Guide My Heart

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Guide My Heart Page 7

by Caroline Swart

  “Are you sure?”

  When she nodded, I got up. Feeling slightly rejected, I kissed her forehead and headed for the door.

  What was I going to do today?

  The restaurant was busy, and all the staff and guests gave me a cheery Christmas greeting. After eating a bowl of oatmeal, I wandered into the lobby, hoping to catch sight of Chris.

  Sarie was at the reception desk. She seemed pensive but as soon as she saw me, a strange expression flitted across her face. It disappeared quickly and was replaced by a bright smile.

  “Britney, Merry Christmas. How are you?”

  “Good, thanks. Merry Christmas to you too. Where is everyone?” I asked, surprised not to see the usual staff at the front desk.

  “They’ll be back in a minute. Say, would you mind helping me for a bit?”

  “Yes, of course. What can I do for you?”

  Gripping my arm tightly, she pulled me toward the main entrance. “I must feed the rhinos, and I need help carrying the powdered milk boxes to the Jeep from the store. We’re a bit understaffed today, but it isn’t far away. We’ll have to drive there.”

  “Okay.” I let her lead me outside.

  Chewing on her bottom lip, she seemed a bit on edge. With her gaze darting back and forth, she rushed us toward an older Jeep. She started the engine before I had a chance to close the door all the way, and I struggled to fasten the seat belt as she accelerated away from the lodge.

  As soon as we were on the gravel road, she made a quick call on her cell phone. She spoke in her own language, and her knuckles whitened on the wheel when she hung up.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “What? No. Sorry.” Straightening, she grimaced. “Just something that happened at work.”

  “Anything you’d like to talk about?”

  “Nope, everything’s sorted now.”

  The grin she gave me was odd, but I ignored it and concentrated on the scenery.

  We were in the game park, driving at high speed along an unfamiliar gravel road. The guides usually drove a lot slower, and I hoped we didn’t meet any animals by accident. Dry, hot air made my T-shirt flutter, telling me the day would be a scorcher. Poor Meghan. She was missing out on all the fun.

  Sarie drove for another ten minutes before braking the Jeep to a halt outside a small brick building. Surrounded by red sand and yellow grass, it stood alone in an area far away from our usual trails.

  Glad to have arrived in one piece, I unclipped my seat belt and hopped out of the vehicle. This had to be the store she’d mentioned. Small windows sat high on the walls, and the roof was flat. It was probably like a furnace inside.

  “The door’s open. Go in, I’ll be there in a minute.” Sarie motioned toward a rusted green door.

  Holding up her cell phone, she began to speak to someone, so I walked to the door and opened it gingerly. Hopefully, my eyes would adjust to the darkness after the bright sunlight outside.

  Someone grabbed my arm as soon as I stepped inside, jerking me forward roughly. I tried to scream but before I could utter a sound, a wet cloth slammed over my mouth. My nose filled with a hot, sweet scent, and within seconds, my vision clouded.

  The last thing I saw before collapsing was the vague image of Sarie’s face with an ugly sneer on her lips.

  Chapter Nine

  Groaning, I tried to unglue my eyelids. My head was woozy, and my mouth felt like it was shoved full of cotton balls. Loose hay was scattered over the cold cement floor where I lay. Dampness from the ground had crept up to freeze my butt, and pins and needles had spread all the way up from my calf into my hip.

  I rolled over in agony. What was this place?

  A soft grunt made me lift my head to peer over my shoulder. What I saw scared the last of the saliva right from my mouth. Scrambling back, I tried to crawl away from the monstrous lioness staring soulfully at me through metal bars.

  “Jeez!” I screamed. She was right next to me.

  Still too weak to stand, I did a backward crab walk to escape the beast. A hard wall halted any escape and I rested against it, panting to regain my breath. I was safe for now, thick metal bars separated her from me, but my heart still jackhammered against my ribs.

  The lioness huffed and turned to join three other lions a few feet away.

  Where the hell am I?

  Panicked, I gazed around. This was an old zoo, and I was in an animal cage. What the hell was I doing there?

  The enclosure to my left was empty, but the one to my right contained three hungry-looking lions and one grumpy lioness. If the metal bars weren’t between us, I’d be the main dish for their Christmas lunch.

  At least, I hoped it was still Christmas. I couldn’t tell how long I’d been here.

  Shivering, I gazed through the bars before me. A lonely thorn tree stood about fifteen yards away. Mud spread from the edge of the cage to a dilapidated lawn chair under the tree. The vegetation around the cages was unkempt, and long grass covered the wooden seat like an untidy friend. This place hadn’t been used in a while. Even the hay on the floor smelled old and musty.

  Sliding sideways, I moved until my back hit the edge of a door. I struggled to stand and ran my hand along the seam, looking for a way out. Nothing. No handle or knob—only a rusty feeding slot that was sealed tightly. My fingers couldn’t find purchase at all.

