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Draco: Book Two of The Stardust Series

Page 22

by Autumn Reed

  “Hi, Haley,” he said, holding out his hand, “I’m Mateo.” I shook his hand, noticing how incredibly soft his skin was.

  “Wow, I’ve never seen so much makeup. I had no idea . . .” I trailed off, fascinated by his collection of powders, brushes, pencils, and lipsticks. He was definitely an artist, and it made me miss my sketch books and art supplies that had gone up in smoke.

  Mateo flashed his brilliant white teeth at me and dug into his supplies. “You’re so naturally pretty, I can’t imagine you wear much makeup. But don’t worry, you’re in good hands.”

  Mateo stood back as if he was evaluating me before glancing at his phone. Then he set to work, grabbing brushes and creams and asking me to close or open my eyes at random. I closed my mouth and breathed through my nose while he stood in front of me. Although his cologne was pleasant, I felt slightly awkward and was afraid if I opened my mouth I would be breathing on him. What is the protocol for getting your makeup done?

  “What’s your usual makeup routine?”

  “I don’t have much practice, so I usually stick to the basics—mascara and lip gloss.”

  “Can’t go wrong with those.” I could hear the smile in Mateo’s voice, and I felt a few gentle brush strokes along my cheek. “But sometimes it’s fun to be a little flashy. And you are definitely going to turn heads tonight, although I’m sure that’s a pretty common occurrence for you.”

  It was hard to tell how much time had passed, but after he applied lipstick to my lips, he had me open my eyes so he could line them and add mascara before he stood back again.

  “Perfection.” He smiled, clearly pleased with his work.

  Mateo handed me a bottle of lip gloss for later and wished me a fun evening before leaving me alone in the room. I was dying to see what Max and Mateo had done to me and crossed my fingers that I would love it.

  Standing in front of the mirror, I was speechless. I looked like myself, yet I was astonished at how glamorous I appeared. The makeup was dramatic but tasteful. And my hair . . . Wow. Half my hair was pulled back, leaving the rest cascading down my back in curls. An assortment of twists and braids kept the hair out of my face apart from a few tendrils.

  I admired my costume once again before walking to the large window to watch the sun set over the skyline. It wasn’t quite time to get dressed, and I needed to compose my thoughts before the evening ahead. Running my fingers over my sapphire silk bustier, I couldn’t believe the effort Theo had gone to for me. More than that, I couldn’t believe this was my life; it felt more like a dream.

  A few minutes later, there was a muted knock on the door before Theo’s muffled voice called, “Can I come in?”

  The door opened, and I glanced over my shoulder as Theo entered the room, standing tall in his perfectly-fitted tuxedo with a white shirt, cufflinks, and black bow tie. His hair was combed to the side and gelled into a wavy style. Ever stylish, Theo had outdone himself. I snapped my jaw shut as I stood facing him. If I hadn’t been so distracted by his appearance, I probably would have been concerned by his own silence.

  “Wow, Haley,” he half-whispered, “you . . .”

  His eyes moved over me like a soft caress, skimming me from head to toe then back up again. When he met my eyes, he was still somewhat quiet. “You . . . just. Wow,” he exhaled.

  At the sound of my phone alarm buzzing, Theo seemed to snap out of his trance. He shook his head as if to clear it and came closer, holding my hands in his.

  “Right. I have to meet up with Kara, a.k.a. Daisy Buchanan, but I wanted to wish you luck.”

  I smiled. “I should have known you’d choose something classic and glamorous. You are the perfect Jay Gatsby.”

  “Thanks! Now it’s time for the finishing touch,” he said, as he pulled a velvet pouch from his pocket.

  “Really?” I smiled. “Theo, how could you possibly give me anything more? Thank you for a wonderful day; all of this is beyond my wildest dreams.”

  Theo smiled, looking genuinely pleased by my comment, his eyes sparkling. He revealed a beautiful and delicately fashioned gold diadem and placed it in my hair before stepping back.


  “Sincerely, Theo. Thank you.”

