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Red-Hot Lover

Page 9

by Sarah Holland

  His dark lashes flickered. He bent his head to kiss her. She knew she was being silenced again, and although she noted with interest the point at which he terminated the conversation, she nevertheless did not fight. He’d been through enough for one day. They both had. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she closed her eyes and surrendered to his loving mouth.

  But as passion began to flare between them, Harrison said, ‘Here we are, sir. The Grange.’

  The car slid in through the gates of the hotel as they sat up. Rain was sluicing down the windows. It distorted the view of the ivy-covered redbrick hotel, but in the carriage light above the double doors the elegant dark green sign announced its name in yellow letters.

  Jared and Clara raced up the steps. For a second they stood in the bright-lit foyer, shaking themselves free of rainwater. Then Jared strode to the reception desk, picked up the keys and led Clara to the lifts.

  Harrison went off to his own room.

  Their suite was beautiful. Large, imposing and luxuriously furnished, it nonetheless had a homely feel to it, as though they actually lived there. A cosy fireplace was surrounded by plush couches and armchairs; there were long curtains at the windows and flowers blooming in antique vases. The rain pitterpattering against the windows made its warmth even more welcoming.

  ‘I’ve booked it indefinitely.’ Jared shouldered out of the black jacket and slung it over an armchair. ‘Who knows how long we’ll be here?’

  ‘That’s a point.’ Clara looked around for a phone. ‘I’d better ring Mitch, give him this number. If that role comes through I need to know immediately.’

  ‘What will you do if they need you in London before Susie’s better?’

  ‘I…’ The thought of losing that role was unbearable. She’d waited all her life for it. But great roles were not as valuable as great friends. ‘I guess I’ll just have to cross that bridge when I come to it. I can’t abandon Susie.’

  ‘It’s a terrible choice to have to make.’

  ‘Sophie’s choice.’ Picking up the phone, she resolutely punched out Mitch’s London home number.

  ‘Hello?’ Mitch answered on the fourth ring. In the background a girl was laughing, and Mitch’s voice had a sexy edge to it.

  ‘Aha!’ Clara laughed. ‘Caught you red-handed!’

  His voice grew panic-stricken. ‘Is everything all right? You haven’t got bad news? Susie’s not—?’

  ‘She’s still alive, Mitch, don’t worry.’

  ‘What are her chances? Realistically?’

  ‘The doctors say fifty-fifty. But I say better than average, and I’ll be staying here until she pulls through.’

  ‘Wales, then.’ His voice crackled with interference from the storm. ‘At long last.’

  ‘At long last, yes.’ She smiled wryly.

  ‘What’s it like?’

  ‘Very pretty, from what I’ve seen of it so far.’

  ‘Wasn’t he born there? In Rhossana—’

  ‘Rhossana Bay, yes. He was born here,’ Clara interrupted him, aware of Jared listening. ‘But, as I say, I might be here for some time. So let me give you the telephone number of the hotel.’

  Mitch took it down as she recited it. He promised to call as soon as he had news on Rachel, then Clara bade him farewell and replaced the receiver. Turning, she found Jared watching her with narrowed eyes.

  ‘Cosy chat?’ His voice was hostile.

  Taken aback by his tone, she answered cautiously, ‘He was very friendly and concerned, yes.’

  ‘And just when did you tell him that I’d never taken you to Wales before?’ he bit out under his breath. ‘Just when did you tell him I was born here and had never been back?’

  ‘Darling…’ She was dry-mouthed as she realised he thought she’d betrayed him to Mitch. ‘I haven’t told him anything at all about—’

  ‘What else does he know, Clara?’

  ‘Just that Susie—’

  ‘About me! About me, Clara! Not about Susie or you or your career, but about me and my background in Wales!’

  ‘Jared, I swear to you he knows nothing about—’

  ‘I just stood here and listened to your conversation! You didn’t have to explain a thing, did you? He asked the questions and you gave the replies. Only an idiot would assume you hadn’t discussed me, my personal history, my background, my aversion to Wales—’ He broke off, breathing hoarsely, then shouted, ‘What else have you discussed with him, Clara? Tell me!’

