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Happily Never After

Page 20

by Missy Fleming

  She appeared genuine so I stepped closer to her and fingered a ripped swath of shiny fabric. Confiding in Abby had always been so easy. It was hard to get used to talking to someone else. I wanted to trust Anna.

  “It is.” I watched her eyes grow big. “I didn’t want to care for him at first. He was arrogant and stubborn, but he wore me down. There’s been a lot on my mind recently so I’m taking it one day at a time.”

  Telling her I loved him would be too much. I couldn’t even tell him right now.

  “Wow,” Anna gushed. “You’re so lucky. He’s gorgeous. I met him once, just walking down the street. He was really nice and polite but I rambled on for, like, ever. I promise if we stay friends after this, I’ll try not to drool.”

  “I want for us to be friends, Anna, but I’m afraid to give you too much. The last thing I want is for you to tell Suzie and have her running off to the reporters again. Plus, it’s not as easy as I hoped it would be forgetting what you both put me through the last few years. In my heart, I’ve forgiven you. My mind warns me to still be careful.”

  “I completely understand. I don’t blame you. We were pretty awful to you for so long. I hope one day soon we can get past it. I want to. We’re not kids anymore.”

  Something came over me. I felt myself moving forward and giving her a tentative hug. Anna hesitated for a second before returning the gesture. It might be the first step towards a real friendship. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever trust her a hundred percent, but at least we were headed in that direction.

  I drew back and surveyed the room. “What’s going to happen to all this stuff? The pageant is in a week, right?”

  “Yeah, in eight days. I told Suzie I wasn’t going to do it, that I never really wanted to in the first place. I’ve done pageants since I was five. I’m so over it. She, of course, threw a fit. She likes being in charge, being the alpha female. You know what I mean?” Anna shrugged. “She’ll have to do it without me this time, if she can salvage anything.”

  It was impressive to see the changes in Anna over the last few weeks.

  “Should we walk about tonight?” I asked her. I sensed we were both avoiding it.

  She nodded reluctantly.

  “Travis wants to keep you and Jason out of the way to make sure you’re safe. I’m the only one who will be in harm’s way. Travis said he might have to use you to give your mama a little jolt. I’ll let him explain that later. It’s going to be scary, Anna, but I promise Travis and Jason will do their best to keep you safe. You have to listen to them.”

  “Jason is going to be there?”

  “Anna, you’re going to have to concentrate on what is going on, not on Jason. He’ll be there because he won’t let me do it on my own. I think he’s a lot more scared than he’s letting on. He wanted me to run away.”

  “You’re not the running away type. If you were, my sister and I would have run you off a long time ago. Even Mom was so mean to you, but I don’t know how much of it can be blamed on this Catherine lady. And I promise I’ll be all business tonight.”

  I checked the time on my cell phone.

  “Alright, we should head back to Abby’s and get Jason. Then we can head down to Colonial Park.”

  Anna followed me out and we walked in silence, each lost in our own thoughts.

  I was more afraid because now I had so much to lose. Not only did I have a great guy who'd professed his love to me, I had taken the first steps towards gaining a sister.

  Things were more complicated than ever.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  As darkness came, the living and non-living shadows woke to claim the streets and squares of the city. At night, Savannah looked much more populated than during the day. The cooler temperatures brought everyone out of their homes and hotel rooms to enjoy the fresh air, unless the heat still lingered stubbornly, as it did tonight.

  The humidity clung to everything as the sun sank in the sky and there wasn’t anyone milling around the cemetery as usual. I assumed Jason must have pulled a few more strings.

  We met Travis at the entrance to Colonial Park. He carried a large backpack and a flashlight in his hand. His look was all business as he studied us. I introduced him to Anna, who’d been very quiet since leaving Abby’s house.

  “Are you guys ready? Are you sure you want to do this?” We all nodded. “Okay, just remember what I told you. All I need is to have her subdued. Hold her down, and then I can do the rest.”

  “Hold her down?” Anna squeaked.

  Travis fixed his ice blue eyes on her. “I don’t mean ‘pin her down to the ground’. We only need to make sure she doesn’t run away because if she leaves, Catherine leaves with her.”

  This seemed to satisfy Anna and she went back to glancing nervously at her surroundings.

  Then he turned his stare to me and said, “Are you ready to make the call?” I nodded. “Good. Do whatever you can to stir her up enough so she’ll come straight here.”

  I took a deep breath before making the call to Marietta. But instead of talking to her when she answered, I addressed Catherine and hoped it would work.

  “Hello Catherine, its Quinn.”

  The long pause on the other end led me to believe I had gambled right.

  “Quinn,” she drew out my name in her dark, creepy drawl. “And to what do I owe the pleasure of your call?”

  Here it goes.

  “I know what you want and what you have planned for me. I’m willing to fight for what is mine; my house, my freedom, my life.”

  Her laugh sent chills shuddering through me. “Poor foolish Quinn, what makes you think you have the right to challenge me? I’m sure you remember how powerful I’ve grown.”

  “I’m well aware of your powers.” I forced my voice to sound flippant, like I didn’t care. “Why don’t you come and meet me so we can finish this once and for all? I’m giving you the chance to make good on your threats.”

