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Delinquent (Academy of Misfits Book 1)

Page 10

by Bea Paige

  “You can handle this? You’re delusional. I’d snap you in two and throw your bones to the crowd,” Monk says, mocking me. Behind him, his crew make barking and howling noises like a pack of wolves, and now I understand the reference Bram made yesterday. Still, I’m not afraid. Take out the pack leader and the rest will jump on each other, right?

  “Tell me, Monk, is your cock so small that the only time you feel like a man is when you square up to a woman? Having a tiny dick must be hard for a tough mutt like you, hmm?” I retort, my gaze flashing to the girl who looked horrified a second ago. I can see her smirk briefly before she hides her mirth with a blank look.

  He barks out a laugh, cupping his dick and circling his hips. “Why don’t you get over here and see for yourself… fucking a bitch like you could be fun so long as I don’t have to look at your face.” Then he leans forwards and sniffs, grimacing. “On second thought, I don’t dip my cock in pussy that stinks like fish!” The rest of the boys behind him start laughing and wafting their hands in front of their noses.


  Stepping forward, my rage simmering like a kettle about to boil over, I poke him in the chest. This time Kate grabs my arm, pulling it down. “Don’t!” she begs.

  But I can’t back down now, I’d look weak. It’ll be worse for me if I do. Besides, this dipshit deserves a good punch. It’s not as if anyone from the No Name crew are going to help, otherwise they would’ve done so by now. In my opinion, not stepping in to prevent a fight is just as bad as starting it. They’re just as dickish as this arsehole and his pack of wolves. I briefly wonder whether Camden knows half of what’s going on at Oceanside. He might be an arsehole too, but this doesn’t seem his style. Then again, he’s got my best friend into trouble with the law, so maybe this is exactly what he’s capable of.

  “Where’s your backup now?” Monk taunts me, his sharpened gaze looking between Pink and Kate, dismissing them with a snarl.

  “I don’t need any backup, prick.”

  Ford and his crew can go to hell… And Sonny? So much for his knight in shining armour act yesterday. I’ve no idea if either are watching this because I have my back to a lot of people. And, frankly, I don’t expect or want their help, but if they’re here and they’re watching to see how this plays out, then they’re on my shit list good and proper. At least Pink and Kate are standing by my side.

  “You’re nothing but a mouthy piece of arse,” Monk jeers.

  “Say that again,” I bite out, my fingers curling into my palms.

  He grins now, his lips curling back over his teeth. “Camden was right, you are feisty. It would turn me the fuck on if you didn’t stink so bad.”

  “He put you up to this?!” Fucking prick.

  “Nah, baby. He might’ve given me the heads up, but this is all on me. I’m the leader here, and you, whore, are mine. Besides, he’s got his hands full with your prick of a friend… Eastern, is it? The guy’s a liability.”

  I see red. Without even considering the rest of his crew or the fact I am launching myself at a six-foot beast, I pull back my fist and punch him as hard as I can on his jaw. The pain I feel as my knuckles hit bone is intense and stars appear in front of my eyes for a moment. Fortunately for me, I’ve scrapped many times before and my adrenaline kicks in quick, forcing me to focus.

  He stumbles a little. Shock lighting his dirty-brown eyes, followed quickly by aggression and fury.

  “You’ve thrown the first punch, whore, all bets are off!” he yells, before pulling his fist back. I dodge his punch, ducking. Unfortunately, Pink wasn’t quick enough to move out of the way, and his fist meets her temple with a sickening thud. She falls to the ground out cold. Shit!

  “You motherfucker!” I scream, throwing myself at him like a wildcat. I use my fists, my nails and my teeth as I attack Monk with everything I have. I might be a girl, I might be small, but I can fight. If he can hit a woman and not blink, then I sure as hell can fight dirty.

  He takes it all with a gleeful smile, batting me off easily before a couple of his gang members grab hold of me, hauling me backwards. My chest is heaving as I struggle against their hold, but instead of hitting me, Monk steps forward and grabs my jaw roughly with his fingers.

  “We’ll finish this later,” he spits, his eyes scanning behind us.

