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The Enchanted Kingdoms (Haunting Fairytales Book 1)

Page 10

by R. L. Weeks

  ‘I’m home now Mother; I will not be leaving again.’

  ‘Please don’t,’ she whispered and let him go when the guards entered the room. The King had always been jealous of the mother-son relationship they shared, due to not having a child of his own. So, they tried not to be affectionate to one another when he was around, or even when the guards were around.


  Over the next few days, Stilt worked in the prince’s chambers. He slipped the potion into Edward’s drink when he had the chance. The tasters tried the wine first, but as they had no magic, the potion did nothing to him. Edward drank the wine as he sat by the open fire with Stilt. ‘The King is in brighter spirits since receiving the news,’ Edward said, smiling. ‘I am happy for them both. They will have a daughter, I will become king one day, and everyone will be happy. Everyone wins.’

  ‘Yes, we all do,’ Stilt said, and they clinked glasses. Unknowing to Edward, his powers were slowly seeping into Stilt as they drank and laughed. Edward still had a small amount of his original magic left, however, he didn’t notice the power leaving him.

  ‘I must go,’ Stilt said and yawned. ‘The potion is almost complete; I should have it ready by the morning.’

  ‘Perfect,’ Edward said and stood up. ‘Then I can have my chambers back. I cannot believe he just gave them to you. No matter, I will have much more than this soon.’

  Edward strutted out the doors, followed by two guards and Johnathon, who followed Edward around like a lost boy.

  Edward strode into the palace gardens and asked the guards and Johnathan to leave him. He breathed in the warm air. It unseasonably warm, but this was Dolorom. He broke a sweat at the thought of going to Agrabah in the summer. It would unbearably humid. However, as head of trade, he would have to go. There was one place he was terrified on visiting; Forosh.

  The fishing capital of the world. Yet, home to one woman he never wanted to see again. Lori. A lump formed in his throat. He caressed his amulet for comfort. Unknowing that it was now just an amulet with no real power. With unlimited power, he could fight her. She may be more talented than he at sorcery, but at least now they would be equal on the power front.

  The clouds rolled in from the east as darkness pinched the sky. The green hills faded from view as blackness coated the kingdom. Edward smiled as he looked out at the horizon. He missed Dolorom with its rich hills and mountains, beautiful scenery, and modern, clean streets. The air smelt cleaner, too. Tears brimmed in his brown eyes as he let the relief of being home wash over him.


  Stilt finalised the potion, which looked like liquid silver, and poured into a glass bottle. He walked into the throne room, proudly. The king jumped up excitedly. Kathryn sighed and followed him. She wasn’t happy about giving up their first child, but the kings orders were final. The king took the potion and handed it to Kathryn. She bit her tongue and the raging need to smash the bottle on the marble floor. Instead she forced a small smile and allowed the guards to walk her and her husband to her chambers. Once there, she drank the potion and lay with the King. The reality of becoming pregnant, carrying a child for nine months, then handing it over, brought tears to her eyes. Instead of letting her emotions show, she swallowed hard and pushed the thought to the back of her mind.

  Stilt left the castle and jumped on the back of his horse. Nerves filled him as headed for the border to Fainland. A scenic kingdom with luscious plants and exotic fruits. As he galloped across the border, which wasn’t too far away, the nerves overwhelmed him. He was about to see his wife again for the first time since she took him to the castle and told them to lock him up. Not that he blamed her. He would have done the same if he was her.


  Edward nodded to Johnathan. I must visit Stilt. Tell them I will be back in time for the trade meeting with the King of Northmanni,’ Edward said and jumped up onto his stallion. He rode over to the border into Fainland and through the long, pretty meadows. He reached the cobbled streets of the small town, Atford, and headed over to Stilt’s house. ‘Stilt,’ he proclaimed on seeing him by the door.

  ‘Hello friend,’ Stilt said and smiled. ‘Nice of you to visit. Is there anything you need?’

  ‘Just a social call,’ Edward replied and jumped off his horse.

  ‘Please come in. I warn you, my wife, Sadie, is not well. She was throwing things at me all night. No, she only throws soft objects, so I am sure that she is calming down.’

