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Bella's Christmas Rescue: A Holiday Novella

Page 4

by Jenny Hammerle

  “Good to see you Jack. We thought you’d be over tonight.”

  “Linda, this is Sarah. Sarah this is Linda.”

  Jack led Sarah to a table outside on the boardwalk patio. People from other tables all came over to say hi.

  “When you said you liked to spend time over here I had no idea you were a semi-celebrity.”

  “This was my father’s restaurant. When my parents passed it was handed down to Jeremy and me.”

  Sarah’s heart felt tight at this revelation. Not only had he lost his parents suddenly, gained a child in the process and successfully raised him- he also ran and maintained a family business. All starting at twenty-six. He’d accomplished more in ten years than she had in her entire lifetime. It’s not a surprise he only dated casually. Sarah glanced around.

  With all this in his life- is there even room for a woman?

  Compared with Jack, Sarah felt an inadequacy brewing inside of her. He was everything she’d ever wanted in a man. Successful, good looking and fun- but his life was already so full. Compared to him her life seemed lacking and downright boring.

  The waitress came to take their order.

  “You like oysters?”

  “I love them.”



  He ordered a bucket of raw oysters, an order of onion rings, two house salads and a couple of beers. He asked her what kind and she asked him to surprise her. They talked about fishing and boating- two things close to his heart. He said time on the water made him feel close to his father. It brought back memories of his childhood. He made sure to bring Jeremy over as often as possible, especially during the summer so that he could experience these things too. Their mother wasn’t much of a boater. She got sick on smaller boats. She ran the restaurant and loved getting to know the customers, many of whom still frequented the restaurant today. He seemed to miss them both terribly.

  John’s Oysters and Seafood was a busy place, even on a Monday night. The people were friendly- a mixture of both tourists and locals. Jack shared with her stories about music on Friday and Saturday nights. He said that ultimately there was at least one rowdy table that would clear a spot and the dancing began from there. On this particular evening there was a warm breeze flowing onshore from the Gulf. It smelled of fresh salt water and the waves crashing nearby soothed Sarah’s spirit. By the time they got in the car Sarah was sleepy from her few beers. Jack insisted he could only have one because he needed to drive home.

  Back on the interstate Sarah was quiet. In all of her previous dating experiences she would be going over her list of red flags. With Jack there weren’t any. He’d debunked the few she’d come up with. She was working hard to come up with any excuse possible to not continue dating this super handsome, red hot firefighter- but none came to mind.

  “So did I pass?”


  “Do I get a second date or will this be it for me?”

  “I think you get a second date.”

  “You think? That doesn’t sound very promising.”

  He reached over and held her hand bringing it up to his mouth where he kissed it softly. Sarah’s skin tingled all over at the soft touch of his lips.

  “Yes. You get a second date.”

  He squeezed her hand. He spoke not another word as he pulled into her garage and walked her to the elevator. He pushed the button for her floor and escorted her to her door. Her stomach was dancing a jig churning emotions in her that were entirely new. He bent over and kissed her cheek lightly, whispering “Good night. Thank you for a great evening.”

  Sarah unlocked her door with ease and clamored in.

  Such a gentleman. After all the jerks I’m not sure what to do with this one. If I’m not careful he could steal my heart.

  Her cell phone was buzzing wildly in her purse. She pulled it out. It was a group text from Marcia and the girls. It seems they’d been texting her all night. She’d been so caught up in her date with Jack she hadn’t even noticed the book they’d sent.

  How was it? You’re killing us here!!!

  Was it a five-alarm romance?

  We want details sista! D-E-T-A-I-L-S

  We’re all home w kids.

  Hey don’t forget me- I’m trying to be home w kids.

  Don’t rush it girl



  Sarah hasn’t answered…

  What could they be doing?

  Earth to Sarah…

  Sarah decided she better answer before they blew up her cell.

  Just home. So fun. What a gentleman. TTYT

  It didn’t take Anastasiya long to respond.

  Coffee? AM?


  Sarah knew that they’d all be there to hear the details of her date. They did coffee every Tuesday morning at seven o’clock. Then for her it would usually be off to work at nine. The others would go to the gym and then fit in a little shopping. A light knock at her door brought her whirling around.

  She walked over to look through the peep hole.

  Just Grandma…

  It was then Sarah realized she was in big, big trouble. She was actually disappointed it wasn’t Jack- that he hadn’t returned to kiss her good night. She opened the door and fixed both her and Rita a cup of decaf coffee.

  Chapter Five

  The following few days Sarah slept a lot. It was her vacation after all and if she wasn’t going to spend it skiing in Park City she’d spend the first few days or so catching up on some sleep. As the days passed and the moment of her friends’ departure on what was supposed to have been her girls’ getaway neared, she began to feel a little depressed and sorry for herself.

  Her date Monday night with Jack had gone very well, but here it was four days later and not a word. No text. No call. Not even a drop by. She knew he worked twenty-four on and forty-eight off. By her estimate he would have gone in to work on Wednesday morning and should be getting off right about now. Sarah checked her phone sitting on the counter- making sure it was fully charged.


