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Teramar: The Gathering Night

Page 31

by Thomas Michael Murray

  Clearing his throat, the prince began. “Ladies and gentlemen, first and foremost, I need to disclose to you that my assistant is broadcasting a live feed of this proceeding to the rest of the world.” The prince gestured to the outside. Prior to the meeting, Jessica positioned small, camouflage-hovers throughout the president’s office and home. Nobody in the room made any objections. It was pointless.

  Behind Hadrian, large halo-screens simultaneously fell like curtains. The assembled group stirred at the miraculous technology. On screen, Jessica then initiated a moving green line through the stars, from earth to Teramar. The sound of Teramarian Trumpet calls rose around them for effect. Hadrian began with a tour of his world. “Greetings fellow humans. Like you, I am a homo-sapien. However, unlike you, my home is many light years from here.” Jessica translated Hadrian’s speech into all the primary languages.

  Images of Teramar’s natural beauty appeared and faded. As the great forests shimmered in and out, the prince confidently spoke, “My name is Hadrian Capet. I am the male heir to the living throne of Teramar. Although my people comprise many planets in one great solar system, we are a much smaller population than what you support here on earth. Only one billion live on Teramar and her surrounding worlds whereas six times that number resides on earth.”

  Footage of formal state events with the king and queen in a glittering array of pomp now rolled across the view screens. “Teramarians are and have always been a society of great warriors. We are bound by the concepts of blood honor, bravery and skill in battle.” Hadrian’s expression quickly turned serious.

  Shayne watched his friend calmly perform. The basketball star was awash in thoughts. “He’s still just a kid. And the President of the United States is hanging on his every word.”

  An experienced orator, the prince calmly surveyed the room checking the reaction. He caught Shayne’s eye and then nodded at the president. “As a student of earth’s history, I have learned about a remarkably resilient people that unerringly pushes toward a better future. I’ve genuinely admired your world’s progress. Earth’s great evolution. I wish I could say our two societies were more similar. Unfortunately, they are not. On Teramar, a small junta of ruling families ruthlessly maintains a stagnant class system. In fact, we thoroughly revile this treasured concept called ‘peace.’ For the Teramarian oligarchs, a peaceful history is evidence of a civilization in decline. The verb, ‘to kill,’ is something we Teramarians associate with personal honor.” The gathering growled at this. Hadrian put his hands out to calm.

  Justine Martin carefully listened to the alien boy. “The young man is going to deliver unpleasant news today. I can feel it.” She considered interrupting to ask her question but then thought better of it. She knew the president would be furious. “This must have been how the native peoples felt when the Europeans first presented their white faces and crosses.”

  Scenes from the military games in Teramar’s grand arena flowed through the screens. Jessica presented the prince in combat at the violent competitions. Slowly these turned bloody with the first military coup. She rolled the most violent scenes – the razor wire, the executions, the carpet-bombing from space. Some in the audience had to turn their heads. Hadrian’s voice carried dread, “This is what my people can do to each other. I show you this, as I need to make the message absolutely clear.”

  China’s serious leader thought, “Something is pursuing him? Otherwise why meet with us? I also find it curious his physical appearance resembles a white European.” Not easily rattled, the Chinese leader struggled to appear calm.

  As the horror of Teramar’s violent society played across the halo-screens, traditional Teramarian war music rose around them. Hadrian could see some unconsciously, ever so slightly moving their heads. Others uncomfortably grabbed their chairs or crossed their arms. All of this was orchestrated to push the audience to full attention. The prince then pitched his voice for ultimate persuasion. Due to his public life, he knew how to charm an audience. But Hadrian also knew these democratic peoples were contrarian and less susceptible to an aristocrat’s tricks.

  The prince leveled a serious gaze at the two world leaders. “As you just witnessed, there was a coup many years before my father’s reign. Unfortunately, there was another one a mere eleven months past.” Hadrian paused to catch his breath. “My father, the true king, now sits in prison and my mother and her family rule the empire. My mother’s family is the same that was removed by my father’s people many years prior. Coup and counter coup are a constant on my world.”

