Cuffed By A Kingpin 2

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Cuffed By A Kingpin 2 Page 10

by Heiress

  “You nervous, Cali?” he asking, knowing good and well I was.

  “Nah, I’m chilling,” I sarcastically responded. “Yes, I’m nervous.”

  “My entire family is cool. They may seem snooty or stuck up, but that’s just the money talking. They nice and very welcoming. Especially my sisters. They’re going to love you,” he assured me, grabbing my hand and kissing the back of it.

  “We’ll see,” I muttered underneath my breath. I sat back and enjoyed the ride. In no time we were pulling up to his parents’ house. It was humongous. Almost as big as the Bank’s mansion. Nothing but fancy cars graced the driveway. I was far from stuck up, so I prayed my laid back demeanor didn’t offend them

  “You ready,” Tre’ asked when he opened my door. I nodded my head, and he helped me out. We held each other’s hand as we made our way to the front door. Once we were in, my nerves skyrocketed. There was jazz music playing throughout the house as butlers and maids ran from one end of the house to the next. Then out of nowhere a group of girl’s approached us. I could tell they were his sisters. They looked just like him.

  “Well if it isn’t the brother who act like he ain’t got no family. I see you coming to Sunday dinner because you got a new boo thang. Is this another one of your assistants?” one of the girls’s quizzed, sizing me. If I weren't so damn hungry, I would slap her. I was willing to wait after dinner.

  “She already pregnant? You must have been keeping her hidden for a minute,” another added.

  “Ahem, first off you all need to have some manners. This is Caliana, my girlfriend. Caliana these are my lovely yet outspoken sisters, Tasia and Terry,” he introduced.

  “Nice to meet you both,” I offered up with a smile.

  “We will see once momma meets you. Does she know you're seeing someone and that she’s about to be a grandmother?” Terry asked. I could tell she was gone be a problem for me with this smart ass mouth of hers.

  “Terry no she does not know, and I wish you shut the-,”

  “Mother! Tre’ brought a guest!” she yelled with a wicked grin. Tre’ shook his head before turning his attention towards me.

  “I’m sorry about, Terry. She’s the oldest and rude as hell. I promise she’s the only one like this,” he assured me, kissing my hands. I felt so uncomfortable, but I didn’t voice my opinion.

  “Well for you sake, you better hope she is,” I quipped, faking a smile.

  He guided me to the dining room where all seven of his sisters were sitting along with his parents. I assumed the thin, dark skinned lady with the finger waves was his mother. Somebody should have told her, that shit was not cute.

  “Mom…Dad,” Tre’s spoke up, getting their attention. Once they looked up, the happy facial expression was now gone. I could feel the dislike in the room. “I want y’all to meet someone. This is my girlfriend, Caliana. Caliana these are my parents. Vivian and Phillip Maine,” he introduced.

  “Finally we get to meet the woman that’s been keeping my son away. It’ pleasure to meet you, Caliana. Please have a seat,” his father offered up nicely, pulling out my chair. I sat down and cleared my throat.

  “Thank you, Mr. Maine. This is a lovely home you have here?” I complimented, trying to sound all polite and what not. It was such a fancy dinner that I felt both underdressed and unwelcomed.

  “So are we just going to ignore the elephant in the room or address that this young lady is pregnant. And quite far along might I add,” his mother finally spoke up. I swear if I didn’t respect my elders, I would have slapped her too.

  “I’m glad you brought it up because I didn’t want to be rude,” one of his sister’s added.

  “Yea, but she could just be fat,” another added.

  “She’s not fat, Kat. She’s seven months pregnant and before you asked no it’s not my baby,” Tre’ revealed. His mother gasped and I could feel the bitch about to rise from up out of me.

  “Wow, son. So you’re in a relationship with a girl that is pregnant by someone else? Please tell me this is for charity?” she quizzed as if she was disgusted.

  “Not just anyone, I have you know. He’s my husband and not that it’s any of your business, but he is the only man I been with so it’s not like I’m out here hoeing around,” I defended myself.

  “This woman is married too?” one of his sister’s gasped.

