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Back to December (Ward Sisters Book 1)

Page 11

by Lucy Gage

  The light was stronger now. Emily looked at him quizzically. “I take it there has been another Emily and Rob bomb dropped on the internet?”

  “Yeah. Jen said that the latest is that I broke up your relationship with Josh, that we were an item before the two of you were really through. Supposedly, there are 'sources close to the couple' saying it. Which can mean they're making it up completely or it can mean that someone, somewhere, is spreading rumors. I've got the premiere coming up in a few weeks so I've got press to do today. We have to decide if it's okay if they ask about us.”

  “We? Meaning you and me or your publicity team?”

  “Both. But don't think that means you don't have a say. If we're okay with the interviewers asking, then Amy will decide if it's a good move. If we aren't okay with it, then she'll tell them it's off the table. Either way, we decide first and then she just determines if it's something that should be out there. That's the way it will always be.”

  “So, if I say that I don't want interviewers to ask you about us, then they can't?”

  “They can try to do it anyway, but it'll get their interview shut down, so most of the time, they comply. Some of them will write stuff based on my reaction to things, but most of them like to keep in good with Amy so they listen. She blacklists people and she holds a grudge. She's a kickass publicist. Much better than the wuss who did the job before her.”

  Emily looked away. She wasn't sure she wanted their relationship to be quite that public, especially when it wasn't entirely a lie that she started falling for Rob before she had formally severed ties with Josh. Just the fact that she was falling for him was overwhelming, but to have to share that with the world? She wasn't ready for that.

  Rob lay down next to her and stroked her hair. “Hey.” She turned back to him. “We don't ever have to let them in. They don't ever have to be allowed to ask. I get it if you're not comfortable with it being out there right now. If you're just not ready to have this publicly acknowledged, we can tell them it's off the table until it's something you want.”

  “I just...I know I said I don't care what my family thinks, but that's not entirely true. I care what they think, I just don't want it to dictate my life anymore. I don't want them to think I'm flaunting this. I want it, Rob. I want to be with you. I want to be your girlfriend. And if the tabloids want to say that, I can't stop them. But I'm not ready to let legitimate reporters into our lives. I at least owe Josh enough respect not to rub it in his face. It's bad enough that if he ever sees me with you, he'll know straight away that I feel things for you that I never felt for him.”

  And with that, she had to turn away again before she cried. Because it was almost too much. She had admitted too much.

  Rob turned her face gently back toward his. “Okay. We'll do whatever you want.”

  He kissed her. He wouldn't push her, wouldn't make her talk more about how hard and fast she was falling for him. But she could see it in his eyes, it made him happy. She'd acknowledged that her feelings were as strong as his own.

  Emily had thought that maybe it was the chemistry between her and Rob which made the sex so great. That the reason she always believed it was good with Josh and had been wrong wasn't a reflection on Josh's bedroom skills. It wasn't even about the chemistry with Josh.

  It was a commentary on how deeply Em felt for him.

  Because, she realized, if she felt for Josh even half of what she already felt for Rob, then maybe their sex life would have been better. She was connecting in bed with Rob on a level she never reached with Josh in all the time she had known him. It told Emily two things:

  That she had probably never been in love with Josh.

  And she was already falling in love with Rob.

  The rest of the morning passed quickly. Soon, room service brought breakfast and Rick had arrived to take Em back to her room to get ready for work. By the time she left for the museum, Liam was there to accompany her. She didn't even question about the car, just headed toward that entrance, smiled at Mo when he opened the door and made room for Liam.

  Her bodyguard looked at her quizzically.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Nothing. It's not my place to make comments.”

  “We're going to be spending a lot of time together, Liam, spit it out.”

  “So you agreed to be his girlfriend.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “You're suddenly very compliant. Like you know you don't have much choice. Even once you realized it was fruitless last night, you were still resistant. You're not doing that anymore.”

  “And that tells you I agreed to be his girlfriend?”