  “What the hell is going on here?!” Mr Langdon yells as the two boys holding me let me go with a shove. I stumble forward, falling to my knees beside Pink. Kate is already there, her hand pushing back the hair from Pink’s forehead. Her eyes are fluttering open and she groans.

  “Shit, that hurt,” she mumbles, tears smarting her eyes.

  “Thank fuck,” I say, relieved to find Pink is okay. Well, as okay as she can be with what is likely a concussion and a huge bruise forming on her face.

  Looking up at Monk, I bare my teeth. “Next time, I’m going to kill you.”

  He just laughs.


  “Get out of my way,” Mr Langdon says as he pushes through the crowd. “What happened?” he asks, bending down beside Pink and helping her to stand.

  “An accident,” Monk says, glaring at me in warning.

  Fuck him if he thinks I’m covering his arse. “Bullshit, this dick tried to hit me and got Pink instead. He knocked her out,” I snap, getting to my feet and pulling Kate up with me.

  “He did what?” Sonny says, pushing through the crowd, Ford following closely behind him. He looks between Monk and I, his eyes narrowing as he makes a quick assessment of what’s just gone down.

  “You know the score, Monk,” Ford says, as he moves around me and steps in front of Monk, pushing against his chest.

  “You tried to hit my girl?”

  “Your girl?” My mouth drops open. Is he for real? I’m no one’s girl, especially not his. I didn’t join his stupid gang. I thought I made that fact pretty damn clear yesterday in front of the whole school. Ford ignores my remark, continuing to press his finger into Monk’s chest.

  “You go near Asia, or any of them again,” he says, pointing at Pink and Kate, “and you’ll be dealing with me.”

  “She’s fair game,” Monk retorts, seething.

  “Prick,” Sonny growls, glaring at Monk. His fingers are curled into his palm, and his body is as tense as Ford’s.

  “No one is fair game at this school,” Mr Langdon snaps, supporting Pink with one arm, whilst Kate holds onto her other side. I watch as he pulls a walkie-talkie from a clip on his belt and requests assistance. “Everyone break-up or watch your arses get expelled from this school. There’s plenty of space in juvie for every single one of you. Remember that when you think of starting a fight on my field. Start running. Ten laps.”

  The crowd don’t move, some of them make cutting remarks beneath their breath. Mr Langdon loses his shit. “NOW!” he roars.

  “Do what he says,” Ford snaps. His crew, including Red and Bram, start jogging around the field. The HH crew follows shortly behind them once Monk gives the nod. Nice to know the teachers are in charge here…

  “Move away from Monk,” Mr Langdon says to Ford.

  Ford leans in and says something under his breath to Monk, then gives him one last shove before stepping back. He looks at me, then at Pink who is groaning in pain.

  “You’ve got my protection now, whether you want it or not,” he says, standing beside me. A muscle ticks in his jaw and I can feel the repressed anger rolling off him. I’ve no doubt he would’ve set upon Monk if Mr Langdon wasn’t about.

  “I don’t need your damn protection,” I mutter under my breath. Ford makes a grumbling noise but says nothing further. Sonny watches us both, opening his mouth before slamming it shut without saying a word.

  “Take Pink to the medical room. I want her checked over,” Mr Langdon says to Sonny.

  “Ford can do it,” Sonny says, folding his arms across his chest.

  “I’m not asking Ford, I’m asking you. Medical room now, and take Asia with you.”

,” Sonny snaps, picking up Pink who’s still groaning. I watch as he folds her against his chest. She curls into him, her fingers clutching at his t-shirt. “Come on, Asia. Let’s get out of here for a bit. Looks like you could do with a break,” he says, with genuine concern and minus any smart remarks this time.

  “I don’t need to go to medical. I’m fine. Take Kate, she’ll look out for Pink,” I say, refusing to leave her alone with this bunch of arseholes.

  “Asia, just come get checked out,” Sonny insists, gritting his teeth as he looks between me and Ford.

  “Please, come with us,” Kate adds. I know she’s worried. She’s also a little shaken up too, but I’m not. I’m used to this kind of bullshit. This was a weekly occurrence on my estate, or at least it was until I knocked that dickhead Mickey out when he tried to mug me on my own doorstep.