  Hushed with anticipation, the audience patiently waited for the ultimate message. Hadrian pushed his finish, “Years past, our scientists discovered your world. Throughout nature’s great galaxy, we have found there are only a few places that support life like our two planets. In appreciation of our violent history, my ancestors therefore made earth an ultimate destination in the face of catastrophe. Earth is my harbor in the storm. This is what brought me to your solar system. I am a refugee.”

  The Chinese president interrupted. He spoke in Chinese. Jessica translated for Hadrian. The prince nodded and replied, “You are correct, Mr. President. Yes, my mother, the queen and current ruler of Teramar, is indeed coming here to earth to retrieve me. Rough estimates put their arrival in a month’s time. A collective gasp rose from the assemblage.

  The prince waved them to silence. “Please. I have come to love your world. More importantly, I too have significant resources at my disposal and believe I can repel any danger to earth. My hope is that the average earth citizen will not experience any change in their lives.”

  Simultaneously, Jessica projected an image of her own hovers and shields in formation over earth in a defensive posture. “I also intend to share our superior technology with you to help assure the planet’s ultimate safety.”

  The U.S. president said, “If you’ve come to love our planet, why don’t you leave and spare us your troubles?”

  “My mother and her people, the Uriah clan, now know of earth. Regardless of my presence here or not, they will eventually come for your natural resources. My people do not understand democracy and will impose their will on you. The wiser course is to let me upgrade earth’s defense and smash the Uriahan fleet so they will never return.”

  Hadrian turned to speak to the larger audience outside, “Good people of earth, we are going to turn off this live feed. The reason is not to cut you out of these discussions, but rather to not have our plan broadcast to the enemy.” Hadrian then leveled his most self-assured, princely gaze at the unseen billions, “I promise you that we will overcome this.” All of the televisions across the world then automatically transferred to regular programming.

  Turning to the powerful group, Hadrian carefully chose these last words. “Yes, I understand that my speech today will be viewed as bad news by most of you. In the same day you learn that intelligent life exists, you also learn this same life may threaten earth’s very existence. I realize there is not much recompense I can offer other than we have quietly brought some good to your people since we arrived. For example, your media is beginning to notice that terrorist events have dropped to almost nothing worldwide. We’ve simply turned off the bombs. We have also begun to eliminate much of your incurable disease especially in the less affluent countries. Your world is racked by pollution due to energy concerns. We can make that go away. My great computer is able to attend to all of it.”

  The U.S. president interrupted, “Your highness.”

  “Please call me, Hadrian.” As if in protest to the prince’s assertions, the wind ironically rustled the makeshift tarp. The famous room had settled to a nervous calm.

  “Yes, ok. Hadrian, if we were to aid you, what could you do to improve our native defenses. I am no scientist, but that ship out there, hovering above my lawn seems beyond anything we can contribute.”

  “Sir, the United States air force is a formidable organization. My assistant and I have studied your military’s command and contr
ol. The training provided to young officers at earth’s academies is impressive. With regards to your technology, the speed and maneuverability of an F-16 is somewhat comparable to the Termarian single-man ship. We call them hovers. We would therefore equip your flying machines with our shield technology and cannons. I maintain you can compete within the atmosphere’s canopy – if it comes to that.” Jessica bounced another screen that provided a demonstration of earth fighter jets destroying Teramarian hovers.

  “My assistant has already forwarded the planned upgrades to your systems. I also carry a large compliment of my own a single-man hovers in the belly of the starship that’s orbiting earth. I intend to train earth’s best pilots for how to fly these machines. Sir, I truly believe we will be able to hold them to deep space.”

  The American president asked, “Is it possible we can have an earth advisor around your person during these preparations?”

  “You’re agreeing to help me, Mr. President?”