  Just when I thought my life couldn’t be any closer to a fairy tale, he lifted my hand to his lips. “My pleasure, my lady.” He bowed gallantly at the waist. “Now I better get going. See you downstairs.”

  I carefully pulled the sapphire-colored dress off the bed and slipped into it. The silky bustier gave me structure and support, and the velvety dress felt sensual as it conformed to my curves. I looked down, concerned by the low neckline of the dress combined with the lifting effect of my undergarments. Too much? I hoped not because it was too late now.

  With my shoes on and purse in hand, I stood to face the mirror and admired the stranger standing before me. The costume was even better than I remembered between the bell sleeves and the way it draped on my shoulders. The gold diadem was the perfect finishing touch, complementing both the beading along the neckline and the embellished belt. Tonight I wasn’t Haley Jones, a girl who had never been kissed and was struggling to find her place in the world; I was Lady Guinevere, the queen of men’s hearts and ruler of a kingdom.

  Not normally one for selfies, I held up my phone, wanting to capture the moment for myself and Jessica. She is going to flip. Smiling at the thought of Jessica, I knew she would be blown away by the hair, makeup, and the dress. I certainly was. I took a deep breath, knowing it was almost time to leave.

  I quietly entered the hallway and glanced around, all the while trying to smother the nervous butterflies threatening to overtake me. Through the open door to my right, I could see Chase sitting at a table surrounded by computers, tech gear, and talking into a headset. He glanced my way and then did a double-take before his jaw dropped. I waved sheepishly, smiling quickly before proceeding to the living room. I could get used to dressing like this; I loved the way my skirt lightly swished about my legs as I moved.

  At the end of the hall, Liam stood with his back to me; a cape the same color as my dress hung from his shoulders and black leather riding boots covered his legs. When Liam turned to face me, I felt his eyes drink me in as he walked toward me in his silver chainmail with a broad leather belt and black pants.

  “You look ravishing,” Liam said, his lips spreading into a wide grin.

  “Thank you; you make an excellent Sir Lancelot.” I didn’t dare tell him how good I really thought he looked. “Where’s your sword? Wouldn’t a knight carry one?”

  “All of my weapons are concealed this evening.”

  When I heard someone clear his throat angrily, I turned and felt my heart rate escalate at the sight of Knox. He stood facing me, his broad shoulders filling out an impeccably tailored black suit, white shirt, and black tie. His blond hair was parted and styled, not even looking like he had run his fingers through it yet. He looked professional, not to mention incredibly sexy.

  Holy shiitake! I doubted Theo would approve of me stealing the phrase in reaction to his brother’s hotness, but I couldn’t help myself. Is it warm in here? I was seriously tempted to start fanning myself.

  “Ready?” Liam asked.

  What? I snapped my attention back to my spectacularly dashing date. How am I going to survive this evening? These guys were a major distraction on the best of days, let alone when they were prancing around looking like freakin’ James Bond and a knight in shining armor.

  “Yep,” I chirped before cringing inwardly.

  “Oh wait, we need a picture first.” Liam handed his cell phone to Knox before grinning at me and wrapping his arm around my back. I could feel Knox’s eyes watching me, smoldering.

  After a quick picture, Knox and I followed Liam out to the hall. As I brushed by Knox on my way through the door, he gently placed a hand on my lower back to usher me out. He leaned over, his voice low and gravelly in my ear. “You are stunning.”

  I bowed my head, attempting to hi
de the bashful smile that automatically appeared at Knox’s unexpected compliment.

  “You have the room key and your phone, right?” Knox asked as the elevator descended to the lobby.

  “Yep.” I held up my purse.

  “Good. If you feel at all uncomfortable or unsafe, return to the room. Chase will be there all night.”

  I smiled and shook my head. Knox was back in protective mode. I stole one more glance at him as we exited the elevator, admiring how ridiculously good he looked. Not that I could think of a time when he didn’t look good. Casual, business casual, professional, athletic, shirtless—nope, every version of Knox was amazing.

