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Bella's Christmas Rescue: A Holiday Novella

Page 6

by Jenny Hammerle

  “You’ll have to be more specific.”

  “He has been with many women. Not that it bothers me all that much- I’m mostly worried about the drug use part of it and the partying.”

  “We’ll get to that in a moment. As for the promiscuity- are you abstaining now?”

  “Of course. That was before me. We’ve only been dating a short while and well- that’s not going to happen.”

  “Good. What about the drug use? Tell me a bit more about that.”

  “He was a model. He got caught up in using drugs- mostly cocaine. He’s been drug free for eight years.”

  “That’s a substantial period of time.”

  “I thought so.”

  “I think you’re looking for me to say it’s okay to date this man. Am I correct?”

  “Yes and that I’m not deranged for doing so.”

  “Well- he certainly has some things in his past that might be indicators of future behavior, but the Bible teaches God forgives and so should we. If you’re interested in dating him it is your job to bring him to Christ and that may not be easy.”

  “I know but I have to try. Thank you Pastor Tom.”

  Sarah stood and walked outside, the warm sun shining on her face. It was only a few weeks until Christmas and the first cold front of the season was soon going to be upon them. Sarah could see the clouds building in the distance. The line of clouds promised rain. Cold rain followed by a week of cooler temperatures. Sarah climbed in her car surprised at how much better she was moving. Later today she had a follow-up appointment with an orthopedic. It’d been a few weeks since the accident and she hoped he’d be giving her good news.

  Back at her house Marcia left her a voicemail. They’d be home tonight from their fun-filled vacation. They were currently heading to the airport and would be there for the next two hours. Though Sarah would love to talk to them she decided not to call. They’d be home soon enough.

  Sarah was scheduled to return to work on Monday. The official end to her vacation spent on crutches. She laughed at herself.

  Some vacation. Two weeks spent on the couch and in bed. Of course there was one positive- Jack.

  Returning to work would be bittersweet. She loved her job. She loved working with the children, but every day spent with them reminded her of the fact she didn’t have any of her own. Jack’s revelation made her realize no relationship would be turnkey. It’d take work. Before Sarah knew it she’d dozed off on the couch. The phone ringing beside her head awakened her. It was after two o’clock in the afternoon.


  “Hi Sarah. It’s Grandma. Would you like some company on your way to the doctor’s office?”

  “Certainly. I’m glad you called. I fell asleep. I would’ve missed my appointment.”

  “That would’ve been bad. I’ll see you in half an hour.”

  Sarah put her brace back on and got herself together. Half an hour later they were en route to the doctor’s office. At the doctor’s office she filled out the usual paperwork regarding medical history. She supplied the front desk receptionist with her driver’s license and insurance cards. Another fifteen minutes later, she and Rita were invited to go back into an examining room.

  They waited for an incredibly long time, finally a knock came at the door. When it opened a tall, attractive man she immediately recognized from church came into the room. If she didn’t know better she’d think that Grandma and Bella were coconspirators in finding her a man. First Jack- and now the super handsome doctor.

  “Hello Sarah. I’m Dr. Turner, I’m covering for Dr. Cooke today. He had an emergency. I apologize about the delay.”

  “That’s okay. I think we attend the same church.”

  “I think you’re right. I’ve seen you there before- and this lovely lady must be your mother.”

  “Grandmother.” Rita offered him her hand and he shook it.

  “So what brings you in today?”

  “I had a small accident involving my dog and a swim in a lake.”

  “It’s nice to finally put a name with a face. I’ve been praying for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “No thanks necessary. So let’s get a look at this knee.”

  Dr. Turner looked at her knee. He asked her to straighten it and bend it. He pushed against it and asked her to push back applying pressure to the inside, outside, front and then backside.

  “Looks good so far. The x-rays the hospital sent over look good but I’d like a few more scans. I don’t like the amount of swelling that’s still present. Probably nothing but I think we should check it out.”

  “For what?”

  “Possible cartilage tear or damage to your meniscus. We’ll do an MRI today and let you know the results in a day or two.”