  In the stunned silence that followed, she struggled to accept that he seriously believed she’d betrayed him throughout their relationship. It was incredible. Did he really think her capable of such treachery?

  ‘He’s always been closer to you than any other man but me!’ Jared was beginning to sound jealous. ‘I should have known you’d tell him everything I told you! From the minute I met you, he was the one you turned to, confided in, trusted—’

  ‘I turned to Susie! Not Mitch!’

  ‘And have you told Susie anything? Of course you have! Why do I even bother to ask, you indiscreet, disloyal little—?’

  ‘Jared, for heaven’s sake calm down!’ she shouted back at him. She was losing her own temper after the strain of the day, and was too tired to figure out why they were really shouting at each other; she was feeling too stressed and emotionally exhausted. ‘I haven’t told anyone anything! Not a thing!’

  ‘That’s what I always believed. Until now. That phone call horrified me, Clara. Mitch shouldn’t know those things. He shouldn’t even know I don’t like Wales. No one should know that.’

  ‘He didn’t mention anything about you not liking Wales, Jared. And the reason is because he doesn’t know. Nor do I, for that matter. This is the first time you’ve ever actually admitted it straight out!’

  ‘Oh, but you guessed it way back, didn’t you?’

  ‘Only because you kept avoiding the place and refusing to talk about it!’

  ‘And you know why?’

  ‘No, I don’t know why, Jared! You’ve only told me half the story and whenever I ask for more you either silence me or hand me rambling explanations!’

  ‘Rambling explanations?’ He strode to her, bristling from head to foot with rage. ‘What the hell do you mean by that? I’ve got every right to keep my own counsel on any subject I like! Just because you’re my girlfriend doesn’t mean you own me! Or that you have a right to demand I tell you a damned thing!’

  Tears pricked her eyes. ‘Oh, thanks!’

  ‘Look—I’ve always steered clear of Wales. So what? I’m a busy man! I fly around the world and back before most people have had their breakfast! If I haven’t visited Wales for twenty years that’s my business and my decision! And I don’t have to explain that decision to anyone. To anyone, do you hear?’ he shouted, towering over her in a way that left her breathless as she stared up at his furious face. ‘Least of all that intrusive agent of yours!’

  Fiercely, she shot back, ‘He is not intrusive and I have never told him anything personal!’

  ‘You spend far too much time with him,’ he accused jealously. ‘You’re always with him when I’m away.’

  ‘Oh, what rubbish!’ She was dimly aware that she was bickering with him as though they were an old married couple. ‘I’m usually alone, reading scripts.’

  ‘You saw him this time while I was away!’

  ‘Because I had a test! What’s the matter with you? Mitch is my agent. Even when I am with him, we’re talking business. Film, television—industry. He’s not interested in my private life any more than I’m interested in his.’

  ‘Has he ever made a pass at you?’ he demanded thickly.

  ‘What…?’ she gasped in disbelief.

  ‘Answer the question!’ He gripped her slim shoulders with a sudden anger that shocked her. ‘Has Mitch ever made a pass at you!’

  Stunned, she couldn’t speak for several seconds. It wasn’t merely that he had asked the question, nor even that they had discussed it fully when they
first met. No, what shocked her most was that he quite obviously believed it. She could see it in his eyes, hear it in the tone of his voice. When Jared was hurt or jealous or scared he always showed it as anger. It seemed to be a common flaw in men, or perhaps it was more of a self-defence mechanism. How they needed to hide their feelings! Particularly those that made them vulnerable. Probably the only feeling men felt able to show directly was anger. It hid a multitude of sins and did not lay them open to attack.

  ‘Answer me, damn you!’ He was really angry now. ‘If you don’t I’ll be forced to believe that Mitch has—’

  ‘He’s never made a pass at me.’

  ‘Then why did you hesitate just now?’

  ‘Because I couldn’t believe you’d think it, let alone ask it!’

  ‘And if he did make a pass at you,’ he demanded thickly, ‘would you accept it?’

  ‘How can you even ask me that?’ she exploded. ‘You should know me better than this! I’m a one-man woman; I always have been. I don’t play around, I’m not promiscuous and I wouldn’t dream of betraying the man I loved—even with a kiss, let alone anything more serious.’

