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Harlequin Special Edition July 2013 - Bundle 1 of 2: Marooned with the MaverickHer McKnight in Shining ArmorCelebration's Bride

Page 24

by Christine Rimmer

  “I don’t know her, but good luck. And if she can’t help call me back. I mean it.”

  “I’ll do that. Thanks.”

  Ellie clicked the phone closed and leaned back on the wooden headrest. She was so tired and sore that crying was sounding better and better all the time, so she let her eyes drift closed to keep back the tears. It seemed like seconds later she heard her name.

  “Ellie. Wake up.” The masculine voice was soft, gentle, yet deep and familiar.

  She blinked her eyes open and Alex was crouched in front of her. “Where am I?”

  “On Jill’s porch. Downstairs from your apartment.”

  The horrible truth came rushing back and she nodded. Her mouth quivered when she said, “I can’t get up the stairs. And don’t you dare say I told you so.”

  “Never crossed my mind.” But he looked away to keep her from seeing the truth in his eyes.

  “I called the lodge but they don’t have a room available even for just tonight. But I have a plan.”

  “Does it include sleeping here outside on the porch?”

  “No,” she said, struggling for a tone of confident superiority. “There’s a roof and four walls.”

  His eyes narrowed. “How about lights and running water?”

  “That, too.”

  “Care to share the location?” When she hesitated he added, “I’ll find out, anyway. I followed you here and it’s real easy to do it again.”

  She was torn between a spurt of happiness that he’d gone to the trouble of checking up on her and not wanting to appear vulnerable. Since he seemed determined, coming clean was her only option.

  “I’m going to stay in the construction trailer.”

  He shook his head. “Bad idea.”

  “It will work,” she snapped. Anger would keep her from crying, but changing the subject would be better. “Why did you follow me?”

  “Apparently I’m coming to your rescue.”

  “That would imply I’m in trouble and that’s just not the case.”

  The corners of his mouth curved up. “Let me get this straight. Your ankle is broken. The leg is in a cast and doctor’s orders are not to put weight on it. On top of that, the apartment you rent and where you keep all your stuff is up a flight of stairs that you can’t climb. There’s no room at the lodge and your plan is to stay at a flimsy trailer with no bed and a bathroom with only a sink. Do I have that right?”

  Unfortunately he’d hit on every single depressing detail. “It will be fine.”

  He rested his forearms on his thighs as they stared eye to eye. It didn’t look as if he was leaving anytime soon. “Is everyone from Texas as stubborn as you?”

  “I can’t speak for everyone, but there was a time when Texans wanted to form their own country. To this day there are holdouts for that idea.”

  “I think I can guess where you fall on the issue.” He looked down for a moment then reluctantly seemed to make up his mind. “You’re coming home with me.”

  She’d slept with him, and they’d agreed it was a mistake. Now he was suggesting she live with him in his house? That suggestion was worse than bad, but she couldn’t think of a word bad enough to describe it, except possibly disastrous.

  “That’s not a good idea.”

  “Maybe. But I don’t see another alternative.” When she opened her mouth to protest, he held up a finger to stop her. “The construction trailer isn’t a realistic, long-term option. There’s no bed or shower. Not to mention it’s a place of business no matter how temporary.”

  There must be another solution. She’d crossed a line with him that night on his boat and keeping her distance was the only way to get back neutral territory.

  “Alex, I can’t let you do this.”

  He dragged his fingers through his hair and if the irritation darkening his face was an indication, he wasn’t any happier about this than she was.

  “As I see it,” he said, “there’s no other choice. For either of us. The work comes first. You’ve got skin in the game and so do I. Delays aren’t an option.”

  “Why? I mean I know for myself, but what’s in it for you?”

  “I fit this project into a small window as a favor to Mayor Goodson and the town council, but there’s very little room for error. I’ve got a big development job scheduled to start. The guy’s worth a bundle and has something of a reputation.”

