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Dare to be Three (Dare Menage Series Book 3)

Page 7

by Jeanne St. James

  He also needed to contemplate Connor and Paige’s impulsive sex since they lived together. One thing he had problems with in his past triad was he’d become the third wheel. He didn’t want that to happen again.

  From the get-go, Paige had drawn him in hard and fast. After seeing her across the room the night of Ty’s birthday party, he hadn’t stopped thinking about her since. An obsession. He’d never been one to fixate on people or things. So this disturbed him. It had, honestly, caught him off guard.

  Connor being part of the package, though, was fine with him. The younger man was attractive and intelligent. But the real reason he could deal with Connor was the man belonged to Paige.

  When he noticed Paige staring at him that night, things couldn’t have been made easier for him. Little did he know, at the time, Paige was Logan’s sister. So, he had to proceed carefully. Last thing he wanted was a pissed off brother, not to mention friend, gunning for him. He didn’t have a lot of personal acquaintances, so the ones he had, he valued and wanted to retain.

  The other night went better than he’d planned. He made Paige his and luckily, Connor didn’t get spooked about being with another man. Which had been Grae’s biggest concern. If Connor backed out, he would have to let his plans with Paige go. That would be very unfortunate.

  Especially since he had a hard time letting go of what was his. Or what should be his.

  But if he had to, he could do it. Though, he wouldn’t be pleased with the outcome, of course.

  Now the couple had their feet kicked up, full stomachs, sipping on Champagne as the anchored boat floated calmly in the cove. He knew this inlet well since it was one of his favorite sleeping spots.

  Paige had her head tilted back against the bench seat, her eyes closed, letting the sun warm her face. Connor had downed half of his flute of bubbly and sat staring at him.

  Grae pretended not to notice. Let the man stare. He wanted Paige’s husband to feel completely comfortable with him.

  However, he still needed to address the dilemma of Connor being able to have Paige whenever and wherever he wanted to. He could have them move temporarily into his home, but they might not agree to that. Or move into their home? Grae wasn’t sure where they lived, or if their house was even large enough to accommodate all of them.

  Grae was used to making important decisions without having to consult anyone else. The Bulldogs’ owners and coaches trusted his decisions completely. He knew talent when he saw it, and he also had that gut instinct important in his field. That great instinct had given him promotion after promotion until he ended up in charge of the whole college recruiting department for the team. His subordinates came to him for advice and the final approval of recruiting a college player. Over the years, he’d built a strong team of recruiters and supporting personnel. He had no problems weeding out the weak. In business and in his personal life. Even so, he didn’t think the couple would welcome him solely making the decision on where they lived. Even if it was only temporary.

  He finally met Connor’s gaze.

  “About this morning...” Connor began.

  Grae waved a hand, acting as if it had been nothing. Though, it bothered him more than he wanted to admit. “I thought you understood the conditions we made.” He used a softer tone than what he wanted. He saw no reason to cause hard feelings at his point.

  Connor gripped the stem of his glass a little tighter. “I do. But she’s my wife.”

  “Yes, she is.” He understood where Connor was coming from because if Paige were his wife, he would feel the same way.

  But she wasn’t.

  From his peripheral vision, Grae noticed Paige’s eyes pop open and her head lift to listen.

  “I’m used to having her when I want.” The flare of Connor’s nostrils when he spoke made Grae think the man might have difficulties sharing.

  “I understand.”

  “I can’t promise it won’t happen again.”

  It sounded like a challenge.

  Grae sat up a little straighter, the muscles around his spine stiffening. He put his flute down before it shattered in his fingers. “Then this relationship will be over before it really began. Is that what you want?”

  Connor looked over at Paige, who, in turn, contemplated Grae. Most likely to see if he was serious or not.

  Grae was very serious. As a heart attack. “We should have equal access to each other. At least, and most importantly, in the beginning to see whether this will work or not.”

  “And how do you propose this?”

  He was pleased Connor seemed open to suggestions. Grae glanced at Paige. “You could move into my home for now. I have plenty of room. It would be temporary unless things…change.”

