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The Do-Over

Page 19

by MK Schiller

  “Anytime you want to use my body, you just say the words.” He was trying to make her laugh, but she was having a difficult time digesting all the rampant emotions running through her.

  “Kyle, is it okay if we don’t have sex tonight?” The last thing she wanted was to reveal the ugly physical scar to him again after baring so many mental ones.

  “This wasn’t meant to be a booty call.” He looked upset, almost offended, but he shook his head and smiled softly at her. He took her hand and kissed each fingertip. “Miss Lanie, my shoulder will always be at your service. I wear your tears like a badge of honor.” The statement was so genuine and sweet she almost started crying again, but her body felt emptied of any potential tears.

  “Oh yeah? Is that why your shirt’s off, slut?” she asked, trying to bring some lightheartedness to the thick gloom permeating the room. She thumped him with the pillow. He caught it in his hand and laid it down on the end of the couch. Then he eased her on her back so she was lying on it. He picked up her feet, set them on his lap, and took off her shoes. “I always walk around with my shirt off. You should know that by now.” He peeled off her socks and rubbed her feet. “Here’s the plan. I’m going to make you the biggest hot fudge sundae you’ve ever seen, and then I’m going to feed it to you one spoonful at a time.”

  “Hmm, keep talking,” she said, feeling the corners of her mouth twitch.

  “Then I’m going to give you a foot massage while we watch television. Guess what? I have a whole channel with nothing but infomercials on it.” He gave her an impish smile, tickling her foot. She laughed, trying to pull it away, but he held it steady, immediately rubbing it with his strong hands. She felt herself start to relax as if his hands were healing her.

  “I don’t want to watch infomercials tonight,” she said, happy her voice was clearer.

  “What do you want to watch, sweetheart?”

  She thought for a moment and beamed a true smile back at him. “ESPN Classic?”

  He roared with laughter, tearing through the quiet. “Lanie, do you know you’re my best friend?”

  Did he know he was hers? That she was afraid to even think about her father, let alone tell the whole sordid story, until she met him? That he gave her courage and strength when she thought she had none? That he made her feel whole instead of broken? It didn’t matter, though. He was just being a good friend, a best friend, and she would always cherish this time with him.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Kyle had been thinking about Lanie all day, running through all the horrific details of her story. He’d tried to convince her to call in sick and spend the day with him, but she was too dedicated to consider it. Kyle winced, remembering what he’d said to her about daddy issues the night he walked out. All he wanted to do was take her pain away, not add to it.

  He told himself not to probe into it any further, but his inquisitive nature, combined with his concern for Lanie, won out. When he arrived at work, the first thing he did was open the research database on his computer. He spent hours sorting through any article referencing Deland Carmichael. Most of them had to do with his victims and crimes, but he found a few that mentioned his family, particularly the young child found in his mansion home, hiding inside a closet. There was no conclusive evidence of molestation, and she was released to the custody of her mother, who was visiting relatives at the time. Said mother claimed she had no knowledge of the abuse her youngest daughter suffered at the hands of her father.

  Kyle flung his arm across his desk, scattering pens, newspapers, research books, and even his mug of coffee across the floor. They crashed and clattered in a symphony of chaos that mimicked his own internal rhythm. He stormed out of his office, knowing he needed to leave before he did any permanent damage.

  He had a strong urge to drive to Monton State Prison and kill this man who’d hurt his Lanie. He could get in with his press pass and use his bare hands. Surely he could do that before the guards caught him. But first he would go to the colonial in Lincoln Park and lock her mother in a dark closet. He’d never considered himself a violent man, but thinking about Lanie all alone with that monster was killing him. His own mom would be rolling over in her grave if she knew what he was thinking, but the thoughts kept coming. They followed him all the way home. What kind of woman did this to a child? Why didn’t she protect her daughter? Why didn’t she change Lanie’s last name? Why did she coddle Cassie and treat Lanie like garbage?