  “In what way?”

  “Wealthy bachelor.”

  “A player?”

  “Maybe. But he generates a lot of publicity, and I’d prefer it not be bad when my company is mentioned. It’s a very lucrative deal.”

  “I see.” In the short term she didn’t have much money on the line, but this was about her long-term career.

  There was determination in Alex’s gaze. “If you don’t show up at the job site there’s too much potential for delays and work stoppage. My offer of a place to stay is all about keeping this project on schedule. Nothing more.”

  Ellie should have been relieved and she would be. Real soon. But she couldn’t manage it just now. The fact that she was even the tiniest bit disappointed that he had only professional motivation for offering her a roof over her head meant that her feelings for him were a little too personal. On the other hand, she had no choice.

  “Okay, Alex. I accept. And it’s very nice of you.”

  “Like I said, I’m not a nice man.”

  There was something hot, hard and a little primitive in his eyes that said he wasn’t being chivalrous and she shouldn’t believe for a second that he was. The little thrill feathering through her proved that she didn’t quite buy in to that. He had the look down, but she wondered if it was an act. Or simply a habit to warn women away.

  He didn’t scare her. She had skin in the professional game, too, and didn’t do personal any more than he did.

  “I really hate to ask, but I’m going to need some things from upstairs. I would do it if I could, but I think I’m going to have to impose on you. Unless you can think of another way.”

  He thought for several moments, then seemed to conclude that lugging her upstairs, back down again and making another trip for her stuff was not the most efficient way to achieve the goal.

  “I’ll get it. What do you need?”

  She started talking as items popped into her mind. “Toiletries. Clothes. Underwear.”

  It was hard to tell in the dim light, but she swore he went a little pale. She wasn’t sure whether or not to take satisfaction from that.

  Chapter Five

  As soon as Alex stepped into Ellie’s upstairs apartment he realized how big a mistake he’d made. This whole place smelled like her, all flowers and spice and everything nice. One sniff and his hands tingled with the need to touch her. Chances were pretty damn good that she would leave her scent all over his house and there’d be absolutely nowhere to hide. Since he’d actually put some effort into convincing her to come home with him, she would notice if he tried to get out of it now. That meant he was pretty seriously hosed.

  All he could do was get this part done and deal with the fallout from his big mouth later. He pulled his cell phone from the case on his belt and hit speed dial for Ellie’s number. She was going to talk him through and tell him what to get.

  “Hi, Alex.”

  That was probably exhaustion in her voice but it sounded all husky and honey to him. “Where’s your suitcase?” he asked, not bothering to be polite.

  “Bedroom closet.”

  He walked past the leather couch in the living room and went down the hall. As he passed the bathroom, her scent became even stronger, but he planned to get busy and do his best to ignore the way his senses were scrambling.

  “Okay, I found it,” he said, looking into her closet.

  The interior highlighted her temporary status. This was practically empty compared to the ones he’d seen when invited into a woman’s bedroom during one of his out-of-town trips. Ellie had a couple of suits with matching four-inch heel
s that she wouldn’t be wearing any time soon. There were black slacks, silky blouses and a couple of flowing skirts. And some straight, tight ones, too.

  “With that cast of yours, you’re probably better off with skirts. The loose ones.”

  “Yeah,” she said. “And there’s a pair of white tennis shoes. They’ll have to do for now.”

  “Should I just put in the right one?”

  “Funny.” She sighed. “Humor me and bring the pair.”

  “Okay. Got ’em.”

  “Bring the shorts in the middle drawer and the sweatpants. Three, I think. If I have to cut off the legs it’s not a big loss.”

  In the dresser he located the items. “They’re in. What else?”

  “Underwear and bras.” Her tone was matter-of-fact, but she was working at it. “Top drawer.”

  Alex opened it and started to sweat. Pink, yellow, green, red and black. It was a relentlessly feminine rainbow of matching panties and bras, each color sexier than the last. Tiny little bikini panties made of silk and satin trimmed with lace. They would be cut high and make her legs look longer....