  Paige and Connor gave each other a look.

  Connor finally replied, “I don’t know.”

  Exactly the answer Grae expected. “It’s not an easy decision, I know. But considering this is not a typical dating situation, I don’t have any other recommendations. Except me moving in with the two of you. Temporarily, of course.”

  Connor again took a fleeting glance at his wife, as if they were communicating silently. “You seem like a man who enjoys your privacy.”

  “I am.”

  “So you wouldn’t mind the three of us living together…temporarily?” Connor asked, his eyes narrowing.

  Grae could see the suspicion in his expression and hear it in his words. “Again, it would only be temporary at this point.” It was certainly too soon to make any kind of permanent decision.

  “We would need to discuss this first,” Paige said, not looking at Grae, but her gaze glued to Connor.

  “I agree. Give us some time to think about it,” Connor said, before downing the rest of his Champagne.

  Grae automatically stood to refill his flute, as any good host would. “Drink your Champagne, Connor. I didn’t bring you two out here just for lunch.” He might as well not delay any longer. He stood in between the two reasons he’d invited them onto the boat. He wanted to test the waters again, pun intended, with the both of them. This time he intended to bring Connor in on the action from the beginning. To push the man to his limits to see if he would break at the physical contact Grae planned.

  Grae sighed as he watched the man swallow the contents of his glass. Nothing like witnessing someone down expensive Champagne like it was beer.

  But as Connor up-righted his now empty flute, the man gave him a heated smile.

  Grae took the gesture as an acceptance. “Below deck or up here? The guests’ choice.”

  “Below,” Connor quickly answered, an edge of nervousness in his voice.

  Grae reached out his hand and Connor took it, his long, strong fingers gripping Grae’s tightly. There was nothing wimpy about Connor, and he liked that. He had a great dislike for the weak. Nervousness of the unknown, Grae could accept, but outright weakness he wouldn’t tolerate.

  Grae swept an arm toward the hatch to the galley. “After you.” He watched Connor go down the steps and turned toward Paige. He offered a hand to her. “Paige.”

  Paige accepted it, letting Grae pull her to her feet and into his arms. He crushed his lips to hers for a few seconds, then released her to look down into her eyes. “I’m going to test your husband today to make sure this is really what he wants. Otherwise, there is no reason for us to go further.”

  She nodded without releasing his gaze. He liked that about her. She never seemed intimidated enough to look away. Or even pull away. She gave as good as she got. He’d always been attracted to women with backbone.

  “That’s fine. If he says no, though, you must stop immediately.”

  Grae raised his brows. “Of course.” He would never not take no for an answer. He would never force himself on anyone. “And you can always say no, as well.”

  Paige gave him a slight smile as if there couldn’t be anything he would do to her to make her say no. “And you as well.”

  Grae chuckled and nodded. He led her to the hatch,

helping her down the steep steps. When his eyes adjusted to the dimness below, he saw Connor stepping out of the head. Grae studied the man. His dirty blond hair, with the shaggy length longer than he would prefer. The masculine features of his face. The hard line of his jaw. The breadth of the man’s shoulders. Not nearly as wide as his own, but Grae had no desire to sleep with someone as bulky as himself. Connor was an attractive man, and not lacking in any way. A good complement to Paige.

  Grae had been lucky to fall into this situation, but he wanted to proceed with care, making sure the failures of his last polyamory relationship did not repeat itself. He pointed toward the stateroom at the bow of the boat.

  Connor followed his direction, while Paige shadowed her husband.

  Grae was overcome with an intense urge to toss Paige on the bed and take her then and there. No fancy words or actions, just pure raw sex. He wanted to thrust mindlessly between her legs, feeling her hot, wet sheath grip him tightly while he fisted her long dark hair.

  His cock agreed as it stiffened in his jeans. Although, that particular desire would have to wait. He needed to concentrate on Connor right now.