  “Noooowww Hadrian, I didn’t quite say that.” The old Virginian spilled out of the leader’s mouth. “Per the American constitution, I must consult with congress when making a formal declaration of war.”

  “I will always be available for more talk, sir. We programmed my number into each presidents’ telephone under the name, Hadrian Capet.” Both men simultaneously looked at their devices and indeed noted that someone added that name with an American telephone number.

  The group had a few more questions with general agreement for a second meeting on the following day. The U.S. president then offered light refreshment. Over wine and cheese, Hadrian tried to say as little as possible. After one glass, he politely gave their regrets and returned to the hover. When the door finally shut, he asked with a serious face, “How did I do?”

  “You were calm, sincere and with a reasonable plan. They have no choice.”

  “I did the best I could. I hope it was enough.” Turning to his great computer, the prince said, “Jessica, please take us home to U.N. Plaza.”

  Shayne appreciated Hadrian’s choice of words. “The Termarian Prince called my place, home.”

  As the hover cut her way over the Atlantic Ocean, the Manhattan skyline grew before them. Hadrian quietly said, “Shayne, I’d like to come to tomorrow night’s game.”

  “Do you think that is wise?”

  “Agh. It’ll be fine. Come on. I’m still your biggest fan. We should try to get back to something that’s closer to normal.”

  “If that’s ever possible,” Shayne quietly thought.


  After Jessica transported the two young men to Washington for their White House interview, she packed her other two guests into another transport and quietly put them on the roof of Ben Smith’s building. She took the obvious security measures, cloaking the small ship and unlocking the heavy fire door that led into the building. Jessica wanted to avoid further public sightings where earthlings might mistake her efforts for an all out invasion. Ducking through the wind sheer, Ben forced the door’s handle against the vacuum. With a wild jerk, the entrance sprang open pulling him inside. Trembling, Angela fell against the wall to steady herself and looked up. “Good god. We made it, Ben.”

  “Yes, we did,” he smiled.

  In from the cold, the apartment felt warm as wood. Ben immediately dragged Angela to the television. Jessica had just informed the couple that Hadrian’s global address was imminent. But Angela was more curious about the athlete’s home as she had already heard the prince’s tale up on ship. She broke away and wandered about the well-appointed man cave, snooping through an impressive stockpile of memorabilia.

  “Look at all this old crap,” she gazed in wonder.

  Ben screamed from the couch, “It’s not crap!”

  “You have an old baseball here with Babe Ruth’s signature on it? You can clearly read the name.”

  “He signed a lot of them. Come on. Hadrian’s started. Look! Shayne is leaning against the wall of the oval office!” Jessica had commandeered all of the world’s televisions. Clearly, the prince’s golden voice rang throughout the room. Angela bounded onto the couch curling into the hollow of Ben’s large body. Neither of them said a word. The prince’s performance radiated confidence and Jessica’s stylized footage was Hollywood perfection.

  When Hadrian signed off with an encouraging smile and regular television returned, Angela turned to her new friend and said, “How about it? The three of us, you, Shayne, and I are caught up in the middle of this thing. Would you in a million years ever think you could tell someone that you’ve looked down on earth as an astronaut?”

  The veteran athlete’s tender gaze rested upon Angela Munoza. The last twenty-four hours were certainly like no other. For Ben, spending time with this beautiful woman and learning to make love to her was the real news. Even her voice had a power over him. He slowly put an arm round – half supporting the trunk-like appendage for fear of crushing a fragile shoulder. In a husky, sentimental voice, he replied, “Yeah, it certainly was a world-wind experience. I feel like we stepped off a movie set.”

  “I guess it was a bit of a Hollywood adventure with a quick romance thrown in for fun.”

  “I don’t want to call it a quick romance, Angela Munoza.” A large hand took hers.

  “I see,” she replied smartly.

  Oddly awkward, Ben retreated. “Come on Angie. I know you like me.”

