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Cuffed By A Kingpin 2

Page 5

by Heiress

  “Okay. I’ll let you know, and then we can beat they ass together,” she replied, and I looked around shocked, making sure no one heard her.

  “Girl take your little butt to that auditorium. And don’t be cursing either,” I told her, and she nodded her head. After giving me a hug, I watched her run away. I couldn’t help but laugh. She was the exact replica of her momma. I turned away and made my way to the cafeteria where the event was being held. When I walked in, all the women were lined up, getting assigned to their little sister. I made my way to the table and received my card with a name on it. I then took my seat.

  “Welcome big sisters!” A loud brown skin woman yelled into the microphone. “Thank you all for coming. Today we give back. WE give back by being a role model and mentor to these unfortunate girls. They are either motherless or sisterless impressionable young girls. They need your guidance and wisdom today,” she paused to smile for a camera.

  “I was once a part of this program. Till this day, I’m very close to my big sister. She even adopted me, and I turned out great because of her. So, I know you women will change lives. Now let’s get started. Each girl is wearing a name tag. Stand up and find her. I will be over here if you need any assistance.”

  Thanking God that she was done talking, I walked around looking for my little sister. Her name was, Jessica. Scanning the room, I lost focus when I saw a girl standing off to the side. She was looking down with her hands fiddling in front of her. Not caring if she was my little sister or not, I went to approach her.

  “Hey. My name is, Caliana. What’s your name?” I asked once I was in front of her. She glanced up, and I was able to see her face. In all of my life, I had never seen such a beautiful girl. She had golden skin with untanned long curly hair. Her almond shaped eyes were dark brown, and she had the cutest button nose. She didn’t even have to be smiling for me to see her dimples. That’s how deep they were.

  “Amber…Amber Joy,” she answered in a sweet angelic voice.

  “I’m not your big sister, but that can be our little secret. Do you want to sit down and talk?” I asked her, and she nodded her head yes. I could tell she was the shy type thought she looked to be like fourteen or fifteen. I also noticed that she was less fortunate. Her clothes were baggy and dingy. Her shoes had holes in them, and I could smell a stench coming from her. I wondered what her situation was to have her looking like she was.

  “So, Amber, tell me about yourself. I can’t wait to get to know you,” I stated, starting the conversation. She didn’t answer me. She just continued to look around self-consciously at everyone else. Maybe I should have started with telling her about me.

  “It’s okay. How about I just tell you about me.”

  “Okay,” she finally spoke up.

  “Cool. Where do I start,” I said, thinking? “Well, I’m the only child of my daddy. Unfortunately, he passed away last year so-,”

  “I’m so sorry to hear that,” she offered up.

  “Thank you.” I smiled, sensing her sincerity. “Yea, well it took me a long time to get over it. I mean, I’m not over it, but I’ve learned to live with it. He was my best friend so when he left this earth, so did a part of me,” I paused, getting myself together before I ended up crying on this girl’s shoulder.

  “Umm, I didn’t have a mother. Well, I do, but she left when I was young, and I don’t know why. So, I pretty much grew up alone. Always in the house. I never went out with friends because I didn’t have any. There was only so much my daddy could teach me as a man. I had to learn how to be a woman on my own. And I just-,” I paused when I noticed her looking around again.

  I followed her eyes, and I caught a glimpse of some girls pointing and laughing at her. When I looked back at her, she held her head down as if she was about to cry. I had to do something about this situation. “Come on, let’s go,” I said, grabbing her hand.

  “But, were not supposed to leave the school,” she hesitated.

  “Would you rather stay here and get taunted and teased or leave with me?” I quizzed.

  She glanced around once again, her eyes landing on the girls snickering in the corner. “I rather leave with you,” she answered.

  “Well then let’s go girly.” I smiled and began walking. I made sure the woman in charge didn’t see me. We snuck out the door and went to the other wing where Angel was. I let her teacher know I was leaving, but I’d be back to pick her up at the end of the day. I then walked to my car, and we got in. I wanted to get to know this girl, so I took her to Missy’s Boutique. She looked like she was hungry so I planned on getting her some food too. I felt the need to help her with a few things. It was like an unknown connection with this girl that was crazy strange.