  His knuckles hurt from clenching his fists so hard. He calmed himself with some deep breaths and knew he couldn’t act on any of it. Lanie would never forgive him. She abhorred violence, and he wouldn’t do anything to cause her more suffering. The vengeful thoughts would not leave his mind, but Kyle knew he could literally exhaust them. He changed into his sweats and Syracuse T-shirt, choosing to do the only thing he could to dissipate the adrenaline pumping through his veins. He ran.

  He ran for hours, harder and faster than he ever had, even when he was training for a marathon. He ran so much he threw up in some bushes along East Ohio Street, and then he ran some more. His thoughts turned to Lanie. How was she so stable? Her strange choices made so much more sense to him now. She wore layers as a protective mechanism to keep others out. She didn’t drink or have sex because she thought there might be some evil lurking within her. She was wrong about that. She was the purest person he’d ever met. Kyle forced himself to run harder, to chase the vengeful darkness away.

  When the physical pain finally overtook the emotional one, he collapsed on the grass of the formal gardens in Grant Park. He lay there until his breathing returned to normal. Then he took out his cell phone and texted her. He needed to hold her in his arms again. Come over tonight.


  He didn’t like her answer. Why?


  Of me? Although he’d just run twenty miles, he found himself holding his breath, waiting for her answer.

  No, silly, I’m really sick. Flu. Worry flooded through Kyle. He had to see her. To make her feel better in any way he could.

  An hour later, Kyle was freshly showered and standing by her bed. “What are you doing here?” Lanie asked in a raspy voice. She looked pale, and her normally luminous hair was stringy and damp.

  “I thought you were playing hooky without me.” His initial thought was that she was so upset about hashing out her past she decided to be alone, but it was clear she was really sick. He was glad he’d brought provisions.

  “Do I look like I’m playing hooky?” she asked, pointing to the laptop in front of her.

  “Not at all, but you need to put that away now. I’m here to take care of you.”

  “How did you get in?”

  “You gave me a key and told me to use it.”

  “You should go.” She reached for her laptop, but Kyle took it from her, placing it on the dresser. She was always working, this one.

  “Take a break, Lanie. You won’t get better if you don’t rest.”

  She had several bottles of medication on her nightstand along with a nearly empty box of Kleenex. The garbage was filled with discarded tissues.

  “I appreciate the sentiment, but I’ll be fine,” she said.

  He shook his head. “I overrule you, Counselor. You’re stuck with me, baby. And by the way, shut up. Your voice needs to rest too.”

  He adjusted her blanket, tucking her in snugly, and sat on the edge of her bed. He took the chicken noodle soup from the paper bag. “This deli makes the best soup. Open up.”

  “Kyle, seriously, you should leave. You look tired.” She took the spoonful of soup he offered her. Only Lanie could be lying in bed, sick as a dog, and worrying about how he looked.

  He frowned at her request. “Why do you keep asking me to leave?”

  “Because I’m going to make you sick. I probably already did the other night when I cried all over your chest. As it is, Cassie’s staying at Brad’s so she doesn’t catch this.”

  Kyle was relieved for that. He could
n’t handle seeing Cassie right now. He put his finger against her mouth. “There’s nowhere else that I’d rather be than here. Enough talking.” Kyle narrowed his eyes, knowing she was going to keep fighting him, so he made an active argument for his case. He dipped the spoon into the soup again, and just when she opened her mouth, he took it away and swallowed it himself. “See? Now you can’t argue. Whatever you got, I have.”

  As if to cement the point, he leaned in and kissed her, careful not to spill the soup on her.

  “You’re very stubborn,” she said.

  “Right back at ya. I bought Popsicles too.”

  “Popsicles, the poor man’s ice cream.” Lanie pouted, crossing her arms.

  “They’ll help with your throat. Besides you know how much I like watching you suck a Popsicle.”

  “You’re really bad, Kyle,” she said with a weak smile.

  “I guess you bring it out in me.” He pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “Let me take care of you, okay? I’ll feed you soup and Popsicles…the frozen variety. If you want to work after you eat, you can for a little while. As long as you promise to rest and be quiet.”

  “You’re bossy.”

  “You’re stubborn.”