  “It tells me that you accepted having a bodyguard. Which means something changed. I'm just assuming that he wanted you to be his girlfriend and you said yes.”

  “Why would you assume that?”

  “Because I know him, Emily. He doesn't do casual. If he wasn't gaga over you, he wouldn't have even talked to you. Why do you think he hasn't had a date in over three years? It's not because women don't want him. People try to set him up all the time, but he never budges. He got burned once, and since then, he refuses to even go on a date with someone unless he thinks it can lead somewhere.”

  “He didn't even know if I was single when he came up to me in that bar. We were halfway to the club before he even asked.”

  “Like I said, gaga. He didn't care. Whatever you said or did when he met you, it knocked him over the head. He must have taken it as a sign when he saw you at the hotel.”

  She sat in silence for a minute and stared out the window. There was more traffic this morning than there had been the day before. Finally, she looked at Liam.

  “Do you think I'm crazy?”

  “Do you like him?”

  She nodded.

  “Half as much as he clearly likes you?”

  She smiled.

  “As much as he likes you?”

  She nodded again, slowly.

  “Then you're not crazy. We're here.”

  Liam went to open the door and she called his name to stop him. “Thanks. It feels a little surreal.”

  “Like Salvador Dali?”

  “In the best possible melting clocks way, yes.”

  He smiled and opened the door.

  “I'm surprised you know who Salvador Dali is,” Emily commented as she got out of the car.

  “I'm not uncultured just because I'm a bodyguard.”

  “I didn't mean to imply that you were. Dali just isn't the typical artist most people know. I didn't mean to offend you.”

  “Yeah, well, if I told you why I know about Dali, I'd have to kill you, so let's leave it at that.” Emily's mouth gaped open in shock. “I'm kidding! Just kidding. You're too easy. I took some art history classes in college.”

  They chatted amiably as they went up to the office. Em didn't even notice if the photographers were at the front door today, she had been too involved in talking to Liam to pay attention.

  Before she realized it, they were at her desk. Liam said his goodbye and asked if she needed him to go with her for lunch. She explained that Rob was sending something for her and said she'd ask that he send something for Liam too. Her bodyguard declined and said he'd just take the time at lunch to get out of the office instead.

  As she sat down to her to-do list for the morning, she smiled to herself, realizing that Rick was right about getting used to it, to things becoming your new normal. Her new boyfriend was a world famous movie star – and phenomenal in bed, to boot – and her new bff was her bodyguard. She was taking limousines to work and having lunch delivered. She just shook her head. What's next?

  Becky interrupted her train of thought. “Morning! Well, you look less shell-shocked than yesterday. Getting used to the glitz?”

  Em laughed. “I guess. It's still pretty bizarre. I'm just waiting for the next weird thing to happen while I plug away at my to-do list.”

  “Well, it's coming at you faster than you probably expe
cted. You've got a lunch meeting today.”

  Before Em could object, Becky put up her hand. “You're not leaving the office, and no, it's not with Rob. But it's with his sister, Amy. You know she's his publicist, right?” Emily nodded, confused.

  “Well, she's also the chair of the gala committee and she thought she could kill two birds with one stone by having lunch with you today. She's got some stuff to go over with you about the gala and she wanted to talk to you about your wardrobe.”

  “My wardrobe? Do you mean in general or what I'm wearing to the gala? And Amy Ramirez is Rob's sister?”

  “She didn't say if it was in general or just for the gala. I'm sure she'll tell you at lunch. And, yes, you didn't know she was Rob's sister?”

  “No! I knew his sister's name was Amy and she was his publicist, but I didn't know she was the same person who is second only to Lucinda in how Marcus perceives my performance on this job! Now I have to worry about impressing my boss and my boyfriend's sister!”

  Becky immediately shut the door. “Did you say 'boyfriend'?”

  Em pursed her lips and shrugged. “Maybe,” she said quietly, looking down. When she looked back up at Becky, she saw a huge grin. “What?”

