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Back to December (Ward Sisters Book 1)

Page 19

by Lucy Gage

  “I know. I'm sorry. You know how I hate it when I feel like they're winning.”

  “We've talked about this. The photo would have been fine if you'd let me send out the release first. I could've emailed it to a couple of people last night. Now we have to play catch up.” She sighed again. “Are you really okay with all this, Emily?” She put her hand on Em's arm.

  “Yes. Rob is worth it. Besides, we can't hide forever. I'm too terrible at faking it.”

  Rob laughed and kissed her. “I'm not complaining about that.”

  Amy smiled. “You two are disgusting, you know that, right?” Rob gave his sister a bear hug. “Put me down, Robbie, or I'm telling Mom!”

  “Telling me what?” Anja asked as she came into the kitchen.

  Rob let Amy go and she punched him in the arm. “Robbie was a dumbass and posted a photo last night without asking me first.”

  “Amelia, there is no reason to call your brother names. And Robbie, you know better than to do that sort of thing without discussing it with her.” She hugged him. “Was it a good photo?” Rob took out his phone and showed it to her and to the others. “That's sweet. What a lovely memory of your first Christmas together.” Anja gave Emily a hug.

  Emily blushed. She wasn't sure if it was about the compliment or if it was the implication that this was the first of many holidays. She suspected the latter. Because that thought had crossed her mind, too. Rob stood behind her and put his arms around her in a hug. She turned slightly and smiled up at him.

  Pat, who had mostly been silent, listening to the conversation but not contributing, finally said, “Time to eat!” He removed his apron and ferried the platter of bacon to its chafing dish. He had been putting waffles in there as they were done cooking. They all filled their plates and headed to the dining room just as Rick, Kelly and their five kids arrived. Soon, the table was filled with the whole clan.

  Emily was astonished at how natural and comfortable it felt, as if she wasn't a stranger, but part of the family.

  Soon enough, they were back in the kitchen for dishes. Emily volunteered to help Anja while the moms supervised the younger kids opening their stockings and the men promptly disappeared. It was the first time Em had been alone with Rob's mom, and she wasn't sure that was an accident.

  As Emily washed, Anja dried. After a few minutes, she said, “So, Emily, you seem quite taken with Robbie.”

  Emily blushed. “Yes. I am.”

  “You're not concerned that it's a little sudden?”

  “If I said I wasn't, I'd be lying. When I think about it too much, I panic a little. This has never happened to me before. I'm the girl who makes five-year plans and sticks by a schedule religiously. Falling for a guy I met by accident just before Christmas isn't really my thing.”

  “And are you? Falling for him, that is.” She never paused in what she was doing, just dried dishes and put them away as though she hadn't asked a huge question.

  But Emily didn't hesitate to answer. For whatever reason, she felt at ease with Rob's mother. She heard no malice, unlike how her own mother had reacted.

  “I'm already there.”

  Anja smiled. “Well, that's a good thing, because so is he.”

  Emily nodded. “I know. He told me.”

  “Did he? Well. He's in deeper than I thought, then. Have you told him how you feel?”

  “Not with the words he's used, no.” I haven't said I love him to his face. “I'm not there yet. It''s a lot. For me, I mean. To admit it in that way. I just came out of a long-term relationship, where I lived with my boyfriend for the last few years.”

  “I see. And you don't question how you feel about Robbie? You're not afraid it isn't genuine?”

  She shook her head. “No. No, it's genuine. It's too terrifying to be anything else. I've...I've never felt like this about anyone before. Not even about Josh. I thought I was in love with Josh at one point. Until I met Rob.”

  “Nothing compares to the real deal,” she said with a knowing smile.

  “Did you feel that way about Pat?”

  “I still feel that way about Pat. Even after thirty-eight years and three children.” She winked.

  “Does this...” Em wasn't sure how best to ask what she wanted to know. Fortunately, Anja guessed her question.

  “No. Robbie has never been like this with anyone else. The last girl he brought home for Christmas was Kelly.”