  “What are we doing here?” she asked, once we were parked in front of Missy’s clothing store.

  “Well I needed a few things, and I felt you would be comfortable anywhere but school. Do those girl’s tease you because of how you look?” I asked, getting out of the car.

  “Yes. They say I look homeless and that I stink. I know I do, but I can’t do anything about it,” she sadly spoke.

  She was right beside me when we walked in. Missy was right in front, so she greeted us. “Hey boo! Who is this pretty little- umm what the hell is that smell?” Missy said, covering her nose. I looked over at Amber, and I could tell she was embarrassed. I shot Missy a knowing look, diverting my eyes from her to Amber. As soon as she got the hint, she spoke again.

  “Oh, yea I forgot to take the trash out this morning. Damn, I be forgetting shit. Ahem,” she cleared her throat. “So, what’s your name? I’m Missy,” she introduced herself.

  “My name is Amber and you don’t have to be nice. I know it’s me that smells like this.” I kissed my lips, rolling my eyes at Missy.

  “Well, if you know then why you won’t do anything about it?” Missy sassed.

  “The water is off at my house, and I don’t have nowhere to wash up. Even if I do, my clothes aren’t clean so I can’t-,”

  “Look, Missy do me a favor. Can you go pick out some things for her while I fix her up in the office bathroom? I’ll pay you back,” I pleaded.

  “Fine but burn my towels after you use them. And spray some air freshener too. She gone scare my damn customers away,” she mumbled walking away. I could do nothing but shake my head at her ass. Missy had no damn filter. Grabbing Amber’s hand, I guided her upstairs to Missy’s private office. There she had a private full bathroom.

  “Okay so you can wash up in here and I’ll have some clothes waiting for you.” I handed her a towel, a wash cloth, soap and shampoo.

  “I know you’re not supposed to do stuff like this but thank you anyways.” She smiled before walking into the bathroom. My heart was warm on the inside because I always wanted to be a big sister. I always wanted to be an example to someone and teach them things I wasn’t taught. The things I had to learn on my own.

  “Make sure her stinky ass use some soap,” Missy said from behind me.

  I turned around and gave her a stank look. “Missy please hush. There is something about her. I can’t put my finger on it, so just be nice. Please,” I begged, taking a seat in her lounge chair.

  “Mmmhm. I’ll be nice,” she agreed flashing me a fake smile. “Here are some cute clothes she might like. I couldn’t tell what size she wore with them big ass clothes but I think she probably a three. I got customer’s so I’ll be downstairs if you need me boo.” I nodded my head and she walked away.

  Twenty minutes later, Amber stepped out of the bathroom. Her hair was now wet and down her back in curls. She was even prettier than before. “You are so pretty, Amber,” I complimented her. She shot me a shy smile and looked away. “Here. These are some clothes I got for you. Just put on that dress and them sandals for now. There some underwear and a bra over there too.”

  “Okay. Thank you,” she thanked me once again. I looked away while she put on her clothes. I glanced back just in time to catch a glimpse of some bruises sh
e had on her legs and back. I didn’t say anything. I thought I’d allow her to warm up to me before I got too personal.

  “How do I look?” she asked. She was wearing a long green maxi dress. She was such a tiny skinny thing.

  “You look cute girl. Now hand me that comb and come sit down. Let me see if I can do something to that head of yours,” I told her. She did as I said and came and sat in between my legs.

  “I always wanted something like this. A big sister or a mother to do my hair,” she said, starting a conversation.

  “You don’t have a momma?”

  “I mean yea, I do, but she’s not around. She sends me money all the time, but my auntie keeps it for herself. She hates my mother for some reason. I had been living with her ever since I was a baby. Things were fine until we moved out here to California. My auntie met this man, and he was into drugs, and she kind of got hooked. Now she spends her days getting high not caring what happens to me. I rather be homeless than be with that woman,” she expressed.

