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The Fake Boyfriend and the Geek

Page 6

by Sidney Bristol

  He chuckled and shook his head.

  The pictures of Piper and her friends dressed up in cosplay were all over the internet, and Gideon felt a measure of pride whenever he saw her out there all dressed up, having fun. It was a measure of how far she’d come. And he’d connected Piper with Tamara. He hadn’t known when he introduced them that they’d hit it off so well. Regardless of Piper’s other hang-ups, she’d really blossomed into an amazing woman.

  “Gideon Mackenzie?”


  He hadn’t moved fast enough.

  Gideon glanced up at the guy standing a few feet away. He wasn’t typical of the coding crowd, in fact he looked more like a rugby player in that striped shirt.

  “Yeah?” Gideon slid his phone into his pocket.

  “I’m Josh Duncan. I produce HitPoint.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Gideon extended his hand while scrambling to place why those two things sounded familiar.

  “I’m a friend of Piper’s, thought I’d introduce myself. She’s said some nice things about you.” Josh squeezed Gideon’s hand a tad harder than was necessary.

  “I’m afraid whatever nice things she’s said about me are probably all lies.” Gideon grit his teeth and gripped tighter.

  “Come on, some of it’s got to be true.” Josh let go first.

  Gideon despised these pissing matches. His oldest brother was the worst at this sort of thing and it’d always been an issue between them.

  “How do you know Piper?” He’d missed out on years and the truth was, he was hungry to know more about her life now.

  “Oh, damn. A year and a half? Almost two years?” Josh shrugged. “Tamara introduced us.”

  “Tamara, huh?”

  “Yeah, she’s on my show.”


  “You know, I’d have thought we’d have met by now what with all the stories Piper has told me about you.”

  Gideon swallowed and took a deep breath.

  Piper talked about him. That was bittersweet knowledge he could have done without. Knowing she still thought about their friendship was nice until he remembered that they were no longer close because of his choices. If he’d stayed around things could have been different.

  “Yeah, well, we’re making up for lost time.” Gideon shrugged and turned toward the house.

  “Piper’s got a lot on her plate lately.”

  “That’s Piper.”

  “She likes to stay busy, doesn’t she?”


  “You should come around sometime. The rest of the guys would like to meet you.”

  “It’s nice to know Piper has such great friends.”

  Josh’s smile was tighter, more hostile.


  Gideon got it.

  This weird, hostility-laced conversation was some sort of big brother act from the pretty boy.

  “I’m glad to have met more of her group,” Gideon replied.

  There was a day when it might have been Gideon giving someone else the gruff treatment. Then again, if Piper had shown interest in someone else while they were friends, Gideon might have done something drastic to keep them apart. She’d replaced him with this rugby wannabe. Josh was probably an alright guy. Hell, Gideon might actually like him if he gave him a second chance. Anyone who’d stick up for Piper had to be at least okay.

  “You know, Josh, it was great to meet you, but I’ve got to get out of here.” Gideon offered Josh his hand a second time and suffered through the same too-tight grip.

  This was okay.

  Gideon wasn’t Piper’s best friend anymore. He wasn’t her pseudo big brother. Josh was, and if Gideon wanted to date her, he had to run the gauntlet of her new circle of friends.

  Tomorrow he’d see Piper again. They had a tentative date slotted in, and now that he knew this date homework was less going through the motions he could be ready. He could plan. He could do all the things he’d wanted to do for Piper but couldn’t because as a friend it would be weird. Well, they weren’t friends anymore, they were together. Or something. Whatever they were included kissing and sex, and he wanted more of that.


  It didn’t normally take Gideon this long to respond. What the hell?

  She had to get herself under control. The only reason Gideon had gone out with her and was texting was due to being between projects. As soon as another gig hit his desk, he’d check out and that would be it. This little experiment was over and they were back to what they’d been before.


  That was a great way to harsh her happy.

  “You done with that jumpsuit yet?” Rashae glanced up from the sewing machine she’d been manning all morning since arriving at Piper’s apartment.

