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Back to December (Ward Sisters Book 1)

Page 22

by Lucy Gage

  “I had a really serious boyfriend before I came here. My mom said he was planning to propose on Christmas.”

  He gave a little gasp. “What happened?” he asked as he zipped the dress and began adjusting her breasts until they sat perfectly in the bust.

  How it could be that a huge man like Christopher seemed like he was a girlfriend, Em couldn't explain, but he did. It wasn't as weird having him touch her boobs this time around.

  “I broke up with him. And then I met Rob.”

  “Ah. Yes, Rob has stolen many hearts, including mine,” he lamented as he began adjusting the dress in other ways. “Shoes.” The minion was suddenly at his side with a pair of black stiletto sandals. When he handed them to Christopher, he scurried out of the room as her stylist slipped the shoes on her feet.

  “He said he didn't date much.”

  “Oh, he doesn't, hon. That's what I meant. Everyone loves him, he's just not very free with the love in return, if you know what I mean.”

  “So, he really hasn't had a lot of girlfriends?”

  “No, sweetie. You're one of a select few. I've only been with him since just after the whole thing with Lola happened, but you hear things. He didn't date much before and I haven't dressed a single girl other than Amy, Kelly and my Anja until just now. He obviously likes you quite a bit.” Christopher stepped back to look at her before he began more adjusting, now that she had the shoes on her feet.

  “How can you say that? I hardly saw you. And we hadn't been seeing each other for more than a day or so.”

  He stopped and looked her in the eye. “Honey, the man called me the morning after he met you and told me to do for you what I do for Amy. The only reason he didn't say Anja is because she's less fussy. When a man like Rob buys a woman Louboutins before he's even known her for 12 hours, he's got it bad.”

  Em gave him a half-smile. She bit her lip. “He...he told me he loves me.”

  Christopher's eyes grew wide. “Reeeally?” She nodded. “In the middle of...?”


  “Oh, my. And did you return the sentiment?”

  “Not with words.”

  “But you do?”


  “Oh, honey. He's one lucky man. Don't let him forget it. Now, what do you think?” He stepped out of her way so she could see herself in the mirror. Emily couldn't believe her eyes.

  The dress looked even better on her than it did when she saw it before. It was the same shade of cranberry red as the lingerie Rob had bought her. It was strapless, which she usually didn't wear because her boobs always felt like they were falling out. But this had structure, a straight neckline, rouched across the bust with boning at the ribs, which was hidden by a wavy pattern of rhinestones the same shade as the dress. The stones had a shimmery coating that made them look like they were moving as she moved her body. The overlay fabric was organza and it came in just a little at the waist, then fell in a cascade to the floor. There were stones scattered in the same wavy pattern all over the dress. The left leg had a slit that went up to her mid thigh, just enough so that when she turned you could see her whole leg. Rob was right – in stilettos, her legs went on for miles.

  And the shoes! Oh, the shoes were beautiful. Strappy, black works of art on her feet. They made her feel sexy.

  “What do you think?”

  “Oh, Christopher, it's gorgeous. You're a genius. Truly.”

  “I am. Now, let's talk hair and makeup. Got any preferences? Don't worry, I won't make you look like a whore. I think that's so tacky and I don't do tacky.”

  “Can you leave my hair curly? Rob likes it curly and I had forgotten that I do, too.”

  He fingered her curls. “Mmm. Amy said you had fabulous curls. I'm glad to see you left it curly today. It looks good straight, but these curls are to die for. Do you know how much women pay to have your hair?”

  “You don't think it's frizzy?”

  “Nothing the right product can't fix. Do you want to wear it up or down? The dress lends itself either way. Personally, I think down says young and sexy, but I know you're going to be working, right?” She nodded. “So, maybe we should tone down the sexy. Keep it down but bring it away from your face just a little so it's not so sultry?”

  “That's probably a good idea. If it was just a party, I'd go for the sexy, but I'm the face of the magazine at this thing. I don't think my boss would appreciate me looking too vavavoomy.”

