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Fernando - Bad Boy Love (Bad Boy Love Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Jessica Gray

  Chapter 18

  Gwen was dozing and having the most wonderful daydream about Fernando when the sound of the door opening jerked her out of her fantasy. She opened her eyes, blinked several times to clear the cloudiness from them and then smiled when she saw Vivian peeking her head around the door.

  “Are you awake?” her best friend whispered.

  “Hi. Come in.”

  Vivian entered the room, snagging a chair, and pulled it up beside her bed. “How are you feeling this morning?”

  “I’ve been better. Yesterday it was just my wrist and head that hurt. Today, my entire body feels as if that van ran over me, backed up, and did it again.”

  “Aren’t they giving you something for the pain?” Vivian asked, clutching at her hand.

  “They are, but my brain still isn’t functioning on all cylinders so they will only give me so much.”

  Vivian leaned over and looked at the small cut on the side of her head. “Ouch!”


  “And your poor wrist. Any word on when they plan to cast it?”

  “Hopefully sometime later today. They needed to make sure it wouldn’t have to be reset first.” Gwen made a face. “Thank goodness they won’t have to.”

  They chatted for a few minutes, and Gwen gave her friend her house keys so she could bring her back a few things. Vivian also was making arrangements for her to get a rental car while hers was being fixed.

  Vivian’s eyes were sparkling, and Gwen narrowed her own. “What?”

  “I have a surprise for you.” Vivian made the sentence more like a song.

  “A surprise? You didn’t have to bring me anything–”

  “Well, it’s not that kind of surprise. You have a visitor, but first, you have to guess who it is.”

  Gwen scowled at her. “Viv, you mean old lady. I’m injured, and you want me to rack my battered brain?”

  Vivian grinned bigger. “Just to see if your brain still functions, sweetie. And I can send him away. It’s no big deal.”

  “Him? So it’s not your parents?”

  “Nope. Guess again.”

  Gwen sighed. “Chuck?” When Vivian shook her head, she went through all five brothers and her own brother, Donovan, still not getting the answer right. “I give up.”

  “You don’t get to give up. Now, before you answer, think. Who is the one person you would like to see the most right now?”

  Her stomach did a flip-flop, and she blurted out, “Fernando.” She waited for a reproach, but Vivian simply beamed at her. Had she drifted off to dreamland again? Faintly, she whispered, “If this is one of your bad pranks…”

  Before Vivian could say anything, a knock came on the door, and Fernando strolled into the room holding flowers and a box of chocolates in his hands.

  Gwen blinked. Surely her eyes were playing tricks on her. “Fernando?” she whispered, afraid to say his name too loudly and make his mirage disappear.

  As he approached the bed, Vivian got up and whispered, “I’ll give you lovebirds some privacy.” Then she was gone.

  The air filled with Fernando’s unique smell and butterflies whirled in Gwen’s stomach. If she had been able to, she’d have jumped off the bed and into his arms. “You? Are you real?”

  Fernando’s eyes twinkled with mischief. “I sure am. Wanna touch me to believe it?”

  Yes, I want. Badly.

  He took her hand, and she instantly melted. It wasn’t due to the concussion that her brain completely stopped working. For how long he stood beside the bed, holding her hand and looking down at her with so much love in his brown eyes, she didn’t know.

  “How did you know?” she whispered when she finally found her voice.

  “I went to the office to drop off my work contract, and you weren’t there. The secretary wouldn’t tell me anything except that I had been assigned a new probation officer.”

  “But how did you find me?”

  “I overheard two of your colleagues talking. One or both of them are planning to stop by after work today and visit you.”

  She squeezed his hand tighter. “You shouldn’t be here.”

  “I should. And I had to see for myself that you’re fine.” He gently sat down on the edge of her bed. “Hey, you’ve officially been dismissed. You’re not my probation officer any longer.”


  “No buts.” Fernando leaned down and kissed her gently. It felt oh so good, and her heart raced with joy and excitement, but she shouldn’t. At her feeble attempt to push him away, he pressed her hand against his heart. “Feel that? It’s beating a happy rhythm because I’m here with you.”