  “Damn this just keep getting better and better. Where is the popcorn when you need it,” another added. They were really starting to get on my nerves. But I knew this would happen. I knew they would judge me which is why I should never have come here to meet them.

  “Son, have you completely lost it? The poor girl is pregnant and married. How would that work? Are you planning on playing step daddy? Are you are going to be her side man or however you young people say it? This would never work,” his momma vented.

  “You know what-,” I was about to go off because I had enough. Dinner hadn’t even started yet, and I was already being attacked. They could have at least waited until the food was on my plate. The hospitality was horrible.

  “Look, Caliana is my girlfriend momma, and I love her,” he confessed out loud for the first time since we’ve been together. “I have accepted this part of her. The marriage is just a piece of paper. I’m the one who has to deal with it not y’all. Now I brought her here because I wanted her to meet my family. Because one day she might become family. But I see this shit was a mistake. Now y’all wonder why I don’t come around no more,” Tre’s said his peace, standing to his feet.

  “Let’s go, baby. This was a mistake,” he said, grabbing my hand to help me out the chair. His father begged for him to come back, but he just kept walking with me by his side. When we finally got outside, he let out a breath of frustration.

  “My bad about that Caliana. I knew they were going to judge you, I just wanted them to meet you. I thought that maybe if they saw what I see in you that they wouldn’t be so damn-,”

  “Tre’ it’s okay. Though your momma is a bitch along with your sisters, you can’t be mad at them for being surprised. I’m pregnant and you're agreeing to help me take care of my baby who’s not yours. Any momma would be worried or have her concerns. She damn sure went about it the wrong way, but I understand. Well, the mature me gets it. The other side wanted to punch her in the face. No offense,” I explained.

  “None taken. Sometimes I even have to catch myself with my mom. She is a bitch at times, but she means well.”

  “I know she does.” I smiled. I must have really been growing up because this was not like me. I wasn’t the type to be outspoken but I didn’t take no shit from nobody either. I just tried to be understanding. Tre’ stepped forward and brushed a piece of hair out of my face. “Compton was a fool to ever let you go. But I’m glad he did. You are one of a kind, Caliana,” he expressed, caressing my face.

  “Hey, you said you loved me in there. Did you mean it?” I asked, changing the subject. I needed to know.

  “I meant it, Caliana. I know it’s only been a short period of time that we’ve been together, but I do believe that I love you,” he admitted once again.

  A smile graced my face as I listened to him confess his love to me. His words were so genuine. “Good, because I think I love you too,” I confessed. I don’t know if I meant it at the time, but it felt right. After Compton had said what he said to me that night, I needed to move on as fast as I could. I found myself trying to backtrack and I knew I couldn’t do that.

  “Now that we done both got all sentimental, can we please go get some food. I’m starving,” I whined and Tre’ just laughed at me. “Come on then baby, let’s go.”

  The dinner with his family may not have gone as planned, but I kind of knew the outcome. Now that I was determined to move on from Compton and really take things to the next level with Tre’. I had to make a very important and tough decision. I had to consider getting a divorce.



sp; “I don’t give a shit about all that. Find my cousin before you and ya’ entire family come up missing!” I spat, killing the line. I banged my phone against my steering wheel multiple times out of frustration. Sean had been MIA for too long. No one has heard from him and he ain’t reached out to my uncle or me. It was like he disappeared off the face of the fucking earth. I said a silent prayer to the people who may have been responsible for his disappearance. No questions asked or answered, they were dead on sight.

  Pulling into Cali’s new house, I parked my car and got out. She had a nice little setup and I was proud of her for being so independent. I just wish that shit didn’t have to happen so damn soon. I been trying my luck with her ever since that night she came over. I been buying her shit left to right. Spending time with her, and my daughter. I mean the absolute most that some niggas would call my ass whipped, but it is what it is. I was trying to get her back.

  Granted I was still with Monique, but that was another headache that I had to deal with. In my heart, I knew Cali was the woman a nigga needed but she wasn’t having it at all. That fuck nigga she was with had her head all gone and shit. It took everything in me not to dead his ass. I held back because of Cali.

