be a sham, at that moment she wanted them to rip her clothes off and ravish her. She hesitated as she struggled to find the right words to tell them exa
ctly what she wanted without appearing too eager. In the end she decided to just tell them.

  "Strip me. Ravish me. Fuck me. Do it now!"

  An instant later, hands had pulled and all four knots had parted and both scraps of useless cloth had been ripped from her body and thrown out of the tub. She was now stark naked in the hot tub with four virile men who lost no time in pressing their respective cases.

  One hand from each guy descended on each tit and began to maul it, no longer as gentle as they had been. One hand from each guy at her feet pulled her legs apart and the other two dived to each meet its rival at her crotch. The sensation of having the hands of two different men vying for contact with her pussy in this way was far too much for the over excited and over stimulated woman and she very quickly climbed the mountain to another enormous orgasm.

  She felt the bodies shifting underneath her and realised that they had changed position so that her body was now raised so that her mound was above the water level. Phil was now able to take pictures of every part of her body, and more importantly of the molesting and groping hands on all parts of her body. Each of the two guys at her feet had now wormed a finger inside of her and the other two had fastened their mouths over her nipples. Her arms were pinned behind her back and there was no way to defend herself from their assault on her body, but by now she didn't want to anyway.

  "Stand her up."

  The way Phil was telling them what to do, orchestrating what was happening to her should have sparked resentment in her but Carol was too far gone to care. She felt disappointment as he guys reluctantly withdrew their fingers from her inflamed slit and allowed the four of them to push and pull her into a standing position in the middle of the tub. The water lapped around the middle of her thighs and her naked beauty shone from the myriad of water droplets adhering to her skin. Unconsciously she had spread her legs apart for balance and now from behind the two guys who had earlier concentrated on her breasts were running their hands over her buttocks before shifting their aim toward her gaping pussy. The two in front who had been manipulating her pussy were now sitting back and simply watching her.


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