  “Will that require surgery?”

  “Minor surgery may be necessary but you shouldn’t worry about that until we know for sure.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “It’ll be just a few minutes.”

  Dr. Turner disappeared down the hall.

  “He’s not bad.” Rita teased. “And I think he’s single.”

  “Grandma! Shh. I don’t want him to hear you. Besides- I’m dating Jack now.”

  “Dating yes- but not engaged or married.”

  Leave it to Rita to put things into perspective. She was saying the doctor was attractive, not that she should drop Jack and run off with him. Sarah was more sensitive than usual and her ongoing injury issues and lack of exercise must be her only excuse. She certainly didn’t need any more rest. At this point she’d had all the downtime she could stand. Moments later a nurse came in and wheeled Sarah down several hallways and into the adjacent hospital. Next they entered an elevator which deposited them onto the third floor. A few more halls and Sarah was taken into the MRI room. It was exceedingly cold in the room. The nurse had her change into some baggy, unattractive blue pants and a matching blouse. When Sarah lay down on the table the nurse gave her a blanket to cover with. The tech came in and explained everything to her in detail.

  The MRI itself only took minutes and she was back on her way to Dr. Turner’s office in the other building. She’d never considered her injury might be more serious than the mere sprain she initially sustained. The thought of continuing on crutches indefinitely was depressing. Back in the room she changed into her regular clothes and awaited the doctor. Rita sensed her apprehension but spoke not a word.

  When Dr. Turner rejoined them he was smiling brightly.

  “Won’t have the results for a day or so. I’ll call you with them myself.”

  “Perfect. Thank you, Doctor.”

  On the way home Rita and Sarah found a sub shop. They stopped for an early dinner and then went to the neighborhood grocery store. In the parking lot a fire engine was parked outside at the far side of the parking lot. There were no guys standing anywhere nearby and no sign of an ambulance. Sarah wondered if there’d been some emergency.

  “I wonder what’s wrong.”

  “Nothing. I see them here all the time. They come in for groceries.” Rita advised.


  “Really. This was where I first met Jack- remember?”

  Sarah’s heart skipped a beat. Something about that guy gave her an instant adrenaline rush every time. Of course he might not be there at all. There were two engines and an ambulance. She checked her appearance in her mirror and put on some lipstick. Rita just grinned over at her.

  “You really like this one.”

  “I do Grandma.”

  “I’m glad to hear it wasn’t another one of your one date wonders. I need great grandchildren- I’m not getting any younger you know.”

  “Hey. You yourself were saying we’re not married.”

  “That was just a test. You passed.”

  Inside Rita and Sarah made their way around the outer perimeter of the store, avoiding the chip and soda aisles at the center. Sarah loved junk food but if she were going to need to be couch ridden fo
r the next several weeks she’d have to skip the cookies and chips. Over in the produce aisle she spied Jack and his partner.

  From the looks of the uniform, he was working as a firefighter today. Sarah had to admit to loving the pants. His longs legs and fit backside were perfectly silhouetted by them. He turned catching her checking him out.

  He walked over and hugged her grandmother. Then he kissed Sarah lightly on the cheek.

  “How was the doctor’s appointment?”

  “He did an MRI.”

  “Because of the swelling?”

  “Yep. So you knew?”

  “I didn’t like the swelling either but why worry you.”

  “I’m not excited about the possibility.”

  “Who was the doctor?”

  “Turner. Seems nice enough.” Sarah added.

  Jack just nodded.

  “I know him. He’s a good guy. Would you like to come to the firehouse for dinner? I’ll warn you. It’s going to be chicken. It’s always chicken.”

  “We just had subs. Maybe another night.”

  “We’d love to.” Rita interjected.

  “Okay. Sure.” Sarah smiled.

  “See you in a while. We’ve got to get back.”

  After he walked away Rita smacked Sarah’s side.

  “If a man offers to cook you dinner you accept! You never admit to having just eaten. You like him- right?”


  “Well then? Besides there may be a man there around my age.”