  “Okay, and then makeup. You don't wear too much, mostly natural. Will you freak if I go for the drama and give you a smokey look and red lips?”

  Emily grinned in disbelief. “You think I can pull that off?”

  “Definitely. You've got the strong features and those gorgeous blue eyes. We'll make them pop and give you a sophisticated look. Be prepared. Your picture is going to be all over the internet on New Year's Day. Wait until you see Rob in Armani.”

  Oh, God. Rob in black tie. How was she going to concentrate on her job?

  Christopher was laughing. “You're adorable. So, jewelry. Rob said he got you studs and you'll have a matching tennis bracelet. We'll skip the necklace so we don't draw attention to your cleavage. We've got a black, rhinestone crusted clutch. That's it. Now, stand still and tall and we'll be done the alterations before you know it. It fits you like a glove, but there are a few places I think could be better and we need to take care of the hem. Pins!” When he shouted the order, the rest of the minions appeared and got to work handing him pins as he nipped here and there at the bodice. Two of them worked on the hem at the same time, somehow managing to stay out of Christopher's way. Em thought he was a genius, but like all similar personalities, he would be a horror for a boss.

  Less than ten minutes later, they were done and the minions were being dismissed while Christopher helped her out of the shoes and dress. He put the robe back on her and shouted “Dress!” and the minion who brought the shoes came to get the dress as Emily went behind the curtain to change back into her work clothes.

  When she came back around, Christopher said, “See, I knew those pants just needed some good tailoring. You look fabulous.” He air kissed her again and said, “I'll see you on New Year's Eve, then! Tear down!” he shouted as he walked out the door, and the crew dismantled and moved everything out of the living room, returning it to the previous state within five minutes.

  Feeling slightly overwhelmed and a little giddy, she wanted to call Charlie as soon as she could. She sent a quick text to Liam to tell him she was ready any time. Then she texted Charlie to make sure she was available. Charlie called back instantly.

  “Emma Bean! Did you see your dress? What did you get for shoes? What kind of bling are you getting?”

  Emily laughed. “Calm down. Yes, I just saw it. Oh! I should have had him take a picture with my phone. Crap. Oh well, you'll see it eventually, right?”

  “Well, don't keep me in suspense!”

  “It's gorgeous, Charlie. I can't even describe it accurately. It's cranberry red, but it's got all these stones on it that make it look like it's moving or something”


  “Yes. And the leg is slit to my thigh. Holy crap, between that and the heels, my legs look ridiculously long.”

  “So, shoes...”

  “You were right. I'm not sure if they're the same ones Amy had before, but they might be. They're strappy and have a little buckle around the ankle.”

  “Oh, my God, I'm so jealous! Bling?”

  “He said a tennis bracelet and my earrings. That's it. I think he was going to do a necklace, but that would draw attention to my cleavage. We're trying to tone down the sexy a little and he wanted to leave my hair down and curly.”

  “Feeling vindicated?”

  Emily laughed. “I guess so.”

  “Are you excited?”

  She took a deep breath. “Yes. And a little terrified. And also worried that I won't be able to concentrate on my job. He said Rob is wearing Armani.”

  “Oh, m
y. He looks good in Armani. Okay, I'm fanning myself here. Don't tell me what he did to you this morning or else I won't be able to concentrate on my job the rest of the day and I've got a deadline.”

  “Charlie! Someone might hear you!”

  “I'm in my office with the door shut. Look, I should go. You better send me pictures. Good ones. Try to take one of him naked for me, okay?”


  “Just kidding. Sort of. I'll talk to you soon. Love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  Liam walked in the door then. “All set, Em?”

  “Yep. Let's go.”

  When the got on the elevator, Liam asked, “You survived?”

  “He's not that bad. He's better on the second dose. Either that or he likes me.”

  “You know he's gay, right?”

  She laughed. “I meant he likes me as a person, not that he's hot for me.”