  Walking up to the door, I couldn’t even knock on it before it opened. To no surprise, her new nigga was behind the door. I tried not to feel no type of way about him being with her, but it got to me. In more ways than one.

  “These pop-ups seem to be happening a lot lately. To what do we owe this pleasure?” he sarcastically responded before I opened my mouth. This pretty boy ass nigga irked my damn soul.

  “I don’t owe no pleasure to nobody. Especially not ya’ ass. This my baby momma house and she the only one I’m giving pleasure to. In more ways than one,” I quipped, winking my eye. I was on some petty shit.

  “Are you insinuating that you been fucking, Cali?” he quizzed, getting all swoll in the chest. This was comical.

  “I ain’t insinuating shit because I don’t even know what that shit mean. Now move along pretty boy,” I spat, chuckling as I pushed passed him and entered the house. I didn’t hear shit else from him. All I heard was his door slamming and the sound of rubber burning.

  Chuckling to myself, I shook my head at him. “He gone cry in the car,” I mumbled to myself before shutting the door. I followed the loud reggae music. I figured Cali was in her room doing her dance work out like every morning. She was gone dance that baby out if she kept this up.

  When I finally walked into the room that was playing the music, I pushed open the door. Cali was on the floor, singing along to the song while swaying side to side. The sight to me was every bit of perfect. At times I wondered, why I couldn’t just let this girl love me.

  “Ugggh! I can’t put this together. It’s too hard,” she pouted, throwing the instruction papers on the floor. She was trying to put up our daughter's crib.

  “Looks like you need some help, Lil’ Momma,” I said, stepping into the nursery. She jumped when I spoke dramatic like.

  “Compton you play too much. You always scaring somebody.” She frowned.

  “Damn you not happy to see your baby daddy?” I quizzed. I kicked off my shoes, and sat down on the floor next to her. Grabbing the instruction papers, I looked over it so I could see what the fuck was going on. “Is this shit in Japanese?” I quizzed not understanding nothing it was saying.

  “Japanese, Compton? Really?” she giggled.

  “Nah, I’m just saying this shit look difficult as hell. But we got this. Two brains are better than one,” I told her, cheesing. She just laughed at me.

  Damn, I miss that smile.

  “Well actually, it’s one brain because I’m going to be more of a watcher. I’m hungry, and I need to eat before I die of hunger. Your baby got me eating like a dude who just got out of jail,” she kidded, rubbing her stomach. I watched her struggle to get up, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “You know that shit bad for you and my baby,” I said, pointing to the McDonalds bag she was now digging into.

  “I know, but I’m soooo hungry. Tre’ be bringing me all this junk food, and I can’t help myself. Blame him not me,” she sassed, stuffing her face with fries. I had no comment on the shit she just said so I kept it quiet.

  “So how that school shit going?” I asked, changing the subject.

  “It’s actually really fun. I’m learning a lot about dance among other things. I met some friends, and I even have an offer to teach a class at the university once I graduate. I think your momma had a lot to do with that.” She shot me the side eye.

  “Yea, she probably did. But that’s good you getting ya’ education on. You wanting to learn some shit is a good quality,” I complimented. I watched her face turn red at my compliment.

  “Oweee. My feet are killing me.” She scrunched up her face she rubbed her feet.

  “Didn’t doc tell you to stay off of them? You hard headed man. Now they over there looking like pigs in a blanket,” I joked, scooting my body directly in front of hers. I took her feet in my hands and began rubbing them.

  “Mmmmm. That feels good,” she moaned still stuffing her face with chicken nuggets. “Since when did my baby daddy start rubbing feet?” she asked, chuckling.

  “Since ya’ baby daddy realized he fucked up and he tryin’ to get his woman back,” I truthfully answered. Our eyes met, and we stared at each other. She opened her mouth to say something but quickly closed it. She tried to avoid eye contact, but her eyes seemed to back to mine.

  “Compton, this has got to stop. Don’t get me wrong, the new G-Wagon and the expensive purses and clothes are nice, but you can’t buy me back. You can’t flaunt a brand new car in my face and a few thousand and say here baby, I’m sorry, take me back. I need more,” she expressed.