  She looked down at her hand on his chest. “This isn’t a good idea…”

  Lifting her chin until she met his eyes, he said, “Tell me you don’t want me, and I’m out.”

  Gwen swallowed, licking her bottom lip. His presence made her head swirl with emotions and her body ache with longing for him. The essence of his kiss still lingered on her wet lips. Of course she wanted him. Like she’d never wanted anybody before, but that didn’t mean she should act on it. No words left her mouth.

  “See?” he said and sealed her lips with another kiss, reducing her universe to the two of them. Nothing else mattered. He cupped her face with his strong hands and held her head in place while his tongue slipped inside her mouth, exploring every crevice of it. Gwen closed her eyes and let her passion take over. She was done with rational.

  When they came up for air, he gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and said, “How long do you have to stay here?”

  “They’ll release me later today after they cast my arm.”

  “How will you get home? Vivian told me your car was towed to a repair shop.”

  “Probably a cab. Viv is working on getting me a rental, but I’m not sure if it will be ready by the time I’m released.”

  “You shouldn’t be driving anyway,” he said, and she realized he was right.

  “True, I’ll ask about that when the nurse comes back in.”

  He grinned at her. “You could get the rental, and I’ll be your personal chauffeur, taking m’lady anywhere she wishes.”

  “Do you even have a driver’s license?” she asked.

  Fernando chuckled. “Yes, I have a driver’s license, officer.” He reached into his back pocket, pulled out his wallet and showed it to her. “See, that’s a horrible picture, but it’s me nonetheless.”

  “It’s a law that they can’t take a good picture of anyone.”

  Fernando took her good hand. “I’m glad to see you still have a sense of humor.”

  “I never lost it,” she chuckled, but soon realized that was a mistake. A sharp pain shot through her neck, and she hissed.

  “God, I’m sorry, babe. I didn’t want to hurt you.” Guilt was written all over his face, and she had to laugh again.

  “Ouch. You didn’t hurt me; it hurts when I laugh or move too much.”

  “Then I probably shouldn’t make you laugh,” he said with a serious face, but he couldn’t discuss the topic further because the nurse chose that moment to come in.

  “Miss Cohen, you have a dragon for a friend.”

  Gwen blinked at her. “Come again?”

  “Your friend? She tried to keep me out of your room.” The nurse eyed Fernando as if she couldn’t quite figure out where she knew him. “Time to take you downstairs, do another x-ray and get your wrist fixed up.”

  “How long will that take?” Fernando asked.

  “A couple hours at most, then we’ll need to go through the discharge process.” The nurse looked back to Gwen. “Will your dragon friend be driving you home?”

  “No, I’ll get her home,” Fernando interjected, then took Gwen’s good hand again. “I’ll be back in a couple hours, okay?”

  Her heart twisted at how earnest he looked. “Okay.”

  He lifted her fingers to his lips, kissing each knuckle softly. With a nod to the nurse, he was gone. A warm feeling in
vaded her heart, and she hoped it was there to stay.

  Marcela helped Gwen into a wheelchair, covering her legs with a blanket. She patted her shoulder before she pushed her from the room. “He’s a fine man, that boyfriend of yours.”

  Chapter 19

  Fernando arrived at the hospital to pick up Gwen. He’d been busy in the two hours since he’d left. He’d tracked down Vivian and had helped her arrange a rental for Gwen. Then, he’d driven the rental to the grocery and picked up some things he’d thought she would need.

  He hurried up the stairs to her room but was stopped by the nurse. Her name was Marcela. He’d immediately recognized her earlier. She’d saved his life by stitching him up after a knife fight.

  He shuddered. Those were unpleasant memories from a past he wanted to leave behind. This morning, he’d believed she didn’t know who he was, but now her eyes told him differently.

  “Fernando,” she said.

  “Marcela.” He paused, racking his brain to find the right words. “I never thanked you for stitching me up back then. You saved my life.”