  “Not...quite...yet...” Piper ran her fingers along the seams, snipping the ends of threads to ensure a flawless look.

  The girls hadn’t yet brought up the topic of Kobe or her running out on them the other night, and Piper didn’t know how to bring it up. She knew she was guilty, that she’d been less than truthful. On the other hand, it was pretty crummy to be the one left out of the group now. There had to be a balance, a way to sort all of this out, she just didn’t know how yet.

  “What’s got you all distracted?” Rashae asked.

  “Yeah, you keep looking at your phone. What’s up?” Tamara peered across the table.

  “Nothing, just wanted to know how Ellie’s interview went.” Piper turned her phone face down. Thank goodness for that quick cover story.

  “Right? That’ll be a sweet gig if she gets it.”

  “Uh...” Piper squinted, trying to recall what Ellie had said. “I think you’re talking about the interview that got moved to yesterday afternoon, and she doesn’t want it. It was one of those too good to be true, situations. This interview is for a guy who owns a brewery that’s possibly getting a reality show on that new Men’s Network.”

  “I hadn’t heard about this one. God, I feel so out of the loop on everything.” Tamara bent her head back to her armor sculpting project. “We’ve been so busy moving Stephen’s office.”

  Piper bit her tongue. This too busy thing wasn’t anything new. It was all the time now. She got that when people were in serious relationships their lives, priorities, everything changed. She didn’t have to be happy about losing her best friend, but she could also be happier for Tamara’s new life.

  “Don’t even start that with me.” Rashae shook her head. “The warehouse and store are moving into a bigger location. Declan has to be there for every single box they move. I am so ready for this to be done so we can get back to normal.”

  “By normal, you mean pretending he doesn’t live with you?” Tamara asked.

  “Oh, yes, do tell.” Miranda chuckled, but didn’t lift her gaze from studying the jeweled headbands she was trying to finish up.

  “Really? Miss-don’t-tell-mama-on-me?” Rashae leveled a glare at Miranda.

  “What? I’m hoping to pick up tips.” Miranda grinned.

  “You two either need to tell your parents to mind their own business, or just make things permanent.” Tamara set down her knife and stretched.

  Piper wanted to get out of here. She could feel the ebb and flow of this conversation and knew where it was going.

  It was a foregone conclusion that Miranda and Rashae would get married, the question was when. Nothing was set in stone and Miranda was the only one who admitted to having ring discussions with her significant other. But Piper knew Rashae. Chances were they’d all get a text one weekend to show up in Vegas ready to wear whatever outfit she’d put together and be witnesses. After the circus that was Rashae’s sister’s wedding Piper had no doubt her friend wanted nothing to do with that sort of event.

  Her pone vibrated.

  She grabbed it and sat back, tuning out the same, recurring topic.

  It wasn’t Gideon. Ellie had messaged following her interview.

  Guy is smoking hot. Dunno if I
should take this job. Might be too much temptation, but I think their pitch has real potential.

  Piper chewed her lip and considered how to counsel her friend.

  Ellie had the opposite of Piper’s issue. Where Piper struggled with meeting new people and progressing into a close relationship, Ellie had no qualms about sleeping with whoever she wanted. Her stance on sex had caused a minor kerfuffle within their circle last Christmas, and since then, Ellie had been on a break from guys while she sorted herself out.

  Take the job. Enjoy the view. Find someone else to scratch the itch.

  Piper tapped into the text conversation with Gideon.

  Still no answer.

  She’d thought he’d say something to her gluing her fingers together earlier.

  Her phone vibrated with a reply from Ellie.

  Look at you giving sex advice. You never explained why you got home so late. I haven’t forgotten. Want deets!

  “How you coming, Piper?” Rashae asked.

  “Good,” she replied.

  “Do you ever put your phone down?” Rashae sighed.

  “Ellie finished her interview. It went good she thinks.” Piper bit her lip.