  “You want all of them?” He hoped his voice didn’t sound as hoarse to her as it did to him.


  “Okay.” His tone was offhanded, too, but barely.

  His hand shook when he picked up all the scraps of female apparel. Taking lingerie off a woman was a major turn-on. That was a given for a guy, but putting it in a suitcase shouldn’t rev his motor like this. Except damned if she didn’t have just about the sexiest underwear on the planet.

  “What else?” he barked into the cell phone.

  “Nightgown and pajamas.”

  He almost groaned out loud but just managed to hold it in. “Dresser?”

  “Bottom drawer.”

  Alex was almost afraid to open it. After silk and lace what were the odds that she wore sensible stuff to bed like flannel or a big, baggy shirt with enough space to completely hide her tempting curves? The first cautious glance was like peeking into his own personal hell. Skimpy, skinny-strapped tops that wouldn’t conceal diddly and little matching bottoms so short they’d barely cover the mind-blowing curve of her bottom. Not giving himself too much time to think, he scooped everything out and dropped it in the suitcase.

  As if she could read his mind, Ellie said, “There’s a robe hanging on the back of the bathroom door.”

  He found it and breathed a sigh of relief. Terry cloth, thick and long. “Thank you, God.”

  “What was that?” she asked.

  “Think I got everything,” he answered.

  “Don’t forget the toiletries.”

  “What are we talking?”

  “Shampoo, conditioner, detangler, volumizer, stuff for shine, hair spray. Makeup. The little machine and charger I use to cleanse my face. Body cream—”

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  “You think looking this good is fast, easy and cheap?” she snapped.

  He thought she was beautiful first thing in the morning with mascara under her eyes and her hair tousled because he’d run his hands through it. None of that would come out of his mouth, though.

  “What I think,” he said carefully, “is that I’ll bring down your clothes and put them in the truck then come back up for the rest. This is a two-trip proposition.”

  There was silence on the other end of the line for several moments. “I’m sorry, Alex. I’ll understand if you want to take back your offer.”

  He did, but not for the reason she thought. “I don’t go back on my word. Be down in a minute.”

  After zipping shut the suitcase, he grabbed the clothes on hangers, then went downstairs. Ellie was still in the rocker with her bad leg elevated. She was leaning back with her eyes closed, which was both good news and bad. When she was looking at him straight on with those big blue eyes, there was extreme danger of falling into the pit, with nothing to grab hold of.

  But now he could see the dark circles under her eyes and the paleness of her cheeks that hinted at the discomfort she was doing her best to hide. That made him a slug for thinking what he’d thought about her underthings.

  “Thank you,” she said quietly, staring at him. “I really hate being a bother.”

  “Don’t mention it.” There was a noticeable tug on his heart at her words. “Did I mention that my house is one story, so there are no stairs involved? And I have a housekeeper.”

  “I’m sure she’ll love the extra work.”

  “Martha is all bark and no bite.”

  “What we in Texas call ‘all hat and no saddle’?”

  He couldn’t help smiling. “Something like that. She’ll love having a woman around.”

  “I’ll do my best to reduce any evidence of my presence in your home.”

  “Okay, then. I’ll finish this up.”

  He tucked away the first load of her things then went back upstairs for the rest. After stashing that, too, he walked up the three steps to the porch. She reached for the crutches and he gently brushed away her hand.

  “I’ll give you a ride.”

  Without waiting for protest, he scooped her up and carried her to the open door on the passenger side, then set her on the leather seat. All her tempting curves were a heavy weight in his mind but not so much in his arms. The feel of her made the packing challenge seem like a cold shower.

  The sooner he got her to his house, the sooner he could retire to his corner and get at least a little distance from her. He walked around the front of the truck, then got in behind the wheel and turned the key in the ignition.