  When the elevator doors opened, we were greeted by the sound of voices and music. Knox marched off in one direction while Liam offered me his arm and I gladly accepted, bracing myself for the crowd ahead. We walked past reception and toward the main entrance where a red carpet led up the stairs and into the foyer. Guests were photographed as they arrived, many exiting from limousines before heading up the stairs.

  The costumes were all over the place. I was certainly impressed with the effort some people put in, while others shocked me with their lack of costume. I particularly enjoyed the period costumes and some of the more glittery, over-the-top outfits.

  I had visited the hotel with Jackson for dinner, but I was totally unprepared for the complete transformation before me. Large round tables covered the back half of the ballroom, draped with black tablecloths, flower arrangements in rich reds and purples, and candles. The large chandeliers were dimmed, creating an atmosphere that was romantic and inviting. A band was already on stage providing background music, and space had been cleared for a dance floor.

  “Want to check out the silent auction? See if anything strikes your fancy.”

  “Sounds good.” I smiled, hoping Liam couldn’t tell how nervous I felt, or that I had no clue what a silent auction was.

  Liam snagged a glass of champagne from a passing waiter as we walked toward a room off the side of the main ballroom.

  “Aren’t you on the clock, so to speak?” I whispered to Liam.

  He chuckled lightly and said, “Yes, but it’s my job to blend in,” before sipping the champagne.

  Most of the people in The Phoenix Room were lined up at the bar or scattered around the room looking intently at items on the tables that lined the perimeter. In front of each item was a piece of paper with names in one column and a dollar amount in the other one. The first table had sports tickets, signed jerseys, and other memorabilia. Even with just a few bids, many of the dollar amounts were already at several hundred dollars and a few hovered closer to one thousand dollars. What the . . .?

  “How about tickets to the U.S. Open?”

  I glanced at the sheet. “You can’t be serious? The current highest bid is $1,500.”

  “Is that a no then?” Liam smiled as he walked further down the table, pulling me with him. Was he joking?

  “I would bid on the tennis lessons for you, but I’d rather continue to teach you myself.” Liam glanced down at me, his look mischievous and seductive.

  “Well you are the best,” I said, making air quotes as I emphasized “the best.”

  “And you deserve nothing less than the best, gorgeous.”

  “You’re too sweet,” I said in a coquettish tone, but his charm was irresistible.

  Liam tugged me to the next item. “Ohh, darling. I’m sure you couldn’t resist a romantic getaway to a cabin in Aspen.”

  I snickered. “I think I’m good on cabin getaways, but thanks.” Liam gave me a knowing smile.

  “Actually, darling, if there’s a tropical island escape, we should bid on that.” If Liam was aiming to blend in, I could play along.

  Liam raised an eyebrow. “I like the way you think. If we see one, I will win it for you.” He lowered his voice, his lips hovering near my ear. “And don’t worry—no bikinis necessary.” I rolled my eyes.

  When Liam bid on season tickets to the San Jose Opera, I had to say something. “I think you’re taking this blending in thing a little too far. Are you trying to start a bidding war?”

  “No, I want those tickets. If you play your cards right, I might even take you with me if I win.” He winked.

  I couldn’t help myself; I snuck a glance at his bid before we moved on. Seriously? I hope Liam has a lot of money.

  Another waiter passed by with appetizers and I snagged a few. I was starving and thankful we were headed for our table. Most of the tables were filling up like ours, and I hoped it wouldn’t be long until dinner was served.

  We passed a couple dressed as Scarlett and Rhett, an adorable Holly Golightly, and a Cat in the Hat. There were even a few more Gatsbys, but none looked half as good as Theo. Toward the perimeter of the room, I noticed two guys in black suits and realized it was Hunter and Logan from Team Falcon. I had yet to see Ethan, Jackson, or Tyler, although I was guessing Jackson would be in the control room all evening with Scott.

  As we reached our table, I saw Theo at a nearby table, holding a chair out for Kara while he waited for her to be seated. She looked fabulous. Her blonde wig was cropped into a short bob and accessorized with a beautiful diamond headpiece. And her silky dress with sequins looked perfect on her petite, athletic body. She smiled at me, and I returned it as Liam pulled out my own chair. I had no idea what the rest of the night held, but I was already enjoying myself.