  The stateroom was a tight fit, the bed taking up most of the narrow room. The three of them in it would be a squeeze, but then the idea was to be close to each other anyhow. Paige climbed onto the mattress to give the men room to stand in the limited floor space. But there wasn’t much even so. They were close enough to feel each other’s breath.

  “Face the bed,” he directed Connor.

  He obliged without a word.

  With the man’s wide back to him, Grae took his time undressing him. He ran fingers through his blond tresses, down his neck, and with a painful slowness, removed Connor’s long-sleeved T. The man’s lean back muscles came into view as he peeled the shirt away. Grae stroked fingers over Connor’s skin, down his spine, around his waist. He tossed the shirt into a built-in corner cubby and proceeded to unbutton Connor’s jeans, unzipping them with great patience, feeling the man’s erection beneath his fingers.

  With both palms, Grae shoved the denim and boxer briefs down enough to release the man’s hard length. Then with arms wrapped around Connor from behind, Grae took him into his hand. He stroked the velvet skin with such deliberateness that it would have driven him crazy if someone had been doing the same to him.

  Precum beaded at Connor’s opening and Grae smoothed it along the man’s swollen head. Grae thrust his own hard-on against his still denim-covered ass.

  To think that ass was untouched made Grae a little light-headed. He would be the first—and maybe the only—man to explore him there. In a way, it would be a privilege to be his first. If they got that far…

  The man could always say no. And like Grae said several times, he would respect that decision without hesitation.

  So far, Connor showed no signs of stopping him.

  Paige had slid up the bed to lean against the hull of the boat, watching the two of them. Her eyes were hooded and dark, her lips parted slightly. Her chest rising and falling a little quicker than normal as she enjoyed the display so far.

  He turned his attention back to the male in front of him.

  Connor had arranged his hand over Grae’s, directing Grae’s motion up and down his hard length, his hips picking up the rhythm.

  Grae placed his mouth at the top of Connor’s spine, sucking, licking, and nipping the smooth, flawless skin as he continued to pump Connor’s cock with his palm.

  Connor made a noise and thrust harder within his fingers.

  Grae pulled away, not wanting him to climax so soon. He leaned back to remove his Henley and unfasten his jeans.

  Connor turned to face him, his cheeks flushed, his eyes as shadowed as Paige’s. “Kiss me,” he said, his voice breaking.

  Grae obliged by taking his mouth fiercely, forcing open Connor’s lips, and exploring with his tongue. Connor groaned and his own tongue found Grae’s, tangling and swirling, making Grae harder than he already was.

  He found Connor attractive, yes. But his sudden increase in desire for Connor surprised him. It’d been a while since he’d been with another man. He never actively sought them. Sometimes they approached him. Grae wasn’t sure what it was about him that made him seem open to male lovers. He wasn’t openly gay, nor even openly bi. As Connor mentioned previously, Grae was a man who liked his privacy. Especially when it came to intimacy and who he was involved with. He also didn’t take sex lightly. He was not a player and hadn’t been in a while. He’d grown tired of the lifestyle of his youth. He’d found it unfulfilling in so many ways.

  He preferred a meaningful relationship. He enjoyed learning the ins and outs of another lover.

  Like Paige.

  And Connor.

  The man in his arms was now trying to remove his jeans without breaking their kiss.

  Grae swallowed Connor’s grunt as he succeeded in pushing his jeans and underwear to his knees, but that’s where the denim decided to resist his efforts. Grae smiled, which broke their connection, and he assisted Connor to undress completely. Connor did the same for him. And when they finally stood close, totally naked, their arousals found each other as if they were two magnets.

  Grae cupped Connor’s sac in his hand, stroking and squeezing gently. Connor was trimmed neatly, an effort Grae appreciated. He, too, was particular about his grooming. He gave him a slight nudge and Connor took the hint, sitting on the end of the bed, his thighs wide apart. Grae dropped to his knees between them, taking Connor in his hand, then into his mouth.