  Ellie leaned her head back against the seat and sighed. “I’m not quite sure how to manage it, but all I want is a hot shower and to wash my hair.”

  Alex couldn’t decide whether she could read his mind or was just really good at torturing him. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t you supposed to keep that cast dry? Maybe you could figure out something slightly less challenging than washing your hair.”

  “I can handle it.”

  He couldn’t. “The thing is, I’d rather not have to call my brother in the middle of the night because your new plaster accessory was compromised on my watch.”

  “Are you afraid of Ben?”

  “Of course not.” He was afraid she’d hurt herself more and that bothered him a lot. “How about this. Give me a day and I’ll change out the showerhead in the guest bath and put in a handheld one. That way you can control the flow and direction of the water.”

  “You shouldn’t have to make any changes to your home on account of me, Alex.”

  “It’s not for you.” That was only a small lie. “And I’ve been meaning to do it for a while.”

  “That’s very sweet.” There was a soft look on her face in the dim dashboard lights.

  “Odd. Because I’m not a sweet guy.”

  “Oh, please.” She laughed. “I don’t want to be a bother. If you’re sure...”

  Since the day he met her, Alex hadn’t been sure about anything and she’d been a bother in ways he didn’t want to think about. “I’m sure, and it’s no trouble.”

  “Okay, then. Thanks.”

  She was quiet for the rest of the drive, but that didn’t make any difference to the tension knotting his shoulders and neck. Finally the turn for his place came up. He went right and drove down the long driveway. “We’re almost there.”

  “You do live close,” she said.

  Alex parked in front of his house with the impressive stately entrance and double doors containing etched-glass inserts that let the inside light spill out. He told her to sit tight while he unlocked and opened the front door.

  When he came back to the truck and moved in close to her he said, “Here’s how we’re doing this. I’ll carry you into the family room, and you stay put while I bring the rest of your stuff in.”

  “Only if you let me unpack everything. I can handle that.”


  He was grateful not to touch it
again, but that wouldn’t keep him from remembering the look, the feel. Only feeling that silk on her body would be worse. There was no comfort in the fact that it wouldn’t stay on her body for long.

  “On second thought,” she said, “if you put me and the toiletries in the guest bath, I can sit and arrange it all.”

  He thought that over and couldn’t see a downside. “Sounds like a plan.”

  Alex carried her through the one-story house for a guided tour. He showed her the guest room and bath, his study and the master bedroom, then left her and the personal products where she could unpack them while he unloaded everything else and took it into the room where she would sleep.

  Ten minutes later he stood in the bathroom doorway, where the scent of her was already taking over. The thick terry-cloth robe was in his hand. “I’ll just hang this on the back of the door. Towels and washcloths are in the linen closet there, and I put a fresh bar of soap in the shower if you need it.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled. “I really mean that.”

  “Happy to be of service.” He slid his fingers into the pockets of his jeans. “If you need some help, I’d be happy to stay. Promise not to look.”

  “As if.” But she laughed and the sweet sound was almost as powerful as the smell of her skin.

  “Okay, I’m leaving. But I’ll be close by.” He closed the door and stayed right outside in the hall. Balancing on one leg was new to her, and if she had a problem, he wanted to be close.

  There was no noise for a while, then he heard running water. After a few minutes, it shut off and something fell on the floor. He tensed, waiting for some indication that Ellie was in distress. Although he was listening intently, a loud crash on the other side of the door was startling.

  “Ellie, are you okay?” He knocked and heard mumbling but nothing else. That wasn’t good enough. Just hours ago he’d seen her on the ground writhing in pain and couldn’t stand the thought that it was happening again. “Ready or not, I’m coming in.”

  He burst through the door expecting the worst. And he got it, although not exactly as he’d expected. She was standing by the tub/shower with one hand on the wall to steady her and keep the weight off the broken ankle. That was the good part. The bad was that she had nothing on except a towel.


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