  Edward laughed. ‘Female hysteria, eh?’

  ‘It’s not as simple as that,’ Stilt said. ‘She is within her rights to be angry with me.’

  ‘I’m home my love,’ Stilt said as he creaked the door open. He had been in town getting groceries. He was planning to make Sadie a soup to slip the potion Lori gave him into. Yet, she deeply mistrusted him.

  Edward ducked as a large book was thrown their way, just missing their heads by inches. Next, a candlestick, which narrowly missed him. The woman, who was in her late forties with crazy, blonde hair which was stuck up in odd places, squinted and hurried over to Edward. She stopped just inches from him and looked up at him. Her eyes were like big blue orbs. She glared into his soul.

  ‘She’s rather intrusive, isn’t she,’ Edward said to Stilt, nervously. Sadie was still gazing up at him, curiously.

  ‘Who are you?’ She shrieked, making Edward jump.

  He gulped and forced a kind smile. ‘Edward, Prince of Dolorom.’

  ‘Prince,’ she spat. ‘Why are you here? Come to take Stilt away? Good. Take him!’ she shouted and rapidly walked away.

  Edward looked after her. Her corset bodied pale blue dress was stained, it looked like she hadn’t washed in months. However, Edward could see that underneath all the crazy, she could be a very attractive woman.

  ‘She seems… nice,’ Edward lied and followed Stilt into the drawing room. Stilt poured them both a scotch.

  ‘She won’t take the potion that’ll make her forget. Well, she won’t accept any drinks or food from me, which I could spike the potion in them,’ he grumbled. ‘I told her of the child. She was not interested.’ He downed his drink and poured himself another.

  ‘Maybe I could offer her a drink?’ Edward asked.

  ‘Maybe…’ Stilt pondered, then poured the contents of the vial into the glass of scotch. ‘Make her drink this.’

  ‘Of course,’ he said and went to find Stilt’s wife. He found her sat by an unlit fire, surrounded by ashtrays, pipes, and books. ‘Sorry, I thought it rude not to offer you a drink,’ Edward said and smiled warmly. ‘I completely understand your anger. It is not fair what happened to you. He should feel lucky to have had you in the first place, you are incredibly beautiful, if you don’t mind me saying.’ He sat next to her cautiously and placed the drink in front of her. She looked at it and hesitated.

  ‘I am rather beautiful, yes, ha,’ she said and cackled. He could tell that she was totally bonkers, though. ‘Drinkie-drink time, drink my time away, tick-tock, and forever I…’

  She passed out after drinking the contents. Edward finished the rhyme, ‘forgot,’ he said and left the room. He found Stilt, who was crouched by the stairwell, trying to listen in.

  ‘It is done,’ Edward said. ‘All it took was a little flattery.’ He winked at Stilt, who rolled his eyes.

  ‘I must go,’ Edward said on checking the time.

  ‘Of course. Visit again?’ Stilt prompted.

  ‘I shall soon, friend.’


  ‘We are just pawns on a chess board, my boy!’ the King said as he made his move on the chess board. Ever since Stilt had given Kathryn the potion, the King had been in a great mood and had taken to spending more time with Edward. ‘The king, queen, and knight, are the most powerful. But, you see, the queen is the most powerful player. Don’t tell your mother I said that, though.’

  Edward laughed. ‘So what am I?’

  ‘That depends on how you play,’ he replied. ‘You see, the pawns, like this, can be taken out
as if they are nothing. People are always willing to sacrifice themselves to protect the monarchy. It is the way it always has been.’

  ‘As it should be,’ Edward said.

  ‘Yes,’ the king agreed. ‘However, the moment we try to protect the pawns, we are weakened.’

  Edward looked down at the chess board with disdain. He never lost a game, but seeing as he was playing against the King, he would have to let him win. ‘I know what you’re saying,’ Edward said as his step-father said ‘checkmate’ and won the game. King Thomas looked a lot happier. Growing up, Edward always thought that the King resembled a dragon. With intrusive, intimidating forest green eyes. He was muscular, his arms looked as if they were going to break the seams on his jacket. He strutted wherever he went and his tongue was long and sharp, hidden behind straight, white teeth. The chalky appearance to his skin matched his hair, which was as white as paper.

