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Fearless (Rosewood Bay Series Book 1)

Page 10

by Carly Phillips

  At the word foster, Halley felt an immediate kinship with the dog. He’d been abandoned and left alone, much like she’d been. And he’d gone to a home where someone had taken him in and cared for him. Halley hadn’t found love in her foster homes, but a couple of them had made her feel safe… until they hadn’t. This puppy would be giving her unconditional love and devotion, and she wanted to give him a safe haven in return. For the rest of his life.

  “He’s come a long way,” Lyndie went on. “And she’s had him certified as an emotional support animal. Gail has been waiting for the right home for him.”

  Kane reached out and petted the top of his soft head.

  Lyndie glanced over to where people were calling her name. “Listen, take him behind me, where there’s a quiet stretch of grass. Get to know him now, and if you think he’s right for you, come by the shelter tomorrow. You can fill out the paperwork, meet Gail, and hopefully you’ll be his new home.”

  Halley met Kane’s gaze. “Do we have time?”

  He nodded. “All the time in the world,” he assured her.

  For the next half hour, she discovered Monty knew how to sit, lie down, and give her his paw. He also enjoyed snuggles, which he let her know he wanted by butting his head against her stomach.

  “I love him already,” she whispered, looking up at Kane.

  He laughed. “I take it a trip to the shelter is in your plans for tomorrow?”

  “First thing.” Her stomach flipped in excitement.

  She cuddled Monty one last time and kissed his fluffy head before giving him back to Lyndie, promising she’d come by in the morning.

  “Well, that was a success,” Kane said, clasping her hand in his. “Are you hungry yet?”

  She nodded.

  “French toast or funnel cakes?” he asked.

  She wrinkled her nose in thought. “French toast.”

  They started back to Andi’s booth when a female voice called Kane’s name. He didn’t turn right away, so the woman called again.


  He released her hand and spun around at the same time a tall, willowy brunette in sky-high heels and obviously expensive jeans and an over-the-top blouse walked right up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “It’s so good to see you!” She pressed her body against him, visibly rubbing her breasts against his chest.

  Jealousy rose to the surface, green and ugly. Hadn’t this woman seen him holding hands with Halley before she attached herself to him like a leech? More likely she just didn’t care. Who was she to Kane? Halley wondered, the urge to pull her long hair out by the roots strong.

  He grasped the woman’s arms and pulled her off him. “Liza, what the hell are you doing?”

  “Saying hello, sugar. I’ve missed you and I planned on looking you up.”

  He scowled, an expression Halley had never seen on him before, turning his normally easygoing look to hard granite. “Doubtful since summer’s over,” he muttered. “If you’re looking for another fling with the mechanic, you’re out of luck.”

  “He’s taken,” Halley said, stepping up and hooking her arm through his.

  Kane grinned. “What she said.”

  Liza’s mouth dropped open, as if unable to believe he’d turn her down. “Jesus, Kane, you know you’ve never had better than me.”

  He burst out laughing. “Keep telling yourself that, sugar,” he said in a saccharine-sweet tone, clearly meant to mock her.

  With that, he turned and walked away, pulling Halley along with him.

  “What was that about?” she asked as they headed in the opposite direction.

  Kane let out a low groan. “Can it wait until we’re alone?” he asked.

  She nodded, curious about the woman but willing to respect what he needed. He always did the same for her.

  His hand around her waist, he led her back to his sister. “Hey, Andi.”

  “Hi, you two. Any dog success?” she asked.

  “Maybe,” Halley said. “Well, make that I hope so. The shelter owner has to approve me, so I’ll know more tomorrow.” She held up two fingers and crossed them.

  Andi grinned. “If I bring Nicky over to see your dog, maybe that’ll do for a while. He keeps begging for a puppy, but I work so many hours and I don’t want to rely on Dad for help.”

  “Where is Nicky?” Halley asked.

  “He’s walking around with a friend whose mom took charge of them.”