  Sarah had to laugh at that. Her grandmother was such a flirt. She loved the men- especially the polite, fit younger men.

  Later at the firehouse Sarah helped Jack on the grill. Rita set the table and put together vegetable skewers for grilling. The evening was a lighthearted one and ended with a game of poker where Grandma whipped every man present.

  On Sunday Sarah and Jack began a new routine, one she hoped would continue. Church followed by brunch. Jeremy came with them and credited Sarah with helping his brother see the proverbial light. If Jack felt at all uncomfortable at church he didn’t let on. This particular Sunday they ran into Dr. Turner. He told Sarah he still didn’t have the results but she shouldn’t worry herself. That evening they relaxed in front of the television watching a movie with Jeremy. Of course Jeremy fit in a three mile jog with Bella. Bella had been home just over a week and seemed to miss him so much.

  By the time they left Sunday night even Sarah was exhausted. Tomorrow she would return to work- still on crutches.

  This should be interesting. How do you chase around preschoolers on a playground on crutches?

  When she arrived at school the next morning she was relieved to see she was needed in the infant room. Their movement was restricted to a crawl. Additionally, the infant room was very small. Sarah was able to hobble around and more than cover the three babies. Two would be walkers in the next few weeks, but for now they would be easier than any of the older age groups. She spent her day rocking babies, changing diapers and cleaning off highchairs. She loved working in the infant room. It relaxed her.

  At lunchtime she checked her voice messages. There was one from Dr. Turner asking her to call him. She returned the call immediately.

  “Hi Sarah. How are you?”

  “I’m okay. What’s the news?”

  “Torn cartilage. Not a big deal. In some cases it can repair itself. May require up to six weeks to heal. If it doesn’t heal on its own I can fix it.”

  “So I’ll be on crutches for another six weeks?”

  “No. I don’t think so. It’s already showing signs of healing. I think another three weeks will do it. In the meantime elevate and rest. If you give me a fax number I’ll send over a work note excusing you from excessive walking, standing or anything else that might lengthen or prolong your healing time.”

  “Okay- let me get the fax number for you.”

  Sarah muted her phone and asked Colleen, her director, for the fax number. She advised her it was broken.

  “Dr. Turner- is there another way you can send it? Our fax at work is broken. Maybe an email attachment?”

  “Not a problem. You live near church right? I’ve seen you and Rita walking back and forth each Sunday.”

  “Sure do.”

  “Great. Give me your address and I’ll drop it by.”


  Sarah gave him her address and told him she’d be home after work around seven o’clock. She said if she weren’t there just to shove it under the front door and thanked him. She didn’t give it another thought until she arrived home at seven thirty and there was nothing. She’d barely set her purse down when there was a light rap on her open door. She turned finding Dr. Turner standing there wearing scrubs like he’d come straight from work.

  “Oh. Hi Dr. Turner. Thanks for running the note by. You didn’t have to.”

  “I know. I hope it’s okay- I brought dinner.”

  “Sure. Let me grab some plates.”

  Sarah grabbed two plates, napkins, glasses and silverware from her kitchen.

  “Just burgers and some fries. Nothing fancy. I was starved.” He explained.

  “No. It’s perfect. I was just debating what to fix for dinner.”

  While Sarah was certainly pleased not to be cooking dinner she wasn’t sure how she felt about having dinner, in her home, with Dr. Turner. Furthermore, she wasn’t sure how Jack would feel about it. He wasn’t the jealous type but would she like him having an intimate dinner with an attractive doctor- alone- at his place? Sarah knew the answer to that question was probably no, but her gut told her his visit was merely professional and decided not to jump to any conclusions.

  They were just sitting down to eat when the doorbell rang.

  Don’t let it be Jack. Please Lord- don’t let it be Jack.

  “I’ll grab it. I’m closer.” He stood to answer the door.

  Before Sarah could protest Dr. Turner opened the door. Jack stood outside, holding a balloon and some takeout.

  “Hey Jack. Good to see you.”