  “He didn't bring Rachel home?”

  “Not for the holidays, no. Even after they were engaged, she didn't have any interest in participating in our family traditions. The few Christmases they spent together, she asked him to come to her instead. The first year, he relented. After that, he didn't go to her family again. For a couple of years, one or both of them was on location in December and they met in those places. The last Christmas was just before they had officially ended the engagement. Robbie was lighter that year than he had been in a long time. Rachel weighed him down emotionally. She was a very needy girl, always wanting attention.”

  “He said she liked being a celebrity more than he does.”

  “Absolutely. Robbie tolerates it, but he doesn't really enjoy it. I heard you didn't know who he was when you met.”

  Emily smiled. “No. And even once he told me, I couldn't believe it. He's just too normal to be famous.”

  “He's humble, knows it can be fleeting, and is also grounded enough to know that he'd survive if it all disappeared tomorrow. Not many people in his situation can say the same thing. But he does love his job and he's good at it.”

  “He's such a contradiction, the handsome movie star on the outside and the sweet geek on the inside.”

  “Oh, that's only a contradiction if you think it's impossible. He's proof that it isn't. He gets it from his father. Not all smart men are unattractive. Robbie's sentimental, artistic side comes from me.”

  “He didn't say what it is that the two of you did before retirement.” Emily was done the dishes and drained the sink, talking as she washed counters.

  Anja laughed. “Pat will never really retire. He's an electrical engineer. He teaches classes and does consulting these days. He says he's retired, but he isn't. As for me, I was an art teacher at the Catholic school where the kids attended. I teach printmaking every other semester at the university.”

  “That explains so much!” Emily said.

  “Robbie said you work for Art Wurks?”

  “I do. I'm a copy editor. I'm in charge of the gala for the magazine. Fluxus was my area of study in graduate school. I think my boss sent me out here to test me before he puts me on features.”

  They talked about art, her job and the gala. Before Em knew it, Rob sneaked up behind her, wound his arms around hers and squeezed a hug. Anja said she'd see them in the living room in a few minutes, putting her hand on Em's arm as she left the kitchen.

  Rob turned Emily so that she faced him and he stepped between her thighs. She snaked her legs around the back of his. “So, did she give you the third degree?” he asked.

  She laughed. “You know your mother better than that. But we did talk.”


  “As if you don't know. She wanted to make sure I have honorable intentions toward you.”

  “Did she really say that?” he asked, horrified.

  “No, silly. She didn't say it like that. But she did ask about my feelings for you.” Emily ran her hands up his chest and linked her arms around his neck

  His lips brushed hers. “Oh? You have feelings for me?” he teased.

  “You know I have feelings for you. You have to stop fishing for compliments. I might think you're insecure.” She kissed him quickly.

  “Not fishing, just making sure that I wasn't imagining things. Plus, if I'm going to get in trouble for making out with my girlfriend while everyone waits to open presents, I want to be sure it's worth the hassle.” He kissed her again, this time not even remotely sweet in his intentions.

  She pulled him closer w
ith her legs and deepened the kiss. If they had been truly alone, it would have easily led to getting naked. Instead, Emily heard Rick clearing his throat. “You two have got to get a room.”

  Rob pulled away just a little and touched his forehead to hers. “Busted,” he whispered. Emily smiled. “Did they send you in to get us?” he asked his brother.

  “Yes, I was volunteered because, and I quote, 'You probably have to witness them making out all the time anyway'. Can you two tear yourselves away long enough to join us for presents?” They nodded and headed to the great room, holding hands and taking jabs from the adults as they sat down for a couple hours of presents.

  Dinner was the most delicious prime rib she'd ever eaten. It was served with the creamiest mashed potatoes and vegetables her family never ate at Christmas dinner, like asparagus, broccoli and glazed carrots. There was a delicious Yorkshire Pudding and Au Jus as well as gravy. When it was all said and done, she didn't think she could eat another bite, and then a bûche de Noel cake was brought to the table, and Emily instantly found more room.