  “Well, it's about damn time that boy met someone he could take seriously again.”

  “You don't think it's crazy? We just met. I had a serious boyfriend before I came here.”

  “Do you think it's crazy?”

  “Only when I think about it too much. When I'm with him? No. It seems like the most perfect, right thing in the world.”

  “And he's clearly smitten with you. Cherish that. You don't always get that lucky. Usually, the ones who treasure you are butt ugly or horrible in bed. It's a rare combination to get looks, skills and devotion in one package. I'll talk to you later. I'll let you know when Amy gets here.”

  She opened the door and left Em to contemplate the discussion while she plugged away at her to-do list. Things just got crazier by the moment.

  It seemed like the morning flew. Emily was so busy with work that she had very little time to worry about what she would say to Amy or how she would balance the fact that Amy was, effectively, her boss and her boyfriend's sister, not to mention his publicist. When Becky knocked on her door, she nearly jumped out of her skin, she was so lost in what she was doing.

  “Sorry, Emily. Amy is here. Should I send her back? She's a few minutes early. Rob said lunch would be here at noon, sharp. Do you want me to wait for it to arrive?”

  “No! No. Do not wait for lunch to get here. Send her back. Or should I come get her?”

  “Stop freaking out. She's not that intimidating. I'll go get her. Relax.” Becky shook her head as she left.

  Soon enough, Becky was back, chatting with a woman who looked so much like Rob, it was impossible to mistake her for anyone but his sister – same brown hair, but long and wavy; same blue eyes; same pretty lashes; similar bone structure, but more feminine. Amy wasn't over 6 feet tall, but she was taller than Emily's 5'6" by a good few inches, at least, even without her killer heels. Like Em, she was dressed in dark wool trousers, a silk shirt – hers was a cobalt blue that matched her eyes – and minimal accessories, but she made it look so much more sophisticated.

  Becky introduced her, and Emily had to force her mouth to work, which was difficult, since her voice seemed to have disappeared.

  “Hi, Amy. It's great to finally meet you. I had hoped we could get together before Christmas to finalize the details for the gala.”

  Amy shook her hand. “Business first. I like you. Thanks, Beck. We've got it from here. If my brother delivers lunch, tell him to buzz off.”

  Becky agreed and left.

  “Now, where were we? Oh! Right. The gala. We can talk about that first, if you want, but I don't have too many changes from the original outline, just some last-minute guest list alterations.”

  She explained how some patrons were no longer attending, but were sending checks and replacement guests, so some seating charts needed to be altered. There were also a handful of additions, which meant another table. They had already changed the layout a dozen times before she got there and twice since she arrived. Emily hoped this was the very last alteration. She smiled and nodded.

  It was then that lunch arrived, brought by Becky, who mentioned that Rob had, in fact, been the one to deliver it. It was a hearty soup and salad combination, with lots of meat and potatoes, root vegetables and leafy greens and nuts. A pile of brownies from the hotel was included. Amy snorted.

  “He must really like you. He never shares his brownies with me.”

  Amy took a note out of the bag. “Looks like this is for you.” She handed the note to Emily. It read:


  I hope this keeps you fueled for the rest of the day. It always works for me. Don't let Amy bully you. She pretends to be an iron lady, but she's really a marshmallow on the inside.



  Emily laughed. “He says you're a marshmallow.”

  Amy scoffed. “That's what he thinks.” She tried to give Emily an intimidating stare, then rose and shut the door.

  “Okay, I can't do it. He's right. I am. But, much as I'm glad he finally met someone he likes enough to date, for once, I wouldn't be doing my job if I don't give you fair warning. The sister in me wants to gossip over lunch and get all girly with you. But I'm his publicist, and I have to make sure we're on the same page or this isn't going to work.”

  “What does that mean? If I'm not on board, I can't date Rob?” Emily was offended.