  Angela’s face softened. Ben leaned over. She parted her mouth. As they slowly kissed, her thoughts still churned like an hourglass. Angela pushed him off and said in a serious voice, “Hadrian’s mother is coming to fetch him, traveling across the universe or galaxy or whatever it is? Think about it. She’s coming here to earth?”

  “Yaaaaa,” said Ben with a yawn.

  Manicured eyebrows grew together. “That’s all you can say?”

  “Angela, come on. What are you - I mean you, personally - going to do about some space war? Nothing. You’re going to do nothing. We’re the little people. If Hadrian needs our help, which I doubt, he’ll come round.”

  “A looming earth invasion carries no import for you,” she asked with a sarcastic edge?

  “Yeah and...” Ben remained calm – stifling another yawn.

  “What is it with you? Earth’s future was irrevocably altered and you’re tired. Not bothered.”

  “Some things bother me,” he said defensively. “Worry about what you can. I like Hadrian plenty, but I’m more concerned for how he treats Shayne. That’s what I worry about.”

  “Where those two are concerned, you don’t need to worry about Hadrian breaking Shayne’s heart, rather I see it the other way around.”

  “Maybe. But Hadrian has an easier role in all this. He’s new here. No one knows him. Shayne, on the other hand, has a career on the line. Need I say the obvious?”

  “Huh? I don’t understand. Shayne’s being gay is no secret. Everyone knew after those photos were published.”

  “What are you talking about? Everyone did not know. He denied all of it. Shayne could lose his place in the league if he openly took Hadrian as his lover. That is a fact. Basketball is his life. If we weren’t basketball players, then what would we be?”

  “I wonder about that,” she pouted with indignation. The two weren’t looking at each other, slowly moving apart like icebergs. Wind battered the big window in an eerie rush. The television awkwardly squawked. The mundane noises sounded loud against their shadowy silence.

  Angela finally muttered, “Hadrian could die up there, Ben. And assuming he survives the coming battle, does he then give up his life as a prince to remain on earth? Shayne’s not the only one with much to lose.”

  “Woman, why do you have to always dwell on the shit I don’t want to discuss?”

  She smiled her perfect teeth. “That’s when you need me the most, dear Ben.”

  He tried to pull her over for another kiss. Angela squirmed away. He complained, “Why are you pushing me off? You are such a tease.”

nbsp; “All you care about is getting more pussy,” she accused him?

  “Is there something wrong with that? I like pussy and am good at making pussies feel good.”

  “From a girl’s point of view, that makes you extremely unreliable. You’ll make some poor fool happy for a week or two, and then move on when the next one on your list requires attention.”

  He sighed exasperated. “Angie, you have to believe I really am getting tired of all that. Fifteen years in the league is wearing me down - always on the road, the pressure to win, and yes, I am also tired of the nameless, brainless women. I’m ready now.”

  “Ready for a retirement home?”

  “No! I am ready to spend more time with a classy lady like you. Nobody wants to be alone. I know you’re the same way.”

  Angela grumbled under her breadth, “Sometimes I like to be alone.”

  Ignoring the frown, Ben began to nuzzle her neck. Rather than push him away this time, she turned and let his lips roll across her skin. He slowly moved his hand between her thighs. A silent switch then forced a jolt of electricity up her back. She tried to not seem too eager.

  Ben whispered, “Honey, think short term today.”

  Coach’s Office

  As Shayne drove west toward the arena, Jessica left a wake of invisible force fields around the automobile, keeping the media and government agents at bay. Shayne observed her interference the moment he left the garage. The weather was dreary, matching his spirits. The playoffs were enough pressure. Now, there was Hadrian off to war. His once generous life had turned quite miserly.

  When he finally reached the locker-room, the usually raucous conversations all but stopped as the snap of a closing door called attention to his arrival. Most of the guys simply nodded their heads as Shayne - casually as possible - strolled into the large room. Big Ben was already there. Ignoring the stuffy silence, he gave his friend a bear hug.

  “You ok,” he asked – slapping the other on the back?


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