  “And Dad, how is he?” Kane asked. “I mean, I know how he is at work—surly and obnoxious—which leads me to believe he’s finding games, online or otherwise, and losing.” He glanced at his sister for confirmation.

  Halley followed along in silence, not wanting to intrude on a conversation that was deeply personal and very difficult.

  “Honestly, he’s not good. He stays out late or he’s holed up in the office on the computer. I think he’s learned to clear the browser from one of his friends, because I haven’t caught him that way.” She frowned as she explained.

  “What’s he doing for money?” he asked.

  “Isn’t that always the question. We stopped loaning him anything a long time ago and he stopped asking. He did have that poker windfall and I have no idea how much they played for. He has the money you pay him for working… I’ve been paying the mortgage and expenses.”

  “Jesus, Andi—”

  She held up a hand before Kane could jump in with an argument. “Don’t you think I know? But it’s exhausting to try and budget him or take his money from him on payday. It’s easier for me to just live my life, you know?”

  The house was the one Kane grew up in, he’d told her as much over dinner one night. She also knew it had a second mortgage.

  “I get it,” he muttered. “And I’m sorry you’re dealing with it on a more personal level.”

  “It’s fine. I’m managing. Between my job at the Blue Wall and working at the flower shop during the day, I’m making ends meet with room for some extras.”

  “Okay but if you need anything…”

  “I know. You’re here. And thank you.” She leaned across the table and kissed his cheek. “Now can I feed you two?”

  Halley’s stomach chose that moment to grumble. It wasn’t too noisy for anyone else to hear but she felt it intensely. “I’m starving,” she said.

  Andi happily served them again. “So was that Liza I saw attacking you earlier?” Andi asked, as Halley nibbled at the sweetest, lightest French toast she’d ever eaten. It had a slight crunch and was delicious.

  She glanced at Kane, whose face took on that same scowl. “The woman is insane. She acted like she thought we could pick up where we left off three years ago. She’s out of her mind.”

  Andi laughed. “Well, it looked like you set her straight. After you left, she stomped off in those high heels with her nose in the air. Good riddance,” she muttered.

  Halley’s curiosity was through the roof. She hated thinking of that woman in bed with Kane. It turned her stomach. But they both had pasts and she couldn’t hold Liza against him. Obviously, it hadn’t ended well, because every time her name came up, he looked like he’d eaten something nasty.

  They might not have a defined relationship, but it hurt to think of him with someone else, just the same.

  Chapter Seven

  The sight of Halley and that puppy had hit Kane hard. She’d obviously fallen for the poor, abandoned dog because she could relate to him, somehow. He’d seen her eyes when Lyndie had mentioned he’d been cold and frightened, then taken in and fostered temporarily. The situation had hit home and his heart hurt for all she’d lived through.

  He might have issues with his father, but he’d always had a parent and a roof over his head he knew was safe, that he could trust. Something had obviously happened to Halley in one of those foster homes. She’d said the one where she’d been accused of stealing and thrown out had been a picnic compared to one of the others. Just what was she holding inside? And how could he get
her to talk about it and unburden herself?

  He glanced at her profile as they drove home in comfortable silence, the windows down on his Camaro. The scent of the ocean drifted into the confines of the car, a salty, warm smell he associated with home, and thanks to the hours he spent working on the deck, he now associated the ocean scent with Halley, as well.

  He parked in front of her house and walked with her up the driveway and path. She let them inside and looked around.

  “I’m going to have to dog proof this place,” she murmured. “Make sure no plants are on the floor or within reach and check for small pieces or things Monty could get into.”

  “Yes, you will. But it sounded like he’s well trained so I think you lucked out.”

  She walked into the kitchen and tossed her keys on the counter. “I’m excited.”

  He grinned. “Can’t say I blame you.”

  Her phone chimed from inside her purse. She took it off her shoulder and dug inside to pull out her cell. She glanced at the caller name and hit End.

  “Nothing important?” he asked.

  She met his gaze. “My mom,” she said.