  “Have I given you reason to doubt me?” She sounded amused. I wasn’t getting the reaction I’d hoped. “Why should I come to you?”

  “I don’t doubt you at all. I just want this to be over and I’m sure you do, too. Think about it Catherine, it will be you and me. You won’t have your mother or Jackson swooping in to save me from you. As long as you come after me in that house, you won’t win.”

  I waited through the silence, hoping I’d be able to lure her out of the house. I had felt her desire to have me dead and I was gambling everything on that.

  “I promise you, I will finish you. I never got my happy ending and neither will you.”

  “Whatever, come to Colonial Park Cemetery. I’ll be waiting at your grave. Unless you’re too comfortable hiding behind such a weak woman.”

  “You’ll regret that,” she said with a growl.

  I ended the call and dropped the phone. It was a miracle I’d been able to hold on to it that long. My hands were shaking badly and I had no control over them at all. Jason came over and put his hand in mine. Slowly, they stilled and I could breathe again.

  “She’s coming?” Travis asked.

  All I could do was nod my head.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  I stood alone in the cemetery waiting for Catherine to arrive. Everyone else hid out of sight behind a row of tall tombstones. My palms were sweaty and my chest tightened as if it were in a vise.

  It was too late to back out now. She was coming. One way or another, this was going to be over. Sure, I feared for my life but I’d almost become accustomed to it. What worried me was the lives of the others. I’d never forgive myself if anything happened to them.

  Walking in a tight, nervous circle, I made note of the spirits and entities around me. On a rare whim, I opened my mind to them. I let them in, drawing in their desperation and their need. It temporarily distracted me and their emotions chased away my own.

  I heard a footstep behind me, then another. It was Marietta. I knew it before I turned. Her face was blank, telling me that Catherine had fu
ll control. All I could do now was hope Anna stayed put.

  Marietta stopped a few feet away from me but Catherine’s shadow advanced closer.

  “Well, well, look who has decided to show some courage. I’m almost impressed.” The voice echoed through the clearing on its own. “Who would have thought? This won’t end the way you hope, Quinn.”

  “I’m not hoping for anything. I just want some answers and for this to finally be over. I’m sick of constantly looking over my shoulder, waiting for you.” It surprised me how strong my voice sounded considering I was trembling on the inside.

  She seemed to consider this. “I think I can allow you a few questions before I end this.”

  That, I had not expected. As I thought about it, the darkness grew thicker and the air chilled. It was a hot, humid August night. It should have been stifling but goosebumps started appearing on my arms.

  “Is Marietta okay?” Not the first question I thought would pop in my head.

  I watched as slowly, Marietta came to and took note of her surroundings. Confusion flooded her face but it changed to fear as she realized where she was. Then she noticed me.

  “Quinn?” she sobbed out. “How did I get here? What is going on?”

  Not caring about how close Catherine was, I walked up to Marietta and grabbed her ice cold hands. “Are you okay?”

  She was frightened half to death, her eyes darting frantically. Anna popped into my line of vision and my heart sank. Jason and Travis wrestled her back into place with one of their hands over her mouth.

  Please stay quiet, I prayed.

  “I-I don’t know what’s been going on.” At last her eyes came to rest on mine. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, Quinn. I saw what was happening but I couldn’t do anything about it. When I told your daddy I would take care of you, I meant it. I didn’t mean to do this to you.”

  Her words made me tear up. I hated crying at a moment when I needed to be my strongest. The desperation in her voice broke my heart

  “I know it wasn’t you doing those things.”

  “I’ve missed so much. I feel like I’ve been walking in a fog for months. I’m not even sure what day it is.”

  “Marietta, listen to me. I need to ask you something.” Her crazed eyes landed on me again and I asked in a soothing voice. “What did you promise her? Why did you let her do this to you?”

  Frantically, she shook her head in quick motions. “She said she would help me become a more important member of society, that she knew how badly I wanted it. I was distraught after your father died and didn’t want to be a single mother to three teenage girls. Two were bad enough. She said she’d make sure you were out of the picture. I never thought she meant for you to die. I swear I didn’t.”

  She became hysterical and tried to get away from me. I desperately wanted to help her but Catherine interfered. Before I could even blink an eye, the vacant stare came back and Marietta was gone. Her body sagged in my arms.

  “Just let her be!”

  Laughter came from every direction. “I’m getting bored. Ask your questions so we can be done with this.”

  I tried to collect myself. Seeing Marietta in that state scared me to death. I couldn’t move or speak. Breathing became more difficult. Wanting everything to over, I brought out a question I hoped would agitate her.

  “How does it feel to know you’re no better than William Jennings?”

  That ticked her off royally.

  Catherine came at me with more force and more ferocity than she ever had before. She would have knocked me off my feet but my body was already so tense, I only wobbled. The overpowering oppression deepened and soon numbness crept over me until every muscle became paralyzed.

  Then, the pain came.

  Acute and everywhere, it flashed through me so fast I lost all rational thought. I let out a raw, primal scream. I was aware that Travis held Jason back while Abby and Anna clung to each other as they watched in horror.