  Grae looked up the line of Connor’s body as he worked the erection in and out of his mouth. He wanted to watch every reaction Connor had, hear every exclamation and every sigh. Pleasing a lover was the ultimate turn-on to Grae. It made his balls tighten and his cock turn to steel.

  Connor fell back onto his elbows, his head dropping back, his mouth wide open. He panted with every pass of his lips. His hips lifted slightly with each stroke of Grae’s tongue. Grae grazed his teeth along the crown of Connor’s cock and was satisfied to watch the other man twitch under his machinations.

  Grabbing the root of Connor’s erection, he made a cock ring of sorts with two fingers. He squeezed until color darkened Connor’s hard flesh and then once again took him deep into his mouth.

  Grae enjoyed performing fellatio on other men, but it never stopped just there. The longer he sucked Connor’s length the more tempted he was to flip the man over and make him his as he’d done to Paige. But he knew the time wasn’t right, not yet. Connor would need more preparation. Anal sex for the first time could be unpleasant, similar to a woman losing her virginity. Done right, it went well. Done wrong? It could turn Connor off to future endeavors.

  Grae loosened his fingers so the blood flowed back into Connor’s hard-on. He moved away to ask, “Have you done any anal play?”

  Connor’s eyes cracked open and he lifted his head to look down his body at Grae. “Yes.”

  “With Paige?”


  “Did you enjoy it?”

  A shudder went through Connor. “I loved it. And so did she.”

  Grae’s gaze flicked to Paige. He must have been so intent on pleasing Connor orally that he hadn’t noticed she had undressed.

  Sitting back with her open knees dropped outward, one hand played with a breast, the other was buried between her thighs.

  Grae couldn’t help but swallow hard. He inhaled deeply, the oxygen in the tight quarters suddenly lacking. The woman would be his undoing. He wanted his face to be where her hand was. He wanted to be tasting her as she came in his mouth.

  He struggled to turn his attention back to Connor. But Paige kept drawing his gaze instead. He took Connor back into his mouth and shifted enough between the man’s thighs to watch Paige pleasure herself while he pleasured her husband.

  The situation wasn’t quite unbearable. Not yet. But it would be shortly. He was going to have to bury himself deep into one or the other soon. And since he had n
o lube on the boat, Connor had a reprieve.

  Connor’s head flopped back to the mattress as he gripped the bedding in his fingers. Grae sealed his lips tightly around the steely length and sucked hard, his cheeks hollowing.

  “Fuck. Oh fuck,” Connor muttered, his head rolling from side to side.

  Paige didn’t break eye contact with Grae as his head rose and fell. She gritted her teeth and grimaced as her hand moved frantically between her legs.

  Grae could only imagine how wet and hot she was as her fingers plunged in and out between her sweet, plump pussy lips. It wouldn’t be long before he was between them himself.

  With a sudden bow of his spine, Connor shouted he was going to come and Grae readied himself. Within a second, Connor’s release shot deep down his throat and he swallowed it with expertise. He only released Connor’s cock when it stopped pulsing and the man heaved a great sigh as his body became lifeless, sprawled at the end of the bed.

  Bracing his hands on Connor’s thighs, Grae pushed himself to his feet. Painfully hard, his own erection wanted some relief. The head wept with need, the end glistening.

  He grabbed it and stroked once, twice, before climbing onto the bed, moving toward Paige.

  She’d climaxed at the same time Connor had and she now leaned her head back against the side of the boat, her breath puffing from between her lips, her hands as motionless as Connor.

  But Connor wasn’t as spent as Grae thought when the man rolled to his side to watch Grae approach his wife. Tugging Paige to her knees, he moved her to the center of the bed, while Connor shifted to the side to give them room.

  “I want you on your hands and knees,” he told her.

  Without a word, Paige complied, giving Grae access to her from behind while she faced her husband.

  Grae had set her up there purposely. He wanted Connor to be able to watch both of their faces when Grae took her doggy-style.

  “Have you had anal before?” Grae asked.

  “Yes.” Her answer was soft, but, in contrast, her body had visibly tensed.


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