  Holding Court

  An older gentleman in a floppy hat, rumpled button-down shirt, and rolled-up pants held up by red suspenders placed his hand on the chair next to mine, setting his canvas bag on the floor. His costume was boyish and endearing, and once he was seated, he offered a hand.

  “Good evening. I’m Reginald Drake.” He spoke the words with a slight accent, the sounds of his vowels drawn out. His smile was warm and friendly.

  “Are you sure about that?” I smiled. “Because you look more like Huckleberry Finn.”

  “Pretty and smart; your date is a lucky man.”

  Liam turned our way and stretched his hand toward Mr. Drake. “Yes, I am. I’m Liam Carlyle, and this is Haley Jones.”

  “Pleasure to meet you both,” said Mr. Drake. “Let me guess . . . Lancelot and Lady Guinevere. Am I right?”

  I nodded, glad that it was apparent. I had read a lot of books, but some of the costumes were completely indecipherable.

  An older woman with beautiful gray hair pulled back in an enormous pink silk bow took the seat next to him. It took me a minute to process what her costume was as I assessed the white summer dress that covered her from neck to ankle, large silk bow tied at her waist, and basket full of flowers.

  Reginald gave her a kiss on the cheek before introducing us. “Haley, this is my wife, Mary Drake.”

  “Pleased to meet you. Your costume is delightful.”

  She smiled. “Thank you. I always loved The Secret Garden as a young girl.”

  Meanwhile, Liam introduced himself to the girl seated on his other side, but all chatter quieted as a woman walked across the stage to a microphone. She was dressed as a very impressive, very scary Miss Havisham from Great Expectations. From the tattered Victorian-era lace wedding dress to her pale skin and white hair, I was almost scared of her.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” she said into the microphone, and the room grew quiet apart from the movement of servers entering and exiting the ballroom with trays of covered dishes.

  “Good evening. My name is Charlotte Waterhouse, and I am the Executive Director of Golden Gate Literacy. Our organization has been making a difference in the lives of Bay Area children for the past twenty years. Much of our success is thanks to people like you who support our mission of children’s literacy.”

  She paused for a round of applause and beamed at the audience. While she continued speaking, I scanned the room, appreciating the variety of costumes and trying to catch a glimpse of Bill Gates. I snuck a glance at Liam, still rather in awe of my handsome date. Date? Not date? The verdict was
still out on that one. Not that it truly mattered, but for some reason I wanted to know.

  Lost in my observations, my ears immediately perked up when Charlotte mentioned the name Gerald Douglas. I had yet to see him and could feel my anxiety mounting.

  “As I was saying,” Charlotte continued, “we are incredibly grateful for the support of our many donors and volunteers. And tonight, I’d like to say a special thank you to our co-host and guest of honor, Gerald Douglas. Mr. Douglas, please stand so we can properly recognize you.”

  I held my breath and tried to remain calm as I watched Gerald Douglas rise. Despite his costume—a black suit with tails, white shirt, and black cravat—he looked exactly as he had on his website. It wasn’t until I took note of the dark mustache and black raven on his shoulder that I realized he was paying homage to “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe. From across the room, he smiled and waved at the crowd before taking his seat once more.

  The remainder of Charlotte’s speech was a blur, and it wasn’t long before a round of applause signaled the end. The room filled with chatter as the waiters circulated with dinner.

  Liam was the perfect date, charming and attentive; at least when the girl on his other side wasn’t vying for his attention, which was pretty much the entire meal. Dressed as Tinkerbell, her short green dress was covered in glitter, just like her wings and much of her skin.

  I enjoyed listening to the Drakes describe their varied travel adventures, but my ears perked up when Tinkerbell addressed Liam. My attention divided, I continued to face the Drakes, but my ears were trained on the conversation between Liam and Tinkerbell.

  “So, Liam,” she said, “Where did you go to college?” I sensed that she was bored with her date and found Liam attractive; not that I blamed her.


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