  I was frozen in place, but I tried to keep an eye on what was going on around me. Catherine had not lessened her hold on me, which meant she must not be aware of Jason or Travis and what we were attempting.

  But the minute they made a move on Marietta, that changed. Though I still could not move, the pain dulled. I heard Catherine roar in anger as she realized someone was holding Marietta’s body in place.

  “You are fools if you think this is going to work on me.”

  She kept her shadow between me and them. Jason ran forward, but immediately he was thrown back into a tombstone. The tombstone shattered and Abby raced over to his side.

  “Catherine Roberts!” Travis yelled. “You do not belong in this place. Go and find your peace. Leave this woman alone.”

  Catherine laughed coldly in response. “Your parlor tricks are no use here.”

  To emphasize her point, the pain intensified to an almost unbearable level. I struggled as hard as I could to hold on, to find some way to fight her but I was losing the battle.

  Somewhere, in the agonized jumble of thoughts, one slipped through.

  I won’t let you do this.

  Oh, Quinn, you’re such a sad, pathetic girl. Think of all you have to lose.

  A vision of kissing Jason at the ball burned bright in front of my eyes. For a brief second, I forgot the pain and the paralysis gripping me. All I saw was the affection in Jason’s eyes and felt my love for him burst out and try to fight Catherine back. Unfortunately, my energy was draining fast and holding onto the image was impossible.

  It was gone as quick as it came.

  Yes, he is delicious. I can see why you would think he’s worth sticking around for. In fact, I don’t really want to kill you anymore.

  Fear’s cold hand closed on my heart.

  What do you mean? I asked.

  The pain flared inside me and she refused to release me. I heard Travis ordering her to let go of her earthly bonds. Off to the side, Jason pulled himself to his feet and grimaced in pain. He begged Catherine to let me go. I wasn’t sure where Abby or Anna went but I knew they were close because I heard Anna pleading with Marietta. Wind buffeted the entire area like we were stuck in the middle of a hurricane.

  Still, I waited and nothing changed.

  Right when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, it intensified even more. Like once before, the cold oily substance making up her shadow forced its way down my throat. It seeped into every inch of my body. Then, it had a hold of me and withdrew. Only when it withdrew, it pulled my insides along with it.

  If I hadn’t been in so much pain, I would’ve been able to make more sense of the sucking sensation. She was taking the life right out of me.

  Jason must have noticed the change in what she was doing because he tried once again to get to me. “Quinn, don’t you dare give up. Fight!”

  I watched as his body lifted off the ground and held, suspended in the air. He struggled but was as trapped as me.

  Don’t, I managed to get one word across. His words gave me hope and I fought back against the darkness invading me. I pictured his feelings for me as a light I carried within me and imagined it replacing all the darkness penetrating me. To that, I added the love and the bright memories from my childhood.

  For a while, it worked. I was able to move my mouth and scream out one word. “Jason!”

  Catherine’s laugh echoed in my head and steeled my determination, but she fought harder and this time it was worse. The sucking and the ripping didn’t stop and I sensed Catherine’s power growing even more. Her shadow swelled and overwhelmed me. Love and happiness were my only weapons and I battered against her, pushing against whatever was trying to shatter my soul. I wasn’t going to let her take everything from me. Even though I was running out of options and losing consciousness, I ignored the temptation of letting go. Letting go meant failing my mama, even my daddy, along with all our ancestors. It had to end here, now.

  I’ll never let you win.

  Those were the last words I managed as the blackness
took me, once and for all.


  I woke up in the attic, disorientated and alone.

  The last thing I remembered was Catherine rushing at me and the sickening sensation of being ripped apart. I heard Jason scream my name. And then everything went black.

  Cautiously, I sat up and peered around. Something was different.

  There were piles of junk everywhere but my stuff was missing. It felt emptier, like no one had stepped foot up here for weeks.

  I sniffed.

  It even smelled musty and locked up.

  I stood up from the bed and instantly felt light-headed. I had to reach out to steady myself on the desk. Something was wrong.

  Even walking to the door was a challenge. I must have been out longer than I thought because I had a hard time putting one foot in front of the other.

  The attic door was open and I took my time going down the stairs. When my foot touched the landing the air felt cleaner, fresher. This part of the house felt lived in and I vaguely wondered if Marietta and the twins were home.

  Maybe what we attempted to do in the park didn’t work. The second I thought that, my palms grew wet and my stomach plunged.

  No, I couldn't consider that. It had to have worked.

  As I walked past the twins rooms, I saw they were empty. Marietta’s room wasn’t, but it was filled with furniture and things I didn’t recognize.

  A cold knot formed in my stomach.

  What was going on?

  On the first floor, the rooms were different as well. The living room furniture was new, so was the large plasma TV. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought I was in someone else’s home.

  I heard movement behind me. Half expecting to see a random stranger, I was surprised to see George. Not because it was George, but because I could see him.

  No longer was he just a faint image from the corner of my vision or an almost transparent figure. Standing before me was a real live War era slave boy. I knew that if I reached out and touched him, I would feel him.


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