  Thunder crashed outside the darkened windows. It was closer now, almost overhead, and the lightning which flared seconds later illuminated the harsh planes of his troubled face. His eyes were black. Yet there was a suspicion and mistrust in their depths which she had never seen before. It went beyond mere jealousy and into the realms of unreasoning fear.

  Suddenly she knew what was wrong. It struck her so forcibly that it hurt her, made her catch her breath. His anger had fooled her. Her exhaustion had been too great for her to read the emotional clues he was sending her. It just showed her how completely she needed to be on her toes while they were here, and never stop reading his feelings, no matter how tired she was herself.

  ‘But how stupid of me.’ Her voice was a pained whisper. ‘This isn’t about Mitch at all, is it? It’s about Wales.’

  He stared at her in silence.

  ‘It’s because you’re here, on Welsh soil, and today you spoke with Owain Llewellyn on the steps of the Manor, where it all happened thirty years ago.’

  ‘No,’ he bit out thickly, but his hands tightened on her shoulders. ‘It’s got nothing to do with that.’

  ‘What happened thirty years ago, Jared?’

  ‘It’s Mitch,’ he insisted furiously, avoiding her eyes while his hands hurt her shoulders. ‘I don’t like you spending so much time with him. I don’t want him around. I want him out of the picture. I want him out of your life for good.’


  ‘I don’t know what I’m saying!’ he muttered hoarsely. ‘I can’t think properly. I just sense danger, Clara.’

  With that, he broke away from her. There was a brief silence. He was breathing hard and she saw him make a concerted effort to regain his self-assurance. His hands were on his hips. He was trying to regain his composure, and, though she knew the struggle was tough because of the emotional pressure he was under, she also knew she must not interfere or make him feel in any way weakened.

  ‘I’m sorry.’ He turned to look at her, calmer now but still very much on edge. ‘When you were on the phone to Mitch I suddenly thought, Wait a second. He’s been close to her for eight years. He sees her when I’m away. He knows a lot about her and now he must know a lot about me, too. Not only that, but he’s a publicity man, and his access to the media is dangerous.’

  She blinked, studying him in silence because she couldn’t argue with that. It was true. Mitch had friends in every area of the media and he was a talkative, friendly man. He could let slip some piece of information that would be better kept to himself.

  ‘I won’t have him in your life at this point,’ Jared said. ‘Not while we’re here in Wales. Anything you say to him could be misinterpreted, twisted round or—worse—interpreted correctly. That would be disastrous. I do not want anything about me or Wales or the Manor getting into the press. I couldn’t tolerate it.

  So Mitch has to go.’ He paused before dropping the bombshell. ‘Maybe even permanently.’

  Clara struggled for calm but was breathless, appalled.

  He doesn’t mean what he’s saying about Mitch, she told herself. He can’t possibly. Jared had stood by her in her career from the moment they’d met and was very proud of her. Why would he turn against her and damage it now? Because I don’t know what actually happened here, she realised with a shock.

  In her mind’s eye she saw the Manor, but then she focused for some reason on the great hall, the cobwebs around that crystal chandelier and the whispers of time as the house seemed to reach out to Jared. She didn’t know what it meant. But he did. He knew precisely what was going on. And he had the right to preserve that secret from her—from the world, too, even if it meant temporarily putting Mitch on hold.

  Reminding herself that a good general always knows when to retreat, Clara said, ‘Okay, darling. I won’t talk to Mitch again while we’re in Wales.’

  ‘That may not be enough,’ he said tightly. ‘I may want him out of the picture for good.’

  Breathless, she said as calmly as possible, ‘I can’t risk that until I know one way or the other about Rachel.’

  ‘You’ll get the part of Rachel regardless of who your agent is.’

  ‘But they know where to contact me while I’m with Mitch. I’ve been with him for eight years. We’re too well known as actress and agent.’

  ‘If they want you, they’ll contact you through me, not him.’

  Moistening dry lips, she was able to stay calm only because she was so sure he’d feel differently once they were out of Wales. ‘All right, darling. I’ll certainly think seriously about it.’

  ‘I don’t want you on the phone to him again while we’re here.’