  What the hell?

  Date was nice. Cruised in Jeep. Got on a yacht. Had dinner. Watched fireworks. Had sex. Went home.

  Piper hit send and tried to not smile.

  “The guys finished at the beach,” Tamara announced.

  “Are they bringing us lunch?” Miranda asked.

  “No, no boys allowed. We can get our own food,” Rashae said.

  “Why don’t we break for lunch? I’m hungry and my eyes are starting to hurt.” Miranda sighed and set the handful of jewels down.

  “It’s all that time spent in front of a computer, that’s what’s giving you eye strain.” Rashae snickered and switched the sewing machine off. “How about I order us tacos from that vegan place?”

  “Vegan? Really?” Miranda rolled her eyes.

  “What? Declan always wants to eat these weird, fatty Irish foods. I need to eat lean when I can.”

  “I’m ordering a pizza,” Piper announced.

  “Thank God.” Miranda groaned.

  “Really?” Rashae made a face.

  “You took over my apartment, the least you can do is give me final say in the food.” Piper pushed away from the table and circled to the kitchen where her takeout menus were.

  One phone call and a minor squabble over toppings later they had their order in and all that was left to do was clear off the coffee table for space to eat.

  “That is a beautiful dress hanging in your bathroom. Did you have something going on?” Miranda took a spot on the sofa next to Rashae while Tamara and Piper sat on the floor.

  “No,” Piper replied. She didn’t know how to discuss her date with them after the staged intervention concerning Kobe.

  Tamara and Miranda shared a look while Rashae kept staring at her.

  “Okay, this is stupid.” Tamara twisted to face her. “Look, maybe we were out of line the other night, but you have to understand we were worried about you. All we knew was that you were dating this guy Kobe and when we went digging what we saw made us...concerned.”

  “I get that.” Piper swallowed and steeled her spine.

  “Can you... I don’t know, tell us more about how that worked out?” Miranda asked.

  “I don’t understand why you didn’t tell us from the beginning what was going on,” Rashae said.

  “Guys—come on, no dog piling.” Tamara tossed the other two a glare.

  “I didn’t tell you because pretending it was real was part of the purpose.” Piper shrugged. “For me, at least.”

  “And what about Kobe flaking out on stuff with you? When we would have met him?” Rashae didn’t shy from the big questions.

  “He really was going to come, but things happened. Was I disappointed? Yes. Kobe is a nice guy, and he’s fun to hang out with.” Piper picked up a pen from the floor and rolled it between her hands.

  “Let me get this straight.” Rashae closed her eyes and held up her hands. “You dated Kobe as homework from your new therapist and never told us because the whole point was to pretend it was real?”

  “Kind of. Dr. Yun didn’t assign Kobe to me, it was an exercise we came up with. Look, that part doesn’t matter.” Piper’s gaze snagged on the blinking message indicator light. Ellie was no doubt blowing up her phone after that last message, it was probably not Gideon.

  “But it does matter. You lied to us,” Rashae said.

  “You’re right.” Piper had chosen her words about Kobe carefully because she didn’t want to answer questions or have to defend her need for the dating exercise. At the time she hadn’t seen it as lying, but it was.

  “Okay, take it down a notch,” Tamara said.


  “Rashae.” Miranda turned and leveled her own glare at Rashae.

  “Fine. I’ll stop, but this is fucked up. We’re supposed to be friends. I’m over here bearing my heart to you guys and trusting you’re doing the same. Finding out that it wasn’t what we were led to believe kind of hurts. But I’ll stop.” Rashae tipped her chin up and stared at some spot on the wall.

  For a few, long moments no one spoke.

  Rashae stared.

  Miranda did the forehead wrinkle thing and glanced between Rashae and Piper.

  Tamara had one side of her mouth screwed up like she did when she wanted to say something but wouldn’t.

