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Mated to the Alien Lord: Celestial Mates

Page 7

by Leslie Chase

  Then he moved, striking with a sudden grace. The spear darted out into the water and withdrew again, a huge fish impaled on it. He turned back to the shore, unsurprised to see me there.

  I almost looked away as he strode out of the water, but I couldn't quite bring myself to. Not when it gave me a chance to admire his wonderful, perfect, and above all naked body again.

  Oh my. He was even more impressive than I'd expected, and completely unashamed. Not that he had anything at all to be ashamed of. I realized I was staring, biting my lip, flushing. Tearing my gaze away, I looked out to sea. The sun was nearing the horizon, and I couldn't see the skystalk anywhere. I hoped that meant that we were on the wrong side of the island, rather than that the storm had carried us too far to see it.

  Corvax said something I couldn't make out as he put the fish down on a rock and pulled on his pants. I was torn between disappointment and relief — at least now I could look at him again without my cheeks burning as hot as the sun.

  That's not the important thing, is it? I asked myself. This was the man who'd saved my life, and all I could think about was how sexy he was. To be fair, he's sexier than any man I've ever met, but still...

  "Thank you," I said, trying to be earnest. Something sounded odd about my voice, and I tried again. "Thank you, Corvax. I thought I was going to die out there."

  He looked at me as though he didn't understand, then he replied. Whatever he was saying, though, I didn't understand a word of it. It was as though Corvax was speaking gibberish.

  Frowning, I looked up at him, focusing. For a moment I worried that the blow to my head had done something terrible to my brain, but then I realized what must have happened. The translator necklace was still on my neck, but it was silent. Immersing it in salt water clearly hadn't done it any good.

  "Oh crap," I said aloud. At least Corvax wouldn't understand my swearing. "Corvax, can you understand any English?"

  It was a desperate hope. I certainly didn't understand any of his language, and there was no reason he'd know any of mine. And his expression stayed blank and uncomprehending. Crap. Double crap.

  Pulling off the useless necklace I threw it down on the sand in frustration. As if being shipwrecked wasn't bad enough. Tears welled in my eyes and I bit back a sob.

  Corvax reached down and, with gentle strength, guided my face up to look at him. Dark, intense eyes stared into mine, and he spoke again. The words were meaningless to me, of course, but his tone was comforting and the feel of his presence made things feel a little better.

  I was alive. He was alive. And we were together. That was a lot better than things could have turned out after I flew into a storm. I tried to hold onto that.

  Over the next few hours, as the sun went down, we hashed out a basic kind of communication. Mostly pointing and waving our arms in frustration, but it was better than nothing. The island we'd landed on was small, too small for a settlement. No one lived here apart from the birds that colonized the small grove of trees. The trees had made it through the storm surprisingly well, but then they had to be well adapted to the weather here.

  Thank god for that grove, though. It meant that there was wood to gather for a fire.

  Not that we needed one for warmth, but I didn't fancy trying the fish raw.

  It was strangely soothing, gathering the wood while Corvax cleaned the fish. I'd never done anything like this before and being a castaway ought to have been a nightmare. But his confident presence made things feel better. Safer. I could relax, just a little bit.

  On my own, I doubted I'd have been able to feed myself. Corvax, though, didn't just know how to fish. He knew which of the local plants were edible, and how to prepare them. By the time the stars were in the sky above us we each had a meal, served on a palm leaf as a plate. We washed it down with fresh water he'd gathered from an inland spring, tasting sweeter than wine. Perhaps it was the setting, perhaps it was the narrow escape from death, or perhaps he really was that good of a cook. For whatever reason, it was the most delicious meal I'd ever eaten.

  Maybe this is a chance to start over, I thought. To meet again. If only I knew how to talk with him. I don't know how long we're going to be out here on our own, and it's going to be frustrating if we can't communicate.

  I felt my cheeks flush again as I looked at Corvax in the firelight, his muscles gleaming and eyes shining. There were things I'd rather do with him than talk.

