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Locked Away (DI Sara Ramsey Book 13)

Page 9

by M A Comley

  Is she on the turn? Go on, Carla. Give it to him. Tell him what you bloody think of him.

  But Carla didn’t. She moved to the farthest end of the room and stared back at all three of them. “How long is the backup going to take?”

  Sara fished out her mobile. “I’ll chase them up. They should be here soon.” She rang the station, and Jeff informed her the patrol car was only a few streets away. “They’re imminent.”

  “Good. I want him out of my sight before I change my mind.”

  “What are you saying, bitch?” Gary bellowed, struggling to stand with his hands out of action.

  A siren sounded, and Sara rushed to open the front door. She welcomed the two uniformed officers and advised them that Gary was liable to be feisty when they moved him. She wasn’t wrong. The two burly officers helped Gary to his feet. He head-butted one of them and kicked out at the other.

  “It’s a shame you didn’t bring a Taser with you,” the chief yelled. “That would keep him in line. Get him out of here, boys.”

  “You can’t arrest me. I’ve done nothing wrong. I’m lashing out now because you’ve got me cornered. Don’t think you’re going to get away with treating me like this. My solicitor will get me off, no fear of that, because I’m innocent. You women are all the same, you’ve banded together, made up a cock and bull story, lies about me.”

  “Don’t even go there, Gary. A judge will take one look at Carla’s face and body and soon realise what’s been going on for the past few months. You should be ashamed of yourself,” Sara shouted.

  “Fuck off, Ramsey. You think you know all there is to know about relationships, you know nothing. We’re all different. Carla needs guidance, that’s all I’ve been giving her.”

  Sara dashed across the room and stood before him with her hands on her hips. “Guidance? Is that what you call knocking seven bells out of her?” She eyed him up and down and shook her head. “You’re an utter disgrace.” She then prodded his temple a few times. “And sick in the head if that’s what you believe.”

  He smiled and then spat in her face. Somehow, she’d been expecting it.

  Refusing to show any sign of disgust, she ordered, “Take him away, boys. Mind he doesn’t trip up on the way out.” Once the two uniformed coppers had left the room with their prisoner, she removed a tissue from the packet she kept in her inside pocket and wiped her face. “What a disgusting excuse for the human race he is. I’m glad you appear to have seen the light at last, Carla.”

  Her partner approached and hugged her. “I’m so sorry, Sara. How will you ever be able to forgive me?”

  “You can start by rescinding your resignation.” Sara pushed away and looked Carla in the eye. She grinned and Carla’s barrier crumbled.

  “I will. I’m so very sorry I’ve put you both through this.”

  The chief came forward and briefly hugged them both. “Right, my job here is done. I’ve succeeded in achieving my goal. Take the rest of the day off, Carla, have a rest. Gary will be kept overnight, we’ll make sure of that. Come back to work in the morning, rejuvenated after a good night’s sleep.”

  “Thanks, boss. I’ll be too busy searching for somewhere to live,” Carla admitted.

  “If you need a room for a few weeks while you find something, you can always stay with me and Mark,” Sara volunteered.

  “I can? That would take the pressure off a little. I’m so grateful to you, Sara, especially after the way I’ve treated you the past few days.”

  Sara waved her apology away. “It’s a good job I love you. I don’t take that kind of crap from just anyone, you know. Right, we’d better get back to work. We have two cases that need solving.”

  “Again, I’m sorry for causing so much disruption. I’ll up my game tomorrow when I’m back at work, I promise.”

  Withdrawing her keys, Sara slipped her front door key off the keyring. “Make yourself at home. I’ll be back the usual time.”

  “What about Mark? Shouldn’t you run this past him first?”

  “Nope. He’s a pussycat, always eager to please. He’ll love having two women to fuss over.”

  Carla’s head dipped. “You’re so lucky to have him.”

  “That I know. One day, you’ll be saying the same, Carla. Keep the faith. There are still some good men left in this world.”