  “I guess I did.” Marcela smiled, but he sensed a hesitation.

  “I’m sorry, but I didn’t want to say anything in front of Gwen. It might have upset her.” It was a poor attempt at an apology because he hadn’t shown the decency to thank her.

  She visibly relaxed. “Don’t worry about that. Saving people is my job.” Then she took a step closer and searched his eyes. “What are your intentions with Gwen Cohen?”

  Fernando groaned. Nobody had ever questioned his intentions with a girl, and now twice in just a few hours? Why did everyone care so much about Gwen? Perhaps because she’s such a special girl. “That’s none of your business.”

  Marcela wasn’t the least intimidated by his aggressive answer and put her finger on his chest – on the exact position of the scar. “It is my job to save people and that woman is too special to let you ruin her life by dragging her into your circles.” Her eyes threw sparks. “Now tell me your intentions.”

  He fisted his hands to control the rage rising in his body. But Marcela was right, Gwen was too special to ruin her life. “Look. I’ve changed. I’m working a real job and have cut the ties with my former gang members. I would never harm her. I love her.” His legs wobbled suddenly. Where did that word come from?

  Marcela squinted her eyes at him and cocked her head, apparently trying to decide whether to believe him or not. Then she said, “There’s a good man inside you, Fernando. Make sure he doesn’t go back into hiding.”

  He muttered a thank you and then continued on his way to Gwen’s room. The encounter with Marcela had left him shaky. Would his past always come back to haunt him? But she’d believed him. Pride filled his chest. It was a start. He could do this turn-my-life-around thing. Yes, I can!

  Gwen was sitting on the edge of the bed when he returned, looking through a folder containing a number of documents. She held them up when she saw him. “I’m officially discharged.”

  “That’s great news, Chiquita. You look much better.” He crossed to her and kissed her lightly on the lips, feeling at ease with himself and the world. They were together, and that was all that mattered. He fought the urge to pull her into his arms and squeeze her tight. Instead, he helped her get off the bed.

  “I feel better. Getting the cast helped the pain more than I thought it would.” She held up her pink cast.

  “Good for you. Nice color. So, are you ready to go home?”

  “Yes, please. The sooner, the better.”

  Fernando chuckled and went in search of the nurse – not Marcela – to make sure it was okay to go. Shortly afterwards, another wheelchair was brought in.

  “Your chariot awaits,” the nurse said with a big smile and helped Gwen get settled for the ride down.

  In the elevator, Fernando held her hand, talking her through her fear. When the doors opened, she smiled up at him. “Thank you,” she said, meaning it.

  He sprinted into the parking lot to bring the car around, pulling under the awning where Gwen and the nurse waited. Grinning from ear to ear, he drove her to the pharmacy to get her prescriptions filled, then followed her instructions to her home. Despite having to concentrate on the traffic, he kept stealing glances at her profile. Each time, he ached to hug her tight and never let her go.

  She lived in a nice single-family home in one of the better areas of L.A. He opened the door for her, carried her inside, despite her protests, and settled her on the comfy couch before joining her.

  “You live here all alone?” he asked, admiring how nice the place was. Plenty of sunlight streamed in through the windows and the furniture was tasteful and modern. He thought of his own apartment, full of pickup second-hand furniture and felt bad. How could he ever allow her to see his miserable place?

  “Yes. I grew up here with my parents and my brother, Donovan. My father works in the oil industry and he was relocated to Alaska five years ago. Since I had just started college, they allowed me to stay in their house. And I love it here. I wouldn’t ever want to move out.”

  He understood. Who would want to move out of such a lovely place? “And your brother?”

  “Donovan? He’s four years older than me and is working with the diplomatic corps, currently in Paris. He was never interested in staying here.” She sighed, and he had the feeling she somehow missed her family. He would. He still missed his parents. Every. Single. Day.

  “Do you miss your family?”

  Gwen smiled. “Yes. Sometimes. But Vivian’s family has become my family too. And I see them all the time. So it’s okay.”