  Probably it was the simple surprise of still being alive after my experiences in the storm, or maybe it was the setting that did it, but I wanted Corvax more than ever. And the way he looked at me left no doubt that he felt the same way. I bit my lip, breath catching as his eyes focused on my body.

  "We don't have to worry about anything," I told him, knowing he couldn't understand a word of it. "Can't we just be ourselves out here on the island? When we get back, it'll be back to the Protector and his guest... but for now, let's be two castaways on an island."

  Overhead, the distant stars twinkled. Corvax moved closer, rumbling an answer that I couldn't understand, and his hand brushed my cheek. The electric feeling of that touch made me gasp, and with a trembling hand I reached out for him.

  His skin felt weird but good. Not quite like a human's, just different enough to be exotic, strange, wonderful. Gently I traced the muscles of his chest, not breaking eye contact as my fingertips explored the contours of that glorious body.

  Corvax bared his teeth, growling a word in his own language. Hard, rough, but somehow inviting. Like him.

  I wondered what it meant. A command, a prayer, a request? It could be almost anything. I was sure of one thing, though — he wasn't telling me to stop.

  His fingers left my cheek, tracing down my neck and making me whimper softly. Finding the neckline of my top, he stroked along it, teasing me as I felt my skin heat under him. Slow, deliberate, controlled movements that took my breath away.

  "Yes," I breathed as he leaned in over me. "God yes, Corvax. Please?"

  Our lips met in a powerful kiss that seemed to go on forever. I'd wanted this so badly since the moment I saw him on the space station, and now finally I was going to get what I'd prayed for. His hands pulled me close, our bodies pressing together, and I could feel just how hard he was for me through the thin layers of our clothes.

  Eventually we parted, me shaking with need and nerves, him steady as a rock and just as hard. Corvax spoke again, a short word that was unmistakably a command — and at that moment I'd have done anything he told me to, if only I understood.

  For a moment I looked up at him, helpless. Comprehension flashed in his eyes, and he repeated the word slowly, carefully. As he said it, his hands moved with a surprising grace and precision, undoing my top. My heart pounded as he pulled it off my arms and cast it aside, and I swallowed nervously.

  Without thinking about it, I tried to cover my bare breasts, but he caught my wrists, shaking his head. I licked my lips and lowered my arms again, letting him look at my body. It was an intoxicating feeling. This powerful, gorgeous alien wanted me, wanted nothing but me.

  Again, he repeated that word. Undress? Was that what he meant? I fumbled at the fastening of my skirt and he nodded. My fingers wouldn't cooperate, but after a frustrating moment it came undone and I let it fall. Standing naked before Corvax, I let his eyes feast on me.

  The happy, hungry look in his eyes as he carefully looked me up and down made me tingle all over, and I ached for his touch. I'd never needed anything more than I did him.

  But first, I wanted to see him. Hesitantly, I tried to repeat the word he'd spoken. He grinned, nodded, and reached down to unfasten his pants. There was no shyness to him as he freed himself of the clothing, his erect cock standing proud and strong. I gasped at the sheer size of him, trying to imagine what it would feel like inside me.

  I couldn't. But then, I wouldn't have to. Soon enough, I'd know.

  Another growled word from him, and he beckoned me closer. With a shiver, I obeyed, stepping back to
him. My fingers reached out, almost of their own accord, to stroke his naked body. I shivered again at the feel of him, my eyes going wide as my hand touched his cock. It wasn't just the size of it that shocked me. He was ribbed, a deliciously strange texture.

  Nothing had prepared me for this, for him. For an alien lover. I could hardly breathe as he bent over me, kissing my ear, moving downward. His breath hot on my skin. His sharp teeth delicately nipping my neck.

  Strong hands pulled me close, caressing and exploring me. I wondered, with the small part of my mind that was still thinking, whether I was as strange to him as he was to me. If so, he didn't show it. His confident strength as he caressed my body sent waves of pleasure through me, and a small moan escaped my lips.