  Slamming my fist against the metal door in frustration, I froze as the lanky lioness walked toward me again. She looked eerily like the one who’d scared me senseless the previous day. With a grunt, she sauntered up to the bars, drawing my attention to a gate between us.

  Oh shit!

  A lever held the gate’s lock in place, but it was connected to a long metal rod that ran the length of the cage to the wall behind me. It disappeared through a hole in the brick.

  “Ah, you’re awake. Good.”

  I whipped around. The feeding slot had opened, and someone was on the other side of the door. Even though my head was woozy, I recognized that voice.

  “Mr. Blom?” I croaked, my throat scratchy. “What am I doing here?”

  “Not now, girl. You’ve got company.”


  Why was Renaldo’s dad speaking to me through a feeding slot, and where was Sarie? She had a lot of explaining to do.

  I was about to speak when the door to the empty cage screeched open and someone was shoved inside. Horrified, I watched as the person fell to the floor against the bars.

  “Chris.” A sob tore from my throat.

  “Britney.” He groaned softly, turning his face my way.

  I didn’t care about the lions; I had to get to him. Moving as far from their cage as possible, I stumbled over to where he lay.

  When I got closer, I saw Sarie at the open door of Chris’s enclosure. She held a small device that crackled and buzzed in her hands. Had she just used a Taser on him?

  “Chris, what have they done to you?” Ignoring her, I crouched next to him, joining our fingers through the bars.

  Before he could answer, Sarie closed the door and locked it with a loud clang.

  “Are you all right?” Wincing, Chris looked at me with concern.

  “I’m good. They haven’t done anything to me. Are you okay?”

  Nodding, he got up on his knees and gripped the bars to stand, still shaky after being tased.

  Hannes Blom cut in. “I don’t mean to interrupt your little reunion, but time is running out.”

  Chris stood up and reached for me through the bars, squeezing my hand. After I’d responded with a clasp of my own, he faced Renaldo’s dad.

  “Let her go. I’ll give you anything you want.”

  Mr. Blom tilted his head wearing a self-satisfied smile. “Actually, I already have what I need. Sarie found the video footage you planned to use against me.” He waved a disc for us to see. “She’s been very helpful.”

  Through the feeding slot, she appeared next to him, and I cringed as Blom pulled her close.

t worry, I’ll get us out of here. Help is on the way,” Chris whispered so softly, I barely heard him. He leaned against the bars, his eyes shining.

  “I’m scared. Why have they taken us, and why did they hurt you?”

  “Just trust me, okay?”

  I nodded, my heart racing with fear.

  Chris turned to Blom. “What are you going to do with us?”

  Blom’s face darkened. “The only thing I can do.” White teeth shone as his lips curled into a malicious smile. “Did you really think you could hand me over to the police? Rhino horn is worth a fortune. If you were clever, you’d farm the rhino like I do. I told your girlfriend they’re just livestock to be raised and slaughtered. We do the same with cows. What’s the difference?”

  I couldn’t help myself. “They’re endangered, dumbass!”

  “That’s why we only take the horn,” he replied calmly, as if talking to a child.

  “Your hunters take too much of the horn,” Chris countered angrily. “The animal bleeds to death.”

  “Yes, that’s true. I’ve been more selective employing hunters lately.” Sighing, Blom frowned. “But that’s a worry for another day. I’m happy Sarie removed any evidence you had. You tried to drag my son into this mess, but he’s as clueless as you were a week ago. This clever lady helped me track the rhinos around the park, not Renaldo.” Hugging her closer, he smiled. “Once this mess has been sorted, I’ll bring him into the business.”

  “Let Britney go,” Chris demanded. “She’s just an innocent tourist.”

  “I can’t. She was the bait to lure you in the first place. Sarie said you’re besotted with the girl. It was easy to fool you when she said Britney needed help.”

  Something squeezed at my heart at Blom’s words. As frightened as I was, I couldn’t help the emotions that raced through me. Everything in my body screamed out for Chris. The connection we had was real and he’d felt it too—I wasn’t dreaming. Just holding him through the bars helped settle my frantic thoughts. What a craptastic time to recognize the feelings my heart had instinctively known.

  I’m in love with him.

  As if Chris knew what I was thinking, he lifted my hand and placed a kiss on my knuckles.

  “Luckily, you two lovebirds won’t be split up.” Blom laughed. “I’ve got four hungry lions who haven’t eaten in three days. They won’t waste a morsel.”

  As he spoke, the metal rod attached to the gate rattled and the door between my cage and Chris’s opened. With a cry, I released him and rushed to climb through. Solid hands curled under my arms as Chris dragged me against his chest. He held me as I sobbed, terrified at what was coming next.

  “Everything will be fine,” he crooned against my hair.

  “That’s right, stick together.” Blom’s voice filled with humor. “I’d love to stay and watch them feed, but I have a meeting with an important client from Asia. Big money, you know.”

  Sarie’s mouth quirked in a smug smile as she watched us through the opening. Fury welled in my chest—if only I could get my hands on her.