  Additionally, her friends were off getting pedicures for their trip and making last minute preparations. All the while… she waited for a call. She’d never waited on a man to call like this before. Usually she was dodging calls- not praying for one. One thing was for certain. Sarah wasn’t sure she liked liking someone this much. By five o’clock it became apparent he wasn’t going to call or text today. Sarah decided she needed to get out for a little bit. Then she thought of Bella.

  She hadn’t seen her all week. Maybe she needed to check on her. Maybe she should text young Jeremy and stop over to see Bella. Bella must be missing her too. It only took Jeremy a few seconds to respond. He and Bella were out for a jog. They would be home in half an hour. He texted Sarah the address.

  It’s just up the road on Shingle Creek. How convenient.

  Sarah took extra care with her make-up and outfit. She wanted to look casual- but not too casual. Like she just happened by- but not like she climbed out from under a rock. She made the short journey over and found Jeremy just jogging up the driveway when she pulled in. He was drenched with sweat. Bella looked beat too, but not too tired to jump at Sarah’s car. When Sarah opened the door she was covered in slobbery dog kisses.

  She brushed her hands down Bella’s back and neck. She seemed so happy having a young boy to play with. She wagged her tail excitedly, but made no attempt to climb in. Maybe she liked it better here in a house with a teenaged boy who could give her more attention, long walks and swims in the lake. She decided immediately once her knee was heeled she’d need to take up jogging again. It would make Bella happier and her healthier.

  “I’m glad you stopped by. She’s progressing very nicely.”

  “Looks like it.”

  “She’s stopped pulling. I’m training her with treats. Labs are a food driven breed.”

  “I didn’t realize that. To think it was as simple as a handful of dog treats. Who knew?”

  “She should be a changed dog by the time you get her back.”

  “Thank goodness. Your brother around?” She immediately caught her slip up and wasn’t sure if she should have said father instead. If Jeremy had a preference or was bothered in any way he didn’t let on.

  “No. He’s working a double. OT. They were short-handed.”

  “I didn’t know there was such a thing.”

  “It’s brutal. Forty-eight on and only twenty-four off. He’s been there since yesterday morning. He gets off tomorrow morning.”

  Sarah immediately felt guilty for assuming him guilty of just not calling earlier.

  “Got plans for dinner?”

  Sarah figured if he was on his own and she was too- she might as well treat him to dinner.

  “My treat. It’s the least I can do for all you’ve done for Bella.”

  “Sure. I have to call and ask Jack. Let’s take Bella inside and grab some water.”

  Sarah followed him inside. The house was gorgeous. Every room was nicely furnished in rich hues of cherry and walnut. The walls were a deep coffee with burgundy leather sofas. Beautiful art canvassed every square inch of the walls. The floors were cherry in every room except for the kitchen and bathrooms which were tile.

  “Who did the decorating? You or Jack?”


  Jeremy looked put on the spot and reluctant to answer. Sarah decided not to push. She immediately assumed it must have been a woman. Maybe the one he almost married. She made a mental note and tucked it away for later. She sat down, making herself at home on the couch with a boating magazine while Jeremy cleaned up after his run. She heard the shower. She smelled cologne wafting down the hall- copious amounts of cologne. She had to giggle to herself. Then she heard him on the phone talking to someone.

  “Sounds great. We’ll be right over.”

  When he walked back down the hall and into the living room he was grinning. In the kitchen he filled Bella’s bowl and gave her a scoop of dog chow. He turned to ask

  “You ready?”

  “Sure am. Where would you like to eat?”

  “Dad said to come to Firehouse 72 for dinner.”

  “Okay. Are you sure that would be okay?”

  “I’m sure. You’re a legend around there.”

  “A legend?”


  “What kind of legend?”

  “I think they call you the hot brunette whose dog dragged her into the lake.”

  “Great. I’ve made an impression. What are we eating?”

  “Chicken no doubt. That’s all they eat- chicken and rice. Chicken and veggies. Always some sort of grilled chicken.”

  “I love grilled chicken.”

  “Not if you eat it three or four times every week. Week after week. Year after year. I’m not excited.”

  “Who does the grilling?”

  “They take turns.”

  “Okay. We’ll bring dessert.”

  “Can it be cookies and maybe some ice cream?”

  “Why not.”

  Sarah was glad she’d spent some time on her appearance. She hadn’t meant on having a reunion with the entire fire station this quickly. At least they found her attractive, even if their only meeting had been with her covered in head to toe green lake slime. That was certainly a positive. She and Jeremy made a quick stop by a local store and then headed back towards Celebration to the firehouse.

  When she parked and climbed out they serenaded her with their own rendition of Pretty Woman. She knew she was blushing fiercely but couldn’t help it. Two of them came over and took the grocery bags from her to carry them inside. They certainly had a way of making a woman feel pampered. She hadn’t received this much male attention ever. Jack was over manning the grill. The smell of chicken and spices filled the air. He winked at her and just nodded his head.

  Frank offered to give her a tour. She remembered him from the other day. He was younger than she was and wore a gold wedding band. He was sweet and kind with green eyes. She got the definite feeling he was the youngest on the crew and therefore was asked to do this.