  He raised his eyebrows in surprise. In the last couple of weeks, she hadn’t mentioned hearing from her mother. “Is this the first time she’s called since the day she came over?”

  Halley shook her head. “She’s been calling every few days. We’ve been talking and catching up.” Her cheeks flushed pink.

  “You can tell me, you know. I won’t judge you for wanting a relationship with your mother.”

  “Even though she was a drug addict and abandoned me when I was practically a baby?” She looked at him with wide, blue, concerned eyes.

  He grasped her hands in front of them. “She’s your mother. If you need to give her a chance, then that’s what you do. I certainly can understand that.”

  She swallowed hard and smiled, her shoulders relaxing at his words.

  He was almost afraid to ask but decided to jump in. “Have you told your aunt and your sister you’ve seen her or spoken with her?”

  She shook her head. “I want to. I even planned to but I chickened out. I’m nervous.” She bit down on her lower lip. “I know Phoebe will see it as a betrayal and Aunt Joy will work herself up worrying.”

  “I get it but you’re an adult. You can do what you want. What you need or makes you happy.”

  “You amaze me,” she murmured.

  “Why is that?”

  “Because you get me in ways nobody else does. Not even my family and they’re the closest people to me.”

  He was glad she recognized how well they clicked and not just in bed. “I want to be the one to chase away your demons. You can trust me to be there when you need me. And when you don’t.” He lifted a hand and cupped her cheek in his palm, stroking the smooth skin with his thumb.

  “I want to believe you,” she whispered and tipped her head into the cup of his hand.

  “Then do.” He slowly lowered his head until his mouth brushed hers.

  Once, twice, three times he glided his lips across hers, deliberately gentle and coaxing until she parted, opening for him. His tongue slipped past her lips, tangling with hers. A soft moan escaped her throat, and he slid his hand from her chin to the back of her head, angling her for better, deeper access. She tasted sweet, and he stroked the inside of her mouth and her tongue with his own.

  “Bed,” she whispered, arching her body and pressing her breasts into his chest.

  He lifted her into his arms and strode into her bedroom, gently laying her down on the bed. Not waiting, she slid her skirt over her hips and down her long legs, taking her panties along with it, kicking them both aside.

  While his gaze came to rest on her sex, she arched her back and removed her shirt, tossing it onto the floor. A flick of her wrist and her bra went next. She’d kicked her shoes off at the door and now lay naked, splayed out like a goddess before him.

  Her gorgeous breasts tempted him, dusky nipples made for his mouth. Her damp sex beckoned to be filled. He sucked in a shallow breath, his body eager to join her.

  He kicked off his shoes, then quickly pulled out the condom he’d stuffed into his pocket earlier, knowing his patience with waiting was wearing thin. He shucked his jeans and tee shirt and stood, his cock erect and ready.

  “See what you do to me?” he asked, gripping his shaft with his hand, pumping up and down in two swift strokes, his blood boiling with need.

  Her eyes dilated, her pupils huge as her gaze zeroed in on his dick.

  He ripped the condom open with his teeth and slid it onto his straining shaft before joining her on the bed, gliding his erection over her bared sex as his body came down over hers.

  She moaned at the intimate contact, arching her hips grinding her pussy against his cock. He gritted his teeth and held back a groan of his own.

  He leaned down and suckled her nipple, teasing, toying, pulling it between his teeth. When she gasped and moaned, he soothed the distended bud with his tongue, lapping where he’d lightly bitten, licking around her soft skin.

  Her fingers came to his hair, pulling hard. “Now, Kane. I need you know.”

  Unable to wait and knowing she didn’t want or need him to, he braced his hands on the mattress and raised himself over her. Gripping his cock in one hand, he teased her clit with his erection, gliding the head over the tight bundle of nerves until she was writhing with need.

  “Kane, please.” She begged him again, and it would be his pleasure to give her what she wanted. He notched himself at her entrance. “Ready, beautiful?”