  Anja was an amazing cook. She'd promised to teach Emily some tricks over the years, which inspired teary eyes, because it meant that Rob's family had seen her as a more permanent fixture the same way he did. It was both scary and wonderful.

  By the time they left for the night, it was 9 p.m. They said goodbyes and promises were made to have a family dinner again before Emily left Minnesota. She would see the adults at the gala, at least, but the children returned to school in just over a week.

  They quietly traveled back to Rob's house, except for the Christmas carols playing on the radio, snow falling in big, fat flakes. They drove into the garage, took the gifts out of the car, went inside the house and removed their outerwear, and still silence. Instead of seeming awkward, like they'd had a fight or one of them had inadvertently upset the other, it felt comfortable, as though they didn't need to speak or touch in order to be happy in the other's presence.

  Rob led her by the hand to the great room, where only the tree was lit. Emily smiled, realizing that they had yet another thing in common – apparently, they both liked to sit in the dark and admire the Christmas tree.

  They sat on the couch and Em sighed as she curled into Rob's arms. He rubbed her arm and stroked her hair without a word. After a little while, she turned to him and touched his face. He had tears in his eyes, which she could barely see by the light of the tree. Emily kissed his lips gently and a tear fell. She brushed it away with her thumb and kissed him again, increasing pressure, opening her lips to his. He pulled her to his lap and kissed her for a bit, then he lifted her and carried her to the bedroom.

  They took their time undressing each other, peeling away the layers like they were slowly unwrapping a gift. It was time for his present, and when they were both naked, Rob walked them to the bed and laid on his back. He instructed her without words to bring her private place to his mouth while she took him in her own.

  Em had done this before, but had been on bottom, and she wondered if that had been the problem. By the time they were giving one another pleasure, she was convinced that she was right. When the orgasms came, she knew, without a doubt, that she'd been doing this all wrong. Not just the oral sex, but all of it.

  What she'd had with Josh had always fallen short.

  As Emily lay in his arms afterward, she sighed in happiness. Despite the fact that it was just the two of them, Rob whispered, “Did you have a good Christmas?”

  “Best Christmas ever,” she whispered back.

  “Oh, so that wasn't just me?”

  “Mmm. No. Definitely not. I think when you get someone the right gift, you receive as much joy as you give.”

  He snuffed a laugh. “Well, that was the best part, but I meant all the rest, too.”

  “Oh, I meant the rest. You said having me here was the best present I could give you. The one I just gave, notwithstanding, of course. But I had no idea how great a gift it would be for me to spend Christmas with you and your family. This was the happiest Christmas I've had in years. I had no clue how miserable I really was before.”

  He hugged her, kissed the top of her head. “You can't know how happy that makes me.”

  “I think I have an idea. But maybe you can show me. Remember I said I was hoping for a repeat of the first time?”

  “I make no guarantees, but we can have fun trying...”

  After, as they lay spent from the lovemaking and the day, she curled into his arms with her nose buried in his chest. She heard him whisper, “I love you.” She kissed his chest in response, and he was soon breathing steadily.

  Convinced he really was asleep, she whispered so low she wasn't sure if she was speaking out loud, “I love you, too.” And whether or not he was truly asleep, he pulled her closer and sighed.

  Minneapolis, Minnesota, day after Christmas...

  Emily woke to Rob nuzzling her ear. “Morning, beautiful.”

  She sighed. “Morning. I think this is the first morning we've been together when I wasn't up at the crack of dawn or woken by a ringing phone or both.” She rolled to face him. “I far prefer waking up to your voice in my ear.” He kissed her, a slow, sensual meeting of lips and tongues. “Or your lips. I think I could stand to have your lips wake me up every morning.” She pulled him toward her mouth hungrily. She loved kissing him.

