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Fearless (Rosewood Bay Series Book 1)

Page 13

by Carly Phillips

  And right now she had a sexy man waiting to take her home and to bed. Life was good, and when was the last time she’d actually had a positive thought like that going through her head?

  She dropped her gloss into her purse and rushed back out to Kane, stopping short when she walked out of the restroom and saw he wasn’t alone at the table.

  Liza had shoved herself into his side of the booth, her ample and probably fake cleavage exposed above the V neck of her tight dress. She swallowed back the bite of jealousy, reminding herself that Kane, who was leaning back and away from her touch, didn’t want to be with her, despite the fact that she obviously wasn’t taking no for an answer.

  Halley hadn’t done confrontation with mean girls since foster care. Even in high school, she’d ignored the jibes about her being unwanted and unloved and turned into herself rather than argue or fight back.

  But this was Kane and he was hers, and the more Halley watched, the angrier she got. She strode over to the table and glared at Liza.

  “Did you not see the second champagne glass? Or do you just not care that he’s not interested in you?” she asked Liza point-blank.

  She didn’t see the point in beating around the bush when the other woman was the type to deliberately ignore signals.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Was that you he couldn’t wait to get rid of?” Liza asked in a catty voice.

  “Oh, for the love of God. Go away, Liza. He’s mine.”

  She huffed and slid out of the booth. “I’ll come back when she’s not around,” Liza muttered and strutted away, her ass swinging as she walked.

  Halley rolled her eyes. “Is she dense or what?”

  “I’m yours?” Kane asked, pushing himself out of the booth and standing beside her.

  She blushed a healthy shade of red, she was sure because her face was on fire. “Can we go now?”

  She pivoted but he grasped her hand and turned her back. “Not until I hear you say it to me.”


  He cupped her face in his hand. “If it’s true, it shouldn’t be so difficult to say.”

  He leaned down, his face inches from hers, the scent of his aftershave making her weak. She wondered if the rest of the restaurant was watching, but she couldn’t bring herself to look away from his handsome visage or to care if they’d become a spectacle. “You’re mine,” she whispered.

  His face lit up with pleasure.

  “Now can we go home?”

  His eyes gleamed as he grasped her hand and led her out of the restaurant, into his car, and drove her home. Of course, there was no rush to the bedroom, not with Monty whining from the crate. Turned out the dog had made a nice mess.

  Kane groaned.

  “I’ll clean it. Would you mind running him outside?” she asked.

  “No problem. I can do the messy work.”

  She shook her head. “I’ve got it. Honestly.”

  He scowled but did as she asked, hooked Monty up to his leash and took him out the door.

  She pulled the pan out of the bottom of the crate and headed to the kitchen, removing her watch and placing it on the windowsill where she always put any jewelry she happened to be wearing. Then she slid her ring off her finger and placed that in the center of the closed metal watchband. She rinsed the pan with soap and water, dried it, and put it back inside the crate just as Kane returned.

  “Come on, little man. Back inside,” Kane said to Monty.

  One look at the big, strong man walking the tiny dog and her heart turned over inside her chest. His hair fell over his forehead and she itched to brush it back, to run her tongue along his strong jaw and kiss those full lips. He was well-built, muscular, and so sexy he took her breath away, yet with the tiny dog he was gentle.

  “Come on, Monty. Crate,” she said, a dog treat in her hand.

  Kane unhooked the leash and Monty went running into his den, eager to get his reward. She locked him up with his soft blanket and favorite toy and stood to face Kane.

  He held out his hand and she walked over, sliding her palm along his. He curled his fingers, lifted his arm, and pressed his lips to her hand. Her skin tingled where his mouth touched her flesh and her nipples hardened into tight peaks.

  “I want to make love to you,” he said in a gruff voice.

  His words wrapped around her, both alluring and frightening at the same time. Love was a foreign emotion to her. She’d never had love, not as a child, and as a teen, she’d been too traumatized to accept it.