  I knew it had to be something serious for her to act and look how she did. I wanted so badly to ask about the bruises, but I needed to gain her trust first. “I’m sorry you’re going through that at such an early age, Amber. If you need to get away or need anything, you can call me. I know how it feels to be alone even if you live with someone. I may not know anything about poverty, but I know a thing or two about feeling lonely,” I told her as I combed out the naps in her hair.

  She said nothing for a while. The room was dead silent. Once her hair was all combed out, I brushed it into a high bun and slicked down her edges. She got up and looked in the mirror nearly in tears. “I look so…so different. Thank you again, Caliana.” She smiled, running over to me to give me a hug.

  “You’re welcome boo.” I started to say something else until Missy came upstairs.

  “Umm, not to ruin this cute little moment but, your husband slash baby daddy downstairs. And he got his new slash old bitch with him,” she let me know.

  My entire mood changed. I was now pissed off. The nerve of Compton to bring Monique into Missy’s shop. It was no secret that I still wanted to be with Compton even though he didn’t want the same. I just couldn’t help myself. Especially since I was carrying a piece of him inside of me.

  “Uhh, Come on, Amber. Let me get you back to school before they call the police on me,” I said, ignoring Missy. I grabbed all of her clothes and put them in a bag. I had to hurry up and get out of here before Monique approached me with her smug ass attitude. She made it a point to throw Compton choosing her over me in my face every chance she got. I guess that ass whooping wasn’t enough to keep her quiet.

  “Uh huh, you ain’t got to run whenever she comes around,” Missy let me know.

  “Well I also don’t want to get into any more fights while I’m pregnant,” I shot back.

  “Girl, Compton ain’t gone let that bitch touch you again. He loves you, so I don’t know why he with her-,”

  “Missy don’t start,” I interrupted her. “Let me just go take, Amber back to school, and I’ll see you at home later.” When I made my way downstairs, I spotted Compton on the phone leaned up against the glass window. He looked so damn good in all black, Gucci everything.

  “Is that your husband?” Amber asked.

  “Yea, that’s him,” I answered, rolling my eyes his way.

  “He’s handsome,” she complimented. In my mind, I agreed with her. Just as I was about to walk out the door, me and Compton caught gazes.

  I wanted so badly not to miss this man.



  While chopping it up with Sean on the phone, my eyes trailed off to no specific area. I caught gazes with Cali who was about to leave. She is glowing brighter every day since she got pregnant. A nigga couldn’t hide how I still felt about her, but I definitely tried. I was committed to Monique, and I needed to try at least and make this shit work. She was the love of my life. I owed her my effort if anything.

  “You were just gone walk past me without saying shit?” I quizzed, starring at Cali. “Sean let me hit you back, ‘cuz,” I said before killing the line.

  “Well, I didn’t want your guard dog to come over here and start barking at me. You know she’s territorial,” she quipped with a grin. Instead of responding to her shade, I changed the subject.

  “So who is this? Don’t tell me I done made you switch up on me.” My eyes drifted off to the pretty girl next to her.

  “Ugh, Compton that’s nasty. For one, she’s fifteen, and for two, you could never make me switch teams. She’s my little sister for that Big Sister program I told you about,” she replied, rolling her neck. I chuckled at her attempt to have an attitude with me.

  “I didn’t know you were serious about that shit. That’s what’s up, Cali. I’m happy you out here doing good.” Stepping closer to her, I rested both hands on the side of her stomach. She hadn’t gotten that big, but I loved feeling on her tummy. “How my baby doing?” I asked her in a hushed tone.

  I watched her breathing decrease as she tucked her bottom lip in between her teeth. It was as if I could feel how horny her ass was. “The baby is good. I have an appointment next month to find out the sex,” she answered.

  “You know it’s gone be a boy right?” I told her still rubbing her stomach. I enjoyed feeling my baby grow. That shit calmed me.

  “So what was the reason you missed the breastfeeding class? Monique kept you?” she inquired. Monique and I had got caught up fucking, and it slipped my mind. She wanted to talk, and she ended up crying, so a nigga had to stay and cater to her feelings. Time just got away from me that day.