  He fed her the soup, gave her a Popsicle, found another box of Kleenex, and made her take another dose of her medication. He gave her the laptop back and propped himself next to her on the bed with his own. They worked silently for a while. After an hour, Kyle made her put it away again. “Guess what else I brought?”

  She shrugged, holding her hands out. He laughed, happy she was finally listening to him. He went into his overnight bag, took out a movie, and handed it to her. “My favorite Swayze movie.”

  She flipped it around. “Roadhouse?”

  “Yeah, I thought we could have a marathon. I’ll watch Dirty Dancing if you watch this with me. It’s a love story too…kind of.”

  “I’ve seen it. I recall a lot of bar fights.”

  “Yeah, but your boy’s in it, isn’t he? Besides, if you’re watching a movie, you can’t talk.”

  She nodded in agreement. Lanie didn’t make it past the opening scene of the movie, falling asleep with her head on Kyle’s chest. He stared down at her, feeling a deep contentment in the simple act of holding her. At the same time, he knew it was a temporary reprieve and like all good things would end. There were many reasons and complications why they could never be. Lanie didn’t feel the same about Kyle. It wasn’t lost on him that she’d spoken about how Brad made her feel capable of a relationship the other night. It didn’t matter anyway because Kyle wasn’t good enough for Lanie. He wasn’t meant to be her hero. In the end, he would only hurt her. After what she’d been through, she didn’t need any more sorrow in her life. Kyle decided in that moment to accept the job in New York. The distance and time would take care of all the mixed-up emotions. Right now he just wanted to be there for Lanie in any way possible. He figured he deserved that much.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Lanie readied for her shower, glad she was finally feeling better. Kyle had stayed with her for two weeks, practically moving in. Kyle had nursed her, and then she’d nursed him when he caught her virus. Although in fairness, that was his own fault. Cassie stayed with Brad. Although Lanie was feeling better, she didn’t let her sister know that. She was treasuring the time with Kyle too much. There was something special in waking up with him every morning and going to sleep in his arms. She’d wake up restless sometimes from a nightmare, and he was always right there cradling her and whispering soothing words. He made her breakfast, and she made him dinner. He stopped by her office to bring her lunch. Kyle showed her just how flexible her roller chairs were, as well as the large desk she’d always used for utilitarian purposes. They helped each other dress in the mornings before work. He would zip up her dress, and she would adjust his tie. In the evenings, they reversed the routine, undressing each other, sometimes slowly, but most of the time, Kyle didn’t have the patience and preferred to rip off her clothes. Lanie had to purchase more panties as a result, not that she minded.

  Lanie heard the chime of a new message. She picked up her phone to read Kyle’s text. What are you wearing?

  She shook her head as she answered. Nothing.


  Hopping in the shower, I’ll see you in twenty. She waited impatiently to see what his response was.

  Make it ten.

  Lanie laughed and put down her phone. Kyle always managed to make her laugh. She went to get in the shower and realized she’d run out of shampoo. She donned her bathrobe and rifled through her cabinet to find some. Then she looked at her legs. A shave would be a good idea. She should shave a few things actually. She blushed even though she was alone. Lately thoughts of Kyle circumvented her normal contemplation. He had kidnapped her mind in a way and made her feel things she never thought she was capable of.

  At the same time, the ideas scared her. Kyle was not looking for anything more than sex and friendship. That consideration was at the forefront of Lanie’s mind at all times. She just had to look at his key chain. It was funny, she’d purchased it as a joke, but now it served as a silent reminder for her that their relationship could never develop. He was the most attentive friend and lover she could ask for, but that’s all he was. Lanie no longer looked at Brad as if he was the answer to her woes. She didn’t look at Kyle for that either. She was content to live in the moment and enjoy the passing days. They had been friends for only two months, but it was difficult to imagine what her life had been like before him, or even worse, what it might be like without him. Lanie pushed the thoughts out of her head. She knew Kyle had helped her, and it was time for her to step off the crutch he gave her.