  I began to slide my fist up and down his shaft, and he moaned happily. Meeting my eyes, he growled another order. I nodded eagerly. Whatever it was he wanted me to do, I'd do it — he just had to show me what it was.

  With a grin, he lifted me off my feet. His strong hands cupped my ass as he pulled me to him, kissing hard and rough, making us both shiver with need as he lowered us to the ground. Without another word he kissed his way down my body, lips and teeth and tongue caressing my neck, my breasts, my whole body until he parted my legs and lowered his head between them.

  "Oh!" I cried out, arching my back, as he kissed the lips of my pussy. His rough tongue licked slowly, an achingly teasing sensation, and my hands gripped his head, trying to pull him down.

  Corvax didn't need any urging. His mouth closed on my clit and he sucked, his tongue dancing across me in a wonderful movement that made me writhe in pleasure. I could feel the orgasm building in me, my fingers digging into his scalp as he lifted my hips. My whole body shook and I screamed as the orgasm exploded inside me, my voice raw and desperate.

  Chuckling, Corvax raised his head, watching me as I panted for breath. His wicked smile made him look even more desirable than before.

  "Oh my god that was amazing," I whimpered, relaxing slowly. I felt as though I might melt into the sands, but my alien lover wasn't done with me yet. Whispering something, he pulled himself up my body, kissing a trail over my skin. Gasping, I parted my legs, welcoming him between them.

  I moaned again at the feeling of his erection brushing my inner thighs, the tip pressing between my pussy lips. He paused there, his very presence teasing my aching center. I whimpered something, even I didn't know what, and he grinned down at me. Pressed closer. Made me groan with need.

  "Please, oh god, please," I moaned, pulling at him. "I need you, Corvax."

  At the sound of his name, he thrust into me. The sensation was incredible. With one smooth, hard motion, he buried his huge cock all the way inside me.

  My back arched under him, and I dug my fingers into his back as he rocked back and forth. Slowly, then faster, each thrust making me gasp with pleasure. My pulse pounded in my ears and Corvax growled, hungry, eager, our bodies moving together.

  "I'm coming," I shouted to the stars above us as he thrust deep, his incredible cock driving me over the edge again. My climax seemed to last forever, an explosion of ecstasy that drove all thought out of my mind. With a roar, Corvax came too, losing control over himself and gripping me hard as he filled me with his hot seed.

  Finally, we both collapsed in a breathless heap, holding onto each other as we sucked in the cool night air. My eyes flickered open as I snuggled against his chest, hearing the strong fast beat of his heart.

  Looking up at his face, I admired him in the starlight.

  "That was amazing," I said, wishing that he could understand. But the smile on his face told me he did. We might not share a language, but some things we had no doubt about.

  His strong arms wrapped around me, holding me to him, and he brushed a strand of hair from my sweat-slick face. Meeting my gaze, he carefully spoke another word and waited for me to repeat it. I wondered what it meant. 'Beautiful' maybe? 'Mine'?

  This wasn't an efficient way to learn his language, but I doubted anyone had ever enjoyed a language lesson more.



  Looking down at Gemma, I could hardly believe how breathtakingly beautiful she looked in the starlight. I'd wanted her since I first saw her on the orbital, high above my world, but here, now, she looked even more perfect. Even more desirable. And she was mine.

  The setting helped. We were far from the responsibilities of home, and I could imagine that we were alone in the world. That there was no one else but us, and that no duties bound me. That I wouldn't be bringing her into danger by accepting her into my life.

  That wouldn't last, of course. Or at least, I hoped it wouldn't. With luck it wouldn't take too long for searchers to find us and drag us back into the world. My clansmen might give up on a human guest, but not on me. But the ocean was vast and small islands like this common... The storm could have washed us ashore on any one of hundreds, for all the searchers knew. It might take a long time for them to find us, if they ever did.

  For all they knew, we'd both died in the storm. It had been a close-run thing.

  Sighing, I put such thoughts from my mind. No point in them, not now. The island would support the two of us for as long as it took, but there was no way for us to leave. My borrowed wings were too damaged to repair without a workshop, and making a boat that could survive the attentions of the zhak that hunted the deep oceans was out of the question.