  These were supposed to be Piper’s best friends, and she had kept something from them. Not intentionally, but it had grown into a thing she couldn’t control. The guilt ate at her, and she wanted to fix it.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t think I handled this the best way.” Piper glanced from girl to girl. “Look, that period in Florida was extra stressful. I blew everything that happened with Stephen out of proportion. Can we agree on that? Yeah?”

  The other girls muttered their replies. There was no denying Piper had gone nuclear for what was, in hindsight, not a big deal.

  “I looked at how I reacted and wanted to change myself, but...if I’m being honest, I was embarrassed. By my actions and that...I’m a thirty-two-year-old woman who can’t go on a simple date. How pathetic is that?” She shook her head. “I was too embarrassed to tell you guys.”

  “You went out with Josh,” Tamara said.

  “That doesn’t count.” Piper frowned. “That was like...hanging out with a brother I never knew I had.”

  “Piper—you know we love you.” Miranda pushed forward and sat on the edge of the sofa. “We’d never think any less of you for doing something that would help you.”

  “Exactly.” Rashae flung out her hand.

  “Yeah, it’s just...” If Piper was going to go down this path she had to go the whole way. “Let me first say, I’m not blaming you. You guys all found someone, and I...didn’t. Left me feeling pretty broken and shitty. How do I tell you guys that without feeling like a heel for raining on your parade? I haven’t felt that low in a long time.” She blinked a few times, unprepared for the stab of emotions that would follow such an admission.

  “That’s bullshit.” Rashae shook her head. “You are strong. You’ve just been through more than us.”

  “I propose two things.” Miranda glanced around the four of them. “First, group hug. Then, we take a couple of hours, unplug and talk. We haven’t had time to just hang out without some event going on, and I think we all need it.”

  “I’m good with that.” Tamara slung her arm around Piper’s shoulders and squeezed.

  The others chimed in, and though Piper’s feelings were warm and fuzzy, she had to wonder how much time they’d spend talking about themselves and not in couple speak. At least this would give her a reason to stop looking for messages from Gideon.


  GIDEON JOGGED UP THE stairs to Piper’s place. She hadn’t responded to any of his texts yesterday evening, citing some sort of phone-less pledge the girl
s had taken which meant Piper could only sneak texts in the bathroom. It made for nailing down plans for today impossible. They’d left everything up in the air, which wasn’t ideal.

  He stopped on her door mat and blew out a breath.

  Today’s date was full of character. He’d made a list of their favorite places and a game card to keep score of how well they’d held up over the years. Going places they’d been in the past was one way of easing Piper back into the public dating sphere without a lot of pressure.

  He lifted his hand and knocked on the door, doing a little bounce on the balls of his feet.

  This was going to be great.

  A couple moments went by.

  He checked the time.

  It was eleven, and Piper’s car was in the lot out front.

  Was she working? Had something going on?

  The door opened and a dark skinned woman with curling hair stared at him. She was vaguely familiar, someone he’d seen around but couldn’t put a name to the face.

  “Hi, is Piper home?” he asked.

  “Uh...” The woman ducked back inside, but kept the door mostly shut.

  There were several voices and an electric hum. She had people over.


  “Coming, coming, coming.” Piper’s voice got closer.

  A familiar blonde head of hair ducked out the door and shut it behind her.

  Gideon blinked at her, not quite sure what he was looking at.

  “What...are you wearing?” He tilted his head to the left, then right.

  “The left half of a jumpsuit.” She glanced down at herself. “Weird, right?”

  “Interesting. I’ll have to see what it goes with.” He had no eye for imagining things like this, but given the past outfits the girls had worn, it was sure to be a show stopper. “I take it you’re busy today?”

  “Yeah. Yes. Sorry. I wasn’t sure what you were asking yesterday, and then I tried to call...”

  “Really? I never got a call.” He pulled his phone out.

  “It went straight to voicemail a few times.”

  “Shit...” He opened his Do Not Disturb app. Sure enough, he had incoming calls still muted. He’d never taken it off the other night because he’d been focused on getting ready for his date. “This was my fault. I fucked up.”


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