  She was surprised at the firehouse. It was clean- very clean. It didn’t smell. She realized she had been expecting something along the lines of her brother’s football locker room- smelly, musty and filthy. This was none of the above. The floors were mopped. The kitchen was clean. The beds were even made.

  Two firemen stood in the kitchen boiling something which smelled like rice. Brown rice. One was making a salad. He had tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers and lettuce. She saw a huge bowl. He filled it with everything and topped it with croutons.

  “You any good at making dressing?”

  “I am.”

  Sarah stepped into the kitchen and exchanged names with Joe. He was filling in from another station. He told her he only worked here occasionally. She looked at the items he had on the counter. Olive oil, parmesan cheese, minced garlic and lime.

  “My station ain’t this healthy. I don’t know why they gave me salad duty.”

  Sarah glanced at his gut. He was one of the fuller bodied firemen she ever remembered seeing.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll help you. Can you find a blender?”

  He procured one from underneath the counter. Sarah dumped in a tablespoon of garlic, about one and a half cups of olive oil. Next she squeezed the lime juice into the mixture. She sprinkled a dash of pepper and about a teaspoon of salt. She blended on high for about a minute or so. Lastly she poured it into a bowl and hand stirred in the shredded parmesan cheese. She placed a small spoon in the bowl and it was finished.

  “Go ahead and try it.”

  Joe stuck his finger in the dressing.

  “Hey. I might actually eat salad with this stuff on it. It’s delicious.”

  “Glad you like it.”

  Jack walked in with a tray full of chicken. Some spiced and seasoned, some covered in barbeque sauce.

  “You’re not hitting on my girl are you Joe?”

  “You kidding- she’s been comin’ on to me! You gotta watch this one Jack. She’s got a thing for firemen.”

  Joe was grinning widely, holding his belly, as he exited the kitchen. Sarah knew he was joking and hoped Jack had the same sense of humor. He didn’t seem like the jealous type and she was relieved to see he wasn’t.

  “I’m glad to see you. Sorry I haven’t called. We’ve been really busy. This is the first break we’ve had.”

  He leaned in and pressed his lips lightly to her cheek.

  “I didn’t know you guys could have to work a double shift.”

  “It’s overtime for me so it’s not so bad. I need the money for Jeremy’s college tuition. He’ll be going to school in two short years. I never got to go- he’s always wanted to.”

  “You’re a good brother and father. If you decided to go it’s not too late. You’re only thirty-six.”

  “I don’t know about that. I’ve got the restaurant and this job. It’s a lot to keep track of.”

  “I can imagine. The chicken smells great.”

  “Let’s say we’re getting creative. It’s what we’re supposed to eat. We’re supposed to stay in shape.”

  “No burgers or steaks?”

  “Not while we’re on duty.”

  “Is that the reason for the spicy chicken?”

  “It’s blackened chicken. Needed a change.”

  A loud sound came across the speakers followed by a voice detailing an accident on the 417.

  “That’d be us again. Enjoy some chicken. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  He was gone. A few minutes later she and Jeremy filled their plated with chicken and salad, helping themselves. They ate in silence. Afterwards she washed their dishes and drove Jeremy home. He thanked her. He waved as she drove away.

  Chapter Six

  The following morning there was a knock at her door bright and early. Sarah lumbered to answer it. She opened the door. Jack looked refreshed and handsome as usual.
/>   “Get dressed. I’m only off for one day. Let’s go do something.”

  She gingerly put the crutches under her arms and limped to her room.

  “Arms getting sore?” He called from the front room.

  “Yes- very.”

  “I could always carry you.”

  She could tell from the tone in his voice he was serious. She chose to ignore his comment. Jack carrying her could be wonderful or dangerous. Any proximity to Jack set her senses ablaze. She wasn’t ready for that level of intensity between them yet. In the bathroom she applied some eyeliner and mascara. Moments later she was ready.

  When she appeared he was sitting at her kitchen table sipping a cup of coffee. He glanced over, his eyes catching hers. She could all but feel them burning into hers.

  “We don’t have to go anywhere. We could just laze around here all day. Lay on the couch. Watch a movie or two. Ice your knee.”

  “Sounds good to me but I’ve been cooped up for days. I think I need to get out. Someplace where I won’t have to use crutches or risk banging my knee.”

  “I know just such a place. Let’s go to a theme park. Walk around- people watch. We can get you a wheel chair.” He joked.

  Sarah envisioned herself in a wheelchair. A theme park was the last place she needed to visit. The crowded space would be difficult to move around in, not to mention tiring.

  “On second thought a day on the couch, lounging around might be nice. Some rest and relaxation.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  He came over and took her crutches from her. He leaned them against the back of the couch. Next he turned and picked her up carrying her to the sofa. He laid her down on the sofa. Before she had time to protest he sat down beside her and bent placing his lips on hers. He kissed her gently at first and then more deeply. Each pass of his lips ignited feelings in her she’d kept buried. When he lifted his lips from hers he brushed her bangs away from her face.


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