  ‘In my game, the King will always win,’ he said and stood up, grinning. ‘How is the trading coming along with Forosh and Milborn?’

  ‘Milborn have reciprocated,’ Edward said proudly ‘Forosh on the other hand, well, their Queen is a tough one. She wants double what we have offered in exchange for their fish and wool.’

  ‘She is a tough old cookie,’ Thomas admitted. ‘Go there, charm her. They have the best fish in the world; we need them. We can sell them at high prices, but we must get a good deal. Offer her an extra two thousand gold pieces and not a piece more. Get us this deal Edward,’ he ordered.

  Edward had been afraid he’d ask that. ‘Of course, I will leave at first light,’ Edward said and looked at his stepfather.

  King Thomas noticed that Edward was looking more handsome with age. Especially without the horrendous patchy beard that he had taken a liking to growing when he was a teenager. His hair was now slick and there was determination behind his deep brown eyes. He had an air about him, intimidating yet charming. ‘You’ll make a fine regent for my children should anything happen to myself and your mother,’ the King said.

  Edward nodded, knowing that he would never be a regent. He would be king; there were no two ways about it.

  ‘I must go and see to Kathryn. She has missed her monthly bleed, which means she may be pregnant. We did try at the right time for her to become pregnant.’

  ‘Let’s hope so,’ Edward said, feeling a little nauseous at the detailed information about his mother’s cycle. The King left and Edward ordered the guards to prepare his things for the trip tomorrow.

  Johnathan ran into the room ‘Edward, I mean, Majesty, I have news!’ Johnathan said. ‘That’s why I requested an audience with you. The Queen, they believe she is pregnant. A seer told her they were twins, two girls.’

  ‘Wonderful news,’ he replied. It was great news, but expected.

  Johnathan had expected a greater reaction, but continued anyway. ‘I heard that you’re leaving tomorrow.’

  ‘Yes,’ Edward said. ‘You are to stay here. I need you to keep an eye on things here. My step-father is getting old. With only girls as children, it will not be long until I am King.’

  Johnathan bowed and left the room. Edward decided to get an early night, not knowing what, or who, he would face in Forosh. The last time he was there did not go well. That was, after all, where Lori and her family reigned.


  The waves scattered the moonlight. Long breaking waves of grey and white crashed onto the deck, accompanied by a fierce, howling wind. You couldn’t tell where the dark sky ended and the sea began. Edward looked through his telescope, but could see nothing but darkness.

  The mercenaries staggered about the deck, some throwing up over the side of the ship. A couple of them were yelling that one of their own had gone overboard. Edward took it upon himself to go up and cut a sail. A lot of time at sea in his younger days when trading, had taught him a thing or two about getting a ship through a storm. After some time, and after losing several men, the storm calmed, and they were soaring toward Forosh. The white cliffs became visible through the telescope as they approached the island. The red leaves from the many trees that littered the green land had fallen onto the ground. The small amount of sand there was, was tinged grey. He had never seen such a depressing beach. They sailed past the beach and toward the main harbour.

  ‘They’re not known for their beaches are they,’ one of the mercenaries said.

  ‘No, we have golden beaches in Dolorom,’ the Prince replied, proud of his kingdom. It was a beautiful kingdom; clean, cobbled roads, rich green trees and grass. Golden beaches, and the sun shines throughout most of the year. The only thing it lacked, was fish. Forosh was known mainly for its fishing and wool industry.

  They sailed into the well-maintained harbour and there waiting for them was a crowd of people. All of them waved, dressed in silks and satins, with over the top jewellery. The ship docked and men ran to tie it. Edward stepped off the ship and smiled charmingly at Forosh’s wealthy subject.


  Back in Fainland, Stilt sat in his house feeling depressed. Sadie had not said a word to him since taking the potion. She seemed to be in a constant dream-like state.