  “Isn’t this lovely?” Monk laughs, enjoying the show.

  “I’m fine! Just go,” I hiss. Jesus, are they purposely trying to make me look weak in front of this prick?

  “Then stick with him, and don’t start any more fights you can’t finish,” Sonny warns, before giving Ford a look. “Keep your hands off,” he mutters before striding away from us both, Kate in tow.

  Ford’s nostrils flare, but he doesn’t respond to Sonny’s territorial statement. I wonder what the deal is between them. Sonny isn’t in his gang, but there’s a kind of love-hate relationship between them both that comes from knowing each other for more than a couple of days. But more to the point, where does Sonny get off thinking that he’s laid some claim on me? I’m not a piece of meat to be fought over by a bunch of predatory lions. This is bullshit.

  “Ahh, I’m feeling all left out. Maybe your pussy is worth a go after all.” Monk smirks, looking at me with a curled lip and unwelcome interest.

  “Shut the fuck up, dickhead,” Ford growls, glaring at him.

  “That’s enough, Monk. You’ll be pleased to know that you’re needed in the Principal’s Office. Can’t have you feeling left out,” Mr Langdon retorts sarcastically, before handing Monk over to two big burly men dressed like security guards who’ve managed to creep up on us all. I’ve not seen them around before, but then again, it’s not as if I’ve gone looking.

  “See you later, Asia,” Monk says, allowing the men to walk him off the field.

  “Not if I see you first,” I retort, letting out a long steady breath. What a dick.

  “Are you sure you don’t need to go to medical?” Mr Langdon asks again the moment Monk is out of earshot.

  I shake my head. “I’m sure.”

  “Then get going. Ten laps.”

  Without even waiting for Ford, I start running. I might hate P.E. but that doesn’t mean to say I’m unfit. Running from the police on numerous occasions means I’ve got stamina, and with anger still bubbling inside my chest I need to expend it somehow. Back home, on occasions like this, I’d let off steam by taking off in the middle of the night and finding a blank wall to spray. I guess running around this field a few times will have to do.

  Concentrating on keeping a steady pace and schooling my emotions, I chase the group in front of me. Ford catches up and falls into step, his soft breathing the only thing I hear over the pounding of our feet on the track. I don’t speak to him and he doesn’t speak to me. The silence between us does all the talking. When everyone else finishes their ten laps and heads off the field, I keep going. I don’t want to go inside just yet, and despite the sheen of sweat covering my body, and the thirst I’ve got going, I carry on. Ford sticks with me, not letting up.

  Glancing at him, I notice that his dark blonde hair is stuck to his head and his white t-shirt has a circle of sweat on the front, sticking it to his chest and defining the muscles beneath the thin material. He catches me looking and I snap my head around, picking up the pace. Suddenly this has become a race that I need to win, and I pump my legs harder, focusing all that pent-up anger.

  But like me, Ford has stamina and keeps up stride for stride. After another ten minutes I stop running by a copse of trees at the edge of the track. Leaning over, my hands on my knees, I breathe deeply. Sweat drips from my forehead and down my nose, falling to the floor. I see Ford’s feet just in the periphery of my vision. He’s stopped too, his breathing as ragged as my own.

  “Are you done?”

  “What do you mean, am I done? Who the hell do you think you are?” I ask, standing upright.

  “Has your anger run its course or are you still looking for a fight?” he retorts, running his hand through his hair. It sticks up all over the place, but he still manages to look sexy… sexy? I groan loudly. I really don’t need this shit right now.

  “Whether you like it or not, Monk outmatches you. I can help you get the upper hand.”

  “I told you I don’t need your kind of help or protection. I can look after myself,” I snap, striding off across the grass.

  “Let’s see about that,” I hear him say, and before I can do anything about it, Ford has me pressed beneath him on the ground, the wind knocked out of me. “Just as I thought.” He smirks, but there’s disappointment in his eyes too as though he’d hoped he wouldn’t be able to take me down so easily. I can’t believe the arsehole just jumped me. His strong thighs encase my hips whilst his hands have my arms pulled up above my head. Beneath my tank top, my nipples are embarrassingly hard.