  She didn’t doubt he’d chosen his words intentionally, but I want to fuck you would have been easier to hear.

  * * *

  Once their clothes were off, Kane set about showing Halley how he felt about her. She lay on her back, and under the dim light of the lamp on the nightstand, he worshipped her body. He kissed her lips, then trailed his mouth down her neck, past her collarbone, and over her chest. He nipped and licked his way, taking his time, arousing her with every sip and nibble of his mouth and teeth.

  She writhed beneath his ministrations, arching her back, bringing her breasts and nipples within tempting tasting distance. He dipped his head lower and sucked a nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue over the tightened bud and flicking and pulling it between his teeth.

  “Oh, Kane.” She slid her fingers into his hair and pulled at the longer strands, yanking them harder with each swipe of his tongue and nip.

  The sensation went straight to his cock, as it pulsed with need, demanding to be allowed inside her wet pussy. But he had a goal, overwhelming both her senses and her heart, and so he kept on demonstrating his feelings without words.

  Words he was certain she wasn’t ready to hear. He’d seen her face when he’d told her he wanted to make love to her. The flash of panic before she’d shuttered her expression and willingly followed him to the bedroom. Overwhelming her with sensation that caused her to feel was his only hope of breaking through her final walls.

  He moved to the other breast, giving it the same thorough, sensual treatment before licking his way over her stomach, moving lower, trailing his way down her undulating flesh. He slid his tongue from her navel down to her silken sex, damp and waiting for him to seductively torture it next. He smelled her arousal, and it made his already tortured body even harder.

  He parted her sex with his fingers, holding her open so he could swipe his tongue up her center, landing on her clit. She bucked beneath him, and he pinned her thighs with both hands, keeping up the pressure as he lapped at her like a delicious treat. She arched up, grinding her sex into his mouth, and he worked her hard until she climbed, inching higher until her legs began to tremble and shake. Finally, she soared, coming apart beneath him, and damned if he didn’t grind his dick into the mattress as she flew, coming as close to premature ejaculation as when he was a horny teen.

  He wiped his mouth against her thigh and slid up her body, taking in her sated expression. Her eyes were heavy-lidded, and her soft lips were parted to draw in breath, with a hint of a satisfied smile lifting her mouth.

  Watching her, he gently swept a stray strand of hair off her face. Her gaze focused intently on his as he braced one hand beside her head and grasped his dick in the other, positioning himself between her thighs.

  “Ready, beautiful?”

  She nodded and he slid into her waiting heat.

  A groan escaped her throat, and her hands came to his ass, holding on tight as he began to move, causing her hands to slip off as he pulled out, then thrust back in deep. She grabbed his shoulders, bracing, expecting him to take her hard and fast.

  She was about to be surprised. He held back, jaw clenched against the need to take his own relief as quickly as possible. Instead he slid out excruciatingly slowly, then took her again in an intense glide home, grinding himself against her clit before easing out once more.

  She moaned, her body shaking, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, clutching him harder, grinding their bodies together. He felt her trembling as her soft wa
lls milked his cock hard, her dampness clasping him in heat. He’d wanted feelings to erupt from this joining, and his were out in full force.

  Making love to her was everything—it encompassed him body, heart, and soul. He could only hope she was experiencing the same melting emotions that were rushing through him right now.

  * * *

  Halley knew she was in trouble. So much trouble, as Kane did as he’d promised, making love to her, his rocking motions so gentle as he took her higher. And she went along for the ride, lost in his thoroughness. Every time he slid out, he thrust back, grinding against her, and waves of arousal washed over her along with a tidal wave of emotion she was helpless against.

  She gripped his shoulders as the first wave hit, digging her nails into his skin. “Kane!” She screamed out his name, holding back the more serious words that threatened to erupt, the love she felt for this amazing man caught in her throat as she came.