  Blom walked to the other end of the wall and pulled the metal rod for the hatch on the far cage to open. “Totsiens, Mnr. de Lange. Lekker dag.”

  “Good-bye, Mr. de Lange,” Chris translated for me in a flat voice. “Enjoy your day.”

  Sarie waved as Blom’s laughter rang out. He slammed the feeding slot closed, and a moment later, an engine started outside and tires squealed away. We were officially alone with four hungry lions.

  Terrified, I froze. “Oh my God, Chris, what are we going to do?” I watched in horror as the first animal loped through the hatch into the empty middle enclosure. It was the rangy lioness.

  Chris held me firmly. “I told you, don’t worry.”

  Tears spilled down my cheeks, and I could barely see the next three lions cautiously making their way into the middle cage. Shaking badly, I tried to wiggle out of Chris’s hold. We could climb the bars to the roof. They couldn’t jump that high, could they? I was too young to die. What would my mother say when they found my chewed remains?

  “Britney,” Chris commanded. “Trust me.” Kissing my forehead, he released me and walked to the middle cage’s hatch.

  “No, Chris,” I screamed, but my cries were drowned by the sounds of men shouting nearby. They could help us.

  “Chris, wait! I hear voices.”

  But he didn’t stop. My jaw sagged in disbelief as he crouched through the opening and stepped into the middle cage.

  Chapter Ten

  “Hallo, Simba. Hallo, Pieta.” Walking amongst the lions, Chris hugged them, rubbing their manes. “Hallo, Grootbaas.” Tickling the last lion behind his shoulder blades, he greeted him with a smile. “Worsie.”

  The huge beasts brushed up against him like oversized dogs embracing their owner. They huffed and grunted, lovingly caressing him. The lioness stood up on two legs to hold his head between her giant paws while she licked his face.

  This was too much for my brain to process. My legs gave out as my vision faded . . .

  “Brit, are you okay?”

  Something rough scoured my cheek, and I opened my eyes as a huge pink tongue dragged across my face. Fetid breath hit my nostrils, but the fangs next to the tongue made me want to black out again.

  “Worsie, stop it now. Let her get air.”

  Chris’s hand slipped around the lion’s huge face as he pushed him away from me. “I think it’s best to stand. Otherwise, they’ll sit on your face, and it’s not pleasant.” His lips curved into a gentle smile.

  The four animals circled me like excited poodles. Even if I had a camera, no one would believe this, so I gripped his hand and got to my feet.

  “Chris, are you guys all right?”

  Hugo opened the cage door, laughing when the lioness did the two-legged hugging trick on him as well.


  “Hallo, Simba.” Patting her huge head, Hugo peered over her ears. “I’ve got meat for these beauties in the truck.”

  A sharp whistle caused the lions to bolt through the door, leaving us alone in the empty cages.

  Safe for now, I snuggled against Chris’s chest.

  “I told you help was on the way,” he said with a grin.

  My legs as rubbery as Jell-O, I clung to his broad frame.

  “Let’s get you back to the lodge.” Hugo motioned toward the door. “Leon is feeding our furry friends, but we came in two vehicles so he can join us later.”

  I wasn’t about to argue. The sooner we got out of here, the better.

  “Did the police stop Blom?” Chris asked as he led me to one of the lodge’s Jeeps.

  “Ja, the police were waiting for them when they tried to leave through the safety gate. Your dad is headed to the station now.”

  With a satisfied nod, Chris pulled me onto his lap in the backseat. Hugo climbed behind the wheel to drive us far away from the nightmarish place.

  “Rest, my angel,” Chris murmured while stroking my skin. The sweet smell of vanilla made me turn into his body, seeking more of his gentle touch.

  “I’m so sorry this happened to you.” He pressed a kiss to my brow. “When I found out Blom had kidnapped you, I wanted to kill him.”

  “Hmm, you’ll be forgiven if you tell me what’s going on,” I said, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  “Yes, I promise. Just as soon as we get you back safely, and you’ve had your Christmas dinner.”

  I frowned. “Guess I was almost a Christmas meal for hungry lions.”

  “No, only the finest dessert.” He nestled my head in his big hands. Bringing his lips to mine, he kissed me sweetly and softly, his touch almost questioning. I opened my mouth and melted into his caress.

  Hugo interrupted with a loud whistle. “Hey, you two. Get a room.”

  We jolted apart, and I burrowed my burning cheeks into Chris’s shirt. He held me tenderly, pressing kisses on my head and constantly touching me until we arrived at the lodge.

n was still in bed when we got back, unaware of my mishap, but Chris said her chef had fed her well and was currently in her room. Tales of my misadventure could wait till the morning. I was sure Marshall would be better company than me for now.

  Chris ran the water for my shower, but left me to enjoy it alone while he cleaned up. He promised to return with food and said we could talk after that.

  By the time I was clean, dusk had fallen and dim orange light filtered through the blinds. I slipped into a fluffy robe, thankful the warm water had removed the kinks from my muscles. A few bruises had already surfaced on my arms and legs, but they weren’t as sore as they looked.


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