  ‘I just agreed to that, Jared. You can take all my calls.’

  His mouth tightened. ‘And don’t sound so damned patient, either! I’m not mad! I don’t need to be humoured! Do at least try to see it from my point of view.’

  ‘But you won’t tell me your point of view, Jared.’

  He looked away, then bit out thickly, ‘All right. I’m in Wales for the first time in twenty years and the skeletons are just about to start trooping out of the cupboards accompanied by a brass band. Look at what Harrison overheard today. Look at what Mitch already knows.’

  ‘He knows almost nothing.’

  ‘But he figured that “nothing” out for himself, didn’t he? This is how secrets leak out, Clara. Piece by tiny piece. It’s never all at once. It’s like a jigsaw puzzle. People put it together slowly. At first it looks like irrelevant information. But after a couple more pieces it becomes an enticing mystery. People always want to solve mysteries whenever they find them. Now, I believe you haven’t said anything that you consider a breach of confidence to Mitch. But he’s nonetheless got the first few small pieces of my private jigsaw puzzle.’

  ‘I haven’t given them to him.’

  ‘The mysterious jigsaw puzzle called Jared Blackheath that the world has never been able to solve.’ His voice deepened. ‘And I don’t want to be solved, Clara. Not by anyone outside this room.’

  ‘I…’ She felt the leap of love in her heart, realising what he was telling her and feeling as though she’d just got through the final barrier and was about to pass the final test.

  ‘That’s right,’ he said huskily as he watched the truth dawn on her beautiful face and fill her with love. ‘I trust you. But I don’t trust anybody else. Not my mother, not Harrison, not Mitch, not the men I work with, do business with—nobody. Only you.’


  ‘And that’s why it’s imperative that while we’re here you have no further contact with the outside world. Just one unguarded word and Mitch could get another glimpse of the full picture. Then it’s a hop away from his unguarded word to a reporter.’

  ‘I can’t believe you’d think Mitch would be so stupid,’ she said under her breath.
‘Or that I would, either. I realise Mitch has already guessed that you hate Wales, but if—’

  ‘It only takes one word, Clara, to make the penny drop.’

  ‘But that unguarded word won’t come,’ she pointed out, ‘if you tell me precisely which pieces of information might be dangerous.’

  He gave a tight smile, his voice roughening. ‘You’re asking me to tell you everything. But I can’t. Not right now. Maybe never. Who knows?’

  ‘But if you don’t tell me, I might unguardedly—’

  ‘Quite.’ He shot her a brooding look. ‘And Mitch already knows too much. He’ll be sitting in London right now, wondering. Mysteries are like that. They fix in the brain. They revolve and revolve and they don’t stop revolving until they fall into place. He’ll wait to solve it. Even if it takes twenty years.’

  She felt the pain show in her eyes because she knew what he said was true.

  ‘I don’t blame Mitch for this, you understand,’ Jared said deeply. ‘I just have the intelligence to recognise human nature for what it is and deal with it accordingly.’

  Clara drew an unsteady breath. ‘But if I fire Mitch for no good reason he’ll be within his rights to feel betrayed. And you know how people can react when they feel betrayed.’

  ‘I know exactly how people react when they feel betrayed!’ His eyes blackened with memories. ‘I’ve lived with it since I was eight years old.’

  ‘Darling,’ she said huskily, ‘what happened here?’

  He closed his eyes and said nothing.

  ‘If only you’d tell me,’ she whispered. For a second she was silent, watching him. Then she moved to him, slid her arms lovingly around his neck. ‘I could help. If I knew what it was, I could help you with it, make sure nobody else found out, keep it—’

  ‘No!’ he muttered hoarsely, but his hands slid to her waist and he held her close to him. ‘I’ve never told anyone. Never talked. Not since I left here. Before that, even. Not since—’ He broke off. His heart thudded hard against his chest. ‘It’s late. I’m tired. I want to go to bed. We can talk another time. Right now, I need love—as much as you can give me. All night. Clara…darling…’ He pulled her against his powerful body with a hunger that made her breathless, but before she could speak his head swooped, that hot mouth closed urgently over hers and the sheer force of his angry passion brought a wild response from her.


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