  “No. Not at all. I just want to make sure you're with him for the right reasons.”

  “Did he tell you how we met?” Amy nodded. “Well, then how can you wonder if I'm here for the right reasons? It's not like I was some groupie trying to get him to notice me. He literally plowed me over. I had no idea who he was until he told me later that night. I still can't believe it. Without the stupid photographers and insane security, I'd think he was just a regular guy.”

  “Good. Because he is. Just a regular guy that is. He just happens to have a very high profile job where people think they deserve to know his every move. It's my job to make sure they don't get that privilege. I control the flow of information. And the last time he dated someone who said they were here for the right reasons, he got burned. Badly. So you can understand my hesitation to trust you immediately.”

  “I can. But, like I said, I didn't even know who he was until he told me. If I hadn't been so naïve, maybe that stupid video wouldn't have been posted.”

  “Do you regret kissing him?”

  “Well, it's a little late for that, isn't it?”

  “That doesn't answer the question.”

  “No. If I regretted it, then I wouldn't have woke up in his bed this morning.”

  “Laying it all out there. I'm impressed. He didn't say he'd slept with you yet. I try not to pry. It is my job, but he's my little brother, so I limit questions to what I need to know.”

  “I didn't say we did anything more than sleep in the same bed.”

  Amy laughed at that. “No, you didn't. That was an assumption on my part. See how one thing can get turned into another? You say tomayto, I say tomahto. So did you have sex?”

  “Why should I tell you that?”

  “Your response gives me the answer. You did sleep with him. I can't say I blame you. I've heard girls say he's hard to resist for a long time. I try to plug my ears and say 'lalalalala' but it doesn't always work.”

  “Where do you get off? I don't care if you are his publicist or his sister. It's none of your damn business if I had sex with him. That's between me and him. No one else.”

  She laughed again, harder this time. “I like you! You've got spunk! And that's my point. It isn't anyone's business but yours and his. Do you see how easy it is to get sucked into that conversation? You just told me all I need to know and you didn't admit to anything. That's how the reporters work, Emily. You can't engage them i
n any way unless it's been prearranged. And even then, if we've decided that something is off the table, you can't let them goad you into responding. It's all a game. A big, stupid game. Unfortunately, it's one Rob has to play because of what he does for a living. If he wasn't any good at his job and didn't love it, he'd probably walk away just to avoid all this crap. Because he really is just a regular guy. But he does love his job and he is good at it. So this is the price we pay. All of us.”

  “Okay. I get the point. That's why he said not to let you bully me, isn't it?”

  “Because he knew that's just what I'd do. If he didn't warn you, I might have gotten you to cry. Look, he really likes you. He hasn't been this happy in a long, long time. And I can see why he likes you. I just hope you're really on board for all this. Because there are a lot of times when it's not pretty. It takes a strong set of shoulders to endure this business without getting chewed up and spit out. And just because you're not the performer doesn't mean those freaks won't try to do the same to you. Everyone is fair game to them. Everyone.”

  “He's worth it.” Emily didn't even realize she felt that way until that very moment.

  Amy softened. “He is. He deserves to be happy. To be loved and to have a good life. He's a great person. He's not perfect, but he's pretty damn close. And I'm his sister. I'm inclined to think he's a brat. Just be careful with him, okay? He's been unlucky in love.”

  “Is that his publicist talking or his sister?”

  “That's his sister talking. Look, I think you're great, from what I've seen so far. I just need to know you're prepared for what this all means. He's got a lot of stuff happening at the beginning of the year. He's going to want you to be there for at least some of it. And even when he's not around, you're going to have a bodyguard round the clock and paparazzi trying to follow you.”

  “I know. Rick said you get used to it.”

  “Rick has a distorted sense of reality sometimes. But I suppose you do, to some extent. The thing is, your privacy becomes limited with photographers following you all over the place. You have to assume that, unless you're in a place you know for certain they cannot see you, then you might be watched.”


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