  “Nah, I just got caught up with some shit in the-,” I paused, feeling a tap on my shoulder. When I looked over, it was Monique. She had a devilish grin on her face. “Well if it isn’t our baby momma. Funny seeing you here at the same time as us. What a funny coincidence,” she quipped.

  “I guess this is my cue to leave before I end up slapping your girlfriend in the face. Again,” Cali said, looking at Monique, yet she was talking to me.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to enjoy the show. I mean all you can do is stare at something you can’t have. It’s like window shopping. You can look, but you will never be able to afford it,” Monique quipped once again. I hated this shit. It’s only been a few weeks, and every time these two got close they bickered. It was mostly Monique, but Cali’s smart ass mouth ain’t make it no better. But what can I expect dealing with two women who each has a piece of my heart.

  “Are you sure about that? You need to reflect on the situation. I got the ring that you lost. I’m having the baby that you wished you had and no matter what he says, I have his heart too. He just in denial right now. The only thing you got is his dick and even that I can get whenever I want.”

  Here she go with that smart ass mouth.

  “You know what bitch, fuck you!” Monique yelled before pushing Cali onto the floor. I couldn’t move fast enough when Cali jumped up and punched Monique in the face. I tried to get in between them, but they were going blow for blow. “CUT THIS SHIT OUT! STOP IT! YO’ IF ONE OF Y’ALL HIT ME AGAIN, I’M GONE KNOCK BOTH Y’ALL ASSES OUT!” I barked trying to pull them apart. I finally just picked Monique up by her waist and shoved her behind me.

  “Y’all chill the fuck out! We in public and this shit ain’t cool. Out here got me looking like them lame ass niggas on Love and Hip Hop. Fighting and shit. Monique next time you hit my baby momma I’m gone knock ya’ ass out!” I barked at her.

  “I’m your wife, not your baby momma, so you need to-,”

  “Nah you need to watch that smart ass mouth of yours! I know you don’t fuck with this situation, but I’m with Monique now. I know you are hurting but you gone have to respect it even if you don’t like it. Just like Monique gone have to respect you,” I said now turning my attention to Monique.

  “I don’t have to respect a God damn thing! I came first and she-,”<
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  “Monique shut the fuck up because you pissing me off. Y’all both pissing me off. I should’ve just remained single if I was gone deal with this shit,” I snapped, glancing back and forth from her to Cali. “All I ask is for respect. If that can’t happen then y’all both can find another nigga nerves to get on. Can y’all do that?”

  Both of them stayed silent. All that was offered up was disgusting stares. “I have to go take Amber back to school. I don’t have time for this. But I will say that next time she touches me; I’m gone claw her damn eyes out,” Cali’s evil ass spat. She grabbed that girl Amber’s hand and walked away.

  I shook my head because this shit was for the birds. “Compton don’t get mad at me because her light ass started it,” Monique added once Cali was out of sight.

  “Man- baby shut the fuck up because your big headed ass started it. Now hurry up so we can get the fuck up out of here. I’m hungry, and I know you are too. Greedy ass.”

  “Boy, shut up. I’m almost done,” she told me, walking away.

  I stepped away from her to call Sean back. I prayed the rest of my life wasn’t going be this crazy ass drama. If so, I was gone cut both they asses loose. Love wasn’t worth this much damn headache.



  Today had been a long and productive day. It has been about a month and some weeks since the Compton split, and I have been doing pretty well without him. Since Missy worked all the time, my friend list was shorted. That was until I met, Tre’. He was my realtor and a potential new boo. We had grown very close this past month. He has been such a blessing during this pregnancy. Everything I need, he gets and everything I don’t need, he gets anyway. He was making it easier for me to try and move on from Compton. It’s been rough.

  I had done everything Missy told me too. I applied to USC for dancing, and I was accepted for early admission. Mrs. Banks helped me out with that since she was an alumnus. I changed my look and was looking more like a woman and not a teenage girl. I was out looking for houses and Sean was taking me to get a car today. So I have been busy getting my life together, and as I said, it has not been easy.


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