  “Oh, because Rob said he told you I thought you were hot, so I didn't know if you suddenly thought all guys think you're hot...” She smacked his arm. “Ow! Just kidding. And just because I think you're hot doesn't mean I'm going to hit on you.”

  “Good. Because if you did, I'd kick you in the balls.”

  “Hey! No need to get violent!”

  “Keep your hands to yourself and I won't have to get violent.”

  “He'd kick my ass, anyway, even if you wouldn't. I think I'm more worried about you, though. A man has to protect his sensitive parts. Besides, you're hot in the way my sister is hot. As in, I feel like I need to protect you from scumballs.”

  “Well, thank you, then.” They were at the limo and as they sat down, she asked, “Has Rob always been insecure?”

  “Yeah. I think he still feels like the geek at the cool kids' table.”

  “Even though he's been a movie star for almost ten years?”

  “He doesn't think of himself that way, Em. It's probably a good thing he doesn't. He could be a total douche like half the guys in Hollywood with a quarter his fame and a tenth of his paycheck. And unlike those guys, he'd probably be worthy of it.”

  “He's pretty amazing.”

  “He's a good friend. If I say he's amazing, that makes me sound like a fangirl.”

  “Well, I wasn't a fangirl before I met him.”

  “And that's one of the many reasons he loves you.”

  “He told you?”

  “I've known him a long time, he didn't have to. Did he say it?”

  “On Christmas Eve.” The limo pulled up to the museum. “I didn't tell him yet. Not while he was awake.”

  Liam grinned. “Did the old while you were sleeping thing, huh?”

  She smiled. “Something like that.”

  He opened the car door. “You'll get there, Em. Just enjoy it. Don't worry so much about the details. And don't let his insecurities weigh you down. It helps him stay humble. He's not the jealous type. He just doesn't always feel worthy in the presence of someone he thinks is beautiful inside and out.”

  As she stepped out of the car, Emily blushed and said, “Thanks.”

  She hoped Liam knew she meant for all of it.

  Minneapolis, Minnesota, New Year's Eve...

  The week went by so fast, Emily nearly got whiplash. She had half a dozen interviews, photo shoots and final plans for the gala. She had to handle a temperamental DJ, who had been chosen because he was a little avant-garde, which fit in with the whole Fluxus concept. He almost backed out at the last minute, which left her scrambling. Then catering had a problem with a spinach supply for the salad, so they decided to switch to some funky new salad the catering chef suggested.

  Thank God this was a Fluxus event; anything that might seem odd or out of place anywhere else would just seem like it was a quirky salute to the movement. Or something. Whinging it was very much a Fluxus thing. And Em was beginning to realize that there had been some latent personality trait within her which had been attracted to Fluxus in undergrad and led her to make it part of her graduate work.

  Every night she came home to Rob and she felt like the most cherished person in the world. He was always so thrilled to see her, willing to wait for her to eat, rub her shoulders if she was tense. He made sure she had lunch every day, even on the days when she wasn't in the office. She had a tiny break mid-week and it happened to coincide with a break for Rob. They met for lunch back at the hotel and instead of eating, they made love. The old Emily would never have done something like that. The new Emily would like to do it all the time.

  A couple days before the gala, Em got a text from Amy which said they had waxing appointments that afternoon. Apparently, Becky had been consulted on the schedule to make sure it worked. Emily had forgotten that part and dreaded it. At least she could go with Amy, who had done this many times. She was surprised to see Anja and Kelly also sitting in the limo. The four of them had fun and joked the whole time, which made the entire experience a lot easier for Emily.

  By the time New Year's Eve day arrived, Emily was a panicky mess. Every morning that week, Rob woke her early to make love and start her day right. But that morning, she was so nervous about the gala, she got out of bed before he was awake and started making a to-do list for the day. She was running through her list for the sixth time when she felt his hands on her shoulders and she jumped.

  “God, Rob, you scared me.”

  “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I wasn't trying to be stealthy. Are you okay?”

  “Just freaking out a little. If I screw this up, not only will I not get promoted, but I probably won't have a job, either.”