  He held her tight as she rode out her orgasm, rocking into her over and over, milking every last spasm from her body before taking his own release. Afterwards, he collapsed on top of her until he caught his breath and she inhaled his musky, male scent, the sensuality of the moment and the emotions caught inside causing a lump to form in her throat.

  What did she do with these overwhelming feelings she was so afraid to name, let alone speak out loud? How did she trust herself to love him freely, to believe that she wouldn’t ever be hurt?

  She didn’t know, but she understood that she had to find a way if she wanted a future with Kane. She just didn’t know if she was fearless enough to manage the feat.

  Chapter Nine

  Kane spent the weekend working on Halley’s deck, and she spent the time avoiding him, as if afraid any intimate contact would lead to serious conversation. From long walks with Monty to a headache she couldn’t shake, to the Saturday night she’d spent alone working, she’d managed to find more time alone than with him, and he’d been at her house.

  He’d known his approach, the deliberately slow seduction, could have her running scared, so he fought back his frustration and gave her the time she needed to come to terms with her feelings. Feelings he knew damn well she had for him. He’d seen it in her eyes as he’d made love to her and as she came for him long and hard.

  Tonight, he and his sister were confronting their dad with Andi’s plans to move out. So much for a nice, relaxing weekend, he thought, disappointed but not giving up on her. Not ever.

  That night, he arrived at Andi’s house to find Nicky shooting hoops outside as usual. Kane stopped to play a game of H-O-R-S-E with him before heading inside to see what awaited him.

  He met up with Andi in the kitchen, where she was taking a roast chicken out of the oven. Wild rice sat in a bowl on the counter alongside asparagus with parmigiana cheese.

  “Smells good, sis. Need help with anything?”

  She smiled. “Thank you and no. I’m good. All I need is your support during the conversation with Dad.” She moved the chicken to the cutting board and began to slice it up.

  “Where’s Dad?” he asked.

  “Washing up. You know, I looked at a few rentals online. I think that’s the route I want to go. Nicky and I need to have our own space. It’s time,” she said as she wiped her hands on a dishtowel.

  “Then that’s the direction we’ll take. Don’t worry. Dad’s an adult and it’s time he started acting like one. We’ve both made it too easy for him to backslide. You by paying the bills here and me by keeping him on at work even when he doesn’t show up.” Kane shook his head. “He might own the property but the business is in my name.”

  She nodded, shooting him a grateful glance. “Okay. Nicky knows I want to move. I told him he’d stay in the same school district, so he took it well, but he’s worried about leaving his grandpa. Let’s not bring it up until he goes back outside to play.”

  Kane placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Sounds like a plan. Can I bring the food to the table?”

  “Sure thing. Thanks.”

  Just then, their father came into the kitchen, way too chipper, which set Kane’s nerves on edge.

  “Dinner smells so good, Andrea. Want me to get Nicky inside?” Joe asked.

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  A few minutes later, after Nicky had washed his hands, they were seated at the table. They ate a drama-free meal, Nicky talking about seeing his best friend over the weekend and Joe cracking jokes.

  Finally, Andi sent Nicky back outside to play, and Kane knew the ball was in his court as far as bringing up the subject they needed to address.

  “Hey, Dad, what’s with the good mood?”

  Joe shook his head and didn’t meet Kane’s gaze. “Nothing you want to hear, son.”

  Aah. So more gambling. “I take it you were out with Walter last night?”

  Joe nodded. “Andi hired herself a babysitter so she doesn’t need me home.” He didn’t sound bitter about it, probably because it gave him free nights out.

  Another step toward leaving their father, Kane thought. “So Dad, we need to talk to you.”

  Joe whipped his head up. “Don’t want to hear about my gambling problems. I can stop any time I want.”

  He just didn’t want to even try, Kane thought.

  “This isn’t about whether or not you have a problem, Dad,” Andi said. “It’s about me. And Nicky and what I need.”

