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Accessories & Alibis (The Presley Thurman Mystery Series Book 10)

Page 11

by Laina Turner

  “I guess I understand. It just sucks.”

  Yes, it does, I thought. “I’m going to head back to Silk. Do you want to come with me, or do you want me to drop you somewhere?”

  “I might as well go with you. Work will help take my mind off things. I need a distraction.”

  “And we’ve got a lot of that. Work I mean, so I was hoping you’d say that,” I said, trying to lighten the mood.

  She forced a laugh; “I have a meeting with my public defender tomorrow, so I need all the distractions I can get. Win-win.”

  “How is that going? Your case?” The last couple days we had been skating around the elephant in the room, pretending things were business as usual. I hadn’t wanted to ask too many questions until I heard back from Willie, but I thought it might seem odd to not ask and I was very curious.

  “I guess as well as can be expected. Joe, my lawyer, tells me that most of their evidence is circumstantial, and he thinks the case will be thrown out at pre-trial. He’s optimistic.”

  “That’s good news! Why don’t you look more happy about it?”

  “I am; it’s just so overwhelming and I didn’t want to get my hopes up too much. I’m innocent, but I know it doesn’t look good. I wish they would find Rita. I know she could help clear me. Joe is trying to track her down, so hopefully tomorrow he will have news for me.”

  I hadn’t told Roxanne about my meeting with Rita and didn’t understand why she would even want Rita to call since then she would have to admit she lied about knowing those Ukrainian guys and explain why. How did she not realize this? Unless she knew Rita wouldn’t be coming forward, which brought about possibilities I didn’t want to think about. It would mean she wasn’t the person I thought she was, and that was a little scary.

  “You just have to stay positive that it will all workout,” I said.

  “I’m trying; it’s just so hard. I just want my life back. Though life will never be the same without Drew,” she said sadly.

  The rest of the day was uneventful for a change, and we got a lot of work done at Silk. It was slowly coming together and seeing the fruits of our labor made me feel so much more positive about what I had taken on. The money issues were still on my mind, of course, but it helped that the store was looking like its former self just a little. It was giving me more confidence to make the decision I needed to make.

  “You ready to go?” Katy asked me, breaking into my thoughts.

  I looked at the clock and was surprised to see how late it was.

  “Yeah, I’m starving. Where is everyone?”

  “They left.”

  “Even Roxanne?”

  Katy nodded, and I was a bit surprised she hadn’t said goodbye and that I was so engrossed with what I was doing I hadn’t noticed them leaving.

  “I’m exhausted,” Katy said, putting her feet up on the coffee table. We had made it home walking into dinner all ready and waiting where all we had to do is sit down and eat, and now we were relaxing. Thought if I relaxed anymore I would be asleep.

  “Me too. That was another amazing dinner, Jared,” I said. Jared had made one of his specialties. Steak and shrimp fajitas and homemade margaritas. I made a mean mojito, but my margaritas couldn’t compare to Jared’s. In fact, I hadn’t ever had a margarita as good as what Jared could make. You couldn’t even taste the tequila, which was a very dangerous thing. Made it easy to drink more than what one should but was what made them taste fantastic. A mistake I made every time and regretted it in the morning.

  “It’s my pleasure, ladies, but please know the full-service restaurant will not be providing this service every day.”

  “What? Why not,” I said, pretending to be put out. “I like coming home to a good dinner.”

  “Because missy I have a full-time job too. I just thought you needed the spoiling for your first week as a business owner, but after this week, it’s back to normal.”

  “That’s probably good. Lean cuisine stock has probably fallen this week,” said Katy, making reference to my normal dinner, and I stuck my tongue out at her.

  “Speaking of work, how’s yours Jared?”

  Right around the holidays, a long term, well liked and trusted, colleague of Jared’s at the design firm he worked at had been caught trying to sabotage the company. It had been quite a shock to everyone there.

  “Things are getting back to normal, but people are still having a hard time accepting what happened. John the most I think, even though he won’t show it. He asked when you were going to come in so we can talk about your rebranding and marketing strategy.”

  I had helped a little in discovering one of their employees was trying to sabotage the company. When I had decided to buy Silk, as a show of appreciation, he offered to create a new look and marketing for our re-launch at no cost. Which was awesome, since I would have never been able to afford it otherwise. At least not the quality they provided.

  “Soon. Once Katy and I decide exactly when that date will be.” I hadn’t told Jared about possibly mortgaging the condo. Since it was his home too, I wanted to make sure it’s what I wanted before freaking him out and if I didn’t decide to take that plunge I wouldn’t need a re-branding.

  “Just keep in mind that we need a couple months to do the work. So don’t come to me wanting something in a week,” he warned.

  “As if I would ever be that demanding,” I joked and he gave me a look. I was known to be a tad impatient. “Does it really take that long?”

  “Genius doesn’t happen overnight,” he said.

  “We’ve got time. We’ve been talking about a fall launch and it probably will take us that long to get the place sorted out,” if I can keep the doors open, I thought.

  “Just let me know soon. There is another pitcher of margaritas in the refrigerator in case you want more.”