  Next he knew, she turned into his arms, causing his heart to miss a few beats. He pushed her hair back from her face and ran his fingertips down her cheek, then kissed her, careful not to bump her injured wrist. After a few moments, he pulled away. “How’s your arm?”

  “A lot better with the cast now. Before, every time I moved, no matter how careful, it hurt. A lot.” She scrunched her nose, and he kissed it. Gwen looked so cute and fragile in his arms. Very different from the strong and self-reliant woman he’d known.

  “Do you want a pain pill now?”

  A mischievous smile crossed her face. “I think I can hold a little longer. If you kiss me again...”

  Fernando was more than happy to comply with that request and pressed his lips against hers, giving his emotions free reign. Her lips opened to give him better access, and his tongue slid inside to ravish her mouth, the zings of pure electricity reverberating through his body. He swallowed her sexy moans of pleasure and used both of his hands to press her flush against him. Their heartbeats aligned and he sensed every spike of passion that caused her pulse to ratchet up.

  Soon, he was breathless, his mind clouded with pure lust. He desperately wanted to make her his. But with the last rational thought in his brain, he broke the kiss and skimmed his lips over her cheek. “Want to watch a movie?”

  It was a desperate attempt to do the right thing. He didn’t want to hurt Gwen or push her into something she wasn’t ready for. As he glanced at her rosy cheeks, passionate heat radiating off of them, and her wet lips, swollen from their kiss, he forced himself to look away, his gaze landing on the hallway. Which was a mistake, because just a few dozen feet away was the open door to her bedroom, and he sneaked a peek at the inviting queen sized bed.

  Bed. Her bed.

  Forgetting about his intention to give her time, he was about to lift her from the couch and carry her to it when her voice registered. “Sounds good. There’s a bunch of DVDs in the cabinet over there.”

  DVDs? Oh yes. Movie.

  He willed the lust-fog from his brain and settled Gwen on the couch before dutifully choosing an action movie from her collection. A sheen of sweat had formed on his forehead, and he wiped it away with the back of his hand before slipping the movie into the DVD player.

  Fernando decided to play it safe and left a few inches of space between them on the couch, but Gwen thwarted h
is plan and leaned her head against his shoulder, wrapping his arm around her side. With the fresh citron smell of her hair in his nostrils and his hand lying on her slim waist, the movie blurred and all he could do was not ravish her on the spot.

  Gwen soon added to his distress. He sucked in a breath as her hands started roaming his body. His libido shot through the roof when she pushed her good hand below the hem of his shirt to touch bare skin. His abs tensed and relaxed in the same rhythm of her fingers dancing on his stomach.

  Just when he thought he couldn’t take any more, her hand moved up to his chest, grazing his nipple, and hot fire shot through his veins, pooling in his groin and causing his pants to tighten painfully. A heartfelt growl escaped his throat, which seemed to spur her on because she straddled him, the heat from her center seeping through the fabric covering his erection. She intensified the play with her hand. Until she stopped and raised her head, question marks in her eyes.

  He quietly asked, “Do you want to see the scar?”

  She blushed but nodded. “Yes.”

  Fernando reached behind his head and pulled his shirt off, amused when she seemed to melt at the sight of his bare chest. Her eyes had gone all soft, dilating with the rise in her libido. His own lust fired up, and it was suddenly much too warm in the room – even without his shirt.

  She reached out a finger and gently traced the long puckered scar above his chest. It was a loving, yet passionate gesture and now it was his turn to melt away. Doing his best to keep still under her touch, he swallowed hard and concentrated on his breathing. Gwen repeated the process with each and every scar she could find. He had a number of them. It was driving him insane, augmenting his passion to levels he hadn’t known existed.

  Her fingers had finished their exploration of his stomach and stilled. He closed his eyes and took a moment to control the fire in his groin. But only long enough to feel her finger on his chest again and hear her words, “Where did this one come from?”

  “A knife fight.” His voice was ragged.

  Gwen kissed his scar, and the unexpected touch caused all of his muscles to contract. “It’s a wonder you didn’t die.”


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