  “Shame I haven’t found one yet. All I seem to attract are needy bastards. Hey, thinking about it, maybe I should ditch the idea of ever meeting someone who loves me for me. I’ve heard that sometimes works.”

  “Yep, it happened to a good friend of mine. She’s now happily married with four kids, last I heard.”

  Carla’s eyes widened. “A tad OTT. Not sure I want to go down the having kids route just yet. Glad to hear your friend found happiness in the end.”

  “She’s such a sweetheart. Too trusting in many ways. I can definitely see the comparisons between the two of you. Pack your bags and move into mine during the day. There’s no telling how long we’re going to be able to hold Gary, if he gets a solicitor involved. Just be aware of that fact.”

  “I’ll go and pack now. I can’t thank you enough for always sticking by me. And thank you to you also, Chief, for coming here to make sure I was all right. You two genuinely are the best.”

  “Nonsense. I was only ensuring our expensive training didn’t go to waste, that’s all. We’re going to have to fly. Stay safe, Carla. See you back at work tomorrow.”

  “I’ll be there. And thank you once again for believing in me and holding my job open.”

  The chief tilted her head. “It was touch and go there for a while. I personally thought you were going to side with him and kick us out.”

  Carla’s cheeks reddened.

  Sara tutted. “You were, weren’t you?”

  “I contemplated it for the minutest of seconds. Glad I saw the error of my ways.”

  They hugged again, and then Sara and Carol left the house. On the journey back they discussed how they should handle Gary.

  “Do you think she’s likely to bring charges against him?” the chief asked.

  “I strongly think she will now. I believe he used the accident as an excuse. I might do some extra digging into his background, see if he’s got anything prior showing up.”

  “Good idea. When we get back to the station, leave him to me. I’ll interview him, you won’t be able to do it anyway, not if the charges are related to him striking you. You get back to the investigation.”

  “Crap, I feel so guilty for veering off the investigation, you know, about the distraction, but Carla needed our help.”

  “She did. Have you thought about holding a press conference? I know it’s early, but if there’s someone in Hereford intent on abducting women, maybe we should make the public aware of the situation promptly.”

  Sara thought the suggestion over for a little while and then agreed. “You might be right. I don’t tend to call on the media this early, but at present, we haven’t got much else to go on. I’ll give Jane Donaldson a call now, see if she can line something up for me either today or tomorrow.” She removed her mobile from her pocket and dialled Jane’s number. “Hi, Jane, it’s DI Sara Ramsey. How are you fixed for a press conference this afternoon, or am I pushing my luck?”

  “Oh, hi. Umm… it’s a quarter to three, might be pushing the limits. It’s urgent, I take it?”

  “You could say that. I had it in mind to try to warn the women of Hereford to be vigilant after we’ve had a couple of abductions in the area.”

  “I see. Does it have to be all the media? What about just radio journalists?”

  “I’m not sure. I think we should go all in. I’m prepared to wait until the morning if I have to.”

  “Leave it with me. I’ll see what I can sort out and get back to you.”

  “Thanks, Jane.” She ended the call and returned her phone to her pocket.

  “What do you believe is going on?” the chief asked.

  “No idea. In truth, I’m fr
ustrated as hell because we’ve got very little to go on. All we really have is the CCTV footage from the pub where the latest victim works, and that material can be classed as dubious because her car is barely in the frame. Nothing concrete to hand as yet. I’m hoping the team will have something we can sink our teeth into when I get back. That’s probably wishful thinking on my part, though.”

  The chief drew to a stop behind a black sports car at a red light. “What I wouldn’t give for one of them. What’s the betting he’s going to race away from the lights? If he does, fancy a bit of fun?”

  Sara laughed. “Crikey, you must be totally bored sitting behind your desk dealing with paperwork day in, day out. Go on, go for it.”

  The lights changed, and the chief prepared herself for the chase ahead, except the man was a model driver and adhered to the speed limit. Carol slapped the steering wheel. “Spoilsport.”