  ‘Stilt,’ a shrill voice said from behind him. He turned and wiped his forehead which was covered in sweat after he had chased the horse around the field until finally catching it. His power was surging, sometimes it felt like too much. Sometimes he couldn’t control the pure amount of it, but he did like how invincible he felt. Although it shouldn’t have worried him, he was concerned about Edward. He would soon find out, once he tried to use his powers. The magic was all used up, and when it was gone, it was gone. Edward would surely take it out on Sadie and his unborn child. As much as it was hindrance, he believed that he had done the right thing. He would do his best to protect the few he cared about from Edward’s status. For now, he could only focus on the woman that stood behind him. The woman he hated.

  ‘What do you want, Lori?’ he asked. Her heavy-lidded brown eyes looked tired, her hair was up in a high ponytail for a change. Her hair was darker again, her skin more youthful, her lips were a deep red again.

  ‘Where is Edward?’ she asked impatiently.

  ‘I do not know,’ he admitted and poured himself a scotch.

  Lori ground her perfectly straight teeth. ‘I want to make sure he is living out his unhappily ever after. We have a deal.’

  He downed his drink and poured another. ‘I’d offer you one, but you’re not a guest here. Leave.’

  She walked over and threw the bottle of scotch at the wall. It shattered and scotch spilled onto the floorboards, mixed with broken glass. Stilt did not jump. Instead, he drank his drink. ‘Well that was immature of you,’ he stated and sat down.

  ‘Get me Edward,’ she ordered.

  ‘Yeah, yeah, I will,’ he waved his hands dismissively.

  ‘No, it’s not ‘yeah, yeah I will.’ You will do it, now!’ she said and knelt in front of him. She placed her hands on his head. Her long, painted red nails dug into his scalp. She locked her gaze with his and ran her hand down his neck. ‘You will find Edward and bring him to me or I will kill your wife,’ she said sweetly and tapped his cheek. ‘Now, off you pop. I’m fed up of not being listened too. Maybe I should start ripping out people’s hearts! Maybe then people will listen.’

  ‘Lay a finger on my wife,’ Stilt warned. ‘And I will destroy everyone you love.’

  ‘Good job I love no one,’ she said and sat across from him. Her laced black ankle boots looked odd with her black and red ballgown style dress. ‘Empty threats.’

  ‘And no one loves you!’ he said snidely. ‘Anyway, so are yours. You won’t kill anyone,’ Stilt said and sat forward, staring at her stonily. ‘You couldn’t even kill Edward. Instead cursed him to be a frog. You wouldn’t even show your face when he called for you all those years back. You didn’t confront him. When your mother died, you didn’t even go to see her on her deathbed when she asked for you. You are more of a coward than I. So, you can
wait. I will give you Edward when I am done with him. Then you two can argue for eternity for all I care.’

  He saw weakness in her for the first time in a long time. She looked hurt, vulnerable. Stilt watched nervously as her eye twitched and lip trembled.

  ‘You are right,’ she said quietly. ‘It looks like I need to stop helping anyone. I give people chances, and I am always made out to be the baddie. Someone who gives empty threats. That’s fine. I’m known as the Evil Queen in these parts. I better start living up to the name.’

  She walked out of the room and Stilt followed. ‘Get out of my house.’

  ‘No,’ she replied. ‘Sadie?’ She called sweetly.

  ‘If you touch her, I will kill you.’

  ‘Why are you worried?’ she asked. ‘I’m only full of empty threats. I am too cowardly to hurt her, right?’ She spotted Sadie sat in front of the fire in the living room.

  Sadie looked over at them. Confusion washed over her features. ‘I’ve been thinking…’ she trailed off and continued to look at the flames. Stilt sat down too and stared angrily at Lori. He would make her leave in a minute. Sadie, however, didn’t care about the company. She wasn’t even sure what was real and what wasn’t anymore. She looked into her husband’s amber eyes and smiled for the first time. ‘I remember now. We were happy. I don’t know why I was so angry at you. I love you,’ she said softly. Stilt cried with joy and stood up with her. She flung herself into his arms. ‘Always,’ Sadie whispered.

  ‘Alwa-.’ He stopped as his wife half screamed, half cried. He held her up as she went limp. The light left her eyes. He looked down, shaking. There was a hole in her chest where her heart used to be. As she dropped to the floor, the last thing he saw before Lori vanished was her holding Sadie’s heart, still beating in her hand; the floor by her feet soaked in blood.



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