  We were here until someone found us, and we might as well make the best of it.

  Eventually, the sun crossed the horizon and I stirred. Gemma still slept against me, her warm soft curves pressed to my body, and the last thing I wanted was to disturb her. Gently, quietly, I unfolded myself from her embrace and settled her back. She murmured something, but even if I'd been able to make out the words I wouldn't have understood them.

  Smiling down at her, I watched Gemma sleep for a minute. It was a moment of beauty that I wanted to burn into my memory, never to forget.

  I couldn't stay there all day, though. We would need to eat and settle in to our new, hopefully temporary, home. Picking up my spear I returned to the shore to hunt our breakfast.

  By the time I returned, Gemma was awake. The smile that greeted me warmed my heart, and the blush that spread across her cheeks made me smile too. She looked so delightful, I wondered how I'd ever been able to resist her charms.

  Things are different when we are with the clan, I reminded myself, putting those thoughts aside for now. How things would work when we returned to civilization was a question for later. For now, I had work to do.

  Once the fish were cooked I smiled at the human female.

  "More fish?" I asked Gemma, having no idea what a human's appetite was like. She frowned and I repeated myself slowly and clearly, pulling a hot fish from the fire and offering it to her. "Fish?"

  She repeated the word curiously and smiled. Nodded, repeated it emphatically, and took the fish. I laughed and took my own. This stay was going to give her an interesting vocabulary, but at least she was learning.

  I reached for my own breakfast, only for her to put a hand on my wrist. Smiling, she pointed at the fish and said a word in her own language. Ah! No reason she should be the only one learning. Repeating the word back to her satisfaction took a few tries, but it felt good to share some of her speech. Perhaps we'd both have learned something new by the time I got home.

  Once we'd eaten a little Gemma looked around, and then said something in a questioning tone. It took a while for me to work out what she was saying, but once she mimed lifting a cup to her lips I understood.

  Water. Though she probably wanted something stronger, as I knew I did. I couldn't help with that, worse luck, but clean water? That was available. Standing, I pointed inland, then beckoned for Gemma to follow me. Together we walked into the island's interior to the small spring I'd discovered while she'd been unconscious the day before. It was a beautiful and tranquil place, and I'd been careful to search for any dangers on the island whil
e the sun was up. There was nothing to beware of here. Still, I watched carefully in case I'd missed something. Humans were more fragile than my own people, and I would not risk any harm coming to Gemma.

  She sank to her knees and drank from the spring, long and deep. Then she smiled up at me, pointed to the water, and spoke. We traded words for water, then rock. Sand. Tree. I sat back against a sun-warmed rock beside the little stream and Gemma rested against me as we laughed and did our best to communicate.

  It was easy to lose myself in the simple pleasure of spending time with her, and I found myself hoping that we wouldn't be found too quickly.

  Days passed, then weeks, and our island home became steadily more homelike. Fortunately, the weather stayed clear for the first few days as we settled in, because we kept distracting each other from doing any work.

  But we both knew that the weather here could change quickly, and we needed some protection if another storm hit. I started by putting up a crude shelter, and Gemma managed to improvise bedding for us inside it. The space was small enough that we had to crawl inside, but cozy and warm once we were there. Good enough for a start, as long as neither of us minded cuddling close to the other.

  That, at least, wasn't a problem. Spending time in each other’s arms was a joy, though I tried not to think about what that would mean when we returned to the clan. Had I been wrong about her? Should I let her stay? Gemma was clear about what she wanted, after all.

  As time went on, we learned each other's languages slowly but surely, and the look of delight on Gemma's face when she learned a new word was wonderful. She was quick at picking it up, too. Once she learned a word I rarely had to remind her of it, which was better than I did with her 'English.'

  Eventually we were able to have basic conversations, though our limited vocabularies were frustrating to both of us. There simply weren't enough things to name on the little island, and we'd reached a limit of words that were easy to learn, but at least now we could talk a little.


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