  Sara chuckled until tears sprang to her eyes. “You’re a card. You need to get out more.”

  “Ha, no chance of that happening anytime soon. It’s been good to get out with you today, even if we got into major bother in the process. I hope Carla lives up to her promise and moves in with you for a few weeks. By the way, that was kind of you to offer your home as a sanctuary. I sense she’s going to need a lot of pampering in the near future. Will Mark be okay?”

  “I think I understand him well enough to know the answer to that. I’ll give him a call when we get back. We’re almost there now.”

  “Not many men would want to get involved in a domestic situation, I can tell you.”

  Sara suddenly had second thoughts. Mark was so easy-going, she doubted if anything would rattle him, make him angry. If anything, she thought he was likely to fling a protective arm around Carla’s shoulders and pamper her to within an inch of her life. “He’ll be fine. Or should I say, I hope he’s going to be fine with the arrangements.” A sudden glimmer of doubt seeped into her mind.


  Libby had nipped home to get changed into something far more casual. She slipped on a pair of comfy linen trousers and a sleeveless top to begin with, but all the top had done was highlight the size of her biceps, not a look she intended to go for. Instead, she hauled on a T-shirt with longer sleeves than normal. She was due to meet her next victim at a property on the other side of town. Satisfied with her presentation, she left the house, hopped into her car and set off.

  Her mind whirred, distracting her with her plan to the point she nearly rear-ended the car in front of her when it stopped to let a bunch of kids cross the road. What the fuck? Let them wait, arsehole. You won’t be so lucky next time! Where would you be then? Carless and probably admitted to hospital with several broken bones.

  She selected first gear and continued on her journey, eyeing the road up ahead for the opportunity to overtake the idiot in front of her. Time was running out, she was only a few streets away from the rendezvous point now.

  Drawing up outside the property, which was for sale, she waited in the car until Brittany Dawson appeared. She didn’t have to wait long. Brittany wore a smart suit, with a skirt finishing just above the knee, trimmed off with a nice, neat short jacket. Her blonde hair billowed in the summer breeze. She tussled with it as she left the car and tied it back into a ponytail using a band she removed from her wrist.

  Libby watched her prey for several seconds until she disappeared into the house with the board up outside. It was one of those posh townhouses; Libby had always fancied having a peek inside. This was an ideal opportunity, she could kill two birds at the same time, so to speak.

  Locking the car, she approached the house. She scanned the area around her, aware that most people would probably still be at work at that time of the day. The doorbell chimed a merry tune. She waited patiently on the front step.

  After a few seconds had passed, Brittany eventually opened the door with a cheery smile and welcomed her into the smart home. “Hi, I’m Brittany. So pleased to meet you.” She offered Libby her hand.

  “I’m Sasha Dobbs. Nice to see you. Time is a bit tight, a family issue has cropped up that I need to deal with ASAP.”

  “That’s a shame. Okay, let’s begin the tour. As you probably know, these houses were built around ten years ago.”

  “Yes, I’ve had my eye on them for a while. I’m intrigued to see how the inside is laid out. It’s the three levels that has put me off viewing a property of this nature in the past.”

  “It’s the same for most people. This style of living takes a lot of getting used to. I have friends who own townhouses, and they wouldn’t dream of having anything else nowadays, because it offers so much flexibility. Let me show you what I mean. On this level we have a kitchen-diner, with a utility room off to the left, which includes a back door that leads out to the garden. Shall we take a look at that later?”

  “Yes, okay. Seems a good-sized kitchen.” She peered out of the large window at the postage stamp of a garden, unimpressed, but didn’t voice her opinion.

  Brittany led her up the first flight of stairs to the lounge on the right. “It’s lovely having the lounge on a different level, don’t you think?”

  “Hmm… it’s definitely large enough, although it might take some getting used to. Something I’ll need to consider.”

  Brittany seemed offended by the comment. “You did view the property particulars before booking the appointment, didn’t you?”

  Libby frowned. “I did. Why?”

  “It’s just that we always put a floor plan on our particulars as a guide for what to expect.”