  In the middle of their erotic encounter, Rob's phone began to incessantly play Tommy Tutone while he ignored it. He refused to be interrupted and Emily was eternally grateful for that. But Jenna was in a panic. Rob's social network had been slammed because of the photo and the press release Amy had sent, and Jenna needed Rob to approve help from the publicity department, since she couldn't get in touch with Amy's assistant Barry.

  With that settled, Rob said, “Let's get dressed and I'll make you breakfast. I don't know about you, but I'm starving, and we'll need our energy for snowshoeing.”

  “Definitely. I should call Marcus before it gets any later. Not that I have a clue what to tell him.”

  “You'll be fine. Just be honest and confident.” He kissed her and got off the bed, looking for sweats to wear. Em stared at him as he walked around naked. “Are you watching me?” he teased.

  She sighed. “Can't help it. You're a lovely sight to behold when you're naked.”

  “It's just the lighting,” he joked, throwing her comment from the night before back at her.

  “Nah, I don't think so. I've been up close and personal with that body and I can say without a doubt that it's not the lighting.”

  “I'm not that special.” He gave her a wry grin.

  Emily walked toward him and put her arms around his neck. “Yes, you are. And you're even more lovely on the inside. It's why I like you so much. You're the whole package.” She kissed him sweetly.

  Rob put his forehead to Emily's. “Ditto. And as much as I'd like to spend the whole morning showing you my appreciation, you need to call Marcus and I need to call Amy.” He kissed her quickly and broke away to get dressed. As they pulled on sweats, he told her he'd start omelets if she made the coffee.

  They walked, hand in hand, down the stairs. When they got to the kitchen, Emily immediately started the coffee as Rob took out the ingredients and dishes for omelets. Somehow, despite having never done this before, they managed not to be in each other's way. They shared a glance and smiled.

  When the coffee had started brewing, Emily said she'd head to the great room to call Marcus so that he could talk to Amy while he cooked. She kissed him as she left the room, secretly pleased that he was cooking for her. She could cook and even liked it, but since she had spent the last five years cooking for Josh, rarely being treated to the occasional breakfast – the only meal Josh could make – Rob was earning some significant brownie points by cooking anything for her. He didn't even need to be good at it, the offer was what mattered.

  She dialed her boss' cell, hoping he would be available and she didn't need to leave a message. The last thing s
he wanted was to worry about an appropriate voicemail that wouldn't panic him but would get him to call her back. Thankfully, he answered.

  “Emily! This is unexpected. I hope there isn't a problem.”

  “Hi, Marcus. No, there isn't a problem. The opposite, actually. You should expect the magazine to receive a lot of free publicity in the coming weeks.”

  “And how did you manage that?”

  “I'll be walking into the gala on the arm of Rob Deacon. As his girlfriend.”

  “Amy Ramirez's brother? The actor? I'm assuming you met the other day at lunch? I know he was supposed to meet with Andrew.”

  “We met before that, but, yes, my lunch the other day was with him. Rob hasn't dated for a while. For some reason, his new girlfriend is news in the entertainment world.”

  “I see. Let's try to keep the news clean, shall we?”

  “That's the plan. Amy isn't just Rob's sister, she's also his publicist. She has an interest in spinning things so the museum and the magazine look good, too. I'm sure she'll forward you the press release she sent out this morning.”

  “Yes, that would be great. It's not really my business, Emily, but weren't you living with your boyfriend at home?”

  “I was. We broke up before I left.”

  “Well, I have to say, I'm surprised. This is...a little out of character for you.”

  “Are you concerned that I won't be able to do my job? Because I can assure you that there haven't been any negative impacts.”

  “I'm sure that things are going well. I'd have heard if they weren't. You're just usually a lot more cautious and...rigid. Frankly, it's good to see that you've got some spontaneity and can roll with the punches. Just don't screw this up until after the event is done, okay?”

  “I don't have any intentions of screwing it up, period, but I'll do my best to avoid anything messy before the opening.”

  “Do that. I'll look forward to seeing that press release. And I still expect to hear great things from Lucinda. Thank you for calling me directly. Happy holidays.”


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