  “The fuck? What more do you want, Cali? I’m spending money and time with you. I’m neglecting the bitch I left you for because I’m trying to prove that-,”

  “Compton, did you just hear what you just said? You said you’re neglecting the bitch you left me for which means you’re still with her. How do you think you’re going to get me back by still being with her? That makes no sense, and I refuse to be looked like she was and still is.”


  “Can we just change the subject?” she asked, interrupting me. “Have you heard from, Sean? He hasn’t been returning my calls, and I’m getting worried,” she panicked.

  “I told you he good, Cali. He just been busy out in Jamaica. I’m gone tell him to hit ya’ buggin’ ass when I talk to him,” I lied. I haven’t been honest with her because I know they had some type of gay ass bond. I didn’t need her stressing my baby out over Sean.

  For the remainder of the day, we chopped it up about a lot of things. The baby, my club, family, and shit that was going on in the streets. Once I was done putting up the crib, I set it up next to the changing table. I then went to go find, Cali because her ass left me to do this shit by myself. She was supposed to be in her room taking a nap.

  When I finally found her room, I crept in her room and immediately bricked up. Cali was standing in front of her dresser naked. She was rubbing lotion all over her body, and I couldn’t resist the urge to touch her. Walking up behind her, I wrapped my arms around her stomach, pressing her body into me.

  “Compton, what are you doing? Tre’ should be back soon,” she said in a hushed tone. She bit her bottom lip seductively as I continued to caress her. I wrapped my arms around her neck, and her chin rested in the crease of my arm. With my free hand, I reached over her belly down in between her legs. I tucked my fingers in between her wet folds. Her juices flowed down her legs as I drew circles around her clit.

  “Mmmmm. Compton, please stop,” she softly moaned. I could tell how much she was enjoying the way I was touching her no matter what she said. Knowing she wanted more, I slid my digits into her tight center and worked her pussy out good.

  “Ahhhh! Compton. Mmmm that feels so good,” she moaned loader.
  “You want me to make that pussy cum?” I quizzed, curling my fingers inside of her. I rotated from flicking her pearl to fingering her, and it was driver her crazy. Her moans grew loader. “Let me know when that pussy ready to cum.”

  “She’s ready, baaaby. I’m cumming. I’m-I’m-ahhhhh, shit!” she cursed, shaking in my arms as her orgasm took over her. The love faces she was making in the mirror, were so sexy.

  While she was catching her breath, I unzipped my jeans and let them fall to the floor. With my arm still wrapped around her neck, I guided my dick in between her ass with my free hand. As soon as the tip was inside of her, every muscle in my body relaxed. The feeling of being in her again was so refreshing that I could barely keep my balance. I wrapped my free arm around her stomach and thrust into her nice and slow.

  “Daaamn. Your dick feels so good inside of me. Ahhhh,” she confessed, trailing sweet kissing along my arm.

  “I miss my pussy,” I groaned, sucking on her earlobe. “Fucck, Cali baby. Pussy tighter than a choker,” I grunted in her ear.

  “Pussy got you smiling like a joker huh?” she seductive moaned with a sexy grin plastered across her face. My little momma wasn’t so little anymore. I guess I had turned her ass out when we first met. No matter what she was saying earlier about us, I knew she couldn’t deny this dope dick.

  “Oh, you talking back? Tell me how you want it then, Lil’ momma. You want it nice and slow, or you want me to fuck ya’ shit up?” I quizzed, grinding into her deeper. I didn’t want to hurt the baby, but at the same time, I wanted to beat her shit up.

  “Unnnngh! Fuck mi life up baby please,” she moaned back. That’s all I needed to hear. Tightening my grip around her neck, I held her close and pounded her like it was no tomorrow. Screams bounced off her walls from the both of us. She had me screaming like a little bitch at one point. Her pussy was like a super soaker.

  “Tell me it’s still mine,” I ordered, grabbing a fist full of her hair and yanking her head back. “Tell me this still my pussy.”


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