  “You leaving?” I asked.

  “Got a hot date. This might be my Mister Right!”

  “You say that about all the guys you go out with,” I teased.

  “I’m a hopeless romantic. What can I say? Don’t wait up! I’ve got a good feeling about this one,” he waved and walked out the door.

  After Jared had left, I turned to Katy. “When is Dirt coming back?”

  “Hopefully, in a few days,” Katy said.

  Dirt had gone back home to Alkon to meet with his lawyer about getting the charge for escaping from prison off his record because he had a court date coming up. While he had committed the offense, he was hoping the judge would take in consideration the circumstances. It was obviously a hindrance to him getting a job, which was important to be able to move on with his life.

  “Does he think the judge will grant it?”

  “He’s not sure. Says his lawyer told him it’s a fifty-fifty shot. He’s not getting his hopes up. He said if it doesn’t happen then he will deal with it and move on.”

  “Then what will he do? If it doesn’t happen I mean.”

  “Not sure. We are still thinking about moving. Maybe out west.”

  “He could be a cowboy,” I teased but thought about how I didn’t want her to move that far away. I knew it was selfish of me, but I would miss her.

  My phone started moving on the coffee table, and I saw by the display it was Cooper. A big smile broke out on my face. The two weeks he had been in New York seemed like months, and I was hoping he was calling to tell me he had a free weekend and was coming to visit. He had a big client in New York and was going to be there a total of two months. I was used to his traveling and our three-quarter time, long distance relationship, but I missed him, and two months was a long time. It would be nice to be able to come home to him each night and have dinner, and act like a normal couple. He had mentioned on the phone last night he would try to work things out to come for a visit soon. Normally, I could go to him and in the past had, but with taking over Silk, it wasn’t a good time to be away.

  “So are you coming home next weekend?” I said into the phone excitedly, not even saying hi. />
  “Still working on that, and I’m hopeful but it's not why I called.”

  “You just missed me didn’t you?”

  Cooper chuckled. “Of course, I missed you but that’s not what I called either.”

  “Well then why are you calling?” I said playfully but had a feeling I knew why.

  “Is there something you didn’t tell me last night or the night before when we were on the phone?”

  “I don’t think so. What are you talking about?” I said, trying to play innocent. I was pretty sure he was talking about the whole Roxanne thing, which I hadn’t told him because I knew he wouldn’t approve, but I should have known he would find out. He always found out, and I had been half waiting for this call the last couple days. He didn’t like it when I got involved with criminals. Even alleged ones.

  “Like maybe one of your employees murdered her boyfriend? Does that ring a bell?”

  Shit. “Dirt called you?” I said, assuming it had to be him. I knew Katy and Jared wouldn’t rat on me to Cooper, but him, and Dirt were friends, so that was a different story. I knew I was in for a lecture, so I leaned back on the couch to wait for it.

  “That’s not important. What is important is you making me worry when I am a thousand miles away. You’re giving me grey hair.”

  “It’s not that big of a deal Coop and I’m sure your hair is just fine. But I knew you would worry which is exactly why I didn’t tell you.”

  “You’re involved in a murder investigation. The word murder, well that word invokes concern. There is no way around that.”

  “If it’s any consolation I don’t think she did it and that’s why I’m helping her.”

  “What proof do you have?” he asked.

  “She was in a diner having coffee when he was killed.”

  “That doesn’t mean she’s innocent. It just means she didn’t kill him herself. Presley if she was arrested then there’s a good chance she’s guilty.”

  “Innocent people get arrested all the time,” I said, trying to blow it off. “Don’t be so cynical. She loved him. I can see that.”

  “Which could be exactly why she killed him. Love makes people crazy and not always in a good way.”

  “Cooper, its fine. I’m not in any danger,” I said.

  “You manage to do a great job at finding danger. Even when you say you’re not trying.”

  “I know you worry. But don’t worry about this. Besides Willie is part of the investigation, and he would warn me if I were in over my head.”

  “He can’t get you to butt out either,” Cooper muttered. “You don’t ever listen.”

  “Did he call you?” I hadn’t thought of that, but it was a possibility.

  I could hear him sigh on the other end. “What am I going to do with you?” he said completely ignoring the question.

  I smiled. ”Book a trip home and I have a few ideas!” I said, suggestively.

  “Sweetheart, I will try my best. At least it would keep you busy and out of trouble.”

  “Hey, you don’t know of any Russian mob types that work here in the Chicago area do you?” I said nonchalantly, hoping if I casually slid it into the conversation it wouldn’t set him off.

  “What?” He yelled so loudly I had to pull the phone away from my ear. “You tell me not to worry and then ask me about Russian mafia.”

  “Calm down. See this is why I didn’t tell you about this from the beginning. You’re always over-reacting.” I could hear him take a few deep breaths.

  “Why did you just ask me that,” he repeated slowly, which to him probably seemed more calmly. To me not so much, he still sounded pissed.

  “It could be nothing, but these two guys came into Silk looking for Roxanne. I wasn’t there, Katy was, and she said they looked and sounded Ukrainian. Roxanne denied knowing who they were, but then there is someone who saw Roxanne with one of them, so I know she’s lying. Just not sure why.”