  “Get. Off. Me!” I shout the second the shock has worn off and I’m able to think about something other than the fact that he’s straddling me.

  “Make me.” His breath tickles against my skin, as he leans over me and brushes his lips against my cheek. When he pulls back, I can see that he’s just as shocked by that action as I am. Shocked and turned on. Or maybe that’s just me?

  “You fucking asked for it,” I respond, bucking my hips at the same time I bring up my knee and aim for his crotch. But he’s too quick. Before I can predict his next move, he’s thrown himself to the side, grasped my hips and yanked me on top of him. My pelvis is crushed against his, but before I can break away, Ford wraps his legs around the back of my thighs. If I’m not mistaken, he’s hard. My cheeks flush a deep shade of red. It’s just as well I’m still sweaty and breathless from running, or my reaction to his hard-on would be embarrassing.

  “What now?” he murmurs, watching me. His grey-green eyes flick from my mouth to my eyes and back again. I’m so shocked by the fact that I’m as turned on as he is, that I just lie there, spread out over him like some cheap blanket. He grins darkly, goading me with his plump kissable lips.

  Kissable? “Get a fucking grip, Asia,” I tell myself.

  “Cat got your tongue?”

  “Dickhead,” I mutter, pushing upwards in an attempt to get away from this boy who’s fucking with my head. Except Ford has other ideas. In another ninja move I am pinned beneath him once again. He’s flipped me over so many times that I’m positively dizzy. Between us his dick is pressed firmly against a part of me I wish it wasn’t, given the way it’s making me feel; stupid, brainless, distracted. Holding my breath, I wait for his cheeks to colour as deeply as my own. They don’t. He knows he’s hard and he owns it.

  Arrogant… cock. I almost laugh out loud at that thought.

  “If you want to survive in this place, you need to learn how to fight properly, Asia. You might’ve got a few licks in with Monk, but he would’ve wasted you before you could’ve done any real damage.”

  “I can fight,” I retort angrily, twisting beneath him in a pathetic attempt to get away.

  Ford laughs, keeping me pinned down with one hand holding my wrists, using his free hand to swipe the sweaty hair off his forehead. “That might be true, but you lack skill, strength and sense. Whether you like it or not your size puts you at a disadvantage. Sometimes rage just isn’t enough.”

  “And I suppose if I join your gang, you’ll be the one to teach me?”

  He opens his mouth to respond but I cut him off. “I told you I don’t do gangs, and in case you need remindi
ng I can look after myself.”

  Ford sighs, easing up his hold. “I don’t want you to join my crew, Asia. I want to teach you how to fight so that when that arsehole Monk or another member of the HH crew tries to jump you, and believe me they will, you’ll be ready.”

  “I thought I had your protection?” I say sarcastically, trying not to react at the way his jaw tenses and his pupils dilate as I wriggle beneath him.

  Screw him… Do I want to screw him? Thoughts of Ford smashing his lips against mine has my hips circling beneath him again. Ford’s responding groan snaps me out of my thoughts, and I stop wriggling. He looks at me a beat too long before jumping up, holding his hand out for me to take. A rush of heat prickles my skin at the lack of contact. My eyes flash to his groin, then snatch back up when I see his dick tenting his joggers slightly. Damn him and damn my body having a mind of its own.

  “Take my hand,” he offers, still completely relaxed about the fact that he’s got a raging hard-on.

  Ignoring him, I get to my feet, my stupid legs wobbling beneath me. I know it isn’t just because of the twenty laps I’ve run either.

  “I will do what I can to look out for you…” He sighs, frowning.

  “Why?” I ask, confused by his insistence.

  “It doesn’t matter why, I just will. But I can’t be there all the time. You need to know how to fight someone who’s twice your size and win. Like I said, rage isn’t enough.”

  “It’s saved me countless times before. I won’t be beholden to you, or anyone else for that matter. I’ve been at the mercy of others before, believing in them when I had no business to. They let me down, so the only person I rely on is myself. Besides, rage is all I’ve got left,” I say, before turning around and quickly jogging away from him, pushing thoughts of Eastern out of my head.


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