  “I saw that. But I was still intrigued enough to want to come for a look. If you think I’m wasting your time, why don’t you come out and say it, bitch?”

  Brittany took a step back, her forced smile disintegrating in an instant. “I beg your pardon? How dare you call me that?”

  “You need to stop being so far up your own arse and speak to prospective customers with respect then.” She ended her scornful comment with a slap.

  Brittany appeared stunned by the assault. “What the hell did you do that for?”

  “Because I wanted to. People like you need to be put in their place every now and again. I volunteered to be the one to do it in your case.”

  “I think we’re done here. I need you to leave this house. Now.”

  “Or? And if I refuse? What do you intend to do about it?”

  “I’ll… I’ll…,” Brittany blustered, seemingly lost for words.

  Libby watched her carefully, aware of any movement she might make to reach for her mobile. “Let’s continue the tour, see what you’re made of, whether you can turn this doubter into a prospective buyer.”

  “No. I refuse to. I’ve asked you to leave this house. I’m through with being nice to you. You’ve treated me disrespectfully; I no longer have to be courteous to you. You’ve made it perfectly clear that you have no intention of buying this property, therefore, I must insist that we end this tour. I have other clients to see, people who aren’t time-wasters.”

  Libby glared at her and took a few steps closer. “I said I want to finish this shitty tour—either you continue or suffer the consequences.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? Is that some kind of threat?”

  “A threat that I will make good on unless you get on with the tour. What’s through here?” Libby went into the hallway and waited for Brittany to join her.

  The estate agent slipped her hand into her jacket pocket. Libby was quick to react. She grabbed Brittany’s arm and yanked on it. Brittany’s mobile tumbled to the floor. On the screen were two nines.

  “About to call the police, were you?” She lashed out, swiped the estate agent around the face. Hard enough to leave a handprint on her pale cheek.

  “Please don’t hit me again. Who are you, what do you want from me?”

  “You’re not in a position to tell me what I can and can’t do, got that? Now, resume the tour.”

  Hesitantly, Brittany opened the door to
the next room off the hallway. “This is the main bathroom.”

  “It’s not.”

  “It’s not what?” Brittany asked, confused.

  “A bathroom. It’s a shower room.”

  Brittany let out a deep sigh. “Of course it is. Silly me.”

  “Stop trying to dupe me, you’ll fail. I’m much, much smarter than you, you’ll find that out later.”

  Frowning Brittany paused. “Meaning?”

  “Meaning, get back on track. Speak to me properly, like the best client you’ve ever dealt with, or there will be a cost involved if you don’t.”

  Brittany gulped and pulled at her ponytail then ventured on with the tour. “Okay. This is a double bedroom, and that concludes the rooms on this floor.” She gestured for Libby to ascend the stairs up to the final level ahead of her.

  Libby waved a finger. “Not likely. After you.”

  Brittany rolled her eyes and started up the stairs. They were halfway up when she kicked a leg behind her. Her heel caught Libby in the face and sent her tumbling backwards.

  “Why you…” Libby raced back up the stairs, two at a time, after the screaming Brittany.

  Libby knew she had to be quick, to prevent the woman from locking herself in one of the rooms ahead. She dived at her ankles and brought the estate agent down. Brittany kicked out and screamed. Libby got to her feet, kicked the woman in the stomach a couple of times and then slouched against the wall to take stock of what she’d been forced to do. It hadn’t been her intention to hurt any of the women, not really. But Brittany had pushed her to her limits, and she’d snapped. Vile creature that she was. She hadn’t changed over the years, not one iota.

  “Please let me go. I didn’t mean to hurt you, I’m scared, surely you can see that.”

  “I can. And believe me when I say this, you have every right to be scared. I’ve waited a long time to get revenge. You and the others will regret the day…”

  “The day? Do I know you? I don’t recognise you. Tell me what I’ve done. Let me make it up to you. Please, I don’t want to be in this situation. I’ve only just got married.”


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