  He rubbed her shoulders. “Em, relax. You've got everything running smoothly. I'm sure if something goes wonky, people will think it's on purpose. Not that I think anything will go wonky.” He turned her around. “Come back to bed.”

  “I can't. I've got too much to do.”

  “Come back to bed, please.”


  “Please. I only get you for one more week. And you need a stress reliever.”

  She nodded. He pulled her from the chair, kissed her lips, then took her hand and led her back to the bedroom. He slowly took off their clothes. Em wanted to just get to it so she could go back to work, but he refused to go faster.

  Rob turned her so that she was facing away from him, her back to his front. He swept her hair off her neck and placed slow and sensual kisses right near her ear. She melted. Then he let his hands wander across her shoulders, down along her ribcage, grazing her breasts. When he got to her hips, he let his right hand slide down until he was touching her and his left came up quickly and cupped her breast. She gasped. All the while, he still kissed her neck. Her bones felt like jelly. She allowed herself to sink into him and she could feel him pressing against her. All of a sudden, the lust took over and she wanted him. Now.

  “Take me. Please,” she moaned.

  “Not yet,” he whispered. He rubbed her vigorously.

  “You're going to make me come.”

  “I know. That's the idea.”

  “I want you to be inside me when I come.”

  “I will. I'll make you come again.”

  Emily whimpered. Just the idea excited her. “I'm so close, Rob. Make love to me, please.”

  “Just let go and let it take you. Stop fighting it, Emily.”

  “I can't...”

  “You can.” He rubbed her harder, faster. “Come for me,” he whispered.

  That sent her over the edge.

  She felt it surge through her, and before she could come down, Rob had her on her back on the bed, plunging inside.

  Em gasped. It didn't hurt, but she was so swollen with her orgasm that she felt every inch pressing into her. He gave her a moment to enjoy the sensation and then he was thrusting, hard and fast.

  Emily found herself making noises she would never imagine could come from her. It was different than it was when he made her come twice in the past. Instead of having a second, less intense orgasm, this time, she came
hard, felt it ripple through her whole body, as though she hadn't even come the first time. Barely able to breathe, she couldn't scream.

  Instead, Rob cried out for them both.

  He pulled out after a few seconds, flopping onto the bed beside her, feet dangling. “My God, woman, when you fight it like that, you destroy me.”

  Emily turned to him, concerned. “Are you okay?”

  “I meant that in a good way. You make my orgasms incredibly intense when you do that. It's not bad. It just knocks me off my feet.”

  “Mmm. Me too. I needed that. Thanks.” Her lips brushed his.

  “Anytime. Think you can stop freaking out now?”

  “I think so. I got sucked into the Old Emily for a minute there. New Emily is trying to remember that she can't control everything and in this particular instance, it's not only not a big deal, it's par for the course to have unexpected things happen. If I don't freak out, I can enjoy it and actually get excited. I can't wait for you to see my dress.”

  “Yes, you've been surprisingly quiet about it. I'm very curious. I'm sure you'll be fabulous. Christopher always does fabulous.”

  “I resisted the urge to look for photos of you online. Charlie said you look good in Armani and I wanted to see for myself. But I waited. I want to see the real thing in person and be surprised.”

  “I'm nothing special. Just a guy in a suit. It happens at black tie events everywhere.”

  “Yeah, but you're my guy in a tux and I find that idea excites me so that I need a fan.”

  “Like men in suits, do you?”

  “God, yes. And you're pretty fantastic naked, so I'm sure you look amazing in a tux.”

  “Well, I can't wait to see you in the shoes. I asked Christopher which ones he got, but he wouldn't say. Said you had to tell me yourself.”

  “Oh, you'll like them. And the dress. Speaking of which, I've got a lot on my plate today before I have to start getting ready, so I should get moving.”

  There was a knock at the door and Rob jumped up, tossed the condom and threw on his robe. It made Em think of that first morning, which made her laugh. She looked at the clock. It was only 6:30. He had gotten breakfast earlier, knowing she would want to leave early. How did she ever deserve him?


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