  A little sad at that thought, she stepped into the shower. She hadn’t even realized she was touching herself while thinking of him and his sleekly muscled runner’s body under the hot, steamy water until Kyle opened the shower curtain, and she screamed her head off.

  He gave her an amused smile. “Was I interrupting something?” She jerked her hands away from her drenched pussy. “Don’t stop on my account, please.”

  “What the hell?” She almost tripped, not just because he scared her, but because he was naked. The sight did things to her.

  He entered the shower and enveloped her in a tight embrace. “Sorry, I just thought I’d surprise you.”

  “Kyle, what the hell is wrong with you? First you Jason Vorhees-ed me at the lake, and now you’re Norman Bates-ing me? How did you get in?”

  Kyle laughed. “How come you keep forgetting you gave me your key?” He kissed her neck. “Do you know how much it turns me on when you use proper nouns as verbs?” He put his hands on her shoulders, placing their foreheads together. “Do you want me to help you finish?”

  “Kyle, seriously!” She laughed and punched him playfully in the chest, but then she jerked her arms over her chest to cover her breasts.

  The amused grin slipped right off his face. He took her arms and eased them back to her side. “Let me look at you.” Lanie let him but shifted her eyes to his feet to avoid his penetrating gaze. “Do you know how beautiful you are? What you do to me?”

  She looked up and watched Kyle study her body like he was an artist readying to etch her form in stone. She shifted her gaze down to his full-blown erection. “I have some idea,” she said dryly.

  “No, not just there, but here too,” he said, pointing to his head. Kyle reached for her bodywash and proceeded to wash her back and arms, letting his large hands roam with firm, slow precision. It was relaxing and erotic at the same time, causing Lanie to moan loudly.

  “Do you believe me when I tell you you’re beautiful?” he asked after he had thoroughly shampooed and washed her. Lanie bit her lower lip and nodded. He regarded her doubtfully. “Imagine a lawyer who can’t lie. I should be shocked, but you break every mold and preconceived notion I have.”

  He turned off the water. The whole bathroom was a covered in steam and suita
bly warm. Kyle quickly dried himself off and then took more time to dry her. He grasped her hips, positioning Lanie in front of the bathroom mirror. He wiped off the layer of steam, and then he removed her towel. He took her hands and placed them on the vanity. “Grip it tightly.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m helping you finish,” he growled, fondling her breasts, pinching the nipples, rolling them between his fingers. “Look at yourself, Lanie. Say it.”

  “What?” she croaked.

  “Say ‘I’m a beautiful woman.’” Lanie had no idea what Kyle was doing. He bent her, moving her legs apart, and entered her so fast she yelped. The sudden penetration was surprising but not unpleasant.

  “Say it, baby.” He whispered it, but it was a demand nonetheless.

  Lanie stared at herself in the mirror, but mostly she looked at Kyle’s face as he kissed and softly bit into her shoulders. His damp hair, soft lips, and beautiful body pressed against her were almost too much pleasure.

  “Say ‘I’m a beautiful woman,’ Lanie.” His voice was garbled but more commanding. His thrusts were powerful, making her forget where she was.

  “Kyle is a beautiful woman,” Lanie replied, looking away from the mirror.

  “Very funny, smart-ass,” Kyle replied. He slapped her behind.

  “Did you just spank me?” It was abrupt and unexpected, but the most shocking thing about it was that she actually liked it.

  “Yes, and I’ll keep doing it until you say it, or worse, I’ll stop,” he threatened, thrusting into her harder and almost pulling completely out. The threat scared her, but at the same time, she knew he was enjoying this too much to make good on it.

  “You won’t be able to stop,” she said.

  Kyle pushed back into her, jumbling their moans. “So fucking smart.” He did just that, smacking her ass before thrusting into her. The stinging sensation of each slap turned her on, made her wetter. She found herself repositioning her behind to meet with the palm of his hand and the thrust of his body. He was in control, smacking her ass in some kind of strange rhythm so she knew she would feel his palm against her. Yet there was something feral, almost primitive in it, that told her he was fighting for that composure. How could he make her feel desirable in this awkward position?


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