  Joe lifted his head at that, clearly relieved the onus was off him. Or so he thought. “What’s going on?” he asked, concerned. Because gambling aside, Joe Harmon was a caring father.

  Kane braced his arms on the table. “Dad, Andi’s decided—”

  “It’s time I move out,” she said, taking over the conversation. “I want to get my own place for me and Nicky.”

  Joe looked stunned. He opened and closed his mouth again, clearly in shock. “But we have a good thing here.”

  “You have a good thing, Dad,” Kane said.

  He pushed himself up from his chair. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Just that Andi pays the bills and you use whatever money you earn—”

  “Or take from me,” she added.

  “—to gamble. And it has to stop,” Kane said quietly but firmly. “It’s too much for Andi to worry about you because she lives here and has to deal with knowing too much firsthand. Or the stress of knowing you’ll steal money from her wallet. It’s not fair.”

  Joe’s shoulders slumped down, and he eased himself back into his chair. “I just borrowed a few dollars,” he muttered.

  “Dad,” Andi said, exasperated. “On top of everything else, I need to have my own space. I’ve loved living with you but it’s time.”

  He hung his head in what Kane assumed was a combination of shame and understanding.

  Kane rose, walked over, and placed a hand on his father’s shoulder. “We think you need help, but it’s got to come from you. We’re through torturing ourselves for what we can’t change. But we love you, Dad. And we’re here if you need us.”

  Joe remained silent.

  “Dad?” Andi asked hesitantly. “You’re going to have to start paying the bills for this house and that means budgeting. I can’t tell you what to do about the gambling, but it’s not going to help you do what you need to around here after I’m gone.”

  Joe muttered something under his breath. “I’ll make it work,” he said afterwards.

  Kane didn’t know how and was sure there would be many challenges ahead. But if his sister was free of the burdens around here, he’d deal with the rest as it came.

  * * *

  Halley recognized that she was being a coward by not facing her feelings for Kane. Or rather by being afraid of them. She had looked them in the eye when they’d made love on Friday night, and it scared her to death. He was being patient so far, but she didn’t know how much longer that understanding would last.

  She didn’t have time to think about it now because her mother sat across from her in the kitchen,
drinking a cup of coffee, Monty at her feet, gnawing on his bone that was bigger than he was.

  “And so the man tried to walk out of the store with coffee and bread shoved under his jacket.” Her mother laughed, shaking her head. “The store owner caught him and called the police. It was a complete nightmare with the cops coming and everything.”

  Halley grinned, enjoying this lighter side of her parent.

  “Well, I suppose he got what he deserved.”

  “We all do eventually,” her mother murmured.

  “Mom, stop beating yourself up over the past. That’s what it is and you did your time.”

  She sighed. “I know. It’s just hard. At minimum wage, it’s tough to make ends meet. I’m handling it but…”

  Halley had been thinking about this for a few days now. She knew life was difficult for her mother, and this was the first time her mom had even slightly mentioned her plight or complained. Unlike what her aunt had—and still—thought, her mother was here to build a relationship. Halley felt it in her bones.

  So making the offer she planned felt right, too. “Mom, let me write you a check. Just to tide you over a bit.”

  Her mother looked horrified. “No. I couldn’t take money from my own child!” Her cheeks turned pink. “Thank you, honey, but I couldn’t.”

  Halley shook her head. “I insist.” She rose and headed to get her purse from the bedroom. “I’ll be right back.”

  When she returned, her mother was washing her hands at the kitchen sink. “I spilled coffee over the top of the rim,” she said nervously. “I just feel so uncomfortable taking from you.”

  “Stop.” Halley folded the check she’d written in half and handed it to her mom. “Consider it a loan if you feel bad.” At her mother’s salary, Halley didn’t expect to be paid back nor did she want to be, but if it let her mom retain her pride, let her think she would.

  “Thank you.” Her mother pulled her into a grateful hug. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”


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