  Jack and Dr. Turner shook hands.

  “I thought I’d stop by and check on our patient. I have a note detailing her limitations for work.” Dr. Turner explained.

  “That’s cool. When will she be at one hundred percent again?” Jack asked eying Dr. Turner coolly.

  “Just three more weeks- that’s my best guesstimate anyway.”

  “Good to hear. I brought over some food but I see you beat me to it.”

  “Join us.” Dr. Turner offered.

  “Can’t. I’m on my way into work. Another guy needs to go home. Some sort of family emergency. I’ll call you Sarah.”

  “Okay. Let me walk you out.” She offered reaching for her crutches.

  “That won’t be necessary.” Jack turned and walked down the hall.

  He was gone. Sarah wasn’t sure if he was angry or not.

  That was awkward. How had all this happened?

  Sarah and Dr. Turner finished their meal. They chatted about church and its various ministries. After an hour he left. Sarah did the dishes trying to figure out what to do. She wasn’t sure if she had a problem or not. She’d done nothing wrong- really. The fax machine at work was broken. Dr. Turner stopped by. He dropped off a letter. He happened to bring a little dinner. That’s all.

  Sarah replayed the scene in her head over and over again. No matter how she looked at it she knew any man would be bothered. While she’d done nothing wrong- technically- her boyfriend had stopped by to catch her having dinner with another man. And not just any man. An attractive, fit, successful doctor. She glanced down at Bella who seemed to be sleeping through the whole ordeal.

  “What would you do?”

  Bella lifted her eyes groggily and closed them again, snoring loudly.

  “You’re not much help.”

  Sarah decided she needed to run some interference- the sooner the better. She donned a ball cap and some worn jean shorts. She drove straight to the firehouse. T
he engines and ambulance were gone. They must be out on a call. She waited around for him for over an hour. She laid her seat back in the car and actually fell asleep. A loud knock on her window jarred her awake. Sarah sprang upright. Jack stood outside her closed car door.

  She rolled down her window using the broken hand crank.

  “What’s up Sarah? We’ve been busy tonight.”

  Sarah glanced at her watch. It was after ten o’clock. His tone was short and his words clipped.

  Okay. He’s a little mad at me.

  “I had to come see you. I’m sorry about that. It wasn’t planned. He needed to give me an excuse for work.”

  “So he said.”

  “Well the fax machine at work wasn’t working. He offered to drop it by.”

  “You don’t owe me an explanation.”

  “No- but I want to explain. He was going to just slip it under the door and drop it. I never expected him to bring it by along with dinner for two. That was unexpected- but I don’t think he is in to me like that.”

  “Sarah. You’re a beautiful woman. Of course he’s in to you like that. He’s single. He’s successful. He’s active in your church. I’m sitting here asking myself why you’d be interested in someone like me.”

  “Don’t say that Jack.”

  “I’m saying it. I’m saying what I should’ve said before. I’m not the right kind of guy for you. I’m not good enough for you. When I go to church with you all I can think is I don’t belong there. I’m not worthy of a person like you.”

  Sarah cried.

  “Are you breaking up with me? Over Dr. Turner? I’m not interested in Dr. Turner.”

  “It’s not over Dr. Turner. We’re not a match Sarah. I’m a bad boy- and you’re a really good girl. That’s it. I’m not right for you. I never could be.”

  “That’s not true. You’ve got to give us a chance.”

  “You deserve someone like Dr. Turner.”

  “I don’t want Dr. Turner.” Sarah climbed from the driver’s seat and placed her hands on his chest. “We can fix this.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “You’re wrong. Absolutely wrong. You are right for me and in church with me is exactly where you belong. God loves you Jack. You may not realize it but he does. It’s not the kind of love you can opt out of. He loves you unconditionally- baggage and all. He has already forgiven you all of your sins- your past. It’s you that has to forgive yourself and let go of it all. Anybody can have a deep relationship with him but you have to believe in him and believe in his unconditional love for you. I can’t do that for you. It’s something you have to do for yourself.”


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