  “There are two major players in the Chicago area that could fit that description and neither are people I want you involved with. This is exactly why I worry about you. You were hoping to slide this by without me noticing.”

  “I was not, I just forgot earlier.”

  “Um-hm. Sure.”

  “I’m not going to get involved with them. I’m just curious as to who they are.”

  “If I tell you, you have to promise me you will stay away from them. I mean it, Presley. Ask Willie if you don’t believe me, they’re bad dudes.”

  “I promise,” I said to him with my fingers crossed. Just in case. “Now who are they?”

  “The Mogilevich’s and the Ivanov’s. You can probably Google them and get plenty of information. Their members have been arrested several times, but they always get away off without minimal jail time if any at all. Usually, because witnesses disappear. So Google all you want, but stay away from them.”

  We chatted for a few more minutes before he had to go and when I got off the phone Katy was yawning.

  “It’s bedtime. These long days are getting to me,” she said.

  “I’m right behind you,” I replied, not as exhausted as before talking to Cooper. I wanted to see if I could find out any more about the two families; Cooper had just told me about. That information had given me a jolt of energy, and I was super curious.

  As I started searching for the names Cooper had given me online, I kicked myself for not asking him sooner. I just hadn’t because I knew how he would react, and wanted to prolong that discussion as much as possible. I hadn’t wanted to start an argument. Though as I started scanning the articles I pulled up, I could see he had reason to worry. I even started to get a little worried. Both families were involved in some pretty hairy stuff. Murder, extortion, racketeering. How in the hell was Roxanne mixed up with them? I kept tabs open for articles on both families that contained pictures, and I hoped Katy wasn’t asleep yet. I wanted to see if she recognized anyone. I got up and walked with my computer over to the bedroom and knocked softly.

  “Katy, are you still up,” I whispered.

  A moment later she opened the door. “Yeah, what’s up?"

  “Do you recognize the guys who came into the store from either of these pictures,” I said and showed her my laptop.

  It took her all of two seconds to point to one of the articles, “Them. Those were the two who came in. Oh my God. They’re mobsters. How does Roxanne know mobsters?”

  “Good question. Until Willie calls, I don’t think we should ask her though. As much as I would like to.”

  “I agree but now I’m not so sure she didn’t kill Drew. This is kind of scary.”

  “I don’t know about that but she’s involved in something here. I don’t think your average person knows mobsters.”

  Chapter 15

  I was tired from staying up too late the night before, but had just finished remerchandising the front of the store and was standing back surveying my work. Tired or not I was proud of my accomplishment.

  There was more merchandise than what it had looked like initially once we had found all the hidden boxes and things stuffed all over the place. Most of it was old and out of season, but it was still in good shape and at least it was something. Only a few boxes had to be given away because they were in too bad of shape or too old to sell. I had marked the old stuff way down and even if we only got a few bucks from it; it would be better than nothing. The blow out sale was tomorrow, and so far we had about twenty RSVP’s. Even if only half of them showed up it would be more customers than we had the last few days combined and it would give me the chance to talk to people and tell them how fabulous I was going to make Silk again. The normal customers who shopped Silk didn’t care about sales, they wanted latest and greatest, price be damned so they might not be interested in this merchandise no matter how good it looked. But I couldn’t get that merchandise without money. So I had to pick my battles. I almost wanted to take the new stuff off the floor, because it made the old merchandise look even more like old merchan
dise but then they wouldn’t sell in the back room either. If I pulled all the old merchandise off the floor, it would be empty so this combination would just have to work. I had been thinking about trying to go in a different direction merchandise-wise, to just a little less high end. Maybe two times what a normal person could afford instead of five times but to be a sale warehouse wasn’t any direction I wanted to go in. It was just a means to an end right now.

  I was excited because today I was expecting the first shipment of new clothes that would be for the spring season. It was a more casual line than the normal merchandise Silk had, but with my new vision of where the business might go, and with our financial constraints; I needed to compromise. The amount of credit I had to work with from the few vendors who would even consider giving us any would have afforded me maybe one gown at the normal price point. So some of the more casual cruise wear type merchandise would, hopefully, work. At least it was current season, and my hope was we could get rid of a lot of the sale merchandise with our event and then I could use the money to fill the space with new. While it was a little difficult to think of spring clothes wearing when it was currently twenty and snowing outside, this was the time of year many people were contemplating vacation. So I was fairly confident in my selections. My phone vibrated, and I saw it was Gary. I know he was calling to see if I had made a decision, but I wasn’t ready to answer. I needed a little more time to make sure, so I sent him to voicemail. Thank goodness for caller I.D.

  “What’s wrong,” Katy said as she walked back in the office and found me lying on the desk.

  “Gary just called.”


  “I didn’t answer. I’m not ready to pull the trigger.”

  “You can’t put him off forever. He’s just trying to help, and he needs to know something.”

  “I know. I want to see what happens tomorrow. If it’s a complete bust then maybe that’s telling me something.”

  “Don’t think that way. People will come.”


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