  She nodded, her hooded eyes hazy with desire. Then he slid home, burying himself inside her warm, wet heat. He clenched his teeth, focusing on not coming right then. Instead he focused on her pleasure, sliding out slowly and thrusting back in deep.

  She moaned, lifting her legs, arching her hips and pulling him in as far as he could go, her inner walls clenching around his cock. His body shook, and sweat broke out on his forehead and back, the searing heat bringing him closer to climax.

  This woman meant more to him than he could or was willing to express, and the more he got to know her, the deeper he fell under her spell. It was fast but he’d never felt this much before.

  He needed to see her looking at him, to note the look on her face as he took her higher. “Eyes on me,” he said and she forced her heavy eyelids open, those blue eyes focusing on his.

  He ground himself into her and began a steady rhythm of pumping in and out, watching the rapturous expression on her face as she climbed higher. Sliding his hands up her body, he captured her hands in his, holding her wrists tight in his grasp.

  Suddenly she stiffened and cried out, her orgasm triggering his own release, an incredible soaring, as he lost himself completely.

  Afterwards, once they’d caught their breath and he’d cleaned up, he lay against the headboard, Halley’s head against his chest, her body aligned with his. Her steady breathing soothed him as he tangled his fingers in her hair and played with the long strands.

  “So are you going to tell me about Liza?” she asked, her fingers tracing patterns on his chest. Her soft touch felt good and was making his dick perk up again.

  Liza wasn’t a subject he wanted to get into while lying in bed with Halley… but he would because she’d asked. “We were involved a few summers ago. She was renting a house similar to yours on the other side of the bay. She brought her car into the shop and set her sights on me immediately.” He expelled a rough breath.

  Thinking back, he could see the manipulation she’d used from the minute they’d met, but embarrassingly he’d been blind to it at the time. She was beautiful in what he now thought was a fake kind of way, but he’d been attracted to her and she’d played him well.

  “She convinced me she was interested in something long term, which I now know was her way of keeping me in her bed for the duration of the summer. I’m not exactly proud of how I was taken in by her.”

happened?” Halley asked.

  “I overheard her talking to her friend the same day I’d planned to discuss with her how we were going to keep seeing each other after the summer ended. Liza was saying that she couldn’t wait to go home at the end of the week. That I was great in bed but being with a mechanic was getting old. She was ready to hang out at the bars where she could meet a Wall Street guy or investment banker she could marry. Who could take her to nice places because Rosewood’s offerings were slim pickings compared to Manhattan.”

  “Ouch.” Halley pushed herself up and slid on top of him, meeting his gaze. “Her loss,” she murmured, placing a kiss on his lips. “And my gain.”

  He slid his hand into her nape and held her in place, kissing her hard and deep.

  When he broke the kiss, she wriggled her hips. “Ready to go again?” she asked. She came to a sitting position on his waist and raised herself up, poised so she could take him inside her body.

  “Condom,” he said, though he hated that word as it passed his lips. He wanted to feel her bare walls around his cock.

  “I’m on the pill. It’s been a very long time for me and I’ve had yearly exams. I’m good if you are.” She offered him his wildest dream come true.

  “I’m clean, too. Tested yearly and recently,” he assured her.

  In reply, she gripped his cock in her hand and slid down on top of him. He groaned as her body stretched to accommodate his width and closed his eyes in utter bliss when he was sheathed completely.

  “Eyes on me,” she said, and when he opened his eyes, she was grinning.

  His own laugh was cut short when she began to move, riding him, gliding up and down, clasping herself around his shaft.

  He reached out and cupped her breasts in his hands, molding and kneading them. A throaty groan escaped her throat. His cock pulsed at the sexy sound. His balls were drawn up tight, his climax not far away.

  He pinched her nipples with his fingertips, rubbing the tight buds between his thumb and forefinger, nearly coming apart when she clenched tightly around him in response. With every downward slide, her hips rolled forward and she gasped, telling him she was close to coming, as well.


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